HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaIS ROSEn 4OT il 1 k. AGENDA 1\ J V 1 Ul �J City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 18, 2006 CITY COUNCIL 7 :30p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda Council, Staff 3. Public Comment *opportunity to bring issues to City Council attention 4. Response to Public Comment** update on prior public comment 5. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS a. Commendation for state softball champions b. Award for City Economic Development Marketing Campaign c. National Night Out Update 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Bills Listing b. Amendment to Leprechaun Days Service Agreement c. Amendment to the 2006 Fee and Fees Policy Parks Dedication d. Administrative Plat, Greif Paper Packaging, 2750 145th St., Colliers Turley Martin Tucker, 06 -38 -ADM PLAT e. Old County Road 38 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Expand the MUSA and Reguide Certain Properties and Rezone Certain Properties, 06 -35 -CP and 06 -41 -ZA 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Shafer Contracting Mineral Extraction Permit Change Request, 06 40 ME 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT ROSEM+OLINT M E M O R A N D U M To: Rosemount City Council From: Jamie Verbrugge Date: July 18, 2006 Subject: Council Agenda July 18, 2006 Additions ADMINISTRATION 1. Additional Information: RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT At the July 11, 2006 City Council meeting Mr. Myron Napper requested additional information regarding a surface fire that occurred at the SKB facility. Attached please find a letter from SKB providing the information. 2. ADD -ON: CONSENT AGENDA 6.f. Dakota County Library Site Plan: Platting Consultant, Case 06 -42 -SP July 17, 2006 Mr John Domke SKB Environmental, Inc 2M Starkey St St Paul, MN 55107 Dear John' RE SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility, SW -383 Liner Evaluation Following Cell 3A Surface Fire As requested by SKB, Foth Van Dyke made a site visit on Thursday, July 13, 2006, to observe and evaluate the liner in Cell 3A of the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility following a surface fire Foth Van Dyke engineers Kathy Osborne and Curt Hartog interviewed Mike Fullerton, Site Manager, and toured the waste and liner area in Industrial Waste Cell 3A at 7'30 a m This letter and attached photo and location map provide the results of our evaluation Incident Background The surface fire was discovered by an SKB employee on Tuesday morning, July 11, 2006, at approximately 6 15 a m The employee immediately went to the main office area to get the water truck and contact the Incident Coordinator (IC) Brad Pederson, the backup IC was at the facility and he contacted Mike Fullerton, John Domke, Vice President of SKB and Rick O'Gara, President of SKB Soon after, the County Sheriff and the Rosemount Fire Department arnved at the site John Domke notified the city of Rosemount and Mike Fullerton notified Dakota County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency The fire occurred on the west side of the Cell 3A working face and progressed along the surface of the disposal area around to the north side The area of impact was approximately 100 feet long and 60 feet wide, as shown on the attached map The working face is not up against the cell side slope, though it is near the temporary phase delineation berm that is covered with a sacrificial layer of 40 -mil low density polyethylene (LDPE) A second SKB employee used a dozer to stop the eastern movement of the fire on the north side of the working face by pushing soil up against the waste The water truck was used to spray the waste and put out the fire The dozer then pushed the waste further out on to the sand drainage layer so that the waste could be further and more thoroughly soaked with water The Fire Department deemed the fire extinguished at 8 30 a m. and then left the site SKB employees continued to water the waste until 10 00 a m as a further precaution KLL I \K \055031 \L SKB -Liner EvaP65000 Mr John Domke SKB Environmental, Inc. July 17, 2006 Page 2 The working area for Cell 3A contains approximately 15 vertical feet of waste. It appears the fire was contained to the upper approximately 1 foot of uncompacted waste The waste appeared to be from approved industrial sources as per the facility permitted acceptable material plan There was no evidence of tires in the waste The SKB Rosemount landfill does not accept tires for disposal The weather conditions for the morning of July 11 were reported to be cloudy with a light wind east/southeast It started to ram at 10 30 a m that morning and approximately 0 75 -inch of rain was recorded at the facility There was no sign of smoke on the working face on Thursday morning during our evaluation Evaluation Based on our interview with Mike Fullerton and John Domke, and a review of the site Contingency Action Plan, the SKB employees followed the plan appropriately The surface fire was contained and extinguished with the appropriate measures The type of fire that occurred on July 11 is not near the magnitude and much easier to handle than a subsurface landfill fire Subsurface landfill fires take longer to extinguish and have indicators such as smoldering, smoke, and waste subsidence None of these indicators were observed during our site visit The Cell 3A liner was constructed as a double composite geomembrane system There is a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), 60 -mil high density polyethylene (HDPE), a geonet for secondary drainage, 80 -mil HDPE, a geocomposite for drainage and a 2 -foot sand protective layer There was no evidence that the fire penetrated the sand protective layer Two feet of sand is adequate to protect the liner below from temperatures encountered in this fire The 40 -mil LDPE used on the temporary phase delineation berm may have been subjected to high temperatures since the wind could have blown the heat toward the phase delineation berm. No heat damage or other stress was observed on the exposed 40 -mil LDPE Keep in mind that the LLDPE over the phase delineation berm serves no environmental protection purpose and will be removed in the future for the adjacent liner construction Since Cell 3A has secondary containment and due to the amount of water that was used to extinguish the fire, if there was a breach in the upper liner, water would be encountered in the secondary sump. SKB has monitored the secondary sump in Cell 3A and no water was found in the sump C Documents and Settmgs`t do\Local Settings Temporary Internet Files \OLKBD \L -SKB Liner Eval doe Mr John Domke SKB Environmental, Inc July 17, 2006 Page 3 Conclusion It is our professional opinion that the liner in Cell 3A was not compromised from what we would consider a small surface fire that occurred on Tuesday, July 11, 2006. Sincerely, Foth Van Dyke and Associates, Inc Kathleen M Osborne, P E Curtis L Hartog, P E Senior Project Manager Senior Technical Consultant KMM1 CLHI k111 Attachments map and photo C \Documents and Settings \jdv\Local Settings \Temporary Internet Fdes \OLKBD \L -SKB Liner Eval doc