HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240318 Packet AGENDA Planning Commission Regular Meeting Monday, March 18, 2024 6:30 PM City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA 3. AUDIENCE INPUT 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the February 26, 2024 Work Session b. Minutes of the February 26, 2024 Regular Meeting c. Minutes of the March 6, 2024 Regular Meeting 5. OLD BUSINESS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Request by Enclave Companies for approval of a rezoning of the subject property from R4 PUD to R3 PUD and a major amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development to construct 132 townhomes on Lot 1 Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition. The applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. b. Request by Maplewood Development for approval of the Amber Fields 17th Addition preliminary and final plats to create 120 single family lots. c. Request by First State Bank of Rosemount for approval of a PUD Final Site and Building Plan and a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. d. Zoning Code Update - Title 11 Zoning Regulations of the Rosemount City Code 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. DISCUSSION 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 96 ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 26, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Planning Commission was held on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM. in the Rosemount Conference Room, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Kenninger called the meeting to order with Commissioners Reed, Rivera, and Whitman. Commissioners Thiagarajan and Hebert were absent. Staff present included the following: Community Development Director Kienberger, Senior Planner Nemcek, Planner Hogan, Community Development Technician Grant. DISCUSSION a. Zoning Code Update Review and Discussion HKGi consultants provided an update to the Planning Commission of details for the zoning code update. The following items were discussed; the transition of applying the zoning code update after it's effective date of adoption. The need to define abutting versus adjacent within the zoning code as it pertains to a property's location in relation to the Right-of-Way (ROW). HKGi consultants presented corrected language of the Mississippi River Critical Corridor Area (MRCCA) and addressed concerns regarding mobile food units. Consultants also demonstrated changes to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) minimum acreage and the condition for a public meeting to be held prior to a Public Hearing. Commissioners and HKGi discussed the difference between the current and updated requirements for landscaping in which any deviation requires approval by the City Council and the Home Owners' Association (HOA). Additional areas of discussion include: the language addressing dynamic and temporary signs, parking requirements for zoning districts, and the implementation of user- friendly tables within the update for district uses, dimensional standards, principal uses, and accessory uses. Commissioners requested that side yard setbacks be changed from 10 feet to 7.5 feet in order to be consistent with what's currently being approved in the R-1 and R-2 districts within Rosemount. The next steps will be for HKGi to incorporate updates from this work session to prepare a public hearing draft ordinance, proceed with a public hearing, and present the final code and adoption through the City Council. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission at the work session, the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m. Page 2 of 96 Respectfully submitted, Alysha Grant Community Development Technician Page 3 of 96 ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 26, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 6:47 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Kenninger called the meeting to order with Commissioners Rivera and Reed. Commsioner Thiagarajan, Hebert, and Whitman were absent. Staff present included the following: Community Development Director Kienberger, Public Works Director Nick Egger, Senior Planner Nemcek, Planner Hogan, and Community Development Technician Grant. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA AUDIENCE INPUT CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the January 23, 2024 Regular Meeting b. Request by Maplewood Development for Approval of the Amber Fields 16th Addition Final Plat. c. Request by Spectro Alloys Corp for approval of the Spectro Alloys 3rd Addition Final Plat OLD BUSINESS a. Request by Independent School District 196 for approval of a rezoning of the site from AG-Agricultural to R1-Low Density Residential, minor subdivision, conditional use permit, and site plan review for an elementary school to be constructed on site. PUBLIC HEARINGS NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 96 There being no quorum of the Planning Commission at the regular meeting, Chair Kenninger adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m. A special meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on March 6th to approve the items within this agenda. Respectfully submitted, Alysha Grant Community Development Technician Page 5 of 96 ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 6, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Kenninger called the meeting to order with Commissioners Hebert, Reed, Rivera, Thiagarajan, and Whitman. Staff present included the following: Community Development Director Kienberger, Public Works Director Egger, Planner Hogan, and Community Development Technician Grant. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Kenninger Second by Reed Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. a. Minutes of the January 23, 2024 Regular Meeting b. Request by Maplewood Development for Approval of the Amber Fields 16th Addition Final Plat c. Request by Spectro Alloys Corp for Approval of the Spectro Alloys 3rd Addition Final Plat OLD BUSINESS a. Request by Independent School District 196 for approval of a rezoning of the site from AG-Agricultural to R1-Low Density Residential, minor subdivision, conditional use permit, and site plan review for an elementary school to be constructed on site. Planner Hogan continued to present the application from Independent School District (ISD) 196 for approval of rezoning, a minor subdivision, a conditional use permit, and site plan review for construction of a new elementary school. Page 6 of 96 Commissioner Comments Commissioner Reed expressed concern and asked about traffic controls and crosswalk safety plans, processes, and expectations. Planner Hogan deferred to the Public Works (PW) Director, Egger. Egger walked the commissioners through the process prior to the school opening, in which the City would work with the school and Dakota County to determine what's appropriate pertaining to safety and traffic accommodations. Egger noted that the city can advocate for certain accommodations for County and City roads, and that enhanced crosswalks are expected. Commissioner Hebert asked how it was determined that traffic wouldn't be too impacted at the Bonaire Path and Akron Avenue intersection. PW Director Egger said that the various aspects, in addition to the school, are considered in determining traffic levels. Chair Kenninger asked if the study done by the City would account for recent developments in the surrounding area, such as the apartments and Life Time. Egger confirmed that the study does include recent and upcoming developments to determine traffic levels. Scott McQueen, Wold Architects and Engineers - 332 Minnesota St Saint Paul, MN 55101 Chair Kenninger asked about the results of the traffic study, their meaning, and nearby communities with students. McQueen clarified the traffic study was done by a separate company. McQueen noted that schools often operate in off-peak hours and that students in near neighborhoods will be offered transportation by bus. Chair Kenninger asked if students who lived in the northern and eastern communities would be given the option to get to school via bus. McQueen verified that students in those communities will be transported by bus. Commissioner Hebert asked if there will be screening or fencing between the school and the railroad tracks. McQueen answered that nothing is proposed as of yet and noted that the tracks are elevated and surrounded by a row of trees and stormwater management. Commissioner Rivera expressed appreciation for the Planning Commission and ISD 196's discussion and cooperation on safety and traffic. Commissioner Reed recommended City Council to ask further about safety and for examples of hypothetical, safety accommodations. Motion by Reed Second by Hebert 1. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the site from AG-Agricultural to R1 – Low Density Residential. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Reed Second by Hebert 2. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the minor subdivision for Rosemount School District Third Addition, subject to all conditions approved as part of the City’s site and building design review for the project. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Reed Second by Hebert 3. Motion to approve the site plan and building design to allow Independent School District 196 to construct a new elementary school on Rosemount School District Third Addition, subject to the following conditions: Page 7 of 96 a. Approval of the Rosemount School District Third Addition minor subdivision. b. The traffic study must be updated to address city staff and reviewer comments and completed prior to City Council approval. c. ISD 196 will be required to undertake a supplemental and more detailed examination of pedestrian safety solutions in the immediate area, working in partnership with the City and Dakota County. Solutions which are found to be warranted will need to be in place prior to the school opening. d. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in the memo dated January 15, 2024, and associated stormwater review memo dated January 16, 2024. e. Applicant will need to verify that lumens on the photometric plan do not exceed .05 at residential property lines prior to City Council approval. f. Conformance with the requirements of the Parks and Recreations Director contained within the memo dated January 17, 2024. g. Site signage shall require a separate sign permit and meet the requirements of signs in the PI zoning district. h. Light fixtures within 100 feet of a residential property line shall be no higher than 20 feet. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Reed Second by Hebert 4. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for an elementary school to be located on the Rosemount School District Third Addition subject to all conditions approved as part of the City’s site and building design review for the project. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS NEW BUSINESS None. DISCUSSION Community Development (CD) Director Kienberger verified that action on the zoning code update will be taken at the next Planning Commission meeting on March 18th. Kienberger shared that the update includes cleaning up the text, eliminating any contradictions, and adjusting standards to be in-line with what's already being approved by Planning Commission. Chair Kenninger thanked Commissioners Thiagarajan and Hebert for their time on the Planning Commission since their term ends after the March 18th meeting. Chair Kenninger recognized CD Technician Grant for organizing and planning the 2024 Community Expo that was held on March 2nd. Page 8 of 96 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alysha Grant Community Development Technician Page 9 of 96 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: March 18, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: April 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Request by Enclave Companies for approval of a rezoning of the subject property from R4 PUD to R3 PUD and a major amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development to construct 132 townhomes on Lot 1 Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition. The applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek , Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location, Rezoning Exhibit, Site Plan, Utility Plan, Landscape Plan, Architectural Drawings, Engineer's Memo Dated March 14, 2024, Springs At Rosemount 2022 Approved Plan APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve an amendment to the Rosemount Zoning Map to change the zoning district of Lot 1, Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition from R4 PUD - High Density Residential Planned Unit Development to R3 PUD - Medium Density Planned Unit Development. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Major Amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development to allow Enclave Companies to construct 132 townhomes and a community building on Lot 1, Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition, subject to the following: 1. The front yard setback for Building 19 should be increased to meet the 25' minimum front yard setback. 2. The applicant shall submit an updated landscaping plan that shows a planting schedule for the foundation plantings that meets the minimum requirement of the zoning ordinance of one per ten linear feet of building perimeter. 3. A deviation from section 11-12-18: G. Single-Family Attached Dwelling Parking Requirements reducing the minimum required guest parking stalls from 66 spaces to 56 spaces. 4. Conformance with all comments contained within the Engineer's Memo Dated March 14, 2024. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission is being asked to consider requests by Enclave Companies for a rezoning of the subject parcel described as Lot 1, Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition from High Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and for a Major Amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development in order to construct 132 townhomes. This is a departure from the site plan originally approved for this parcel in Amber Fields, but staff is supportive as the general housing type is similar to Page 10 of 96 the original approval, albeit with fewer units. The rezoning is needed since the proposed townhomes are more traditional in style, whereas the earlier plans were more like many small apartment buildings and were consistent with high density residential development. The proposed amendment also includes a deviation to reduce the required amount of guest parking on site from 66 to 56 spaces. Staff is also supportive of this, since the guest parking that is provided is well situated throughout the development. A total of 584 parking spaces are included in the plan. Site amenities include a clubhouse and pool as well as a pickleball court and a tot lot. A bituminous trail encircles the northern portion of the site and meanders along the County Road 42 right of way. Property Owner Earl Street Partners II, LLC Applicant Enclave Companies Location South of County Road 42 and approximately 1,600 feet west of Akron Avenue. Site Area in Acres 14.58 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation HDR-High Density Residential Current Zoning R4 PUD – High Density Residential Planned Unit Development Proposed Zoning R3 PUD - Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development Residential Units 132 Units Gross Density 9.05 Units/Acre Net Density 11.48 Units/Acre The Amber Fields Master Development Plan was approved by the City Council at its meeting on September 7, 2021. The Amber Fields development includes a mix of different housing types ranging from traditional single-family homes to high-density apartment buildings. The proposed townhome community is similar to the Springs that were originally approved for the site and also similar to Echelon, located further east, in that the units are all located on a single parcel and will be offered for rent rather than for sale. The main inconsistency with the originally approved plan for this site is that the intensity of development is lower with 132 units versus 268 units. The amenities are similar, and traffic circulation is generally the same with access into the site being provided by two driveways from 148th Street West. Legal Authority Rezonings are legislative decisions by the City, and the approval of Major Planned Unit Development Amendments are also a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to expectations related to the overall Master Development Plan’s intended development pattern for this specific site. General Site Layout The site plan includes twenty-four buildings with four to six units in each building. Access to the site is made via two driveways on the south parcel boundary that connect with 148th Street West, a collector road. The western driveway is the main entrance, featuring a landscaped median. The eastern driveway offers secondary access into the site. The clubhouse and other amenities are located Page 11 of 96 immediately north of the main entrance, and somewhat centrally to the site. The buildings are all positioned at least 20' from one another in accordance with Zoning Code standards, and setbacks are consistent with those approved for the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan. One area of discrepancy is the front yard setback of Building 19. The setback is shown as 24.5', and the minimum front yard setback is 25'. Therefore, the plan should be updated to ensure the front yard setback requirement is met by that building. A condition of approval has been included for this. Rezoning The site is currently zoned R4 PUD - High Density Planned Unit Development. Staff advised the applicant during initial conversations that a rezoning to R3-Medium Density would be be needed since the proposed townhomes are not a permitted use in the R4 district. The Rosemount Comprehensive Plan does allow limited R3 zoning within the HDR land use designation. Staff finds that the location of the subject parcel creates a transition between the single family homes to the south and County Road 42, and that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed townhomes also create a transition from the High Density Residential land east of the subject parcel. Street and Sidewalk System The street system shown on the site plan provides circulation throughout the development, with entry and egress made through two drives along the southern site boundary. There are secondary, internal streets that provide access to the individual units and connect the perimeter street. The sidewalks are provided on one side of most streets, and pedestrian connections to 148th Street West are included in the layout. A bituminous trail that offers additional pedestrian connections along the northern site boundary is shown on the plan. Parking The zoning ordinance requires 2 enclosed parking spaces per unit plus .5 spaces per unit as guest parking for a total of 330 spaces. Each unit has 2 enclosed parking stalls within their individual garages, as well as two off-street parking spaces on the units' driveways. 56 guest parking spaces are provided on the plan, and the guest parking provided is placed throughout the development, both on street and off. Guest parking is also provided in close proximity to the clubhouse and other amenities. Staff is supportive of the request for a reduction in guest parking stalls as there is still a significant amount of parking provided, and the two driveway stalls are provided in excess of what is required by the code. Required Provided Enclosed 264 (2 per unit) 264 Guest 66 (.5 per unit) 56 Surface/Driveway 0 264 Total 330 584 Parks The Parks and Recreation department reviewed the proposed development. The Parks and Recreation director indicates in his attached memorandum that the parks dedication requirement will be met through developer installed improvements as outlined in the Amber Fields subdivision agreement. Landscaping Page 12 of 96 The zoning code requires one tree per unit for townhome developments and one foundation planting per ten linear feet of building perimeter. The landscape plan provided by the applicant exceeds the minimum number of trees required by the code. Perennials and shrubs are indicated on the plan, but the applicant should provide an updated plan that contains a schedule for these plantings that meets the minimum requirement of the code. Utilities Private utilities within the development will connect with the City's sewer and water infrastructure located in 148th Street West. Stormwater will be handled offsite, in the large stormwater basins located centrally within the Amber Fields development. This is consistent with how the rest of Amber Fields has developed. The City's engineer has reviewed the plans and provided comments on the applicant's submittal. The comments are typical of a plan review, but one piece of note is the engineer's comments related to the bituminous trail in the northern portion of the site. The engineer would like further explanation of the benefit of that short trail segment and the memo notes that it transitions from 5’ sidewalks on both ends and does not connect into the larger City trail system. The memo suggests that the developer should consider integrating the trail into the larger City system or maintain it as 5' sidewalk. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requests based on the information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Staff recommends several conditions of approval, which are listed in the Recommended Action above. Page 13 of 96 Page 14 of 96 Page 15 of 96 148TH ST. W. 15 16 17 AP P I A N W A Y CLU B H O U S E BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 5 BUILDING 6 BUILDING 7 BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 BUILDING 10 BUILDING 11 BUILDING 12 BUILDING 13 BUILDING 14 BUILDING 15 BUILDING 16 BUILDING 17 BUILDING 18 BUILDING 19 BUILDING 20 BUILDING 21 BUILDING 22 BUILDING 23BUILDING 24 PO O L CO U R T TO T LOT CLU B H O U S E BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 5 BUILDING 6 BUILDING 7 BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 BUILDING 10 BUILDING 11 BUILDING 12 BUILDING 13 BUILDING 14 BUILDING 15 BUILDING 16 BUILDING 17 BUILDING 18 BUILDING 19 BUILDING 20 BUILDING 21 BUILDING 22 BUILDING 23BUILDING 24 PO O L CO U R T TO T LOT C-2.0 TO W N H O M E S A T A M B E R F I E L D S PR E L I M I N A R Y S U B M I T T A L SI T E P L A N 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 SITE NOTES: SITE LEGEND: SITE DATA: FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N Know what's below. Call before you dig. Dial 811 Page 16 of 96 148TH ST. W. 15 16 17 OUTLOT B AP P I A N W A Y CLU B H O U S E BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 5 BUILDING 6 BUILDING 7 BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 BUILDING 10 BUILDING 11 BUILDING 12 BUILDING 13 BUILDING 14 BUILDING 15 BUILDING 16 BUILDING 17 BUILDING 18 BUILDING 19 BUILDING 20 BUILDING 21 BUILDING 22 BUILDING 23BUILDING 24 PO O L CO U R T TO T LO T CLU B H O U S E BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 5 BUILDING 6 BUILDING 7 BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 BUILDING 10 BUILDING 11 BUILDING 12 BUILDING 13 BUILDING 14 BUILDING 15 BUILDING 16 BUILDING 17 BUILDING 18 BUILDING 19 BUILDING 20 BUILDING 21 BUILDING 22 BUILDING 23BUILDING 24 PO O L CO U R T TO T LO T 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 UTILITY NOTES: LEGEND FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N Know what's below. Call before you dig. Dial 811 C-4.0 TO W N H O M E S A T A M B E R F I E L D S PR E L I M I N A R Y S U B M I T T A L UT I L I T Y P L A N Page 17 of 96 148TH ST. W. 15 16 17 OUTLOT B AP P I A N W A Y CLU B H O U S E BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 5 BUILDING 6 BUILDING 7 BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 BUILDING 10 BUILDING 11 BUILDING 12 BUILDING 13 BUILDING 14 BUILDING 15 BUILDING 16 BUILDING 17 BUILDING 18 BUILDING 19 BUILDING 20 BUILDING 21 BUILDING 22 BUILDING 23BUILDING 24 PO O L CO U R T TO T LO T CLU B H O U S E BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 BUILDING 3 BUILDING 4 BUILDING 5 BUILDING 6 BUILDING 7 BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 BUILDING 10 BUILDING 11 BUILDING 12 BUILDING 13 BUILDING 14 BUILDING 15 BUILDING 16 BUILDING 17 BUILDING 18 BUILDING 19 BUILDING 20 BUILDING 21 BUILDING 22 BUILDING 23BUILDING 24 PO O L CO U R T TO T LO T 3 - RO 3 - HL 3 - RO 2 - HL 2 - SL 3 - NF 1 - SL 3 - CH 3 - BM 3 - IS 3 - BH 3 - BH 1 - RB 1 - RB 2 - CH 3 - BM 3 - HL 2 - PO 3 - PO 3 - CH 3 - PO 2 - CH 5 - AE 5 - NF 3 - NF 2 - AE 3 - CH 2 - BM 7 - SL 4 - RO 2 - BM 3 - BM 3 - AE 4 - SL 3 - RO 1 - HL 1 - RO 1 - NF 2 - CH 3 - NF 3 - AE 3 - AE 3 - PO 5 - PO 5 - HL 1 - RB 1 - RB 3 - RB 3 - RB 2 - BM 1 - BM 2 - HL 2 - NF 2 - RB L-1.0 TO W N H O M E S A T A M B E R F I E L D S PR E L I M I N A R Y LA N D S C A P E P L A N 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N Know what's below. Call before you dig. Dial 811 LANDSCAPE LEGEND: MITIGATION & LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE: Page 18 of 96 E PAD 148TH ST. W. PC : 1 6 + 2 4 . 2 5 PT: 21+67.45 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 11+00 11+21 ) S S S S S S89°42'19"E 1438.56 VIEW 2 42" PVC 42" PVC 60" GRAVITY 42" SIPHON A 42" SIPHON B 42" SIPHON C RIM=917.50(M) INV IN=897.40(P) INV OUT=895.05(P)RIM=943.44(M) INV IN=900.60(P) INV OUT=898.30(P) RIM=941.07(P) INV IN=901.43(P) INV OUT=901.33(P) POOL CO URT TO T LO T POOL CO URT TO T LO T 13 3 4 17 4 3 7 5 BUILDING 3 SIX-PLEX - 4 CLUBHOUSE A A F F E F F E D D A A A A B AA B A B A B AA B A AB A ABAABAAB A A B A A B A A A A A AB A A B AA B AA BAABAAB A A B A A B F F E F F E AA A A A B A B A B B B B B B B B A A B A A B A A B A A B C A B CAB C A B C A B C A B A A B A A B A B C A B BUILDING 2 SIX-PLEX - 4 BUILDING 1 SIX-PLEX - 2 BUILDING 4 FIVE-PLEX BUILDING 5 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 6 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 7 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 8 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 13 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 18 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 19 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 21 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 23 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 9 FIVE-PLEX BUILDING 10 FIVE-PLEX BUILDING 11 FIVE-PLEX BUILDING 22 FIVE-PLEX BUILDING 24 FIVE-PLEX BUILDING 12 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 15 SIX-PLEX - 1 BUILDING 20 SIX-PLEX - 2 BUILDING 16 FOUR-PLEX BUILDING 17 FOUR-PLEX BUILDING 14 FOUR-PLEXMAINT BLDG kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsSITE PLAN 2.0 2/26/2024 Townhomes at Amber Fields Residential Unit Mix Name Count Unit Gross Area Rooms Main Floor Garage Area Second Floor Area Basement Area Total Bed Bath Den/Family Room Loft Unit 2-0/Unit C 6 627 ft²467 ft² 849 ft²0 ft²1,943 ft²2 2.5 0 0 Unit 3-0/Unit A 70 743 ft²509 ft² 1,090 ft²0 ft²2,344 ft²3 2.5 0 0 Unit 3-1/Unit B 42 733 ft²509 ft² 1,000 ft²0 ft²2,244 ft²3 2.5 0 0 Unit 3-2/Unit D 2 1,096 ft²488 ft² 994 ft²0 ft²2,578 ft²3 2.5 1 0 Unit 4-0/Unit F 8 736 ft²509 ft² 999 ft²720 ft² 2,964 ft²4 3.5 1 0 Unit 4-1/Unit E 4 736 ft²491 ft² 1,006 ft²720 ft² 2,953 ft²4 3.5 1 0 Grand total: 132 132 GROSS AREA - TOTAL Level Area Level 2 137,170 ft² Level 1 166,696 ft² Level -1 6,651 ft² Grand total 310,518 ft² Clubhouse Area Name Count Area Clubhouse 1 3,782 ft² Grand total: 1 1 1" = 40'-0"2 Site Plan Page 19 of 96 pool patio 3.72 3.7 5 3.7 4 3.7 3 fitness mech mens office work reception lobby club room coffee lounge kids pets womens 10 ' - 6 " 5'- 0 " 10 ' - 6 " Level 1 100'-0" Clubhouse Truss Brg 111'-7 7/8" Level 1 100'-0" Clubhouse Truss Brg 111'-7 7/8" Level 1 100'-0" Clubhouse Truss Brg 111'-7 7/8" Level 1 100'-0" Clubhouse Truss Brg 111'-7 7/8" 3.7 11 3.7 12 3.7 9 3.710 x MAINTENANCE BUILDING 19' -5"27' -5" x POOL EQUIP 10' -5"6' -5" kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber Fields Clubhouse 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Clubhouse 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Clubhouse - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Clubhouse - Left 1/8" = 1'-0"4 Clubhouse - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"5 Clubhouse - Right 6 Clubhouse - Front 7 Clubhouse - Back 1/8" = 1'-0"8 Level 1 - Maintenance Building 1/8" = 1'-0"9 Maintenance Building - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"10 Left 1/8" = 1'-0"11 Maintenance Building - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"12 Maintenance Building - Right Page 20 of 96 3.0 8 3.0 5 3.0 4 3.07 Unit B 189 Unit A 186 Unit A 185 Unit A 187 Unit A 201 Unit B 190 3.0 8 3.0 5 3.0 4 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsSix Plex - 1 3.0 2/26/2024 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - Six-Plex -1 1/8" = 1'-0"4 Six-Plex 1 - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"5 Six-Plex 1 - Left 1/8" = 1'-0"8 Six-Plex 1 - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"7 Six-Plex 1 - Right 1/8" = 1'-0"6 Level 2 - Six-Plex -12Six-Plex - 1 Front 3 Six-Plex - 1 Back Page 21 of 96 3.1 5 3.1 6 3.1 7 3.18 Unit D 196 Unit A 191 Unit A 192 Unit A 193 Unit A 194 Unit B 195 3.1 5 3.1 6 3.1 7 3.18 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsSix-Plex - 2 3.1 2/26/2024 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - Six-Plex - 2 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - Six-Plex -2 1/8" = 1'-0"5 Six-Plex - 2 - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"6 Six-Plex - 2 - Left 1/8" = 1'-0"7 Six-Plex - 2 - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"8 Six-Plex - 2 - Right 3 Six-Plex - 2 Front 4 Six-Plex - 2 Back Page 22 of 96 3.42 3.4 4 3.4 1 Unit E 172 Unit F 173 Unit F 174 Unit F 176 Unit F 175 Unit E 177 3.42 3.4 3 3.4 4 3.4 1 Unit E 229 Unit F 211 Unit F 226 Unit F 228 Unit F 227 Unit E 235 3.42 3.4 3 3.4 4 3.4 1 kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsSix-Plex - 4 3.3 2/26/2024 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Basement - Six-Plex w/ Walk Outs 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 1 - Six-Plex w/ Walk Outs 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Level 2 - Six-Plex w/ Walk Outs Page 23 of 96 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level -1 89'-4" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level -1 89'-4" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level -1 89'-4" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Six-Plex - 4 - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"4 Six-Plex - 4 - Left 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Six-Plex - 4 - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Six-Plex - 4 - Right kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsSix-Plex - 4 3.4 2/26/2024 5 Six-Plex - Walkouts - Front 6 Six-Plex - Walkouts - Back Page 24 of 96 3.5 3 3.5 3.5 5 6 Unit B 198 Unit C 137 Unit B 199 Unit A 21 Unit A 197 3.5 3 3.5 3.5 5 6 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsFive-Plex 3.5 2/26/2024 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - Five-Plex 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - Five-Plex 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Five-Plex - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"4 Five-Plex - Left 1/8" = 1'-0"5 Five-Plex - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"6 Five-Plex - Right 7 Five-Plex - Front 8 Five-Plex - Back Page 25 of 96 3.65 3.6 4 3.6 3 3.6 6 Unit B 204 Unit A 202 Unit B 205 Unit A 203 3.65 3.6 4 3.6 3 3.6 6 Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" Level 1 100'-0" Level 2 110'-7 7/8" Truss Brg. 119'-9" kaas wilson architects Townhomes at Amber FieldsFour-Plex 3.6 2/26/2024 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - Four-Plex 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - Four-Plex 1/8" = 1'-0"3 Four-Plex - Front 1/8" = 1'-0"4 Four-Plex - Left 1/8" = 1'-0"5 Four-Plex - Rear 1/8" = 1'-0"6 Four-Plex - Right 7 Four-Plex - Front 8 Four-Plex - Back Page 26 of 96 7 0 1 X E N I A A V E N U E S | S U I T E 3 0 0 | M I N N E A P O L I S , M N | 5 5 4 1 6 | 7 6 3 . 5 4 1 . 4 8 0 0 | W S B E N G . C O M Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, City Engineer Nick Egger, Director of Public Works Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Jane Byron, Storm Water Specialist From: Amanda Sachi, PE Kendra Fallon, PE Kris Keller, PE Date: March 14, 2024 Re: Townhomes at Amber Fields –Preliminary Plat Review WSB Project No. 020372-000 We have reviewed the documents provided by Alliant Engineering on March 1, 2024. Documents reviewed include: •Townhomes at Amber Fields Preliminary Plat Civil Set, dated 2/27/24 Additional redline comments are provided on the submitted civil plans. Applicant should provide responses to each comment and redline comment. We offer the following comments below. Civil Comments: 1. General a. Show removals on Existing Conditions Plan Sheets b.Retaining walls exceeding 4’ in height shall require a plan prepared by a licensed engineer submitted for review and approval by the Building Official prior to permit issuance. 2. Utilities a.Provide rim and inverts for all sanitary sewer structures. b.At the two connection points, use the existing gate valve or replace back to including the existing gate valve. c.Coordinate with City Public Works whether hydrants should be located on the same side of the street as the watermain or should the fronts of units be avoided. d.Gate valves and storm sewer castings near the curb line will make it difficult to compact and maintain bituminous between the castings and the curb line. e.The proposed watermain is within 10' of the existing sanitary sewer mains in the northeast area of the development. i. Coordinate with MDH to achieve an acceptable running alignment. f.Show proposed adjustments to existing structures that are impacted by development grading. Page 27 of 96 Townhomes at Amber Fields – Preliminary Plat Review March 14, 2024 Page 2 i. Based on the size of adjustments, additional sections may need to be added or removed ii. Coordinate approval and construction of adjustments with the City and MCES as applicable. g.Several sanitary sewer structures have two outlets i. Verify this is acceptable with City Public Works h.Provide profiles for all utilities. i. Show utility crossings in all profiles. ii. Maintain minimum 18” separation between utilities. iii. Insulate when storm sewer is within 36” of watermain. i.Verify catch basins are not located near ped ramps or driveways to impact curb transitions. 3. Streets, Signage and Street Lighting a.Provide turning movements for fire/emergency, garbage, and delivery vehicles. b.Review impact of on street parking areas on sight lines for drivers turning from adjacent streets c.Provide the benefit of the proposed trail on the north end of the development. i. It transitions from 5’ sidewalks on both ends and does not connect into the larger City trail system. ii. Consider integrating the trail into the larger City system or maintain as 5' sidewalk. d.Discuss the proposed locations of crosswalks as well as stops signs relative to the clubhouse and throughout the development to be consistent. e.There is a significant number of existing sanitary sewer mains on the north end of the project. i. Provide an agreement for the process of how disruption will be handled at the northeast corner of the site when future maintenance or construction of these sewer mains needs to occur. 4. Landscape a. No comments Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 5. General a. The site layout included in these plans shows a different configuration than what was included in the original PUD. If this change in layout results in additional impervious, the applicant should submit an updated SWMP and updated HydroCAD modeling representative of this new layout and additional impervious to confirm the site is still meeting stormwater requirements. 6. Ponds and Wetlands a. Include NWL/HWL for Basin 1918 to the west of the site to the grading plan. b. Confirm the retaining wall will not modify the storage within Basin 1918 below the HWL. If the storage below the HWL is modified, update and resubmit the HydroCAD modeling for Amber Fields. Page 28 of 96 Townhomes at Amber Fields – Preliminary Plat Review March 14, 2024 Page 3 7. Emergency Overflow Routes a. Note EOFs for all localized low points both in the roadway and in the side/rear yards. 8. Retaining Walls a. Add TW/BW elevations for the retaining wall northeast edge. 9. Erosion Control a. No comments. 10. Grading a.Clarify use of three sets of contours on this grading plan (grey dashed, black thin continuous and black bold continuous) in the legend. b.Grading is shown in the CSAH 42 ditch north of the lot line, confirm this is correct. If so, is this grading planned just to remove an existing access roadway? c.Update the proposed contour tie ins on the east side of the site. d.Show high points and drainage between all buildings. e.Provide driveway elevations at both ends of all buildings as well as any grading breaks (low or high points) along the building. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. As part of final design, provide rational method storm sewer sizing calculation and catch basin drainage area map (including the area intended to drain to the proposed stubs) along with storm sewer sizing calculations to confirm storm sewer is sized for a 10-year storm event. b. Include sumps on CBMH 20 and CBMH 2 prior to the connection to the existing stub. c. Adjust storm sewer where noted on the plans to be at least 10 feet away from the building edge. d. Include storm sewer castings for proposed storm structures. e. Confirm all proposed storm sewer shown on the plans will be privately owned and maintained. If any storm sewer is proposed to be publicly owned and maintained, RCP will be required for those pipes. 2. Water Quantity a. No comments. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. No comments. 4. Freeboard Page 29 of 96 Townhomes at Amber Fields – Preliminary Plat Review March 14, 2024 Page 4 a. The City requires 1.5 feet of freeboard between low lying area EOFs and building opening elevations – Provide building opening elevations and EOF elevations. Applicant should confirm freeboard is being met for all proposed buildings. 5. Water Quality a. No comments. 6. Easements a. Confirm Basin 1918 HWL is covered under the proposed drainage and utility easement. General Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. Page 30 of 96 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDSDS DS DS DS DSDS DS DS DS DSDSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS AD A MG - P L FF E : 9 4 5 . 0 0 DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DSDSDSDS DS DS DS DSDS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS 6G FFE: 942.90 6G FFE: 943.67 Z32B BLDG 8 FFE: 944.25 B20E BLDG 2 FFE: 942.50 B20E BLDG 3 FFE:942.88 B20E BLDG 4 FFE: 943.17 Z32B BLDG 7 FFE: 944.00 B20E BLDG 10 FFE: 944.00 B20E BLDG 6 FFE: 943.00 B20E BLDG 1 FFE: 940.69 B20E BLDG 11 FFE: 943.10 Z3 2 A BL D G 9 FF E : 9 4 5 . 0 0 8G FF E : 9 4 5 . 0 0 8G FF E : 9 4 0 . 0 0 Z32A BLDG 5 FFE: 943.50 CLUBHOUSE FFE: 941.00 DOG PARK POOL 8G FF E : 9 4 3 . 1 8G FF E : 9 4 3 . 1 8G FF E : 9 4 2 . 5 8 15 16 179 AP A R T M E N T S 148TH STREET WEST COUNTY ROAD 42 POOL SNOW STORAGE C-3.0 SP R I N G S A T R O S E M O U N T PU D A M E N D M E N T , P R E L I M I N A R Y A N D F I N A L P L A T S U B M I T T A L OV E R A L L S I T E P L A N 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N SITE DATA: SITE NOTES: LEGEND: Page 31 of 96 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: March 18, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: April 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Request by Maplewood Development for approval of the Amber Fields 17th Addition preliminary and final plats to create 120 single family lots. AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location , Existing Conditions, Phasing Plan, Site Plan, Grading and Drainage Plan, Erosion Control Plan, Utility Plan; Landscape Plan, Final Plat, City Engineer's Memo Dated March 14, 2024, Parks and Recreation Director's Memo Dated March 15, 2024 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final Plats for Amber Fields 17thAddition, subject to: 1. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. 2. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated March 14, 2024 3. No structures are allowed within any easement areas. 4. The plat shall be updated to provide a temporary cul-de-sac for the southern extension of the western portion of Ardara Ridge Road. 5. Payment of $56,100 as a landscape surety. 6. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Parks and Recreation Director’s memorandum dated March 15, 2024 7. Payment of trunk area charges in the amount of: 1. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre 2. Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre 3. Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre BACKGROUND Owner: Earl Street Partners II, LLC. Preliminary Plat Acres: 31.56 Acres Met Council Net Acres: 31.56 Acres Residential Lots Created: 120 Single Family Lots Gross Density: 3.08 Units/Acre Net Density: 3.08 Units/Acre Page 32 of 96 Comprehensive Plan Guiding: MUR-Mixed Use Residential Current Zoning: R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a request by Maplewood Development for approval of the preliminary and final plats for Amber Fields 17th Addition to create 120 single family residential lots. This addition is one of eight different single-family lot subdivisions that are planned within the Amber Fields Development area. Staff is recommending approval of the requests by the developer, subject to the conditions included in the recommend action and the Engineer’s Memo dated March 14, 2024. BACKGROUND The present applications are the latest step in a long process of planning for the development within UMore Park. The developer received Planned Unit Development approval with Rezoning from the City Council at its September 7, 2021, meeting. The Planned Unit Development anticipated roughly 1,959 residential units, which were to include a mixture of housing types such as single-family lots, townhome lots, and multi-family lots. There has been a total of 15 Amber Fields additions that have been approved by the City Council. Preliminary Plat Areas that have been approved by City Council include Amber Fields 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th and 15th additions with additions 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th being the remaining areas of the designated preliminary plat areas that are shown in the table below. There has been a total of 1,799 housing units approved so far within the Amber Fields Development Area and the table below shows the breakdown of units that have been approved per addition. Amber Field Additions Housing Type Total Units Approved by City Council Amber Fields 2nd and 12th Additions Single Family and Townhome 301 units May 2022 and September 2023 Amber Fields 3rd and 11th Additions Townhome 182 units June 2022 and September 2023 Amber Fields 4th and 9th Additions Single Family 108 units July 2022 and April 2023 Amber Fields 5th and 10th Additions Single Family 124 units July 2022 and April 2023 Amber Fields 6th Addition Multifamily 268 units July 2022 Amber Fields 7th Addition Multifamily 250 units August 2022 Amber Fields 8th Addition Multifamily 160 units December 2022 Amber Fields 13th Addition Single Family 65 Units October 2023 Amber Fields 14th Addition Townhome 174 units February 2024 Amber Fields 15th Addition Single Family 167 units February 2024 The developer is proposing 120 single family lots throughout the 31.56-acre section of the Amber Fields development area. This addition is located in the south-central portion of the development area, Page 33 of 96 in between the proposed Amber Fields 16th Addition outlots and Amber Fields 13th and 14th Additions outlots. The Amber Fields 17th Addition subdivision is planned to be built in three phases; the first phase will be in the eastern portion of the site and will consist of 42 lots, the second phase will be the central portion of the site and will consist of 43 lots, and the final phase will be the remaining western portion of the site and will contain the remaining 35 lots proposed for the site. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority Preliminary and Final Plat requests are quasi-judicial decisions for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the proposed plats meet the ordinance requirements, it must be approved. General Subdivision Design The preliminary plat area is located in the south-central portion of the Amber Fields development area located east of the proposed Amber Fields 16th Addition and west of the preliminary plat areas of Amber Fields 13th and 14th Additions. The preliminary plat area is shown to have two access roads into the site. The sites eastern access road will be constructed first with the first phase and the western access road will be constructed later on with the third phase of the addition. There will be two looped roads throughout the site with two internal roads that will connect the two looped roads within the central portion of the preliminary plat area. Two road extensions to the southern property boundary are shown for future connections to development that may occur to the south of the site. A temporary cul-de-sac will be constructed at the end of the eastern extension. There is no temporary cul-de-sac shown for the western extension at this time, but that will need to be changed on the plat to show a temporary cul-de-sac which will be included as a condition of approval. There are eight outlots shown throughout the plat area. Four of these outlots will be buffer areas between the adjacent Amber Fields Additions. One of the outlots is reserved for future connection to the central park area, which is shown to be being constructed with the second phase of development. The remaining three lots are reserved open areas throughout the preliminary plat area. Land Use and Zoning The site is designated for MUR-Mixed Use Residential land uses, which can include a range of housing types from single-family homes on traditional sixty-five foot lots to townhomes. The zoning district in which the preliminary plat is located in is the R1-Low Density Residential zoning district. The Amber Fields Planned Unit Development Agreement includes several deviations from the Zoning Ordinance. In addition to dimensional standards the table below compares the proposed preliminary plat to the standards of the Amber Fields PUD. Category Required (Amber Fields PUD) Amber Fields 17th Addition Min. Lot Area (sf) 5,400 (interior) 7,200 (corner) 6,400 (interior) 8,000 (corner) Min. Lot Width 45 ft. (interior) 50 ft. (interior) Page 34 of 96 55 ft. (corner) 55 ft. (corner) Min. Front Yard Setback 25 ft 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 5 ft. dwelling/5 ft. garage/10 ft. corner (45-ft. wide lots) 10 ft. dwelling/5 ft. garage/20 ft. corner (55- and 65-ft. wide lots) 5 ft. dwelling and garage/10 ft. for corner lots 10 ft dwelling/5 ft. garage/20 ft corner Min. Rear Yard Setback 20 ft. 20 ft. During the city’s review of the development plans for Amber Fields 17th Addition, comments were made by the city’s building official/fire marshal regarding structures within the side yard drainage and utility easement area. The city’s building department has run into issues with AC units being placed within the 5-foot side yard setback area, which no structures are allowed to be placed within any easement areas per the city code. A condition of approval will be included that emphasizes that no structures are allowed to be placed within any easement areas located throughout the site. Phasing The applicant has provided a phasing plan that shows development initially occurring in the eastern portion of the preliminary plat area. This area will contain 42 lots of the proposed 120 single family lots. The eastern access road into the site will be constructed within this phase along with portions of two roads that will eventually loop in between the site and an internal road that will connect the two roads. The second phase will consist of the central portion of the site and will contain 43 lots along with further extension of the two looped roads and an additional internal road that will connect between the two. The third and final phase will be the remaining western portion of the site, and it will contain 35 lots. The second access road to the site will be constructed with this addition and will connect the site to the Amber Fields 16th Addition. The remaining of the two looped roads that will be completed in this phase as well. Streets and Sidewalk System There will be two accesses into the preliminary plat area with one of the access roads coming from east of the site and the other coming from the west. The eastern access road will come from Akron Ave which Amber Fields 13th and 14th additions will use and the western access point comes from Amber fields 2nd and 16th additions. The eastern access road will be constructed first with the first phase of development of this site. There are two east to west roads that loop throughout the development area called Ardcurra Row and Ardara Ridge Rd and two north to south roads that connect the two lopped roads internally. There are two extension sections off of Ardara Ridge Rd that extend to the southern property boundary for connection to future development that may occur to the south of the Amber Fields development area. The eastern extension shows to have a temporary cul-de-sac built at the end of it, which the city is supportive of. The western extension does not show a temporary cul-de-sac at this time. Though the western extension won't be constructed until the third phase of development, staff is recommending that a temporary cul-de-sac be shown on the plat for the western extension to the southern boundary of the plat area. Parks Page 35 of 96 The city’s Park and Recreation department reviewed the submitted development plans and have provided review comments in the attached memorandum. The Parks and Recreation department is recommending that there is no park dedication requirement for this phase of Amber fields as park dedication for this addition will be met through developer installed improvements which will be outlined in the subdivision agreement. Preservation and Landscaping A tree inventory was conducted for the overall Amber Fields development area, and a total of 1,983 caliper inches of trees were identified for replacement following the formula laid out in the City Code. A total of 545 caliper inches of trees as mitigation has been provided thus far throughout the Amber Fields development area and this addition will add another 99.5 caliper inches to that total. 1338.5 caliper inches of trees are still needed as replacements throughout the remaining phases of Amber Fields. The applicant is aware that the remainder of the caliper inches of trees will need to be replaced and staff are confident this will be met as development continues. The landscaping plan provided by the applicant shows a total of 170 trees to be planted throughout the preliminary plat area. The city code requires one tree per lot/frontage in the R1 and R2 zoning districts, which the landscape plan meets that requirement. Trees are shown on the landscape plan throughout the site within the open areas, along the frontages of the lots and along the main access roads into and out of the site. A total of 170 trees will be planted within this development, therefore a landscaping surety in the amount of $56,100 (170 trees x $300 plus 10%) is required as a condition of approval. Utilities The site will be served by sanitary sewer and water that will be located within both the connection road coming from the east where Amber Fields 13th and 14th additions are located and west where Amber Fields 16th addition will be located. The sanitary sewer and water system will extend throughout the internal roads within the preliminary plat area. Stormwater is managed across the entire site with detention and retention ponds located in the central open area of Amber Fields. The City’s engineer has provided a memorandum containing comments related to the plans provided. The memorandum included comments related to utilities, grading and general storm sewer design. A copy of the memorandum is included in the attachments. Final Plat Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are detailed in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the code outlines the two-step preliminary and final plat process for land subdivision. The final plat for Amber Fields 17th Addition contains 42 single family lots within the eastern portion of the site. The remaining land that will be developed later on is outloted as Outlot D. The final plat also shows the connection road into the site called Aster Blvd. The eastern portions of the looped roads called Ardara Ridge Rd and Ardcurra Row are shown on the final plat, as well as the internal connection road to the two looped roads called Ardmullivan Ln. There are three outlots shown throughout the final plat. Outlot A and B is open land that is adjacent to the Amber Fields 13th and 14th Additions and Outlot C is open land that abuts up to three single family lots. Staff finds the Final Plat is consistent with the Preliminary Plat and meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance Page 36 of 96 RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the preliminary and final plats for Amber Fields 17th Addition, subject to conditions in the recommended action and contained within the Engineers memorandum dated March 14, 2024. The recommendation is based on information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Page 37 of 96 Page 38 of 96 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 1 BASIN 1918PER CITY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 3 WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000 WETLAND WE-18-006 11258-000 WETLAND WE-18-00611258-000 AU B U R N A V E . AB B E Y F I E L D A V E . 148TH ST. W. 148TH ST. W. 148 T H S T . W . 148TH ST. W. AM B E R F I E L D S B L V D 149TH ST R E E T W E S T APPIAN WAY ATHGOE DRIVE AS H T O W N L A N E APPIAN WAY ACHO N R Y R O W AV O N D A L E V I E W AT H L O N E P L A C E ACLARE RIDGE AMBE R F I E L D S B L V D AT H G O E D R I V E A M B E R F I E L D S B L V D AMB E R F I E L D S B L V D AK R O N A V E . ( C . R . 7 3 ) OUTLOT A OUTLOT F OUTLOT H OU T L O T I OUTLOT N OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT E AB B E Y F I E L D A V E . AP P I A N W A Y ARDEE PLACE ARDFINNAN PASS AR C H D A L E L A N E AR C H D A L E L A N E AR C H D A L E L A N E DWY 19 DWY 15 15 1 S T S T R E E T W E S T AHENA CURVE AH E N A C U R V E AD A R E W A Y AD A R E W A Y D W Y 3 D W Y 2 DW Y 1 D W Y 4 D W Y 6 DWY 20 DWY 13 DWY 12 DWY 11 DWY 14 DW Y 1 8 DW Y 1 7 DW Y 1 6 DW Y 8 DW Y 9 DW Y 7 DWY 5 DW Y 2 1 DW Y 1 0 DW Y 5 149 T H S T R E E T W E S T 150TH STREE T W E S T AR T A I N E T R A I L ART A I N E T R A I L AR T A I N E T R A I L 149TH STREET WEST AR T A I N E T R A I L 15 0 T H S T R E E T W E S T 15 0 T H S T R E E T W E S T 15 0 T H S T R E E T W E S T 15 1 S T S T R E E T W E S T 15 1 S T S T R E E T W E S T AR D G I L L A N R O A D ARD G I L L A N R O A D 14 9 T H S T R E E T W E S T ARD G I L L A N R O A D 15 0 T H S T R E E T W E S T AN N E S T O W N R O A D A N N E S T O W N R O A D ANMEADLE R O W ANN E S T O W N R O A D A N N E S T O W N R O A D A N M E A D L E R O W A N N E S T O W N R O A D HOA O W N E D D&U E A S E M E N T O V E R ENT I R E O U T L O T A HOA OWNED D&U EASEMENT OVER ENTIRE OUTLOT B HO A O W N E D D& U E A S E M E N T O V E R EN T I R E O U T L O T C HO A O W N E D D& U E A S E M E N T O V E R EN T I R E O U T L O T A HOA OWNED D&U EASEMENT OVER ENTIRE OUTLOT A AK R O N A V E . H O A O W N E D D & U E A S E M E N T O V E R E N T I R E O U T L O T B AN N E S T O W N R O A D A N N E S T O W N R O A D ANMEADLE R O W A N N E S T O W N R O A D R O A D B ROAD B RO A D B RO A D D ROAD E ROAD A ROAD A RO A D B ROAD E RO A D F AK R O N A V E N U E ROAD A ROAD A RO A D B ROAD E RO A D F AK R O N A V E N U E ROAD A RO A D D RO A D F RO A D F 10' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 5' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 5' D R A I N A G E A N D U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T 10 ' D R A I N A G E A N D U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T HWY 42 T ADA ADA ADAADAADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADAADAADA ADA ADAADAADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADAADAADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADAADAELEC RISER ADA ADA ADA ELEC RISER ADA ADA ADA ADAADA 48" 36" * 3" WINDOW 24"x24" 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 5" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW 6" WINDOW ADAADA ADAADA ADAADA ADAADA ADAADA ADAADA ADAADA ADAADA ASTER BOULEVARD ANNAGAIRE CURVE AN N A G A I R E C U R V E AN N A C O T T E L A N E ANN A G A I R E C U R V E ASTER BOULEVARD AN N A G A I R E C U R V E AN N A C O T T E L A N E A S T E R B O U L E V A R D AK R O N A V E . 148" 148" 148"148" 148" 148" 148" 148"60" 60" 60" AK R O N A V E . 72"1,83M 96"2,44M 48"1,22M72"1,83M ZZUN3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM4707ZZPM4707ZZPM4707ZZPM4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708ZZPM ZZPM4708 CKIT-V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213"213" 213"156"188"188" 188" ZZUN3257 ZZUN3257 BLOCK 5 B L O C K 2 BLO C K 1 BLO C K 8 ARD A R A R I D G E R DARDARA RIDGE RDARDA R A R I D G E R D AR D A R A R I D G E R D ARDCURRA R O W AR D C U R R A R O W ARD M U L L I V A N L A N E ART E R M O N P A T H AR T E R M O N P A T H BLO C K 6 BLO C K 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617 18 19 B L O C K 2 OUT L O T F OUT L O T E OUT L O T G OU T L O T H OUT L O T D OUT L O T C OUT L O T A OUT L O T B ARDCURRA R O W A M B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLO C K 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUT L O T E O F 1 4 T H A D D I T I O N OUT L O T B O F 1 3 T H A D D I T I O N OUT L O T B O F 1 6 T H A D D I T I O N OUT L O T A O F 1 6 T H A D D I T I O N PROJECT LOCATION AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L CO V E R S H E E T 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N SHEET INDEX SHEET TITLENO. COVER SHEET1 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN2 PRELIMINARY PLAT3-5 SITE PLAN7-9 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN10-12 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES 14-16 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN 17 STORM SEWER PLAN 18-20 LANDSCAPE PLAN 21-23 24-26 GRADING PROFILES13 PHASING PLAN6 SUITE 700 ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC. 733 MARQUETTE AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 PH: 612-758-3080 CONSULTANT FX: 612-758-3099 SURVEYOR ENGINEER DANIEL EKREM LICENSE NO. 57366 CLARK WICKLUND LICENSE NO. 40922 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT EM: cwicklund@alliant-inc.com EM: dekrem@alliant-inc.com MARK KRONBECK LICENSE NO. 26222 EM: mkronbeck@alliant-inc.com VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 4000' DEVELOPER MAPLEWOOD DEVELOPMENT 1128 HARMON PLACE SUITE 320 PH: 612-746-4046 CONTACT: MARIO J. COCCHIARELLA MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 AMBER FIELDS - DAVID WEEKLEY PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 Page 39 of 96 AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L EX I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S P L A N 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N NOTES: 2 Page 40 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION S3 8 ° 1 7 ' 5 4 " E 2 1 6 . 9 4 S81°23'25"E 40.76 S 8 1 ° 2 3 ' 2 5 " E 6 5 4 . 2 0 S00 ° 1 1 ' 5 8 " W 98.2 0 R = 2 1 7 5 . 0 0 L = 5 8 0 . 8 4 Δ = 1 5 ° 1 8 ' 0 3 " C . B r g = N 6 4 ° 3 2 ' 2 2 " W 9 . 7 6 C .= 3 2 9 . 4 5 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 O U T L O T H PARCEL AREA TABLE PARCEL B1L1 B1L2 B1L3 B1L4 B1L5 B1L6 B1L7 B1L8 B2L1 B2L2 B2L3 B2L4 B2L5 B2L6 B2L7 B2L8 B2L9 B2L10 B2L11 B2L12 B2L13 B2L14 B2L15 B2L16 B2L17 B2L18 B2L19 B2L20 B3L1 B3L2 B3L3 B3L4 B3L5 B3L6 B3L7 B3L8 B3L9 B3L10 B3L11 B3L12 B3L13 B3L14 B3L15 B3L16 B4L1 AREA SF 13,168 9,575 9,437 9,298 10,023 8,778 8,127 9,018 16,591 12,151 10,078 9,573 9,660 7,305 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,372 8,078 8,078 7,587 7,150 7,157 7,965 7,130 7,151 7,598 7,301 7,142 7,137 9,738 9,178 6,532 6,522 6,512 7,073 6,518 6,507 7,581 8,468 8,565 AREA AC 0.30 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.23 0.20 0.19 0.21 0.38 0.28 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.21 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.20 PARCEL AREA TABLE PARCEL B4L2 B4L3 B4L4 B4L5 B4L6 B4L7 B4L8 B4L9 B4L10 B4L11 B4L12 B4L13 B4L14 B4L15 B4L16 B4L17 B4L18 B4L19 B5L1 B5L2 B5L3 B5L4 B5L5 B5L6 B5L7 B5L8 B5L9 B5L10 B5L11 B5L12 B5L13 B5L14 B5L15 B5L16 B5L17 B5L18 B5L19 B6L1 B6L2 B6L3 B6L4 B6L5 B6L6 B6L7 B6L8 AREA SF 7,299 6,645 6,521 7,132 6,495 6,489 6,483 8,895 8,896 6,518 6,500 6,500 6,949 6,598 6,487 6,527 6,753 10,081 12,530 9,396 9,713 10,090 10,526 11,023 11,375 10,946 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 9,331 10,596 17,654 11,367 6,500 6,500 6,524 7,415 6,499 6,508 6,509 AREA AC 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.23 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.25 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.24 0.41 0.26 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.15 PARCEL AREA TABLE PARCEL B6L9 B6L10 B6L11 B6L12 B6L13 B6L14 B6L15 B6L16 B6L17 B6L18 B6L19 B6L20 B6L21 B7L1 B7L2 B7L3 B7L4 B7L5 B7L6 B8L1 B8L2 B8L3 B8L4 B8L5 B8L6 B8L7 B8L8 B8L9 B8L10 B8L11 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D OUTLOT E OUTLOT F OUTLOT G OUTLOT H AREA SF 6,964 8,661 15,712 14,656 7,748 7,567 7,393 7,623 7,494 7,141 7,688 7,132 7,076 8,913 8,879 8,642 8,204 7,384 11,872 9,646 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,150 7,170 8,843 13,607 2,343 7,318 10,433 9,378 5,345 18,965 5,653 AREA AC 0.16 0.20 0.36 0.34 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.17 0.27 0.22 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.31 0.05 0.17 0.24 0.22 0.12 0.44 0.13 AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 3 LEGEND:DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: Being 5 feet in width and adjoining lot lines and 10 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines, unless otherwise indicated on the plat. NOT TO SCALE Page 41 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION S3 8 ° 1 7 ' 5 4 " E 2 1 6 . 9 4 S81°23'25"E 40.76 S 8 1 ° 2 3 ' 2 5 " E 6 5 4 . 2 0 S00 ° 1 1 ' 5 8 " W 98.2 0 N41°47'52"E 130.00' N41°47'52"E 130.00' N41°47'52"E 130.00' N41°47'52"E 130.00' N41°47'52"E 130.00' N39°37'20"E 130.00' N30°36'34"E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N21°35 ' 4 7 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N17°2 0 ' 0 4 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N17°2 0 ' 0 4 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N17°2 0 ' 0 4 " E 1 3 0 . 7 3 ' N10° 5 0 ' 5 5 " E 1 3 2 . 3 3 ' N1°1 7 ' 1 8 " E 1 3 0 . 3 1 ' N14 ° 3 1 ' 0 5 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N3 0 ° 1 9 ' 2 8 " W 1 2 8 . 3 0 ' N4 6 ° 0 7 ' 5 1 " W 1 3 1 . 4 3 ' N 5 5 ° 4 5 ' 3 9 " W 1 3 0 . 0 1 ' N 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N3 8 ° 1 7 ' 5 4 " W 1 3 3 . 7 2 ' = N4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 2 2 8 . 1 4 ' S4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " E 1 2 9 . 6 5 ' N 5 6 ° 3 7 ' 4 4 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " W 1 3 7 . 7 2 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 2 . 3 8 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 2 9 . 9 2 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 2 9 . 5 7 ' S 5 6 ° 4 4 ' 3 1 " E 1 2 9 . 2 9 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 2 4 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 6 0 ' S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 2 9 . 9 6 ' S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 2 9 . 8 4 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 2 9 . 7 3 ' N 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " W 1 2 9 . 6 1 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 3 1 . 7 6 ' N 6 8 ° 0 6 ' 5 5 " W 1 3 5 . 1 1 ' S 6 8 ° 0 6 ' 5 5 " E 1 3 4 . 6 5 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N31°20'58"E 2 2 5 . 8 3 ' S31°20'58"W 2 0 9 . 6 2 ' N8°3 6 ' 3 6 " E 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' S8°3 6 ' 3 6 " W 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' N8°3 6 ' 3 6 " E 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' S8°3 6 ' 3 6 " W 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' N8°3 6 ' 3 6 " E 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' S8°3 6 ' 3 6 " W 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' N8°3 6 ' 3 6 " E 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' S8°3 6 ' 3 6 " W 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' S8°3 6 ' 3 6 " W 1 5 0 . 0 0 ' S 6 5 ° 5 1 ' 2 3 " E 1 4 8 . 0 2 ' S 5 5 ° 3 6 ' 4 1 " E 1 3 1 . 7 0 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 2 9 . 2 4 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 3 0 . 3 8 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 2 9 . 9 5 ' S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 3 0 . 2 9 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 9 7 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " W 1 2 6 . 1 9 ' S 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 2 9 . 8 4 ' N 5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " W 1 2 9 . 2 0 ' S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 1 7 " E 1 2 9 . 7 7 ' S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 1 7 " E 1 2 9 . 8 1 ' S4 8 ° 5 1 ' 3 7 " E 1 3 1 . 0 2 ' S4 5 ° 0 9 ' 0 8 " E 1 3 2 . 6 5 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 5 . 9 4 ' S4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " E 1 3 9 . 2 3 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 4 2 . 5 2 ' N 7 2 ° 3 9 ' 5 6 " W 1 7 4 . 6 1 ' = = = = = = = = N 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 1 7 " W 9 . 7 7 ' = = == = = = = = = = = == N31°59'01"E 26 5 . 9 0 ' S31°59'01"W 2 6 6 . 5 6 ' S 5 8 ° 3 9 ' 0 2 " E 7 1 . 9 3 ' S 8 1 ° 2 3 ' 2 4 " E 9 1 . 9 4 ' S37°42'22"W 147.38' N37°42'22"E 147.38' N 7 2 ° 3 9 ' 5 6 " W 1 7 1 . 3 7 ' N4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 4 7 7 . 7 5 ' = = = N19°55 ' 5 1 " E 1 5 7 . 5 4 ' S31°24'33"W 1 8 2 . 2 1 ' S44°54'42"W 138.74' S 8 1 ° 2 3 ' 2 4 " E 2 3 7 . 1 8 ' N 8 1 ° 2 3 ' 2 4 " W 2 5 0 . 6 9 ' S44°54'42"W 284.51 ' N37°50'19"E 202.38' S37°50'19"W 206.81' N41°47'52"E 67.99' N31°59'01"E 12 3 . 5 4 ' S41°47'52"W 67.99' S31°59'01"W 1 2 3 . 5 4 ' S31°59'01"W 3 5 . 5 9 ' S31°59'01"W 3 5 . 5 9 ' S37°50'43"W 58.73' S37°50'43"W 73.66' = = N 7 2 ° 3 9 ' 5 6 " W 1 2 1 . 1 1 ' N 8 6 ° 0 9 ' 2 6 " W 9 9 . 1 2 ' S 7 5 ° 4 4 ' 0 3 " W 99 . 1 2 ' S54°3 7 ' 4 3 " W 98.45' = N 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 1 7 " W 8. 4 5 ' =N3 8 ° 1 8 ' 4 6 " W 8 9 . 2 6 ' S3 8 ° 1 7 ' 5 4 " E 1 4 8 . 9 6 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 1 . 7 5 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' N4 5 ° 0 5 ' 1 8 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 ' S44°54'42"W 632.15' S31°59'01"W 1 0 3 . 0 3 ' N63°26'59"W 30.29' S44°54'42"W 632.15' S31°59'01"W 1 1 3 . 1 5 ' S34°25'28"W 82.09' N 7 0 ° 1 9 ' 0 2 " W 7 4 . 3 0 ' S51°58'40"W 34.22' N4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 5 4 1 . 2 8 ' AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 4 Page 42 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION S 8 1 ° 2 3 ' 2 5 " E 6 5 4 . 2 0 S00 ° 1 1 ' 5 8 " W 98.2 0 R = 2 1 7 5 . 0 0 L = 5 8 0 . 8 4 Δ = 1 5 ° 1 8 ' 0 3 " C . 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D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 5 Page 43 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1, 8 3 M 96"2,44M 48" 1,22 M 72" 1,83 M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CK I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L PH A S I N G P L A N 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 6 LEGEND: Page 44 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1, 8 3 M 96"2,44M 48"1,22 M 72"1,83M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CK I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" VIEW B VIEW A 5' S I D E E A S E M E N T A N D S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 20' REAR SETBACK 12 0 ' M I N . 50' MIN. 5' S I D E E A S E M E N T A N D S E T B A C K 10' FRONT EASEMENT 10' REAR EASEMENT 40'x65' PAD 5' S I D E E A S E M E N T A N D S E T B A C K 25' FRONT SETBACK 20' REAR SETBACK 12 0 ' M I N . 55' MIN. 5' S I D E E A S E M E N T A N D S E T B A C K 10' FRONT EASEMENT 10' REAR EASEMENT 45'x65' PAD CORNER LOTS REQUIRE 20' SIDE YARD SETBACK AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L SI T E P L A N O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7 LOT DATA: TYPICAL 60' ROW ROAD SECTION SITE PLAN NOTES: DEVELOPMENT LOT DETAILS LEGEND: Page 45 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AMBER FIELDS BL V D AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L SI T E P L A N V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 8 Page 46 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,8 3 M 96"2,4 4 M 48"1,22M 72"1, 8 3 M ZZU N 324 9 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707Z Z P M TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM 4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM 4708 CKIT-V229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L SI T E P L A N V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 9 Page 47 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,83M 96"2, 4 4 M 48"1,22M 72"1,83M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CKIT-V229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" VIEW B VIEW A AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L GR A D I N G A N D D R A I N A G E P L A N O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 10 GRADING NOTES: LEGEND: LOOKOUT PAD WALKOUT PAD SUBGRADE CORRECTION FULL BASEMENT PAD Page 48 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AMBER FIELDS BL V D AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L GR A D I N G A N D D R A I N A G E P L A N V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 11 LEGEND: Page 49 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,8 3 M 96"2,4 4 M 48"1,22M 72"1, 8 3 M ZZU N 324 9 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707Z Z P M TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM 4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM 4708 CKIT-V229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L GR A D I N G A N D D R A I N A G E P L A N V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 12LEGEND: Page 50 of 96 Road_J PROFILE FU T U R E S T U B R O A D AR D C U R R A R O W AS T E R B O U L E V A R D AR D M U L L I V A N L A N E FU T U R E S T U B R O A D AR T E R M O N P A T H AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AR D C U R R A R O W AR D A R A R I D G E R O A D AR D A R A R I D G E R O A D AR D M U L L I V A N L A N E AR T E R M O N P A T H Road_L PROFILE AR D C U R R A R O W AR D A R A R I D G E RO A D Road_M PROFILE AR D C U R R A R O W AR D A R A R I D G E R O A D BE G I N C O N S T R U C T I O N RO A D A ( 1 3 + 1 7 . 9 4 ) Road M PROFILE FU T U R E BE G I N C O N S T R U C T I O N RO A D M ( 1 + 7 2 . 0 5 ) AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L GR A D I N G P R O F I L E S 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 13 ARDARA RIDGE ROAD ARDCURRA ROW ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON PATH ASTER BOULEVARD AMBER FIELDS PASS Page 51 of 96 S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1, 8 3 M 96"2,44M 48"1,22 M 72"1,83M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CK I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" VIEW B VIEW A AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ER O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L P L A N O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 14 SWPPP BMP QUANTITIES EROSION CONTROL RESPONSIBLE PARTY: CONTRACTOR: (PER PLAN): NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING: LEGEND: DND NOTES: Page 52 of 96 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AMBER FIELDS BL V D B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ER O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L P L A N V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 15 Page 53 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,83M 96 "2,44M 48"1,22M 72"1, 8 3 M ZZUN 3249 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 47 0 7 ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZ P M 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZ P M TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM 4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 C K I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ER O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L P L A N V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 16 Page 54 of 96 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ER O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L N O T E S 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 17 EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE: PERMANENT COVER: MANAGEMENT MEASURES: POLLUTION PREVENTION · SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES: EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES: MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEWATERING: FINAL STABILIZATION: CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL ACTIVE SWPPP MAP LEGEND Page 55 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1, 8 3 M 96"2,44M 48"1,22 M 72"1,83M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CK I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" VIEW B VIEW A AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L SA N I T A R Y S E W E R A N D W A T E R M A I N P L A N O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 18 LEGEND: UTILITY NOTES: Page 56 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AMBER FIELDS BL V D AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L SA N I T A R Y S E W E R A N D W A T E R M A I N P L A N V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 19 Page 57 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,8 3 M 96"2,4 4 M 48"1,22M 72"1, 8 3 M ZZU N 324 9 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707Z Z P M TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM 4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM 4708 CKIT-V229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L SA N I T A R Y S E W E R A N D W A T E R M A I N P L A N V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 20 Page 58 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 HOA OWNED D&U EASEMENT OVER ENTIRE OUTLOT A OUTLOT A 4 S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1, 8 3 M 96"2,44M 48"1,22 M 72"1,83M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CK I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" VIEW B VIEW A AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ST O R M S E W E R P L A N O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 21 LEGEND: UTILITY NOTES: STORM SEWER SCHEDULE: Page 59 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AMBER FIELDS BL V D AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ST O R M S E W E R P L A N V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 22 Page 60 of 96 B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,8 3 M 96"2,4 4 M 48"1,22M 72"1, 8 3 M ZZU N 324 9 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707Z Z P M TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM 4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM 4708 CKIT-V229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L ST O R M S E W E R P L A N V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 23 Page 61 of 96 S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T A R E A 2 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S O U T L O T H AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1, 8 3 M 96"2,44M 48"1,22 M 72"1,83M ZZUN 3249 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZ P M 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM 4707ZZPM TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM4708 CK I T - V 229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" VIEW B VIEW A AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 7 - SL 7 - NF 7 - PO 7 - AE 7 - RO 2 - AE 6 - AB 5 - CH 5 - WP 2 - RB 2 - AE 7 - HL 7 - CH 2 - WP 3 - BH 2 - RB 1 - AB 1 - AB 1 - RO 1 - RO 1 - RB 1 - RB 1 - AE 3 - WP 3 - BH 5 - HL 5 - NF 7 - RO 1 - AB 1 - AB 5 - PO 4 - SL 5 - SL 4 - PO 7 - NF 3 - AE 2 - AE 7 - CH 5 - AB 2 - AB 1 - RB 3 - BH 3 - AB 7 - HL 2- RO B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L LA N D S C A P E P L A N O V E R A L L 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 24TREE PLANTING DETAIL1 LANDSCAPE NOTES: MITIGATION & LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE: Page 62 of 96 AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S AMBER FIELDS BL V D 7 - SL 7 - NF 7 - PO 7 - AE 7 - RO 2 - AE 6 - AB 5 - CH 5 - WP 2 - RB 2 - AE 7 - HL 7 - CH 2 - WP 3 - BH 2 - RB 1 - AB 1 - AB 1 - RO 1 - RO 1 - RB 1 - RB 1 - AE 3 - WP 3 - BH 5 - HL 5 - NF 7 - RO 1 - AB 1 - AB 5 - PO 4 - SL 5 - SL 4 - PO B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 8 ARDARA RIDGE RD A R D A R A R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 6 BLOC K 7 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12345678910 11 1 2 3456 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OUTLOT F OUTLOT E OUTLOT G OUTLOT H OUTLOT D A R D C U R R A R O W AM B E R F I E L D S P A S S BLOCK 4 OUTLOT B OF 16TH ADDITION OUTLOT A OF 16TH ADDITION FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L LA N D S C A P E P L A N V I E W A 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 25 Page 63 of 96 AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 72"1,8 3 M 96"2,4 4 M 48"1,22M 72"1, 8 3 M ZZU N 324 9 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4 7 0 7 ZZPM 4707ZZPM 47 0 7 ZZPM 4707Z Z P M TRANSFERSTATION TRANSFERSTATION ZZPM 4708 4708 ZZPM ZZPM 4708 CKIT-V229" 217" 217" 234" 234" 234" 213" 213" 213" 156" 188" 188" 188" AS T E R B O U L E V A R D 7 - RO 6 - AB 7 - HL 1 - RO 1 - RO 1 - RB 1 - RB 1 - AE 3 - WP 3 - BH 5 - HL 5 - NF 7 - RO 1 - AB 1 - AB 5 - PO 4 - SL 5 - SL 4 - PO 7 - NF 3 - AE 2 - AE 7 - CH 5 - AB 2 - AB 1 - RB 3 - BH 3 - AB 7 - HL 2- RO B L O C K 5 BL O C K 2 BLOCK 1 ARDARA RIDG E R D ARDARA R I D G E R D A R D C U R R A R O W ARDMULLIVAN LANE ARTERMON P A T H ARTERM O N P A T H BLOCK 3 19181716151413121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1234567 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BLO C K 2 OUTLOT D OUTLOT C OUTLOT A OUTLOT B A R D C U R R A R O W BLOCK 4 A S T E R B O U L E V A R D OUTLOT E OF 14TH ADDITION OUTLOT B OF 13TH ADDITION AM B E R F I E L D S - D A V I D W E E K L E Y PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T S U B M I T T A L LA N D S C A P E P L A N V I E W B 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 612.758.3080 www.alliant-inc.com Suite 700 FOR RE V I E W O N L Y PRELIM I N A R Y NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N 26 Page 64 of 96 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA This plat was approved by the City Council of ROSEMOUNT, Minnesota, this _________ day of _____________________, 20 ____ and hereby certifies compliance with all requirements as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. By:___________________________________________________________________ Mayor Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _________ day of _____________________, 20 ____. _________________________________ Todd B. Tollefson Dakota County Surveyor DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDS, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20___ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this _________ day of _____________________, 20 ____. _________________________________________, Director Amy A. Koethe, Department of Property Taxation and Records COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA I hereby certify that this plat of AMBER FIELDS SEVENTEENTH ADDITION was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this _________ day of _____________________, 20 ____, at ___ o'clock ___.M. and was duly filed in Book_________________ of Plats, Page______________________ , as Document Number _______________________ . _______________________________________ Amy A. Koethe, County Recorder KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Earl Street Partners II, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property: Outlot N, AMBER FIELDS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as AMBER FIELDS SEVENTEENTH ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Earl Street Partners II, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this _________ day of _____________________, 20 ____. Signed: Earl Street Partners II, LLC by ___________________________________________ Mario J. Cocchiarella, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ____________________ This instrument was acknowledged before me on _________ day of _____________________, 20 ____, by Mario J. Cocchiarella, Chief Manager of Earl Street Partners II, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. ________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Printed Name Notary Public, ___________County, Minnesota My Commission Expires _________________ SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I Daniel Ekrem do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this ___________ day of _____________________ , 20 ____. _________________________________________ Daniel Ekrem, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 57366 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF _____________________ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ___________ day of _____________________ , 20 ____, by Daniel Ekrem. ________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Printed Name Notary Public, ___________County, Minnesota My Commission Expires__________________ Page 65 of 96 OUTLOT D S 3 8 ° 1 7 ' 5 4 " E 2 1 6 . 9 4 S81°23'25" E 6 5 4 . 2 0 S0 0 ° 1 1 ' 5 8 " W 98 . 2 0 R=2175.00 L=580.84 Δ=15°18'03" C.Brg =N64°32'22"W C.=579.11 N40 ° 1 9 ' 4 9 " E 5 8 9 . 4 2 S48°12'08"E 30.01 N40°19'49"E 24.06 N0 1 ° 1 3 ' 0 5 " W 2 3 5 . 5 5 N 2 0 ° 5 2 ' 3 8 " W 1 1 8 . 6 1 N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 5 4 1 . 2 8 R=460.00 L=196.40 Δ=24°27'48" N72° 3 9 ' 5 6 " W 121.1 1 S70° 1 9 ' 0 2 " E 74.3 0 S86°09'26"E 99.12N75°44'0 3 " E 99.12 N54° 3 7 ' 4 3 " E 98.4 5 N51°58'40"E 34.22 S63°26'59"E 30.29S34 ° 2 5 ' 2 8 " W 78. 5 8 S3 1 ° 5 9 ' 0 1 " W 13 4 . 5 5 S44 ° 5 4 ' 4 2 " W 6 6 2 . 7 2 S81°23'25" E 40.76 L=363.72 Δ=9°34'53" L = 217.12 Δ =5°43'10" 2 7 9 . 5 7 2 6 1 . 7 1 N2 8 ° 1 0 ' 5 5 " E 1 7 9 . 0 3 N5 8 ° 3 9 ' 0 2 " W 3 1 3 . 9 2 S2 8 ° 5 3 ' 0 3 " W 60 . 0 6 R=480.00 L=43.53 =5°11'47" C.Brg=S35°14'26"W C.=43.52 N 3 7 ° 5 0 ' 1 9 " E 4.4 3 N68 ° 0 6 ' 5 5 " W 1 3 5 . 1 1 N38 ° 0 1 ' 5 1 " E 87. 1 4 N37 ° 4 2 ' 2 2 " E 1 5 0 . 0 0 N3 2 ° 2 3 ' 1 2 " E 1 5 0 . 6 2 N38 ° 0 4 ' 3 7 " E 1 3 1 . 2 8 N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 1 3 3 . 8 8 S41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " W 60. 0 0 N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 3 3 . 5 7 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 130 . 0 0 SEE INSET SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS Page 66 of 96 R = 2175.00 L= 217.12 Δ = 5°43'10" C.Brg = N59°44'56"W C.= 217.0 2 L = 4 6 . 6 4 Δ = 8 ° 0 5 ' 5 2 " L =4 1.1 1 Δ =9°4 8'5 1" N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 2 4 9 . 6 1 R=100.00 L=13 9 . 9 5 Δ = 8 0 ° 1 1 ' 0 9 " N3 1 ° 5 9 ' 0 1 " E 1 4 1 . 4 9 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 6 2 . 9 0 R = 3 0 0.0 0 L = 1 1 3. 4 1 Δ= 2 1 ° 3 9 '3 8 " R = 3 0 0 .0 0 L = 6 9 . 7 1 Δ = 1 3 ° 1 8 '4 9 " C . B r g = S 4 3 ° 0 0 ' 4 6 " E C . = 6 9 .5 5 R =4 0 0.00 L =3 9.9 5 Δ =5°4 3'21" N37 ° 4 2 ' 2 2 " E 2 5 6 . 0 7 R =147.8 4 L =2 4.5 7 Δ =9°31'2 7" N2 8 ° 1 0 ' 5 5 " E 1 7 9 . 4 9 N5 8 ° 3 9 ' 0 2 " W 3 4 6 . 1 7 R =450.0 0 L =70.14 Δ =8°55'5 1" C.Brg =S 33°2 2'2 4"W C.=70.0 7 S37 ° 5 0 ' 1 9 " W 2 0 6 . 8 1 R =3 0 0.00 L =3 0.66 Δ =5°51'18" R =2 7 0.0 0 L =4 6.2 5 Δ =9°4 8'5 1" N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 9 7 . 9 9 2 1 9 . 6 1 3 0 . 0 0 12 0 . 1 9 21 . 3 0 252 . 9 1 3.1 6 28 . 9 9 31 7 . 1 7 67. 9 0 55. 0 0 55. 0 0 48. 1 7 35 . 8 7 55 . 0 0 50 . 6 2 15 . 1 9 75 . 0 0 32 . 9 0 32 . 9 0 41. 5 1 55. 0 0 55. 0 0 55. 0 0 49. 5 6 55 . 0 0 55 . 0 0 64 . 8 7 13 0 . 2 2 13 0 . 3 7 65. 0 0 25 . 2 4 50 . 0 0 48 . 3 1 15. 9 5 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 40. 8 6 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 31 . 2 9 50 . 0 0 42 . 2 5 65. 0 0 30. 0 0 30. 0 0 5 5 . 0 0 5 5 . 0 0 5 5 . 0 0 5 1 . 0 4 5 9 . 3 3 1 3 0 . 2 8 30 . 0 3 30 . 0 3 30. 0 0 30. 0 0 4.43 2. 3 8 2.99 L =3 2.13 Δ =5°3 4'41" L=1.59 =0°16'37" 2.99 L=4.38 =3°35'09" L=9 3 . 5 8 Δ=7 6 ° 3 6 ' 0 0 " L = 2 7 . 2 3 = 4 ° 1 3 ' 0 1 " L=9.72 =1°30'20" L = 3 4 . 2 4 = 4 ° 3 3 ' 4 7 " L=19.59 =9°31'27" 4.83 L = 3 0 . 0 4 =5° 1 2 ' 5 7 " L= 3 0 . 0 6 =6° 2 2 ' 4 6 " L=3 2 . 6 8 =6°5 6 ' 0 4 " L = 10 2.0 7 Δ = 2 1° 3 9 ' 3 8 " L = 1 2 4.7 6 Δ = 21°3 9 ' 3 8 " L=34.69 Δ =15°17'15" L=47.9 4 Δ=21°07' 41" L = 4 7 . 9 4 Δ = 2 1 ° 0 7 ' 4 0 " L = 4 7 . 9 4 Δ = 2 1 ° 0 7 ' 4 0 " L= 3 . 4 4 =1° 3 0 ' 5 3 " L =4 4.1 2 Δ =8°2 5'3 6" L = 7 . 2 6 = 1 ° 2 3 ' 1 5 " L = 2 7 . 5 9 = 5 ° 5 1 ' 1 8 " L=36.74 =5°00'42" L =4 3.5 3 Δ =5°11'4 7" N5 8 ° 3 9 ' 0 2 " W 3 1 3 . 9 2 N2 8 ° 1 0 ' 5 5 " E 1 7 9 . 0 3 N40 ° 1 9 ' 4 9 " E 5 8 9 . 4 2 S48°12'08"E 30.01 N40°19'49"E 24.06 N0 1 ° 1 3 ' 0 5 " W 2 3 5 . 5 5 N 2 0 ° 5 2 ' 3 8 " W 1 1 8 . 6 1 N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 2 7 9 . 5 7 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 1 3 3 . 8 8 N38 ° 0 4 ' 3 7 " E 1 3 1 . 2 8 N3 2 ° 2 3 ' 1 2 " E 1 5 0 . 6 2 N37 ° 4 2 ' 2 2 " E 1 5 0 . 0 0 N38 ° 0 1 ' 5 1 " E 8 7 . 1 4 N68 ° 0 6 ' 5 5 " W 1 3 5 . 1 1 S2 8 ° 5 3 ' 0 3 " W 6 0 . 0 6 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 60. 0 0 S 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " E 3 3 . 5 7 451 . 1 5 78. 2 7 N40 ° 1 9 ' 4 9 " E 1 0 1 . 4 3 77. 3 7 10 5 . 4 9 10 0 . 0 6 20 . 2 6 7 7 . 0 1 4 1 . 6 0 5 6 . 6 6 5 7 . 9 1 5 5 . 0 0 5 5 . 0 0 5 5 . 0 0 65. 1 4 66. 1 4 52 . 6 7 50 . 0 0 47 . 9 5 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 62. 8 3 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 50. 0 0 33. 9 7 54. 4 7 55. 0 0 55. 0 0 82. 3 3 26 . 7 8 50 . 5 3 50 . 0 0 36 . 2 2 65. 0 0 55 . 0 0 55 . 0 0 53 . 5 3 71. 9 2 56. 2 6 56. 2 6 46. 4 8 55. 0 6 55. 0 6 55. 0 6 60. 4 3 N 5 6 ° 3 7 ' 4 4 " W 1 3 0 . 0 0 S 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " E 1 2 9 . 6 5 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 2 4 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 6 0 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 2 9 . 9 6 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 2 9 . 8 4 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 2 9 . 7 3 N 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " W 1 2 9 . 6 1 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 3 0 . 7 4 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 3 0 . 5 4 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 3 0 . 3 3 S 5 2 ° 0 9 ' 4 1 " E 1 3 0 . 1 3 S5 7 ° 4 4 ' 2 2 " E 1 2 9 . 6 2 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 2 9 . 9 6 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 3 0 N 4 8 ° 1 2 ' 0 8 " W 1 3 0 . 2 8 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 2 9 . 8 3 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 3 0 . 2 0 S 5 3 ° 4 7 ' 5 8 " E 1 2 9 . 9 2 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 2 9 . 9 1 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 2 9 . 8 1 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 2 9 . 7 1 S6 1 ° 4 9 ' 0 6 " E 1 4 1 . 8 5 S6 1 ° 4 9 ' 0 6 " E 1 5 3 . 6 9 S6 1 ° 4 9 ' 0 6 " E 1 6 5 . 5 3 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 6 7 . 8 0 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 7 0 . 3 2 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 7 2 . 8 4 S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 8 " E 1 7 5 . 3 6 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 9 5 . 1 2 S73°1 8 ' 1 3 " E 1 4 7 . 1 6 N85°34'06"E 134.14 N64°2 6 ' 2 6 " E 1 3 1 . 0 2 N43 ° 1 8 ' 4 5 " E 1 3 0 . 0 9 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 1 3 0 . 0 0 S5 8 ° 0 0 ' 5 9 " E 1 2 9 . 3 1 N41 ° 4 7 ' 5 2 " E 75. 8 2 N3 2 ° 2 2 ' 3 0 " E 1 6 3 . 5 3 N37 ° 3 6 ' 2 3 " E 2 4 6 . 8 0 10. 8 2 S40 ° 1 9 ' 4 9 " W 4 5 6 . 5 3 9.74 60. 0 0 L = 126.85 Δ = 3°20'30" L= 3 0 . 2 7 =0° 4 7 ' 5 0 " L= 3 0 . 0 0 =0 ° 4 7 ' 2 5 " L= 3 0 . 0 0 =0 ° 4 7 ' 2 5 " L=60.00 Δ=1°34'50" OU T L O T A OU T L O T B O U T L O T C 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 1 2 A R D C U R R A R O W A S T E R AR D A R A R I D G E R D AR D M U L L I V A N L A N E AR D A R A R I D G E R D 4 3 1 2 B O U L E V A R D A R D A R A R I D G E R D S3 1 ° 5 9 ' 0 1 " W 1 2 3 . 5 4 Page 67 of 96 C:\Users\jh\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\I8FO6670\024933-000 Amber Fields 17th Addition - Plan Review Memo 2024.03.14.docx 7 0 1 X E N I A A V E N U E S | S U I T E 3 0 0 | M I N N E A P O L I S , M N | 55 4 1 6 | 7 6 3 . 5 4 1 . 4 8 0 0 | W S B E N G . C O M Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, City Engineer Nick Egger, Director of Public Works Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Jane Byron, Storm Water Specialist From: Amanda Sachi, PE Kendra Fallon, PE Kris Keller, PE Date: March 14, 2024 Re: Amber Fields 17th Addition – Final Plat Review WSB Project No. 024933-000 We have reviewed the documents provided by Alliant Engineering on March 8, 2024. Documents reviewed include: • Amber Fields 17th Addition Final Plat Civil Set, dated 2/23/24 Additional redline comments are provided on the submitted civil plans. Applicant should provide responses to each comment and redline comment. We offer the following comments below. Civil Comments: 1. General a. Submit for and provide copies to the City of all required permits from regulatory agencies (MCES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, NPDES, etc.) 2. Utilities a. Provide minimum vertical 18" separation between watermain and storm sewer i. Insulate when separation is less than 36" b. Note areas where the water/sanitary services are in conflict with the utility mains i. Provide how pipes will be adjusted/offset to accommodate c. Shift gate valves and castings out of the wheel paths and far enough away from the curb line to provide for adequate bituminous material and compaction. d. Locate all hydrants and the highpoints of the watermain system i. Adjust watermain depth or hydrant locations as necessary e. Verify constructability of sanitary sewer manhole MH 4 with adjacent storm sewer pipe i. Maintain minimum separation for compaction f. The water service (corp stop) for Lot 13 Block 3 is directly under a catch basin g. Use PVC SDR 26 for pipe deeper than 18’ Page 68 of 96 Amber Fields 17th Addition – Final Plat Review March 14, 2024 Page 2 h. When connecting to the existing sanitary sewer main stub, maintain the same pipe slope (field verify). i. Pipe slope change can only occur within a manhole ii. Consider removing back to existing structure (MH 16) and laying pipe as continuous slope to proposed MH 1 i. The watermain stub on the southwestern end of Ardara Ridge Road is shown with a temporary hydrant in the plan view and a plug in the profile view 3. Streets, Signage and Street Lighting a. Provide horizontal curves of proposed roadways i. Horizontal curves that do not meet 30 mph stopping sight distances will require adjusting the curve radius or providing reduced speed signs b. Call out areas with barricade symbols as 'TEMPORARY BARRICADES W/ FUTURE ROAD SIGN' 4. Landscape a. No comments Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 5. General a. No comments 6. Ponds and Wetlands a. No comments. 7. Emergency Overflow Routes a. No comments. 8. Retaining Walls a. No comments 9. Erosion Control a. No comments. 10. Grading a. Direct drainage away from building pads b. Direct drainage along side lot lines. c. Maintain common drainage in drainage and utility easements. d. Provide 20’ total easement for EOF routes Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. Provide updated rational method storm sewer sizing calculation and catch basin drainage area map (including the area intended to drain to the proposed stubs) Page 69 of 96 Amber Fields 17th Addition – Final Plat Review March 14, 2024 Page 3 along with storm sewer sizing calculations to confirm storm sewer is sized for a 10-year storm event. b. It should be confirmed if storm sewer shown south of the existing stub in Outlot A is proposed as part of the 17th Addition. If so, this storm sewer needs to be added to plans. If existing, the storm sewer linework should be updated accordingly. c. CB 105 not shown in plan view of sheet 17. d. A sump should either be added to MH 100 or to both CBMH 101 and CBMH 106 prior to the connection into the existing stub. e. The proposed invert of the stub from CBMH 120 should be included on the plans. f. There are several crossing pipes shown on profile view which should be confirmed and/or labeled. See redlined plans. 2. Water Quantity a. No comments. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. No comments. 4. Freeboard a. No comments. 5. Water Quality a. No comments. 6. Easements a. Ten feet of drainage and utility easement is required on both sides of the proposed storm sewer. This is not currently being provided for several storm sewer runs in the backyard area as noted on the redlined plans for both Phase 1 and for future phases. General Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. Page 70 of 96 M E M O R A N D U M To: Adam Kienberger, Community Development Director Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Julia Hogan, Planner From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: March15, 2024 Subject: Amber Fields 17th Addition The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the Amber Fields 17th Addition. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: Parks Dedication The parks dedication for the 17th addition will be met through developer installed improvements as outlined in the subdivision agreement. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. Page 71 of 96 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: March 18, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: April 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Request by First State Bank of Rosemount for approval of a PUD Final Site and Building Plan and a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek , Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.c. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location, Narrative, Site Plan, Utility Plan, Landscape Plan, Elevations, Site Lighting Plan, Floorplan with seating, Engineer's Memo Dated March 14, 2024 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan for First State Bank of Rosemount to construct a combined financial institution and coffee shop, subject to the following conditions. 1. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. 2. Approval of a plat subdividing the subject parcel that is consistent with that shown on the site plan. 3. The applicant shall update the landscape plan to provide one additional parking lot tree and also provide landscape plantings to screen the parking area and drive-through exit from County Road 42. 4. Non-essential lighting shall be turned off after business hours. 5. Compliance with all comments and requirements of the City's engineer detailed in the Engineer's Memo dated March 14, 2024. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit allowing drive-through facilities for First State Bank of Rosemount, subject to the following conditions:. 1. Approval by the City Council of a minor amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD reducing the minimum stacking spaces from 6 per drive-through lane to 4. 2. The applicant shall update the landscape plan to provide plantings to screen vehicles existing the bank drive-through from County Road 42. 3. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the property lines. 4. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right-of-way or to serve as off-site advertising. 5. Size and design of menu boards shall conform to condition seven (7) of the drive-through facility conditional use permit standards. Page 72 of 96 BACKGROUND The Planning Commission is being asked to consider requests by First State Bank of Rosemount for a PUD Final Site and Building Plan and a Conditional Use Permit to construct a combined bank and coffee shop with drive-through facilities. The site plan generally meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance except for the amount of vehicle stacking provided for the financial institution component of the project. Because minor amendments to the PUDs are the sole purview of the City Council, staff is recommending the Planning Commission include the approval of a minor amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement as a condition of their approval of the Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. The minor amendment would allow a deviation from the code reducing the minimum number of vehicles that can stack within the financial institution’s drive- through. This is described in further detail in the section of this report related to the conditional use permit request. The site plan includes two drive-through facilities, and the one for the coffee shop use does provide vehicle stacking that meets the minimum requirement of the zoning ordinance. In addition to the condition requiring approval of a minor PUD amendment, staff is also recommending a condition requiring approval of a plat of the subject property that is consistent with that shown on the site plan. Such a plat would meet the standards of the City Code, and staff anticipates the Planning Commission will be able to recommend approval when that request comes before the Planning Commission in the coming months. The unusual order of the approvals is due to the property owner’s timing of their subdivision of the property for sale to the applicant. Applicant First State Bank of Rosemount Property Owner Akron 42, LLC Site Area in Acres 1.43 Acres Comp Plan Land Use Designation CC-Community Commercial Current Zoning C4 PUD – General Commercial Planned Unit Dev. Neighboring Uses West – Low Density Residential; North – High Density Residential; East – Residential; South – High Density Residential SITE HISTORY AND CONTEXT The subject property is part of the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development that was originally approved in 2007. It is designated in the City’s comprehensive land use plan for commercial uses, and has been zoned accordingly since the original PUD approval. The original PUD approval was very prescriptive about how the site would develop. For example, the PUD described the specific types of commercial uses, as well as the size of the buildings that would be permitted on the parcels. That was much more specific than seen in any of the planned unit developments that have been approved since, and it was very limiting as to the type of commercial development that could occur. A Major PUD Amendment was approved that removed the subject property, as well as other adjacent undeveloped outlots from the scope of the Commercial Area Guidelines within the 2007 PUD agreement. Additionally, land immediately north of the subject parcel was reguided from CC-Community Commercial to HDR-High Density Residential in order to help provide a critical mass of residents that would not otherwise support commercial development due to the large swaths of open land held by Flint Hills Resources and the University of Minnesota within the market area used to determine the feasibility of commercial projects by developers. Page 73 of 96 Other than the ongoing construction of the Lifetime Fitness facility, the proposed bank and coffee shop project is the first commercial development in this part of Rosemount. The applicant will also be marketing the land immediately east of the subject parcel for commercial development, and staff has had conversations with the owner of the property at the intersection of Akron and 42 about potential development of that site for commercial use. An application has been submitted to the City for the subdivision of the remainder of the site in order to facilitate that development. FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN REVIEW Legal Authority. Final site and building plan reviews are quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Planned Unit Development Agreements are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements, it must be approved. Land Use and Zoning The site is designated in the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan for CC-Community Commercial uses. The purpose of this designation is to provide retail, professional offices, and personal services that serve the daily and weekly needs of the residents of Rosemount. The site is part of the C4-General Commercial zoning district, which is consistent with the site’s Land Use Designation. The proposed use is permitted within that district, and the associated drive-through facilities are conditional uses in the C4 Zoning District. The site is also regulated by the Prestwick Place PUD, although no specific provisions related to the zoning standards currently apply to the proposed project. Staff will be recommending the City Council approve a minor amendment to the PUD that allows a slight reduction in the number of cars that can stack in the bank drive-through. Further explanation of this component of the site plan is provided in the Conditional Use section of this report. Setbacks Required Setback Provided Setback Frontage Building Parking Building Parking North 10 feet 10 feet 67 feet 13 feet South (CSAH 42) 30 feet 20 feet 82 feet 22 feet East 10 feet 10 feet 128 feet 10 feet West (Abbeyfield Avenue) 10 feet 10 Feet 59 feet 22 feet All building setbacks meet ordinance requirements. The setback for parking from the east property line is ten (10) feet. The drive aisle is not included in the setback for parking as the parking and drive aisles will flow into the parking on the site to the east. Traffic Circulation There will be two vehicular accesses into the site, one from Abbeyfield Avenue onto an internal drive and a connection to that drive that runs south from the east/west road separating the northern Roers Page 74 of 96 site from the commercial development in the south. The bank’s drive-through facility will be entered from the north and west part of the site while the drive-through serving the coffee shop will be entered from the northeast corner of the site. This will help prevent conflicts between the two users’ drive-through facilities as traffic enters and exits. Traffic will circulate around the principal structure, and parking is located to the south and east. The zoning code requires stacking for 6 vehicles per drive-through lane. The coffee shop’s drive- through does accommodate this level of stacking. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD to reduce the number of vehicles that can stack in the bank’s drive-through from 6 vehicles per lane to 4 vehicles per lane. Staff is supportive of the reduction given the anticipated level of use that particular drive-through will see. Minor PUD amendments are the purview of the City Council, so the Planning Commission is not being asked to act on the proposed amendment. Staff is recommending the Commission include, as a condition of approval, the approval of the minor amendment request. Parking The applicant’s site plan provides parking that exceeds what is required by the City Code. Financial institutions require one parking stall per 400 square feet of building area, while coffee shops are required to provide 1 parking stall for every three seats. The building is 5,846 square feet in area, which would require 15 parking stalls if the entire building was taken up by the bank. The coffee shop contains 33 seats, which requires 11 parking stalls. The applicant’s site plan includes 33 parking stalls total, which is greater than the coffee shop combined with a bank taking up the entire building. Use Required Provided Coffee Shop 1 per 3 seats or 11 stalls Bank 1 per 400 sf or 15 stalls Total 26 stalls 33 Stalls Exterior Building Materials and Massing The elevations included in the applicant’s submittal show a mix of materials that meets the requirement of the C4-General Commercial zoning district for at least 50% brick or stone. Most of the remaining surface will feature architectural metal paneling aligned horizontally. The code also limits the amount of EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finishing System) to 10%. The calculation provided by the applicant shows there to be no more than 8.9% used on the building's exterior. Being a single-story, the building does not come close to the maximum building height for the C4 zoning district. Trash Enclosure The applicant also submitted elevations for the trash enclosure that will be placed north of the drive- through serving the coffee shop. The enclosure will be joined with a maintenance shed, and the elevations show materials that match the principal structure. Landscaping The applicant’s landscape plan contains a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees planted to minimize Page 75 of 96 the impact of the drive-through facilities on adjacent public rights of way. Additional trees are provided in the landscape islands and along the stormwater pond north of the development site. Based on a site area of 62,407 square feet, a total of 21 trees are required based on a calculation of one tree per 3,000 square feet. The Zoning Code also requires foundation plantings in an amount equal to 1 per 10 linear feet of building perimeter. The building features 316 linear feet, therefore 32 foundation plantings must be planted. The landscape plan shows 24 trees and 102 foundation plantings. In addition to the landscaping required by the City’s landscaping ordinance, the C4-General Commercial zoning district requires a certain level of landscaping in parking lot areas. A minimum of 10% of the site’s parking areas must be landscaped, and within that landscaping one tree per 250 square feet must be provided. This is in addition to plantings required by the landscaping section of the zoning code. The parking area on site totals 17,726 square feet, which equates to a landscaped area of 1,773 square feet. Based on that square footage, 7 trees (1 per 250 square feet) must be planted in the parking area. The applicant’s plan shows 2,614 square feet of parking lot landscaping and 6 trees within the islands and peninsulas around the parking area. While there is an excess of trees and foundation plantings provided by the landscape plan, an additional tree must be planted within the parking area and foundation plantings to provide screening of both the parking lot area and the bank’s drive-through along the southern boundary of the parking area that abuts the County Road 42 right of way will need to be added. This is included as a condition of approval in staff’s recommended action. Type of Planting Required Provided Tree 21 24 Foundation Planting/Shrubs 32 102 Parking Lot Landscaping* 7 6 *screening of the parking lot in the form of shrubbery must be provided Lighting The applicant’s submittal includes a site lighting plan with photometric study to ensure compliance with the zoning ordinance. A combination of wall and pole mounted lighting will be used. Pole mounted lights will be 20 feet in height, the maximum allowed within 100 feet of residential uses. The photometric study shows illumination not to exceed .5 lumen at any residential property line. The study and lighting plan are included with the attachments. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Legal Authority Conditional use permits (CUP) are considered quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements, it must be approved. REVIEW AND ANALYSIS Page 76 of 96 Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Finding: The Drive-Through will not change any traffic patterns exterior to the site. Screening will be provided to minimize impacts to traffic on adjacent public rights of way. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and city code provisions. Finding: The use and location are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies. The coffee shop’s drive-through conforms with the zoning code, and the applicant is requesting a minor amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD to allow for a reduction in vehicle stacking in the bank’s drive through from 6 cars per lane to 4 cars per lane. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The area is guided for Community Commercial uses. The site itself is surrounded by land that is designated for commercial uses. The proposed development is consistent with planned uses. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Finding: The site will continue to be served by the existing services, including storm water management. The project will not require any public services or utilities beyond those being installed as part of the over development in this area of Rosemount. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment, and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Finding: The proposed development will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment, and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Finding: The City’s engineering staff has reviewed the site plan and indicates that the site will not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. The streets in this part of the City were designed in anticipation of commercial development, such as that proposed by the applicant. The two uses will not conflict as the coffee shop will see greater use in the morning, while the bank’s busier times are later in the day and into the afternoon. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. Finding: The site features no natural, scenic, or historic features of major importance that will be impacted by the proposed development. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout this code. Page 77 of 96 Finding: According to Section 11-4-14: D, drive-through facilities must meet the following conditions: 1. The site and building(s) shall be designed to limit the effects of the drive-through on adjacent properties and public rights of way. No use with a drive-through window shall be located abutting any residential use or district. Finding: The drive-through lanes move traffic west and south. The parcel immediately north of the site that is closest to the coffee shop’s window contains a stormwater basin. No residential parcels abut the subject property. Landscaping will screen the drive through facilities from public rights of way. 2. Drive-through facilities shall have a minimum six (6) stacking spaces per drive-through window. Fast food uses operating more than one window per individual drive aisle shall meet the stacking requirements for a single drive-through facility. Each space shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') long. Finding: The plans provided by the applicant indicate at least 10 stacking spaces total accommodated by the coffee shop drive-through. The bank’s drive through accommodates a total of 8 cars in two stacking lanes. This is a shortfall from the code that will be considered by the City Council. The stacking spaces are are 20’ long and 9’ wide, which exceeds the dimensional requirements of the City Code. 3. The principal building shall be the primary source for screening the drive-through facility and stacking and exiting areas from adjacent properties and/or rights of way. Landscaping and berming shall be a secondary source for screening drive-throughs, stacking or exiting areas. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and/or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty five feet (25') without a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. Stacking areas shall have a minimum ninety percent (90%) opacity screen to a height of six feet (6') while exiting areas shall have a minimum fifty percent (50%) opacity screen to a height of at least four feet (4'). Finding: The building itself screens the drive-through windows from the County Road 42 public right of way. Additional screening is provided by landscaping along the south and west property lines. 4. Stacking lanes, order board intercom, and service window shall be designed and located to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight glare upon adjacent properties and public rights of way. Finding: The stacking lanes, order board intercom, and drive-through windows are configured to limit their impact on adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. 5. Stacking lanes shall not interfere with circulation through any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. Finding: The stacking lanes of the drive through are located along the western and northern sides of the building. Parking for the site is located south and east of the building, and therefore there is no interference between drive through stacking and the parking area. The pedestrian access provided will also not be impacted by the stacking lanes. 6. No public address system shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. Finding: Staff has prepared a condition stating that public address or ordering speakers shall not be audible from the property lines. 7. In addition to the freestanding sign allowed by the sign ordinance, fast food uses may display menu signs related to drive-through facilities, provided that: a. Not more than one menu sign per defined drive-through aisle is allowed. b. Individual menu signs shall be single sided with an area not to exceed thirty-two (32) square Page 78 of 96 feet including both menu information and sign cabinet. c. The height of the menu sign(s) shall not exceed eight feet (8') including its base or pole measured from grade to the top of the structure. d. The menu sign(s) shall not encroach into any parking setback and shall be located directly adjacent to the drive-through aisle and oriented in such a manner that the sign provides information to the drive-through patrons only and does not provide supplemental advertising to pass-by traffic and does not impair visibility or obstruct circulation. Finding: The actual design of the menu boards has not been provided. Staff has prepared a condition that requires conformance with the above menu board standards. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the Final Site and Building Plan and the Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities, subject to conditions. Of particular note is that a plat that is consistent with the site plan must be approved prior to the issuance of a building permit, and that a minor amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD related to the number of stacking spaces provided in the bank's drive through must be approved by Council. This recommendation is based on information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Page 79 of 96 Page 80 of 96 • • o o o o o o o • o o o Page 81 of 96 • • o o ▪ o ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ o Page 82 of 96 Page 83 of 96 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 938.00 5,846 SF CO CO CBMH-15 R 936.00 I 932.00 (12" N) I 932.00 (8" NW) CBMH-11 R 935.64 I 929.21 (12" S) I 929.20 (12" N) CBMH-8 R 933.17 I 927.36 (18" N) I 927.36 (18" S) SMH-3 R 937.50 I 928.25 (6" N) I 928.25 (8" E) CB-14 R 936.80 I 932.80 (12" S) CBMH-3 R 936.35 I 929.67 (12" W) I 929.67 (12" E) I 930.66 (12" S) CBMH-5 R 935.60 I 931.66 (12" NE) I 931.66 (12" S) CB-6 R 935.75 I 932.40 (12" N) CBMH-2 R 935.64 I 928.92 (12" S) I 923.70 (18" N) I 928.92 (12" W) I 923.70 (18" E) CBMH-4 R 935.60 I 930.90 (12" SW) I 930.50 (12" E) I 930.90 (12" SE) CBMH-12 R 935.40 I 930.29 (12" SW) I 930.29 (12" N) STMH-9 R 933.30 I 927.48 (18" N) I 927.48 (18" SE) CBMH-7 R 933.17 I 927.17 (18" S) I 927.17 (18" W) FES-10 I 928.00 (18") FES-1 I 923.00 (18") SMH-1 R 932.13 I 914.30 (8" W) I 914.13 (10" E) SMH-2 R 932.75 I 920.15 (8" W) I 920.15 (8" E) I 920.15 (6" N) CBMH-13 R 935.40 I 931.55 (12" NE) I 931.55 (12" N) FES-18 I 927.00 (24") FES-17 I 926.50 (24") 6 7 L F 1 2 " H D P E @ 1 . 9 % 107 L F 1 2 " H D P E @ 1 . 2 % 90 L F 1 2 " H D P E @ 1 . 2 % 34 LF 18" RCP @ 2.0% 24 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.2% 71 L F 1 2 " H D P E @ 1 . 1 % 103 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.8% 84 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.9% 67 L F 1 2 " H D P E @ 2 . 0 % 11 5 L F 1 2 " H D P E @ 0 . 6 % 35 LF 12" HDPE @ 4.0% 49 LF 18" RCP @ 1.1% 24 LF 18" HDPE @ 0.8% 247 LF 18" HDPE @ 1.4% 14 LF 18" HDPE @ 0.8% 324 LF 8" PVC @ 2.5% 201 LF 8" PVC @ 2.9% 64 L F 6 " P V C @ 2 . 2 % 67 LF 24" RCP @ 0 . 7 % CB-16 R 935.86 I 932.30 (12" NW) 278 LF 8" CL 52 DIP WM 22 7 L F 6 " A W W A C 9 0 0 W M 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 9 20 4 L F 8 " C L 5 2 D I P W M 1 2 10 10 5 I 932.24 3 3 BU R Y 7 . 5 ' M I N BURY 7.5' MIN BU R Y 7 . 5 ' M I N DV BF UTILITY & PAVING PLAN C5 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING: TWIN CITY AREA (651)454-0002 MINNESOTA TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Minneapolis Bismarck ,©+(5(B<©&(57,)<©7+$7©7+,6©3/$1©63(&,),&$7,21 25©5(3257©:$6©35(3$5('©B<©M(©25©81'(5©M< ',5(&7©683(59,6,21©$1'©7+$7©,©$M©$©'8/< /,&(16('©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©81'(5©7+(©/$:6©2)©7+( 67$7(©2) www.htg-architects.com &23<5,*+7 ©‹©B<©+7*©$5&+,7(&76 3©5©2©-©(©&©7 ,668('©6(7 5(9,6,216 '$7(1. 5(*.©12.'$7( '5$:1©B<&+(&.('©B< ©Mainstreet©6Xite© +opkins©M1.© 7el.. FIRST STATE BANK OF ROSEMOUNT 1(:©B8,/',1* 526(M2817©M1© )(B. (1*,1((5 M,11(627$. B5,$1©-.©),(/'©3.(. © ©-©$(©352-©© 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . #1 0 0 P l y m o u t h , M N 5 5 4 4 1 | a e -m n .c o m P 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 0 0 | F 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 9 0 A n d e r s o n E n g i n e e r i n g o f M i n n e s o t a , L L C NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 0 30'60' N KEY NOTES CONNECT TO EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN VIA WET TAP. INSTALL 12" X 8" TEE WITH 8" GV. INSTALL 8" X 6" WATER TEE AS SHOWN. INSTALL 45° BEND AS SHOWN. INSTALL FIRE HYDRANT AS SHOWN WITH 6" GV. REMOVE EXISTING 24" CULVERT. REPLACE AT NEW LOCATION WITH 24" RCP CL III. SANITARY/ WATER MAIN BUILDING LOCATION. SEE MECHANICAL PLANS FOR DETAILS. CONSTRUCT MANHOLE OVER EXISTING 10" SANITARY STUB @ ELEVATION 914.13. PVC CLEANOUT. SEE DETAIL 9/C11. STORMDRAIN FROM ROOF. 12 LF 8" HDPE @ 2.0%. PROPOSED MNDOT 2531 CONCRETE CURB. RAISED CONCRETE ISLAND. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR MORE INFORMATION. CONCRETE SIDEWALK. TIP AWAY FROM BUILDING @ 2.0% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON GRADING SHEET C3. PROPOSED CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. 1 PROPERTY LIMITS CONSTRUCTION LIMITS EXISTING WATERMAIN EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED UNDER DRAIN PROPOSED WATERMAIN FITTINGS PROPOSED STORM INLETS PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PVMT PROPOSED CONCRETE PVMT 2 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND PER THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 2.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2022 EDITION OF MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 3.THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO ADHERE TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND REGULATIONS SET FORTH BY THE CITY/UTILITY PROVIDER, CEAM, AND MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE (MINNESOTA RULES CHAPTER 4714) CONCERNING THE MATERIALS, INSTALLATION, AND TESTING OF WATER AND SANITARY UTILITIES. VERIFY RECEIPT OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC AND UTILITY INFORMATION PREPARED BY ANDERSON ENGINEERING. BE ADVISED THAT THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY. THE INFORMATION IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE ACCURATE OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR, IN COOPERATION WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY OR MUNICIPALITY, IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, SIZE, AND DEPTH OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 5.ALL HANDICAPPED STALLS AND ACCESS RAMPS SHALL COMPLY WITH CURRENT ADA STANDARDS. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF BUILDING ENTRANCES. 6.WATER LINES ARE REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AT 7.5 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH AND PROVIDE MINIMUM 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION OF ALL WATERMAIN CROSSINGS FROM STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. WATERMAIN TO BE INSULATED STATE SPECIFICATIONS, WHERE COVER DEPTHS CANNOT BE ACHIEVED. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEER IF THERE ARE AREAS WHERE MINIMUM COVER DEPTH CANNOT BE MET. 7.WATER SERVICE MATERIALS SHALL BE AWWA C900. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SERVICE SIZE AND MATERIALS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.SANITARY SEWER PIPE MATERIALS SHALL BE PVC SDR 26. PIPE SHALL BE INSULATED PER STATE STANDARDS WHERE 7.5 FOOT COVER DEPTHS ARE NOT ACHIEVED. 9.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE WATER TIGHT. APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED MEETING ASTM F2510 TO MAKE WATER TIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS. DO NOT GROUT OVER FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES. 10.HDPE STORM SEWERS MUST MEET ASTM F714. WATER TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS, INCLUDING STRUCTURES. THE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D2321. 11.STORM SEWER TO BE ADS N-12 DUAL WALL PIPE OR APPROVED EQUAL. GENERAL NOTES EXISTING INFILTRATION BASIN 100 YR HWL = 925.86 BOT ELEV = 917.50 OUTLOT A 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 8 6 LF 6" PVC @ 2.0% PLUG STUB CONSTRUCTION LIMITS (TYP) Page 84 of 96 145TH STREET WEST (C.S.A.H. NO. 42) AB B E Y F I E L D A V E N U E PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 938.00 5,846 SF CO CO Gd 5 10 Hb RG 3 6 RG 1 Gi 3 RG Gi 4 4 Pd 2 Pd Pd 3 2 AS Gi 1 Gi 1 AS 4 7 RG 1 QB 2 QB CK 36 RH 22 14 RH JS CC PLANTING PLAN L101 CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING: TWIN CITY AREA (651)454-0002 MINNESOTA TOLL FREE 1-800-252-1166 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Minneapolis Bismarck I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF www.htg-architects.com COPYRIGHT © BY HTG ARCHITECTS P R O J E C T ISSUED SET REVISIONS DATE N0. REG. NO.DATE DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 1010 Mainstreet, Suite 100 Hopkins, MN. 55343 Tel:952.278.8880 FIRST STATE BANK OF ROSEMOUNT NEW BUILDING ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 FEB.27,2024 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MINNESOTA. Curt H. Claeys, P.L.A. # 45613 02/27/2024 231139 - AE PROJ # 17811 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . #1 0 0 P l y m o u t h , M N 5 5 4 4 1 | a e -m n .c o m P 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 0 0 | F 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 9 0 A n d e r s o n E n g i n e e r i n g o f M i n n e s o t a , L L C NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LEGEND 1.PER CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CODE, IRRIGATION IS NOT REQUIRED 2.IF A DISCREPANCY IS FOUND, THE PLANTING PLAN SHALL OVERRIDE THE PLANT SCHEDULE. NOTES PROPERTY LIMITS CONSTRUCTION LIMITS NEW SOD NEW SEED (MN-DOT 25-131) 3" DEEP WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK, DARK GRAY, 3/4" - 1 1/2" W/ FABRIC REQUIREMENTS CALCULATION REQUIRED PROVIDED TREES PER LAND AREA SF 72,583 SF / 3,000 SF 24.2 TREES 30 TREES SHRUBS 316 LF / 10 LF PER SHRUB 31.6 SHRUBS 102 SHRUBS NOT LESS THAN (1) TREE SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH 3,000 SQUARE FEET OF LAND AREA OF PROJECT SITE. REQUIRED TREES SHALL BE PLANTED AT THE BOULEVARD AT 50 FOOT MINIMUM INTERVALS, WITH THE REMAINING REQUIRED TREES TO BE PLANTED ONSITE. NOT LESS THAN (1) SHRUB SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH 10 LINEAR FEET OF BUILDING. PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF TREES AND FOUNDATION PLANTINGS REQUIRED FOR THE SITE. AT LEAST 75% OF THE TOTAL REQUIRED TREES SHALL BE DECIDUOUS. BOULEVARD TREES SHALL BE SHADE OR FLOWERING TREES. SCREENING CONSISTING OF NATURAL MATERIALS SUCH AS TREES OR HEDGES ARE APPROVED IN LIEU OF REQUIRED SCREENING BY MEANS OF WALLS OR FENCES, THE DENSITY AND SPECIES OF SUCH PLANTINGS SHALL ACHIEVE NOT LESS THAN 90% OPAQUE YEAR ROUND. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS N SCALE:1 PLANTING PLAN 1" = 10' (30" x 42" PAPER SIZE) 0 30'60' PATIO AREA (BY OTHERS) PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL CODE QTY COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT CAL REMARKS TREES AS 6 SIENNA GLEN® MAPLE ACER X FREEMANII 'SIENNA'B&B 2 - 1/2" CAL. Gi 7 IMPERIAL® HONEY LOCUST GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS 'IMPCOLE'B&B 2 - 1/2" CAL. Gd 5 KENTUCKY COFFEETREE GYMNOCLADUS DIOICUS 'ESPRESSO'B&B 2 - 1/2" CAL. Pd 9 BLACK HILLS WHITE SPRUCE PICEA GLAUCA `DENSATA`CONT.6` HT. QB 3 SWAMP WHITE OAK QUERCUS BICOLOR B&B 2 - 1/2" CAL. SYMBOL CODE QTY COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE REMARKS SHRUBS CK 36 KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA 'KARL FOERSTER'3 GAL. Hb 11 BOBO® PANICLE HYDRANGEA HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'ILVOBO'5 GAL. RG 19 GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC RHUS AROMATICA `GRO-LOW`5 GAL. RH 36 HOPE FOR HUMANITY SHRUB ROSE ROSA X 'HOPE FOR HUMANITY'2 GAL. 1.ROCK MULCH 2.POLY LANDSCAPE EDGER, SEE DETAIL 2/L102 KEY NOTES 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Page 85 of 96 JS CC PLANTING NOTES & DETAILS L102 Minneapolis Bismarck I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF www.htg-architects.com COPYRIGHT © BY HTG ARCHITECTS P R O J E C T ISSUED SET REVISIONS DATE N0. REG. NO.DATE DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: 1010 Mainstreet, Suite 100 Hopkins, MN. 55343 Tel:952.278.8880 FIRST STATE BANK OF ROSEMOUNT NEW BUILDING ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 FEB.27,2024 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MINNESOTA. Curt H. Claeys, P.L.A. # 45613 02/27/2024 231139 - AE PROJ # 17811 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . #1 0 0 P l y m o u t h , M N 5 5 4 4 1 | a e -m n .c o m P 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 0 0 | F 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 9 0 A n d e r s o n E n g i n e e r i n g o f M i n n e s o t a , L L C NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1.THE REQUIRED WORK SHALL CONSIST OF CONTINUOUSLY CONDUCTING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FOR A WARRANTY PERIOD ESTABLISHED FOR 1 YEAR AFTER THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN ACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER. THE WORK INCLUDES: 1.1.ESTABLISHMENT OF BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINER PLANT MATERIAL AND SODDED AREAS INCLUDING PEST CONTROL, FERTILIZING AND FUNGICIDAL TREATMENTS 1.2.REGULAR WATERING SCHEDULING FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND SEED 1.3.IRRIGATIONS SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 1.4.REMOVAL OF ALL WEEDS WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA BY METHODS AGREED BY THE OWNER (POST/PRE HERBICIDE TREATMENT, HAND OR MECHANICAL REMOVAL) 1.5.MAINTENANCE OF MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS, REPAIRS FROM EROSION) 2.PLANT MATERIAL DEEMED TO BE REPLACED AT THE END OF PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD SHALL BE EXECUTED WITHIN 2 WEEKS (14 DAYS) PRESENTING LESS THE FOLLOWING SURVIVORSHIP: 2.1.BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINER PLANT MATERIAL: 75% 2.2.SEEDED AREAS: 100% (0% BARE SOIL) 3.REPLACEMENT PLANTS AND SEED SHALL BE OF THE SAME SPECIES AND SIZE AS ORIGINALLY SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS, UNLESS THE OWNER DETERMINES THAT SUBSTITUTIONS OF ANOTHER SPECIES OR SIZE SHALL BE MADE. 1.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NEW TREES MOVED ONTO THE SITE ARE DUG FROM SIMILAR SITES WITH SIMILAR SOILS TO THE SOILS OF THIS PROJECT (HEAVY TO HEAVY, LIGHT TO LIGHT. HEAVY TO LIGHT SOILS). CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW SOIL CONDITIONS/TYPES WITH OWNER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2.ALL NEWLY INSTALLED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLANTED IN WELL-DRAINED AREAS. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION IF ANY PLANT MATERIAL IS LOCATED IN DRAINAGE SWALES OR WET & POORLY DRAINED AREAS. 3.ALL PLANTINGS SHALL RECEIVE FERTILIZER AS FOLLOWS: 3.1.SUMMER AND FALL PLANTING: 0-20-20 GRANULAR (IN SAUCER AROUND PLANT AT THE RATE OF 12 OZ. PER 2-3" CAL. TREE & 6 OZ. PER SHRUB). 3.2.SPRING PLANTING: 10-10-10 GRANULAR (APPLY ABOVE REFERENCED FERTILIZER AT A RATE OF 12 OZ. PER 1-1/2” CAL. TREE OR LARGER & 6 OZ. PER SHRUB & PERENNIAL. 4.ALL PLANTINGS SHALL RECEIVE AN AMENDED SOIL MIX CONSISTING OF THREE (3) PARTS: 4.1.45% APPROVED TOPSOIL (ONE SITE PREFERRED) 4.2.45% ORGANIC MATTER (TYPE 1 SPHAGNUM PEAT MOSS FINELY DIVIDED WITH A PH OF 3.1 - 5.0.) 4.3.10% SAND (FINE CLEAN MASONRY SAND) 5.AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED SHALL HAVE A 6” MINIMUM DEPTH OF TOPSOIL. TOPSOIL SHALL PROVIDE FERTILE, FRIABLE, NATURAL LOAM, SURFACE SOIL, REASONABLY FREE OF SUBSOIL, CLAY CLUMPS, BRUSH WEEDS AND OTHER LITTER, AND FREE OF ROOTS, STUMPS, STONE LARGER THAN 1” IN ANY DIMENSION, AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS OR TOXIC MATTER HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. 1.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE PROJECT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID TO BECOME COMPLETELY FAMILIAR WITH SITE CONDITIONS. 2.NO PLANTING SHALL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING, BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION, UTILITY WORK & IRRIGATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE AREAS TO BE PLANTED. 3.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO IDENTIFY ALL UNDERGROUND CABLES, CONDUITS, WIRES, ETC., ON THE PROPERTY. 4.ALL PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED CAREFULLY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. IF THE CONTRACTOR BELIEVES AN ERROR HAS BEEN MADE REGARDING SPACING OR LOCATION OF THE PLANT MATERIAL INDICATED ON THE PLAN, NOTIFY THE OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETE MAINTENANCE OF THE PLANT MATERIAL (WATERING, SPRAYING, FERTILIZING, MOWING, ETC.) UNTIL THE WORK HAS BEEN ACCEPTED, BY THE OWNER. 6.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS TO PROPERTY DAMAGE FROM PLANTING OPERATIONS AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 7.ALL NEWLY PLANTED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE GUARANTEED THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR STARTING FROM THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE ESTABLISHED BY THE OWNER. 8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH THE OWNER OR OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ON SITE WHEN THEY FEEL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETE ACCORDING TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. IF ALL WORK IS SATISFACTORY AND COMPLETE ACCORDING TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THEN THE OWNER MUST DECLARE THE PROJECT COMPLETE. THIS DECLARATION WILL CONSTITUTE AS THE BEGINNING OF THE ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTEE PERIOD FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL. THE OWNER SHALL PROVIDE A LETTER WITH SIGNATURE STATING THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE. 9.WIND BURN OR OTHERWISE DAMAGED PLANT MATERIAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 10.CONTRACTOR CAN SUBSTITUTE MACHINE MOVED MATERIAL USING APPROPRIATE SIZE TREE SPADE FOR B & B WITH OWNER APPROVAL. 11.THE PRACTICE OF STAKING SHOULD NOT ALLOW NAILS, SCREWS, WIRES, ETC. TO PENETRATE THE OUTER SURFACE OF THE TREES. 12.THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL TREE STAKES, GUYS, STRAPS AND TRUNK PROTECTION MEASURES FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION OF THE WARRANTEE PERIOD OR AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. 13.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH MAINTENANCE INFORMATION DURING THE GUARANTEE PERIOD RELATING TO WATERING, FERTILIZING, PRUNING, PEST CONTROL, AND RELATED ITEMS. THIS WILL BE PREPARED AND DELIVERED TO THE OWNER AFTER PROVISIONAL INSPECTION APPROVAL HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THE OWNER. 14.INSTALL CORRUGATED PLASTIC TREE GUARDS, WHITE IN COLOR, WITH THE SIZE OF TUBE 1" DIA. (MIN.) LARGER THAN THE CALIPER OF THE TREE TO BE PROTECTED. 15.CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH & STALL PLASTIC EDGING AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS & DETAILS. PLASTIC EDGING SHALL BE MEDIUM DENSITY POLYETHYLENE WITH U.V. INHIBITOR, BLACK IN COLOR, WITH A TOTAL DEPTH OF 5” (1” DIA. TOP AND 4” SHAFT WITH 1.5” V EVERY 3-1/2 FEET OF EDGING. 16.PLANT BEDS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 3/4" - 1 1/2" WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK. TRAP ROCK MUST BE DARK GRAY IN COLOR. 17.LANDSCAPE FABRIC (FILTER MAT) TO HAVE A COMBINED WEIGHT OF 4.5-5.5 OZ. PER S.Y. FABRIC SHOULD BE U.V. STABILIZED AND HAVE A FIVE YEAR MINIMUM WEATHERABILITY FACTOR IN FULL SUNLIGHT. FABRIC TO BE PHILLIPS DUON R OR EQUIVALENT. LANDSCAPE FABRIC INSTALLED WITH HOLES FOR PLANTS CUT 2.5 TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE CONTAINER. 18.3" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER ALL TREES THAT ARE ISOLATED FROM GROUNDCOVER AREAS. 19.CALIPER OF TREES UP TO AND INCLUDING 4" SHALL BE MEASURED AT 6" ABOVE GROUND LEVEL, AND 12" ABOVE GROUND LEVEL FOR LARGER SIZES. 20.FOR BALLED & BURLAP PLANT MATERIAL, REMOVE THE TOP HALF OF THE BURLAP FROM THE ROOT BALL. WIRE CAGES, STRAPS, ETC. SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE TOP HALF OF THE ROOTBALL BEFORE INSTALLATION. 21.ALL CONTAINER MATERIAL SHALL HAVE BEEN GROWN IN CONTAINER FOR A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 22.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL NURSERY GROWN PLANT MATERIAL CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE LATEST EDITION OF ANSI Z60.1 STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES PLANTING, SODDING AND TOPSOIL NOTES PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD NOTE: ·3" DP. WOOD MULCH SHALL BE USED IN ALL LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AREAS AND UNDER TREES ISOLATED FROM PLANTING AREAS UNLESS IDENTIFIED OTHERWISE. ·KEEP MULCH APPX. 3" OFF PLANT TRUNK OR STEM ·SEE PLANT SCHEDULE FOR O.C. SPACING, IF APPLICABLE ·MULTI-STEM TREES SHALL NOT RECEIVE STAKING. THEY SHALL CONFORM TO ALL OTHER DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING REQUIREMENTS. 12 " - 1 8 " CENTER TREE IN HOLE, UPRIGHT SINGLE STRAIGHT LEADER TREE TIE SECURED TO STAKE. SECURE TO TREE WITH ANTI-CHAFFING MATERIAL. ALLOW FOR MOVEMENT OF TREE. WRAP TREE WITH TREE WRAPPING MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED TO 1ST BRANCH 6' MIN. DIA. EARTH SAUCER (3) TREE STAKES DRIVEN A MIN. 2' BELOW GRADE (EQUALLY SPACED) 3" DEPTH WOOD MULCH 3" HEIGHT TAMPED WATER BASIN AT EDGE OF EARTH SAUCER FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP, TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE FROM ROOTBALL PLANTING SOIL MOUND MIN. 12" UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL AFTER EXPOSING TREE ROOT FLAIR, PLANT SO ROOT FLAIR IS ADJACENT TO FINISH GRADE TREE TIE SECURED TO STAKE. SECURE TO TREE WITH ANTI-CHAFFING MATERIAL. ALLOW FOR MOVEMENT OF TREE. (3) TREE STAKES DRIVEN A MIN. 2' BELOW GRADE (EQUALLY SPACED) PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE 3X ROOTBALL DIA. WOOD MULCH LAWN OR TYPE 1 ROCK MULCH FERTILIZER PLANT TAB FERTILIZER PLANT TAB MULCH SHALL BE HELD BACK 3" FROM BASE OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL (3) ROOT AERATION SYSTEM ROOT AERATION SYSTEM (THUS 3 PER TREE) CENTER TREE IN HOLE, UPRIGHT NOTE: -3" DP. WOOD MULCH SHALL BE USED IN ALL LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AREAS AND UNDER TREES ISOLATED FROM PLANTING AREAS UNLESS IDENTIFIED OTHERWISE. UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL PLANTING SOIL MOUND MIN. 12" REMOVE BURLAP, TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE FROM ROOTBALL FINISHED GRADE 6' MIN. DIA. EARTH SAUCER 3" HEIGHT TAMPED WATER BASIN AT EDGE OF EARTH SAUCER (3) TREE AUGUR STEEL ANCHORS. SECURE TO TREE WITH ANTI-CHAFFING MATERIAL. ALLOW FOR MOVEMENT OF TREE (EQUALLY SPACED). 3" DEPTH WOOD MULCH SINGLE STRAIGHT LEADER CENTER TREE IN HOLE, UPRIGHT AFTER EXPOSING TREE ROOT FLAIR, PLANT SO ROOT FLAIR IS ADJACENT TO FINISH GRADE PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE WOOD MULCH LAWN OR TYPE 1 ROCK MULCH (3) TREE AUGUR STEEL ANCHORS. SECURE TO TREE WITH ANTI-CHAFFING MATERIAL. ALLOW FOR MOVEMENT OF TREE (EQUALLY SPACED). FERTILIZER PLANT TAB FERTILIZER PLANT TAB MULCH SHALL BE HELD BACK 3" FROM BASE OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL ROOT AERATION SYSTEM (THUS 3 PER TREE) (3) ROOT AERATION SYSTEM 3X ROOTBALL DIA. LAWN PLANTING BED BOUNDARY BETWEEN LAWN AND PLANTING AREA AS SHOWN ON PLAN BLACK PLASTIC LANDSCAPE EDGING 5" WIDE, 1" V-HOOK AT BASE AND 1" DIA. BEAD ON TOP 9" MIN. LANDSCAPE EDGING STAKE 45° EVERY 5' 3" DP. MULCH LANDSCAPE FABRIC IF SPECIFIED SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL SUBGRADE 6" DEEP SHOVEL CUT NOTE: -FOR MULTIPLE PIECES OF EDGING, CONNECT WITH 6" MIN. PLUG. STAKE EACH SIDE OF THE EDGING 12" MAX FROM THE POINT OF CONNECTION. 45° LAWN SURFACE PLANTING SOIL (12" MIN.) LINE OF PLANTING PIT WHEN PLANTED INDIVIDUALLY UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOIL PAVED SURFACE, IF APPLICABLE MULCH SHALL BE HELD BACK 3" FROM BASE OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL MOUND PLANTING SOIL TO FORM SAUCER AROUND PERIMETER OF PLANTINGS 6" MIN. 3" D E E P M U L C H 1" 6" M I N . 6" MIN. 3" (TYP.) 3 DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. NOTE: - KEEP MULCH APPX. 2" OFF PLANT TRUNK OR STEM - SEE PLANT SCHEDULE FOR EACH PLANT'S APPROPRIATE O.C. SPACING O.C . SP A C I N G 0. C . SP A C I N G EDGE OF GROUNDCOVER AREA/WALK EDGE DISTANCE FROM EDGE IS 1 2 THE SPECIFIED O.C.SPACING TRIANGULAR SPACE, AT SPECIFIED O.C. DISTANCE - EQUIDISTANT PLANT CENTER HARDWOOD MULCH ROOTBALL PLANTING SOIL NATIVE SOIL Page 86 of 96 ELEVATION KEY A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D D D D D E F G G G H L L L L J J J D KK K K P BUILDING HEIGHT: 32'-4'' E A C A STOREFRONT COLOR: BLACK B FASCIA COLOR: BLACK C PRECAST CONCRETE SILLS COLOR: GRAY D STONE VENEER MANUFACTURER: TBD COLOR: NATURAL MIX E METAL/COMPOSITE HORIZONTAL PANELS COLOR: NATURAL WOODGRAIN F ALUMINUM DOOR/FRAME COLOR: BLACK G EIFS OR FIBER CEMENT PANELS COLOR: GREIGE (TBD) H BANK DRIVE UP CANOPY J BUILDING SIGNAGE K WALL SCONCES L STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING COLOR: BLACK/CHARCOAL M ATM / NIGHT DEPOSIT N COFFEE DRIVE UP CANOPY COLORS REPRESENT DESIGN INTENT FINISHES. P PREFINISHED METAL TRIM COLOR: MATCH STONE Q BOLLARDS COLOR: TBD R DRIVE UP WINDOW COLOR: BLACK J A A A F B B C D D DE G L K KPC DK C B L G N B L L B C D G L K D P E B L L H Q D K C G B A A C C B G J N B L L D K C G B R C AA CDPE Q M QK K G L B B 1010 Mainstreet, Suite 100 Hopkins, MN 55343 Tel: 952.278.8880 Reg No. CITY SUBMITTAL Date PROJECT REVISIONS Minneapolis www.htg-architects.com DATE NO C O P Y R I G H T © H T G A R C H I T E C T S Bismarck C: \ U s e r s \ s a m \ D o c u m e n t s \ A R C H _ 2 3 1 1 3 9 _ C e n t r a l _ R 2 3 _ s c h a ll e P 3 N E 7 . r v t 2/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 4 9 : 4 3 : 3 8 A M FIRST STATE BANK OF ROSEMOUNT A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 231139 02/27/2024 ROSEMOUNT, MN SEAN C. RABOIN 47337 NEW BUILDING I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 02/27/2024 Drawn By: SRC Checked By: SCR 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.1 4 SOUTH ELEVATION (MAIN ENTRANCE) 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.1 1 EAST ELEVATION (EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE) 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.1 2 NORTH ELEVATION (COFFEE DRIVE UP) 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.1 3 WEST ELEVATION (BANK DRIVE UP) Page 87 of 96 SITE PLAN - PHOTOMETRICS1SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"N ELECTRICAL DRAWING INDEX DRAWING TITLEDRAWING NUMBER SITE PLAN - PHOTOMETRICSE0.1 LIGHT FIXTURE DESCRIPTIONSE0.2 CALCULATION SUMMARY 24" 2" MIN. COVER GRADE 2" 60" 3-#3 REBAR, 2" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 12" ON CENTERS #3 WRAP-AROUND TIES, ON CENTERS 4-#4 REBARS HAND HOLE 20' LIGHT POLE BASE COVER LIGHT FIXTURE POLE BASE DETAIL2NO SCALE LIGHT FIXTURE DESCRIPTIONSE0.3 IV IV II II II IV IV IV IV IV IV II II II IV IVIV D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 N1 110' N1 110' P2 P2 P2 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P3 P4 P5 D1D1 Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Prop line calcs_1 Illuminance Fc 0.91 1.8 0.3 3.03 6.00 Prop line calcs_3 Illuminance Fc 0.43 0.5 0.4 1.08 1.25 Prop line calcs_4 Illuminance Fc 0.37 0.5 0.2 1.85 2.50 Prop line calcs_5 Illuminance Fc 0.52 1.1 0.2 2.60 5.50 Prop line calcs_6 Illuminance Fc 0.64 1.0 0.3 2.13 3.33 site_Workplane Illuminance Fc 2.25 24.2 0.2 11.25 121.00 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 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0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 E0.1 SITE PLAN - PHOTOMETRICS 02-26-2024 COPYRIGHT © BY HTG ARCHITECTS P R O J E C T ISSUED SET REVISIONS DATE N0. REG. NO.DATE DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: : SITE PHOTOMETRICS emanuelson-podas 7705 Bush Lake Road Edina, MN 55439 ph: 952-930-0050 www.epinc.com consulting engineers FIRST STATE BANK OF ROSEMOUNT NEW BUILDING ROSEMOUNT, MN 02/26/2024 Minneapolis Bismarck www.htg-architects.com 1010 Main Street, Suite 100 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Tel:952.278.8880 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MINNESOTA Matthew W. Fults JTK MAB 40887 Page 88 of 96 DN R 84'-0" VESTIBULE FLEX CASH WORK ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE COMMUNITY ROOM VESTIBULE TOILET LOUNGE TOILET TOILET OFFICE tv ND TELLER STAIR FIREPLACE CONDIMENTS 74 ' - 0 " EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE MAIN ENTRANCE JANITORS CLOSET WO R K S T A T I O N S CD HI G H T O P BA N K D R I V E - U P L A N E BA N K D R I V E - U P L A N E COFFEE DRIVE-UP LANE cc tcr tcr tv OUTDOOR SEATING PLANTERS FIRE tv tv ME N U tv ATM WORKSTATIONS COFFEE COFFEE STORAGE WORK AREA SEATING OPERABLE GLASS WALL 66'-8" 1010 Mainstreet, Suite 100 Hopkins, MN 55343 Tel: 952.278.8880 Reg No. CITY SUBMITTAL Date PROJECT REVISIONS Minneapolis www.htg-architects.com DATE NO C O P Y R I G H T © H T G A R C H I T E C T S Bismarck C: \ U s e r s \ s a m \ D o c u m e n t s \ A R C H _ 2 3 1 1 3 9 _ C e n t r a l _ R 2 3 _ s c h a ll e P 3 N E 7 . r v t 2/ 2 3 / 2 0 2 4 9 : 4 2 : 4 5 A M FIRST STATE BANK OF ROSEMOUNT A2.1 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 231139 02/27/2024 ROSEMOUNT, MN SEAN C. RABOIN 47337 NEW BUILDING I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 02/27/2024 Drawn By: SRC Checked By: SCR 1/8" = 1'-0"A2.1 1 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Page 89 of 96 7 0 1 X E N I A A V E N U E S | S U I T E 3 0 0 | M I N N E A P O L I S , M N | 5 5 4 1 6 | 7 6 3 . 5 4 1 . 4 8 0 0 | W S B E N G . C O M Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, City Engineer Nick Egger, Director of Public Works From: Amanda Sachi, PE Kendra Fallon, PE Kris Keller, PE Date: March 14, 2024 Re: First State Bank of Rosemount Engineering Review WSB Project No. 024934-000 We reviewed the documents provided by HTG Architects on February 27, 2024. Documents reviewed include: •First State Bank of Rosemount – City Submittal Drawing Set, dated 2/27/24 Additional redline comments are provided on the submitted civil plans. Applicant should provide responses to each comment and redline comment. We offer the following comments below. Engineering Review: 1. General a. The project consists of the construction of an approximately 6,000 sf bank building on a 1.43-acre site as part of platting a commercial area. There is a second 1.49- acre lot that is being platted along with an outlot that is being used for stormwater management. The total platted area is 4.28 acres. b. The site is located north of CSAH 42/145th Street and east of Abbeyfield Avenue. 2. Existing Conditions/Site Demolition Plan a. Provide a demolition plan as part of your existing conditions plan. i. Show the removals of the streets, curbs, and trails, as part of the utility and street connections 3. Site Plan a. Provide a site plan with dimensioning and site information as well as the paving information from the Utility & Paving Plan b. Stormwater management within the existing infiltration basin onsite was sized for 70% impervious on the southern lot but the site plan currently calls out 76% impervious planned. It should be confirmed that the existing basin can handle the additional impervious. 4. Grading and Drainage Plan a.Provide EOFs of all low points in the paved and greenspace areas Page 90 of 96 First State Bank of Rosemount Engineering Review March 14, 2024 Page 2 b.Retaining walls exceeding 4’ in height shall require a plan prepared by a licensed engineer submitted for review and approval by the Building Official prior to permit issuance c.Confirm access culvert will drain toward the east. Appears the downstream invert is lower than existing contours east of crossing. d.It should be confirmed if the storm sewer shown south of the roadway (FES-10) is proposed as temporary storm sewer prior to when the roadway is extended. i. It should be confirmed that all storm sewer downstream of this area is being sized for future impervious and any future connections planned for adjacent lots since Lot 2 and the lot to the east were both shown to drain to the existing infiltration basin in the overall stormwater management plan for the area. 5. Utility Plans a.Fire official to review fire coverage and emergency access b.Provide the material grade proposed for all pipe segments c.Extend proposed curb past hydrant for protection from vehicles d.Show minimum 7.5’ of cover over watermain e.Use RCP pipe for storm sewer under the roadway f.Provide sump in last structure before discharging to the basin g.Provide top and bottom of pipe elevations at utility crossings i. Maintain minimum 18" separation between water and sewer ii. Insulate if separation between storm sewer and water is less than 36" h.(1A) Proposed 8" connection to existing 8" DIP watermain i. Verify with City Public Works preference to wet tap or tee installation i.(1A) Proposed 8" connection to existing 16" DIP watermain i. Verify with City Public Works preference to wet tap or tee installation ii. Work in County right of way must be approved and permitted 1. Provide documentation to City j.Verify with City Public Works the proposed transition from 10" to 8" sanitary sewer i. Verify whether an additional stub to the eastern most lot is needed ii. Verify whether the 10” diameter and lower depth will need to be extended to Abbeyfield Avenue k.There appears to be minimal cover (~18”) over the replaced storm sewer culvert at the north end of the northern entrance road l.Label the pipe diameters with the pipe inverts in the utility profiles m.Provide rational method storm sewer sizing calculations and a catch basin drainage area map in future submittals to confirm storm sewer is sized for a 10- year storm event. n.Sheet piling will be required at FES 17 per City Standard Plate SD-8. o.Confirm keynote called out in the northeast corner of the proposed building. The keynote currently included references sanitary sewer but it is assumed this linework is for the roof drain connection. Page 91 of 96 First State Bank of Rosemount Engineering Review March 14, 2024 Page 3 6. Erosion and Sediment Control Plans a. If construction access will be allowed off of Abbey Field Avenue an additional construction entrance should be shown at the site access in that location. 7. Details & Specifications a. No comments. 8. Landscape Plan a. No comments. Page 92 of 96 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: March 18, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: May 7, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Zoning Code Update - Title 11 Zoning Regulations of the Rosemount City Code AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Adam Kienberger, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 6.d. ATTACHMENTS: PC PH Meeting 3-18-2024 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hold a public hearing and make a motion to recommend City Council adopt the proposed updates to the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance. BACKGROUND Community Development staff along with the consultant team from HKGi will present a summary of recommended changes to the zoning code in alignment with the work completed over the past year and half. Please see the attached memo from HKGi outlining the project scope. The updated code is intended to bring the code into alignment with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan updates and make the code more modern, consistent, and user-friendly. Staff has created a webpage for this code update and encourages the Planning Commission and public to view the documents there: https://www.rosemountmn.gov/899/2024-Zoning-Code-Update. Additional educational materials and newsletter items will be distributed prior to City Council taking action on the zoning code update. RECOMMENDATION Hold a public hearing, discuss the proposed changes to the city's Zoning and Subdivison codes and recommend City Council adopt the amended code at one of their meetings in May. Based on the comments and discussion provided at the March 18th meeting, staff may recommend an additional public hearing be held by the City Council. Page 93 of 96 800 Washington Avenue North, Suite 103 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Planning Commission Meeting Memo To:Rosemount City Council and Planning Commission From:Jeff Miller and Beth Richmond, HKGi Date:March 18, 2024 Subject:Zoning & Subdivision Code Update Public Hearing Overview At the March 18th Planning Commission meeting, planning consultants (HKGi) and city staff will present an overview of the proposed amended Zoning & Subdivision Code. As required by State law and the City’s Zoning Code for any code amendments, a public hearing will also be held by the Planning Commission at the March 18th meeting. Following the public hearing and the Planning Commission’s discussion of the amended code, the Planning Commission will consider recommendation of the amended code to the City Council for adoption. The proposed updated code is available for public review on the City’s website. As a result of the consolidation of the zoning districts from 21 today to 13 proposed districts, proposed amendments to the zoning map will be reviewed and considered at a future Planning Commission meeting. A separate public hearing will be held for the proposed amendments to the zoning map. Zoning and Subdivision Code updates are expected to be considered by the City Council in May. Purpose of the Zoning & Subdivision Code Update The Zoning & Subdivision Code Update project is required to ensure consistency between the zoning/subdivision codes and the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The City Council adopted the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update in March 2020. This project is not making any changes to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the 2040 Future Land Use Map remains in place. The intent of this update is to address the aspects of the zoning/subdivision codes that are in conflict with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan or have not been updated to address the City’s current development market trends/changes. The project’s intent is also to create zoning and subdivision regulations that are modern, consistent, and user-friendly. While both the zoning and subdivision codes are part of this project, there are not major updates to the subdivision code since it was recently updated in 2020. Updated Structure of the Zoning Code (Title 11) The Zoning Code has been reorganized from 13 chapters today to 10 chapters: Chapter 1 Purpose and Interpretation Chapter 2 General Provisions Chapter 3 Residential Districts Page 94 of 96 Planning Commission Meeting Memo Zoning Code Update March 18, 2024 2 Chapter 4 Non-Residential Districts Chapter 5 Special/Overlay Districts (shoreland, wetland, MRCCA, floodplain, planned unit development). Chapter 6 Use Specific Standards Chapter 7 Development Standards (e.g., parking, landscaping, tree preservation, lighting, fencing, architectural design) Chapter 8 Signage Chapter 9 Development Procedures (e.g., conditional use, variance, planned unit development) Chapter 10 Definitions Updated Structure of the Zoning Code (Title 11) The Subdivision Code has been reorganized from 5 chapters today to 3 chapters: Chapter 1 Introductory Provisions Chapter 2 Subdivision Design Standards and Improvements Chapter 3 Subdivision Procedures and Enforcement Highlights of Code Reorganization and Updates Code Reorganization One of the intents of the update project is to improve the code’s structure to make it easier for users to navigate and find needed regulations, as well as for staff to administer it. Some key highlights of the code reorganization are: •Streamlined current zoning districts by reorganizing allowed uses and dimensional standards (lot size, building height, building setbacks, etc.) into tables and relocating other standards to more appropriate sections •Reduced zoning districts chapter from 96 pages down to 8 tables and 5-6 pages of text •Reorganized standards by scale: all districts (parking, landscaping, screening, lighting, etc.), individual districts (lot size, building height, setbacks, etc.), specific uses (e.g. drive-thru facility, home occupation, daycare center, car wash) •Added a new chapter focused on use specific standards so they are easier to find •Added a new chapter to consolidate all definitions in one place, which are currently located in six different chapters in today’s zoning code, and added new definitions •Addressed the confusing content of Chapter 2 (General Provisions) which is currently a catch-all chapter with 20 sections that are not necessarily related – most of the sections have been relocated to other chapters that make sense Page 95 of 96 Planning Commission Meeting Memo Zoning Code Update March 18, 2024 3 Zoning Districts, Uses, and Standards •Reduced the number of zoning districts from 21 to 13 •A new mixed use district (MX-2) has been created for the Hwy 42 mixed use nodes •Updated each district’s purpose statement, allowed uses, and standards •Use definitions updated and expanded, particularly related to housing types General Development Standards and Procedures •Parking – updates to the minimum number of parking spaces requirements •Signs – updates to dynamic sign, temporary sign, and directional sign standards, and to make the sign regulations content neutral •Landscaping – updates to minimum planting requirements to address current issues with standards being too high •Development procedures – all development procedures consolidated into one chapter, including site plan/building design, conditional use permit, variance, amendments, planned unit developments, interim use permits, and appeals Page 96 of 96