HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.06.13 ESC RM Packet AGENDA Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 13, 2023 5:30 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. May 9, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Girl Scout Gold Award Project Presentation - Project Bee Population 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Existing Goals Updates b. Near Term Education & Outreach c. Land Acknowledgement Subcommittee Update 6. NEW BUSINESS a. 2023 Goals Development 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8. STAFF REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 12, 2023 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 13 ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MAY 9, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Commission was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at 5:30 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Vice-Chair Angerer called the meeting to order with Commissioners Springer, Reed, Burman, Andrews, and Shoe. Staff present included the following; City Engineer Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.a. April 11, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Minutes Motion by Shoe Second by Springer Motion to approve the April 11, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission meeting minutes. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS 4.a. Rosemount High School Environmental Science Club Members of the Rosemount High School Environmental Science Club presented an overview of the activities, goals, and accomplishments of the club. Commissioners discussed with the club members opportunities to partner with the Rosemount High School Environmental Science Club for community activities and outreach. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Existing Goals Updates Commissioners did not have any available updates on the 2022 Goals. Updates are expected to be available at the next meeting. Commissioners discussed a recap of the recent Flint Hills Resources (FHR) Community Outreach Tour that some of the Commissioners attended. Participants were provided a tour of the facility and learned about the process of refining crude oil into different products. Following the tour, there was a presentation by a chemist. It was noted that FHR has worked to enhance safety programs and takes proactive steps to reduce the risk Page 2 of 13 of accidents, look for ways to engineer uses for byproducts of the refining processes, and reduce their environmental impact. 5.b. Near Term Education & Outreach Commissioners discussed ideas and assigned the June blog post. Commissioners discussed preparations and ideas for the ESC booth at the Leprechaun Days fair. Commissioner Andrews, Burman, and Reed will lead the planning for the Leprechaun Days booth. 5.c. Land Acknowledgement Subcommittee Update Commission Chair Delaney was not available to provide an update from the Land Acknowledgement Subcommittee. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. 2023 Goals Development Commissioners reviewed and revised the work groups created at the May work session to develop the 2023 goal language. The revised work groups are as follows: •Industrial Air Permitting Research o Commissioners Angerer and Andrews •Greening City Operations o Commissioners Angerer, Burman, and Springer •Land, Water, and Habitat Conservation, Preservation, and Protection o Commissioners Johnson, Delaney, Andrews, and Shoe •Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction o Commissioners Burman, Shoe, Springer, and Reed •Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy o Commissioner Johnson and Reed •Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business o none Motion by Shoe Second by Springer Motion to Adopt Individual Goal Working Groups as amended for the 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission Goals. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carries. 6.b. Community Survey Overview Specialist Byron presented the previous survey results and the survey that was provided to residents. Commissioners reviewed and discussed the survey questions that relate to the environment and recommend revising question number 13 on the next Community Survey to allow residents to rate green space against the other development options. Page 3 of 13 Motion by Burman Second by Shoe Motion to approve recommending revising question 13 for the next Community Survey. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carries. ANNOUNCEMENTS Specialist Byron demonstrated the new agenda and packet platform that was launched on the City website earlier this month. Commissioners will need to re-subscribe to the new system to receive agenda notices. Engineer Erickson informed the Commissioners that Spectro is offering a tour and meeting with ESC Commissioners. The commissioners indicated an interest in meeting with Spectro. Engineer Erickson will contact Spectro to set up a date and time. STAFF REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 13, 2023 i. Review 2023 Goal Development ii. Girl Scout Gold Project Presentation - Project Bee Population iii. Leprechaun Days Planning Update iv. Update on Status of Sustainable Purchasing Framework v. Update on No Mow May Participation ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Environment and Sustainability Commission at the regular meeting and upon a motion by Andrews and a second by Shoe the meeting was at 6:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Public Works Office Specialist Page 4 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 13, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Girl Scout Gold Award Project Presentation - Project Bee Population AGENDA SECTION: PRESENTATIONS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 4.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BLE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information only BACKGROUND Jada Lindell, a student at Rosemount High School, is currently completing a project looking at bee habitat and bee nesting to address bee population declines. Jada will provide information on her project that is currently in progress. The Gold Award is the most prestigious award offered by Girl Scouts. To earn the Gold Award, Girl Scouts develop a project that must address the root cause of a problem they feel passionate about with national or global links. Girl Scouts receiving the award must demonstrate leadership while also creating a sustainable and measurable impact. More information on the Girl Scout Gold Award is available at GirlScouts.org. RECOMMENDATION Discussion only. Page 5 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 13, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Existing Goals Updates AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: 2022 ESC Goals APPROVED BY: BLE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission Goals for 2022 were approved at the January 2022 Commission Meeting and cover the following topics: 1. Industrial Air Permitting Research 2. Greening City Operations 3. Water Conservation and Quality Protection 4. Recycling and Solid Waste Reductions 5. Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy 6. Pollinators and Habitat Protection 7. Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business The Commission formed working groups geared at advancing each goal at its February meeting. The 2022 Goals document is attached for reference. The Commission is currently in the process of reviewing its existing goals and developing new goals. Goal development is covered under a different agenda item. RECOMMENDATION A representative of each work group will be provided an opportunity to update the Chair on any progress they have made since the last meeting. Page 6 of 13 1 | P a g e Environment and Sustainability Commission 2022 Goals The Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Commission has set the following goals to pursue during 202 2 as approved at its January 11, 2022, meeting. The Goals listed below are aspirational, and implementation schedules may extend beyond the year’s end and change as the year progresses. Goal: Industrial Air Permitting Research Further expand the knowledge base of the Commission, residents, local businesses, and the City regarding outdoor air quality and industrial air permitting. Actions 1. Provide information on the City website and otherwise educate residents on how to access current air quality information, industrial air permitting, industrial air permitting enforcement, and nearby outdoor air pollution sources. 2. Assist the City with dissemination of information on air quality/permitting violations or problems that affect the City and its inhabitants. 3. Tour local industries that have industrial air permits to learn about measures they are taking to mitigate impacts. 4. Research industrial air permitting and air quality issues, including best practices residents and businesses can take to reduce outdoor air pollution. 5. Invite guest speakers to future commission meetings from regulatory agencies to speak on industrial air permitting and air quality issues. Goal: Greening City Operations Update City policies, plans, and procedures to reduce the environmental impact of city operations. Use available environmental certification programs to help guide the City on where to make improvements. Actions 1. Pursue implementation of BMPs that can advance the City to Step 3 under the GreenStep Cities certification program i. BP 15.1 – Develop a sustainable purchasing policy 1. Relates to Recycling & Waste Reduction Goal ii. Develop a green city buildings policy for construction of new or retrofit of old City owned buildings iii. Advise the City on other improvements that can advance the City’s certification level Page 7 of 13 2 | P a g e 2. Document new city green practices in the context of the LEED for Cities certification program for a higher certification level at a future date i. Research the LEED for Cities certification program further 3. Research successful policies, plans, and procedures implemented by other communities that reduce the impact of city operations on the environment Goal: Water Conservation and Quality Protection Promote and incentivize actions that improve water conservation, protect surface water quality, and protect ground water quality. Actions 1. Promote Smart Salting strategies for winter de/anti-icing and snow removal for homes and businesses. i. Research and promote the Minnesota Smart Salting for Property Management Certification program and other certification programs ii. Research and promote publicly available education products and policy tools 2. Promote the Adopt-a-Drain.org program 3. Encourage planting for clean water practices and other stormwater reduction and water quality improvement best management practices (BMPs) at residences and businesses. Examples of BMPs include raingardens, native plant buffers along waterbodies, native plant gardens, and rain barrels. i. Research and learn about programs that promote, provide financial incentives, or technical assistance for planting for clean water and installation of private stormwater BMPs. 1. Dakota County SWCD Landscaping for Clean Water 2. BlueThumb.org 3. Lawns to Legumes 4. Other programs available ii. Promote and research how planting for clean water practices intersect with protection of pollinators and habitat. 4. Promote irrigation reduction practices, including the use of drought tolerant lawn grasses. 5. Make recommendations to the City on opportunities for water conservation and quality protection in City operations and policies 6. Stay current on best practices and new technologies for water conservation and quality protection. 7. Recommend the City continue to train staff responsible for winter snow and ice removal operations in practices that reduce deicer use. 8. Assist the City with efforts to educate residents, businesses, and organizations on the importance of protecting local drinking water sources (e.g. the aquifer) from overuse and degradation. Goal: Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Promote programs and practices that move the City, its residents, and local business towards a zero waste future. Page 8 of 13 3 | P a g e Actions 1. Develop a sustainable purchasing policy 2. Assist the City with efforts to install an organics drop site in coordination with Dakota County 3. Provide education to the public, businesses, and the City on recycling, waste reduction, composting, and organics recycling/composting. 4. Develop or assist the City with improvement on an education hub on the web site regarding waste reduction topics. 5. Explore developing one or more actions under BP 22: Sustainable Consumption and Waste under the Green Step Cities certification program. 6. Research current best practices, new technologies, and successful programs by other cities regarding waste reduction, including programs discouraging single use plastics. Goal: Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy Promote programs, develop policies, and look for financial incentives to reduce energy consumption and transition to a greater share of renewable energy within the community. Actions 1. Pursue an update the City’s Energy Action Plan which expired in 2020. 2. Pursue policies and programs that encourage increased use of electric vehicles within the community, including installation of electric vehicle charging stations in town. 3. Promote programs and policies that educate and provide incentives to businesses and community members to switch to renewable low carbon energy and encourage energy efficiency. i. Working in partnership with local utility providers is a key component of this action. 4. Research best practices, new technologies, and successful programs by others that promote energy efficiency and green house gas reduction and mitigation. Goal: Pollinators and Habitat Protection Promote best practices for landscaping and green space management within the community that encourage increased use of native plants and pollinator habitat. Actions 1. Develop policies and a promotion campaign for No Mow May 2. Develop policies and promote bee lawns 3. Promote state and local programs that incentivize or provide technical assistance on planting for pollinators and habitat that focus on preservation and installation of native plants/ecosystems. 4. Develop a pollinator resolution and advise adoption by the City Council 5. Research designation programs that certify or otherwise recognize the City or city greenspace as pollinator friendly. 6. Look for opportunities within City greenspace to increase pollinator friendly habitats and incorporate native landscaping. 7. Research best practices, new technologies, and successful programs by others that promote pollinator and habitat preservation and creation. Page 9 of 13 4 | P a g e Goal: Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business Promote adoption of green best practices by local businesses. Actions 1. Develop a program or research existing programs that acknowledge businesses that implement green practices and encourage participation by local businesses. 2. Highlight local businesses that have won awards or have otherwise been acknowledged for implementation of green practices. 3. Provide information on the City website and otherwise educate local businesses on environmental incentive programs and technical assistance programs. 4. Engage with local businesses to learn more about impediments to adopting green practices and what green practices they would be interested in learning about. Page 10 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 13, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Near Term Education & Outreach AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BLE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment and Sustainability Commission (ESC) developed an Education & Outreach Calendar. It is a working document that will be updated as the year progresses. Some outreach items will be assigned to specific commissioners for completion, such as some of the blog posts. The intent of this item is to review the calendar for updates and share ideas. Highlights are below: 1. No Mow May Recap 2. June blog post - Hosting a Sustainable Graduation Party 3. July blog post a. Commissioners will provide ideas for the July blog post 4. Leprechaun Days Planning 5. Holidays/events of note a. June 14 - Flag Day b. June 18 - Father's Day c. June 19-25 - Pollinator Week (2023 Theme: Pollinators and Climate Change) d. June 19 - Juneteenth e. June 21 - First Day of Summer f. July 4 - Independence Day g. July 28-29 - Leprechaun Days Midsummer Faire h. August 1 - Night to Unite RECOMMENDATION Assign education activities for July. Plan Leprechaun Days booth and education activities. Page 11 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 13, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Land Acknowledgement Subcommittee Update AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.c. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BLE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission formed a Land Acknowledgement Subcommittee at its April 2023 meeting. The purpose of the subcommittee is to offer guidance and background necessary for successful implementation of a Land Acknowledgement ahead of presentation to and anticipated approval by the City Council. The Subcommittee will investigate the following: • Training recommendations for City Staff and Council to assist in successful implementation • Recommendation on long form Acknowledgement development • Recommendations on other program components for successful implementation The proposed Land Acknowledgement statement recommended for adoption by the City Council is as follows: Rosemount sits upon the traditional and Treaty land of the Dakota people who, along with the Ojibwe people, are the Indigenous peoples of the land now called Minnesota. We would like to recognize and honor the Dakota people for the working of, knowledge, connections and care of this land, this water and soil, that has brought us here and has contributed to our lives. RECOMMENDATION Commissioners will be given an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the Subcommittee. Page 12 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 13, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: 2023 Goals Development AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BLE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission has developed a set of goals to help guide yearly activities. The goals cover outreach and policy initiatives that the Commission would like to address. Each year, the Commission reviews goals to gauge progress and determine if a new direction is needed. The Commission held special work sessions in September and May for their annual goal review and amended goal development. Working groups to research and present recommended updates for each goal were adopted at the May meeting. The working groups are as follows: • Industrial Air Permitting Research - Commissioners Angerer and Andrews • Greening City Operations - Commissioners Angerer, Burman, and Springer • Land, Water, and Habitat Conservation, Preservation, and Protection - Commissioners Johnson, Delaney, Andrews, and Shoe • Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction - Commissioners Burman, Shoe, Springer, and Reed • Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy - Commissioners Johnson and Reed • Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business - none Current goals remain in effect until the Commission votes on an updated draft. RECOMMENDATION Each goal working group will be given an opportunity to discuss progress they've made towards updating goal language. 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