HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.09.25 UC RM - Packet AGENDA Utility Commission Regular Meeting Monday, September 25, 2023 5:30 PM Conference Room, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. AUDIENCE INPUT 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. July 10, 2023 Utility Commission Meeting Minutes 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Preliminary Review of Proposed 2024 Utility Rate Adjustments 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT a. Well Pumping Report b. Action Item / Issues list c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for October 23, 2023 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 6 ROSEMOUNT UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JULY 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Utility Commission was held on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 5:30 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Greg Johnson called the meeting to order with Commissioners Miller and Demuth. Staff present included the following; Nick Egger, Public Works Director; Login Martin, City Administrator; Mayor Jeff Weisensel; and Chuck Jacobus, Public Works Supervisor. Guests included the following; Jessie Kohler, Minnesota Department of Health; and Karla Peterson, Minnesota Department of Health Community Water Supply Unit Supervisor. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.a. April 24, 2023 Utility Commission Meeting Minutes Motion by Demuth Second by Miller Motion to approve the April 24, 2023 Utility Commission meeting minutes. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Water Efficiency & Stormwater Rebate Update Public Works Director Egger reviewed the 2023 Q2 Water Efficiency and Stormwater Rebate program activity. Commissioners requested a new promotional video to be made by Mayor Weisensel promoting the rebate programs. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Well Manganese Sampling Report & Operational Modification Recommendations - Minnesota Department of Health Jessie Kohler of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and Karla Peterson, MDH Community Water Supply Unit Supervisor, summarized and discussed the well manganese sampling report and recommendation to adjust pumping patterns to promote in-system water source blending. Staff discussed options for water source blending as recommended by the MDH to reduce Manganese (Mn) levels from wells that tested above 100 ug/L by mixing with water from wells with lower levels of Manganese. Page 2 of 6 One option would involve retrofitting the well pumps with Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) would allow adjustments to the flow from each well. Currently, only well 7 has a VFD and all other well pumps have a set Gallons Per Minute (GPM) which cannot be adjusted. Retrofitting with VFDs is an interim lower cost option that can be done before installing a water treatment plant. These would be small-scale installations for a few million dollars which can be built into the budget and spread out over several years. In addition, installation of VFDs will provide electric and maintenance savings for the City. Another operational suggestion is to turn off the high Manganese wells for 2-3 days or pump these wells into a tower to blend. However, due to water system demands in the summer, these wells cannot be shut off as water tower levels would not be able to be maintained at a time of day when demand is high. The last option would involve combining discharges in which 2 wells would feed into a manifold housed in a building approximately the size of a well house and blending the water before pumping to the tower with the expectation that the water further blends in distribution. The plan for a future water treatment facility would make this option obsolete and is a higher cost than retrofitting the well pumps with VFDs. The Commissioners requested the City consider reissuing outreach information provided several years ago to residents on infants and Manganese. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Well Pumping Report Director Egger noted the pumping rates at this time are higher than compared to pumping rates in 2022. This may be due to having lower precipitation rates as compared to 2022. 8.b. Action Item / Issues list None. 8.c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 25, 2023 i. Discuss Financial Goals for Utility Funds ii. Rate Model Preliminary Review ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Utility Commission and upon a motion by Miller and a second by Demuth, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary Page 3 of 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Regular Meeting: September 25, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Preliminary Review of Proposed 2024 Utility Rate Adjustments AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: NAE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and Feedback BACKGROUND The Utility Commission reviews the rate models annually. These models project anticipated rates and necessary adjustments for the next ten years based on known and planned operational and capital project costs. Staff from Public Works, Finance, and Administration will walk through the utility rate model with the commission for the purposes of soliciting feedback that can be utilized to develop final proposed 2024 rate adjustments that will be brought back to the commission in October where the commission's final recommendations will be discussed and adopted. RECOMMENDATION No action, discussion and feedback only. Page 4 of 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Regular Meeting: September 25, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Well Pumping Report AGENDA SECTION: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT PREPARED BY: Amy Simonson, Public Works Office Specialist AGENDA NO. 8.a. ATTACHMENTS: Well Pumpage Report APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND Well Pumpage Totals for Q1, Q2, and through August 2023. RECOMMENDATION Discussion only Page 5 of 6 GPM 1,200 1,235 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 500 500 2023 Well 7 Well 8 Well 9 Well 12 Well 14 Well 15 Well 16 Rural 1 Rural 2 2023 Total 2022 Total % Change 2022 2023 Diff Jan 6,000 1,477,000 15,504,000 3,000 0 22,174,000 0 2,610,000 2,399,000 44,173,000 43,605,500 1.3% 0.64 2.25 1.61 Feb 0 10,390,000 6,719,000 243,000 278,000 8,855,000 11,247,000 2,278,000 2,073,000 42,083,000 44,728,400 -5.9% 0.78 2.23 1.45 Mar 0 13,464,000 6,092,000 57,000 8,047,000 0 14,560,000 2,479,000 2,413,000 47,112,000 47,224,000 -0.2% 2.95 2.72 -0.23 Q1 Total 6,000 25,331,000 28,315,000 303,000 8,325,000 31,029,000 25,807,000 7,367,000 4,472,000 130,955,000 132,555,900 -1.2%4.37 7.20 2.83 Apr 0 0 9,463,000 7,763,000 12,217,000 11,795,000 235,000 2,589,000 2,311,000 46,373,000 44,602,300 4.0% 3.99 2.39 -1.60 May 0 8,653,000 13,881,000 28,378,000 5,451,000 136,728,000 16,530,000 3,865,000 3,909,000 217,395,000 91,616,800 137.3% 3.33 1.62 -1.71 Jun 0 40,107,000 761,000 15,061,000 44,321,000 0 31,427,000 3,068,000 3,234,000 137,979,000 162,212,500 -14.9% 1.13 0.93 -0.20 Q2 Total 0 48,760,000 24,105,000 51,202,000 61,989,000 148,523,000 48,192,000 9,522,000 9,454,000 401,747,000 298,431,600 34.6%8.45 4.94 -3.51 Jul 0 27,269,000 29,349,000 14,232,000 31,570,000 0 42,077,000 3,554,000 3,206,000 151,257,000 191,696,000 -21.1% 1.18 2.57 1.39 Aug 0 34,198,000 21,383,000 19,490,000 34,297,000 19,407,000 35,516,000 3,758,000 3,648,000 171,697,000 140,897,000 21.9% 4.27 2.29 -1.98 Sep 0 137,959,000 -100.0% 0.24 -0.24 Q3 Total 0 61,467,000 50,732,000 33,722,000 65,867,000 19,407,000 77,593,000 7,312,000 6,854,000 322,954,000 470,825,000 -31.4%5.69 4.86 -0.83 Oct 0 87,864,000 -100.0% 0.24 -0.24 Nov 0 46,602,000 -100.0% 2.40 -2.40 Dec 0 50,371,000 -100.0% 1.82 -1.82 Q4 Total 0 0 00 00000 0184,837,000 -100.0%4.46 0.00 -4.46 Total 6,000 135,558,000 103,152,000 85,227,000 136,181,000 198,959,000 151,592,000 24,201,000 23,193,000 858,069,000 1,089,651,500 -21.3%22.97 17.00 -5.97 Average/Mo 750 16,944,750 12,894,000 10,653,375 17,022,625 24,869,875 18,949,000 3,025,125 2,968,571 107,328,071 90,803,911 18.2% Average/Day 16 371,392 282,608 233,499 373,099 545,093 415,321 66,304 63,542 2,350,874 2,985,347 -21.3% 858,069,000 766,582,500 11.9% 22.97 17.00 -5.97 Precipitation Year To-Date 2023 Well Pumping Record Page 6 of 6