HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240402 CC RM - Packet AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 2, 2024 7:00 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Mow Less May Proclamation b. Arbor Day Proclamation c. Fair Housing Proclamation 4. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Individuals will be allowed to address the Council on subjects that are not a part of the meeting agenda. Typically, replies to the concerns expressed will be made via letter or phone call within a week or at the following council meeting. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Bill Listings b. Minutes of the March 19, 2024 Regular Meeting c. Minutes of the March 21, 2024 Special Meeting Proceedings d. Donation Acceptance from the Scott Lecher Family e. Commissioner Appointments f. Approval of Council Travel g. Approve Pre-Application Escrow Agreement with Independent School District 196 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Request by Maplewood Development for the vacation of a portion of Ashtown Lane located within Amber Fields 12th Addition 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Accept Bids, Award Contract, Declare Costs to be Assessed and Set the Assessment Hearing for the 2024 Street Improvement Project Qbhf!2!pg!:1 b. Approve 2024-2029 Strategic Plan 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. City Staff Updates b. Upcoming Community Calendar 11. ADJOURNMENT Qbhf!3!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Mow Less May Proclamation AGENDA SECTION: PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 3.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached resolution proclaiming May 2024 as Mow Less May in the City of Rosemount BACKGROUND No Mow May is a program of Bee City USA, an initiative of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, that seeks to create early-season habitat and forage for pollinators through suspension of lawn mowing during the month of May, a critical time for pollinators coming out of hibernation when food sources are scarce. The City has participated in No Mow May in the past by suspending enforcement of lawn height (8") ordinances on occupied properties during May to support property owners that choose to participate in this voluntary program. The City is looking to participate in the program again in 2024 but with a rebranding of Mow Less May to include more programming about low input turf care, other pollinator friendly practices, and to discourage literal interpretation of the previous program title. Enforcement of lawn height weed ordinances would continue for abandoned properties and properties with an active enforcement case at the beginning of May, and the City anticipates resuming enforcement of lawn heights for all properties on June 10th to allow adequate time for mowing following the Memorial Day holiday. The City would continue to enforce weed ordinances related to noxious weeds, diseased trees, hazard trees, and tree pests per normal in May. This would be the third year that the City has participated in the program. Roughly 1% of households in Rosemount registered to participate in 2023 with relatively few complaints. The City will also practice reduced mowing on select public properties around town. Staff have established a web page with a registration process, and tips to avoid common problems. An updated yard sign with the new program name is under development. The program would be advertised on social media in April and May if approved. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached resolution proclaiming May 2024 as Mow Less May. Qbhf!4!pg!:1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024 - XX A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING MOW LESS MAY IN ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, taller lawns shade out weed seeds, have cooler soils, and grow longer roots requiring less inputs such as mowing, watering, fertilizers, and pesticides; and, WHEREAS, pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, other insects, birds, and other animals are integral parts to a wide diversity of essential food production and are being threatened due to habitat loss, pesticide use, pathogens, and parasites; and, WHEREAS, research suggests that bee pollinators make use of less frequently mowed and no mow spaces as key floral resources during early spring in the upper Midwest of the United States; and, WHEREAS, the formative period for establishment of pollinators and the many songbirds and wildlife species that depend upon them occurs in late spring and early summer in Minnesota as they emerge from dormancy and require flowering plants as crucial foraging habitat; and, WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount would like to encourage residents to increase pollinator habitat, decrease water use, and decrease chemical use by encouraging pollinator friendly and low input lawncare practices on their own properties for the month of May during this formative period; and, WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount sets the example for residents and businesses within the community for pollinator friendly and low input lawncare practices through employment of best practices, such as limited mowing in select areas and integrated pest management, on city lands; and, WHEREAS, Less voluntary community initiative that encourages property owners to limit lawn mowing during the month of May to provide early season foraging resources for pollinators that emerge in the spring and to reduce lawn inputs such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of Rosemount recognizes Mow Less May to actively educate the community about the critical period of pollinator emergence, crucial pollinator habitat, early spring foraging opportunities, and low input lawncare. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Rosemount City Council directs staff not to issue correction notices for lawn height weed violations for the month of May on occupied properties in good standing, allowing residents to voluntarily delay lawn care until June, allowing pollinator species to emerge, early flowering plants to establish, and less lawn inputs, which may result in ground-cover exceeding established ordinance height restrictions. ADOPTED!this 2nd day of April 2024.!! __________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor BUUFTU;! ___________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!5!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Arbor Day Proclamation AGENDA SECTION: PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 3.b. ATTACHMENTS: Proclamation APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached proclamation naming April 27, 2024 as Arbor Day. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount is once again being recognized as a Tree City, USA. The Tree City, USA award is given to those cities that depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and our trees. This is the City of Rosemount’s 32nd year of being recognized as a Tree City, USA. As part of our participation in the Tree City USA program, we must meet standards set by the National Arbor Day Foundation. One of those standards includes the observance of Arbor Day. It is the Parks and Recreation Department’s intent to join with the City Council, Commissions, and other Departments to further enhance our efforts relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest the city. The City will be hosting a tree giveaway on Saturday, April 27, at the Public Works Garage, starting at 10:00 am. We will be giving away 150 trees from six to eight feet in height FREE to residents of Rosemount. These are bare root trees that need to be planted within 24 hours of the giveaway. Staff would also like to remind those people receiving a tree to call “Gopher State One Call” at 651-454-0002 or 811 at least 72 hours before you dig. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the City Council to approve the attached proclamation naming April 27, 2024 as Arbor Day Qbhf!6!pg!:1 PROCLAMATION Whereas, recreational settings, increasing property values, and making cities more livable; and Whereas, Trees and forests brighten society by building strong community ties, reducing crime, and providing common meeting places; and Whereas, Trees and forests brighten our lives by providing lumber for building homes, fiber for producing paper, foliage for decorating, and food for eating; and Whereas, Trees and forests brighten the environment by moderating climate, improving air and water quality, conserving water and energy, and sheltering wildlife; and Whereas, Each year, on the last Friday in April, and throughout the month of May, Minnesotans pay special tribute to the trees and all the natural resources they represent, and dedicate themselves to the continued health of our Now, Therefore, I, Jeffery Weisensel, Mayor of Rosemount Minnesota, do hereby proclaim April 27, 2024 as Arbor Day in the City of Rosemount. Dated this 2nd day of April, 2024 Mayor ________________________________________________ Qbhf!7!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Fair Housing Proclamation AGENDA SECTION: PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED BY: Logan Martin, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 3.c. ATTACHMENTS: Proclamation APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the proclamation. BACKGROUND The Fair Housing Act, the final legislative achievement of the Civil Rights Era, prohibits discrimination concerning the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, religion, sex or national origin, and in 1988 was amended to include disability and family status. Before this legislation was passed, in Minnesota and throughout the country, the real estate industry prevented many people from access to quality housing, and wealth accumulation via homeownership. The Fair Housing Act was the first step to remedying this injustice. Since its passage in 1968 the Fair Housing Act has contributed to the country’s continued integration and has increased access to quality housing and homeownership for protected classes. Although there has been significant improvement in these areas, there are still issues of discrimination in housing. The Saint Paul Area Association of Realtors is encouraging local governments in our territory to sign our Fair Housing Month Proclamation, and allow staff or members speak to the importance of Fair Housing at City Council and Board of Commissioners meetings. RECOMMENDATION Motion to approve the proclamation. Qbhf!8!pg!:1 PROCLAMATION Whereas,The Fair Housing Act, enacted on April 11, 1968, enshrined into federal law the goal of eliminating racial segregation and ending housing discrimination in the United States; and Whereas,The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, and disability, and commits recipients of federal funding to affirmatively further fair housing in their communities; and Whereas,the City of Rosemount is committed to the mission and intent of Congress to provide fair and equal housing opportunities for all; and Whereas,Our social fabric, the economy, health, and environment are strengthened in diverse, inclusive communities; and Whereas,More than fifty years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, discrimination persists, and many communities remain marginalized; and Whereas, Acts of housing discrimination and barriers to equal housing opportunity do not foster a common sense of decency and fairness. Now, Therefore, I, Jeffery Weisensel, Mayor of Rosemount Minnesota, do hereby proclaim that the City Council of Rosemount does hereby declare the month of April, 2024 as Fair Housing Month in Rosemount as an inclusive community committed to fair housing, and to promoting appropriate activities by private and public entities to provide and advocate for equal housing opportunities for all residents and prospective residents of Rosemount. nd Dated this 2 day of April, 2024. Mayor________________________________________________ Qbhf!9!pg!:1 3-21-2024 9:02 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 06956 03/21/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040435 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION I 200001066414 2/24 STREET LIGHTS APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 6,268.17 6,268.17CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 6,268.17 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 6,268.17 STREET LIGHTS I 200001519073 2/24 SIREN #10 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 5.00 5.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 5.00 101 43121-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 5.00 SIREN #10 I 200001834654 2/24 LIFT STATION #4 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 181.68 181.68CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 181.68 602 49454-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 181.68 LIFT STATION #4 I 200002004786 2/24 CONNEMARA PARK SHELTER/LIGH APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 20.40 20.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 20.40 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 20.40 CONNEMARA PARK SHELTER/LIGHTS I 200002007870 2/24 IRRIGATION PUMP/SP CONTROL APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 19.07 19.07CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 19.07 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 19.07 IRRIGATION PUMP/SP CONTROL BLD I 200002009231 2/24 WELL #8 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 213.05 213.05CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 213.05 601 49408-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 213.05 WELL #8 I 200002009496 2/24 WATER TOWER #2 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 226.83 226.83CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 226.83 601 49416-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 226.83 WATER TOWER #2 I 200002079739 2/24 JAYCEE PARK SHELTER/LIGHTS APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 323.80 323.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 323.80 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 323.80 JAYCEE PARK SHELTER/LIGHTS I 200002080539 2/24 LIFT STATION #3 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 215.32 215.32CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 215.32 602 49453-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 215.32 LIFT STATION #3 I 200002112506 2/24 JAYCEE PARK TRAIL LIGHTS APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 173.60 173.60CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 173.60 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 173.60 JAYCEE PARK TRAIL LIGHTS I 200002868701 2/24 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #3 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 137.88 137.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 137.88 603 49513-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 137.88 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #3 I 200003329984 2/24 SDLS #4/LS #6 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 119.10 119.10CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 119.10 603 49514-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 23.82 SDLS #4/LS #6 Qbhf!:!pg!:1 3-21-2024 9:02 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 06956 03/21/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 602 49456-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 95.28 SDLS #4/LS #6 I 200003564457 2/24 METERED TUNNEL LIGHTS APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 17.85 17.85CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 17.85 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 17.85 METERED TUNNEL LIGHTS I 200003949690 2/24 LIFT STATION #9 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 131.20 131.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 131.20 602 49457-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 131.20 LIFT STATION #9 I 200004097754 2/24 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #6 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 47.97 47.97CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 47.97 603 49516-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 47.97 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #6 I 200010038900 2/24 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #8 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 29.27 29.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 29.27 603 49518-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 29.27 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #8 I 200010054799 2/24 LIFT STATION #5 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 329.81 329.81CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 329.81 602 49455-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 329.81 LIFT STATION #5 I 200010057891 2/24 LIFT STATION #12 APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/06/2024 65.84 65.84CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155017 65.84 602 49462-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 65.84 LIFT STATION #12 REG. CHECK 1 8,525.84 8,525.84CR 0.00 8,525.84 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002533 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC I 500-0606437-000 MX-5071 PAYOFF APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/04/2024 844.23 844.23CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155019 844.23 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 844.23 MX-5071 PAYOFF REG. CHECK 1 844.23 844.23CR 0.00 844.23 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005066 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC I 524411311 MX-3071 COPIER CONTRACT APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/08/2024 178.30 178.30CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155020 178.30 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 178.30 MX-3071 COPIER CONTRACT REG. CHECK 1 178.30 178.30CR 0.00 178.30 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!21!pg!:1 3-21-2024 9:02 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 06956 03/21/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190095 SAM'S CLUB I 5665 4736 2024 CITY HALL SUPPLIES /VENDING APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/15/2024 401.59 401.59CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155021 401.59 101 41810-01-260.00 FOOD FOR RESALE 120.46 CITY HALL SUPPLIES /VENDING 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 281.13 CITY HALL SUPPLIES /VENDING REG. CHECK 1 401.59 401.59CR 0.00 401.59 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003048 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE I 524029907 RICOH C3500 CONTRACT APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/05/2024 173.00 173.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155022 173.00 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 173.00 RICOH C3500 CONTRACT REG. CHECK 1 173.00 173.00CR 0.00 173.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-240010 XCEL ENERGY I 6870492-3 3/24 NON METERED STREET LIGHTS APBNK 3/21/2024 R 3/04/2024 10,929.88 10,929.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155023 10,929.88 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 10,929.88 NON METERED STREET LIGHTS REG. CHECK 1 10,929.88 10,929.88CR 0.00 10,929.88 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!22!pg!:1 3-21-2024 9:02 AMA/P PAYMENT REGISTERPAGE:4 PACKET:06956 03/21/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND2,138.99CR 601 WATER UTILITY FUND439.88CR 602 SEWER UTILITY FUND1,019.13CR 603 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND238.94CR 608 STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND17,215.90CR ** TOTALS ** 21,052.84CR ==================================================================================================================================== ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSSPAYMENTOUTSTANDING NUMBERBALANCEDISCOUNT HAND CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 DRAFTS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 REG-CHECKS621,052.8421,052.84CR0.00 21,052.840.00 EFT0.000.000.00 0.000.00 NON-CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 ALL CHECKS 6 21,052.84 21,052.84CR 0.00 21,052.840.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERRORS:0WARNINGS:0 Qbhf!23!pg!:1 3/25/2024 10:47 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 06966 03/21/24 PYRL Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 *** DRAFT/OTHER LISTING *** BANK : PYBNK MERCHANTS BANK - PY ITEM PAID ITEM ITEM VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 011310 AFLAC I-161202403220571 AFLAC INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 341.60CR 001822 I-162202403220571 AFLAC INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 267.84CR 001822 609.44 005806 BPAS-BENEFIT PLANS ADMIN SRVS I-250202403220571 VEBA - EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 45.00CR 001823 45.00 002708 GUARDIAN I-111202403060468 DENTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 1,514.55CR 001824 I-111202403220571 DENTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 1,514.55CR 001824 I-112202403060468 DENTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 1,809.64CR 001824 I-112202403220571 DENTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 1,809.36CR 001824 I-202403220573 DENTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 243.40CR 001824 6,891.50 000003 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 202403220571 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING D 3/21/2024 35,536.82CR 001825 I-T3 202403220571 FICA W/H & CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 31,599.50CR 001825 I-T3 202403220572 FICA W/H & CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 10.60CR 001825 I-T4 202403220571 MEDICARE W/H & CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 11,995.64CR 001825 I-T4 202403220572 MEDICARE W/H & CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 2.48CR 001825 79,145.04 004117 MEDICA I-101202403060468 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 4,498.92CR 001826 I-101202403220571 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 4,498.92CR 001826 I-104202403060468 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 13,976.49CR 001826 I-104202403220571 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 13,976.49CR 001826 I-106202403060468 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 12,296.00CR 001826 I-106202403220571 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 12,296.00CR 001826 I-107202403060468 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 24,742.37CR 001826 I-107202403220571 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 24,742.37CR 001826 I-202403220576 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 772.34CR 001826 111,799.90 133250 MN CHILD SUPPORT I-500202403220571 #0014949567 D 3/21/2024 127.36CR 001827 127.36 000004 MN DEPT OF REVENUE I-T2 202403220571 MN STATE WITHHOLDING D 3/21/2024 17,200.99CR 001828 17,200.99 002238 MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM I-260202403220571 MSRS-EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION D 3/21/2024 600.00CR 001829 I-262202403220571 MSRS-EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION D 3/21/2024 963.05CR 001829 I-263202403220571 MSRS-EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION D 3/21/2024 1,209.40CR 001829 I-264202403220571 MSRS-EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION D 3/21/2024 510.00CR 001829 I-350202403220571 DEFERRED COMP WITHHOLDING D 3/21/2024 3,985.00CR 001829 I-351202403220571 DEFERRED COMP WITHHOLDING D 3/21/2024 451.14CR 001829 I-352202403220571 ROTH 457 CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 3,020.00CR 001829 I-353202403220571 ROTH 457 CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 500.78CR 001829 I-354202403220571 DEF COMP W/H INS. WAIVER D 3/21/2024 3,200.00CR 001829 14,439.37 Qbhf!24!pg!:1 3/25/2024 10:47 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 06966 03/21/24 PYRL Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 *** DRAFT/OTHER LISTING *** BANK : PYBNK MERCHANTS BANK - PY ITEM PAID ITEM ITEM VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 140290 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOL I-310202403220571 DEFERRED COMP WITHHOLDING D 3/21/2024 3,474.47CR 001830 I-311202403220571 DEFERRED COMP WITHHOLDING D 3/21/2024 686.22CR 001830 I-312202403220571 DEF COMP W/H INS. WAIVER D 3/21/2024 1,400.00CR 001830 I-340202403220571 ROTH 457 CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 1,361.61CR 001830 I-341202403220571 ROTH 457 CONTRIBUTIONS D 3/21/2024 8.21CR 001830 6,930.51 140295 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOL I-320202403220571 DEFERRED COMP W/H - PT'ERS D 3/21/2024 4,897.31CR 001831 4,897.31 162110 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE I-300202403220571 PERA W/H - COORDINATED D 3/21/2024 36,199.16CR 001832 I-301202403220571 PERA W/H - POLICE DEPT D 3/21/2024 37,922.87CR 001832 74,122.03 004118 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL C-202403220578 LONG TERM DISABILITY PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 0.35 001833 C-202403220579 SHORT TERM DISABILITY PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 0.14 001833 I-141202403060468 GROUP LIFE INS PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 81.03CR 001833 I-141202403220571 GROUP LIFE INS PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 81.03CR 001833 I-142202403060468 GROUP LIFE INS PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 35.04CR 001833 I-142202403220571 GROUP LIFE INS PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 34.80CR 001833 I-150202403060468 SUPPL. LIFE INS PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 560.77CR 001833 I-150202403220571 SUPPL. LIFE INS PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 560.77CR 001833 I-170202403060468 LONG TERM DISABILITY PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 934.05CR 001833 I-170202403220571 LONG TERM DISABILITY PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 934.05CR 001833 I-190202403060468 SHORT TERM DISABILITY PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 940.75CR 001833 I-190202403220571 SHORT TERM DISABILITY PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 940.75CR 001833 I-202403220577 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS D 3/21/2024 10.74CR 001833 5,113.29 005807 WEX HEALTH INC I-230202403220571 HSA - EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION D 3/21/2024 4,221.84CR 001834 4,221.84 * * T O T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE-WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 13 0.00 325,543.58 325,543.58 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 13 0.00 325,543.58 325,543.58 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 Qbhf!25!pg!:1 3/25/2024 10:47 AMA / P CHECK REGISTERPAGE: 3 PACKET:06966 03/21/24 PYRL Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01*** DRAFT/OTHER LISTING *** BANK: PYBNK MERCHANTS BANK - PY ITEM PAIDITEMITEM VENDOR NAME / I.D.DESCTYPE DATEDISCOUNTAMOUNTNO#AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ------------------------------------------- 1013/2024277,481.03CR 2013/20242,237.07CR 6013/202413,224.73CR 6023/202413,224.71CR 6033/202412,403.20CR 6503/20246,972.84CR =========================================== ALL 325,543.58CR Qbhf!26!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004555 ABT MAILCOM I 48162 MONTHLY OUTSOURCING-UB BILL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 2,583.00 2,583.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155024 2,583.00 601 49400-01-313.00 OUTSOURCE BILL PRINT/MAIL 774.90 MONTHLY OUTSOURCING-UB BILLS 602 49450-01-313.00 OUTSOURCE BILL PRINT/MAIL 774.90 MONTHLY OUTSOURCING-UB BILLS 603 49500-01-313.00 OUTSOURCE BILL PRINT/MAIL 774.90 MONTHLY OUTSOURCING-UB BILLS 608 49508-01-313.00 OUTSOURCE BILL PRINT/MAIL 258.30 MONTHLY OUTSOURCING-UB BILLS REG. CHECK 1 2,583.00 2,583.00CR 0.00 2,583.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004685 ADS ON BOARDS I 2024-0141 HOCKEY BOARD CLEANING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 700.00 700.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155025 700.00 650 45130-01-401.00 CONTRACTED BUILDING REPAIRS 700.00 HOCKEY BOARD CLEANING REG. CHECK 1 700.00 700.00CR 0.00 700.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004026 ALERUS I C153659 COBRA MONTHLY SRV FEE-FEB 2 APBNK 3/20/2024 D 3/06/2024 30.00 30.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001835 30.00 101 41320-31-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 30.00 COBRA MONTHLY SRV FEE-FEB 2024 DRAFTS 1 30.00 30.00CR 0.00 30.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006141 ALL AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY I 2024-0142 CLOSING ON LAND APBNK 3/12/2024 D 3/07/2024 1,492.65 1,492.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001836 1,492.65 493 48000-01-510.00 LAND PURCHASES 1,492.65 CLOSING ON LAND DRAFTS 1 1,492.65 1,492.65CR 0.00 1,492.65 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!27!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-011644 APPLE FORD LINCOLN AV I A1W653578 COVERS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/07/2024 198.27 198.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155026 198.27 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 198.27 COVERS REG. CHECK 1 198.27 198.27CR 0.00 198.27 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005657 AT&T MOBILITY I X03032024 PW SCADA SRV-WELLS,TOWERS,LIFT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/25/2024 524.56 524.56CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155027 524.56 601 49400-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 174.85 SCADA SRV-WELLS,TOWERS,LIFTS 602 49450-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 174.85 SCADA SRV-WELLS,TOWERS,LIFTS 603 49500-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 174.86 SCADA SRV-WELLS,TOWERS,LIFTS REG. CHECK 1 524.56 524.56CR 0.00 524.56 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006053 B&D ASSOCIATES LLC I 2024-0143 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/23/2024 782,225.25 782,225.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155028 782,225.25 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 743,437.75 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 38,787.50 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 782,225.25 782,225.25CR 0.00 782,225.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006126 BEAUDRY OIL & PROPANE I 2589120 3,000 GAL UNLEADED FUEL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/07/2024 7,802.92 7,802.92CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155029 7,802.92 101 43100-01-212.00 MOTOR FUELS 7,802.92 3,000 GAL UNLEADED FUEL REG. CHECK 1 7,802.92 7,802.92CR 0.00 7,802.92 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!28!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005998 BELAIR BUILDERS INC I 2024-0174 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 14,037.20 14,037.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155030 14,037.20 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 14,037.20 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 14,037.20 14,037.20CR 0.00 14,037.20 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003889 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY I 998968 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR SC APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/21/2024 117.75 117.75CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155031 117.75 101 45100-30-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 117.75 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR SC REG. CHECK 1 117.75 117.75CR 0.00 117.75 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002274 BERWALD ROOFING & SHEET I 2024-0175 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 1,056,572.90 1,056,572.90CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155032 1,056,572.90 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 1,012,068.90 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 44,504.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 1,056,572.90 1,056,572.90CR 0.00 1,056,572.90 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005738 BOARMAN KROOS VOGEL GROUP I I 63582 PW/PD CAMPUS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/10/2024 40,910.56 40,910.56CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155033 40,910.56 421 48000-01-302.00 ARCHITECTS' FEES 40,910.56 PW/PD CAMPUS REG. CHECK 1 40,910.56 40,910.56CR 0.00 40,910.56 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-021815 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP I B378757 PW/PD CAMPUS PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 16,000.50 16,000.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155034 16,000.50 421 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 16,000.50 PW/PD CAMPUS PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 16,000.50 16,000.50CR 0.00 16,000.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!29!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004103 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS I WO-1286555-1 TONER, COPY PAPER & PENS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/05/2024 356.55 356.55CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155035 356.55 101 41810-01-203.00 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 130.98 TONER, COPY PAPER & PENS 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 225.57 TONER, COPY PAPER & PENS I WO-1286702-1 NEW RECEIVED STAMPS & INK APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/05/2024 62.26 62.26CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155035 62.26 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.26 NEW RECEIVED STAMPS & INK I WO-1287562-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 18.78 18.78CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155035 18.78 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 1 437.59 437.59CR 0.00 437.59 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004356 CENAIKO EXPO INC I ROSEMOUNT24-FINAL EXPO BOOTH PACKAGE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 1,795.20 1,795.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155036 1,795.20 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,795.20 EXPO BOOTH PACKAGE REG. CHECK 1 1,795.20 1,795.20CR 0.00 1,795.20 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006054 CENTRAL ROOFING COMPANY I 2024-0144 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 488,634.87 488,634.87CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155037 488,634.87 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 488,634.87 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 488,634.87 488,634.87CR 0.00 488,634.87 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005542 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS I 175314201022124 FIRE STATION 1 CABLE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/21/2024 16.88 16.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155038 16.88 101 42210-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 16.88 FIRE STATION 1 CABLE REG. CHECK 1 16.88 16.88CR 0.00 16.88 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!2:!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-030925 CITY OF FARMINGTON I 2024-0145 DC GRANT REIMBURSEMENT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 22,178.14 22,178.14CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155039 22,178.14 101 11500 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 22,178.14 DC GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REG. CHECK 1 22,178.14 22,178.14CR 0.00 22,178.14 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001627 CITY OF HASTINGS I 2024-0146 DC GRANT REIMBURSEMENT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 26,543.14 26,543.14CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155040 26,543.14 101 11500 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 26,543.14 DC GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REG. CHECK 1 26,543.14 26,543.14CR 0.00 26,543.14 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004639 CLEARWAY COMMUNITY SOLAR LL I ROSEMNT-12403 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/06/2024 5,208.29 5,208.29CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155041 5,208.29 101 11510 NATIONAL GUARD A/R 3,202.91 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 101 41940-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 85.18 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 101 43121-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 13.88 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 101 45100-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1,372.68 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 57.12 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 201 46300-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1.90 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49406-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 73.30 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49417-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 142.41 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49418-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 127.10 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 602 49452-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 19.88 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 602 49458-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 11.87 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 602 49460-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 7.18 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 603 49511-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 4.16 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 88.72 JANUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS REG. CHECK 1 5,208.29 5,208.29CR 0.00 5,208.29 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!31!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006143 KEVIN CLEMENTS I 2024-0150 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155043 100.00 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 100.00 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER REG. CHECK 1 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 100.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006151 CNC DEVELOPMENT IV, LLC I 2024-0168 CP 2020-16 CLOSE OUT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 51,183.06 51,183.06CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155044 51,183.06 402 48000-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 51,183.06 CP 2020-16 CLOSE OUT REG. CHECK 1 51,183.06 51,183.06CR 0.00 51,183.06 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-031370 COLLINS ELECTRICAL I 2334169.01 PARKING LOT LIGHT REPAIRS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/12/2024 4,870.56 4,870.56CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155045 4,870.56 608 49508-01-409.00 OTHER CONTRACTED REPAIR & MAIN 4,870.56 PARKING LOT LIGHT REPAIRS REG. CHECK 1 4,870.56 4,870.56CR 0.00 4,870.56 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-031530 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECH I 370540 MANAGED SERVER BACKUP-APR APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/15/2024 2,655.00 2,655.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155046 2,655.00 101 41320-01-391.00 P.C. MAINTENANCE 2,655.00 MANAGED SERVER BACKUP-APR I 370680 SAAS BACKUPS FOR OFFICE 365 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/15/2024 765.00 765.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155046 765.00 101 41320-01-391.00 P.C. MAINTENANCE 765.00 SAAS BACKUPS FOR OFFICE 365 REG. CHECK 1 3,420.00 3,420.00CR 0.00 3,420.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!32!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006013 CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS INC I 2024-0176 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 12,415.55 12,415.55CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155047 12,415.55 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 12,415.55 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 12,415.55 12,415.55CR 0.00 12,415.55 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004437 CUSTOM CAP & TIRE I 270064894 TIRES AND LABOR APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 2,776.28 2,776.28CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155048 2,776.28 101 43100-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP SERV 300.00 TIRES AND LABOR 101 43100-01-222.00 TIRES 2,476.28 TIRES AND LABOR REG. CHECK 1 2,776.28 2,776.28CR 0.00 2,776.28 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001770 CUSTOM DRYWALL INC I 2024-0177 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 116,460.40 116,460.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155049 116,460.40 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 97,951.02 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 18,509.38 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 116,460.40 116,460.40CR 0.00 116,460.40 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040325 DAK CNTY PROP TAXATION/RECO I 2024-0167 2023 TIF MAINTENANCE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 17,669.00 17,669.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155050 17,669.00 241 49041-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 649.00 2023 TIF MAINTENANCE 242 49042-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15,963.00 2023 TIF MAINTENANCE 243 49043-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,057.00 2023 TIF MAINTENANCE REG. CHECK 1 17,669.00 17,669.00CR 0.00 17,669.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!33!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005545 DAK COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE I 2024-0147 PERMIT 4310-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155051 300.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 300.00 PERMIT 4310-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 300.00 300.00CR 0.00 300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040040 DAKOTA AWARDS & ENGRAVING I 27245 2023 EMP YEAR PLAQUE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 1/12/2024 12.00 12.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155052 12.00 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.00 2023 EMP YEAR PLAQUE REG. CHECK 1 12.00 12.00CR 0.00 12.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040178 DAKOTA COUNTY FINANCE I 100192 CSAH 42 AKRON AVE SIGNAL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/01/2024 444,595.14 444,595.14CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155053 444,595.14 203 49003-01-530.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 444,595.14 CSAH 42 AKRON AVE SIGNAL REG. CHECK 1 444,595.14 444,595.14CR 0.00 444,595.14 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040487 DALCO I 4210671 SC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 1,003.98 1,003.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155054 1,003.98 101 45100-30-211.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 1,003.98 SC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 1 1,003.98 1,003.98CR 0.00 1,003.98 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002002 DELTA GLOVES I 146354 BLACK NITREX GLOVES-FD APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/26/2024 710.40 710.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155055 710.40 101 42210-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 710.40 BLACK NITREX GLOVES-FD REG. CHECK 1 710.40 710.40CR 0.00 710.40 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!34!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000618 DIVISION V SHEET METAL I 2024-0178 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 409,936.40 409,936.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155056 409,936.40 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 409,936.40 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 409,936.40 409,936.40CR 0.00 409,936.40 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004400 DUNDAS SOLAR HOLDINGS LLC I 2403-6951A FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTION APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 9,533.48 9,533.48CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155057 9,533.48 650 45130-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 9,533.48 FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTION REG. CHECK 1 9,533.48 9,533.48CR 0.00 9,533.48 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050213 EARL F ANDERSEN INC I 0135618-IN PASSING ZONE SIGN APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 862.80 862.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155058 862.80 101 43121-01-226.00 SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS 862.80 PASSING ZONE SIGN REG. CHECK 1 862.80 862.80CR 0.00 862.80 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050329 ECM PUBLISHERS INC I 988218 ORDINANCE NO B-310 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/01/2024 58.13 58.13CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 58.13 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 58.13 ORDINANCE NO B-310 I 989048 PN: LAS TORTILLAS LIQUOR LI APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 50.37 50.37CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 50.37 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 50.37 PN: LAS TORTILLAS LIQUOR LIC I 989049 PH: AMBER FIELDS 17TH ADDIT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 42.62 42.62CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 42.62 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 42.62 PH: AMBER FIELDS 17TH ADDITION I 989050 PUD PRESTWICK PUBLIC NOTICE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 46.50 46.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 46.50 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 46.50 PUD PRESTWICK PUBLIC NOTICE Qbhf!35!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 989051 PH: REZONING AMBER FIELDS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 46.50 46.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 46.50 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 46.50 PH: REZONING AMBER FIELDS I 989052 PH: TITLE 11 ZONING REG APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 34.87 34.87CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 34.87 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 34.87 PH: TITLE 11 ZONING REG I 989099 RFP: 2024 SIP APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 375.20 375.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155059 375.20 492 48000-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 375.20 RFP: 2024 SIP REG. CHECK 1 654.19 654.19CR 0.00 654.19 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050340 ECOLAB PEST I 4854022 PEST CONTROL-MN DOT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 46.16 46.16CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155060 46.16 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 46.16 PEST CONTROL-MN DOT I 4854023 PEST CONTROL-CH,SHOP,PW APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 132.73 132.73CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155060 132.73 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 132.73 PEST CONTROL-CH,SHOP,PW I 4854024 SC PEST CONTROL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 171.86 171.86CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155060 171.86 101 45100-30-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 171.86 SC PEST CONTROL REG. CHECK 1 350.75 350.75CR 0.00 350.75 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050812 EHLERS I 97071 SERIES 2018A ARBITRAGE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 750.00 750.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155061 750.00 332 47000-01-621.00 BOND PAYING AGENT & ADMIN FEES 750.00 SERIES 2018A ARBITRAGE REG. CHECK 1 750.00 750.00CR 0.00 750.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!36!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001139 ELECTRIC PUMP I 0077709-IN SPARE PARTS FOR LS 7 & 8 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/04/2024 6,082.44 6,082.44CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155062 6,082.44 602 49452-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 3,041.22 SPARE PARTS FOR LS 7 & 8 602 49458-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 3,041.22 SPARE PARTS FOR LS 7 & 8 REG. CHECK 1 6,082.44 6,082.44CR 0.00 6,082.44 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005946 FAITH FAMILY MINISTRIES I 2024-0148 BOOKING 2504-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155063 300.00 101 22000 DEPOSITS PAYABLE-COMM CTR 300.00 BOOKING 2504-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 300.00 300.00CR 0.00 300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001182 FIRE SAFETY USA INC I 183462 HEXARMOR BARRIER GLOVES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/05/2024 453.65 453.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155064 453.65 101 42210-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 453.65 HEXARMOR BARRIER GLOVES REG. CHECK 1 453.65 453.65CR 0.00 453.65 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005314 FLEET SERVICES I 2024080020 LEASE VEHICLES-PD/PW APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 17,807.07 17,807.07CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155065 17,807.07 207 49007-01-548.00 LEASE PROGRAM-P.W. VEHICLES 9,967.34 LEASE VEHICLES-PD/PW 207 49007-01-549.00 LEASE PROGRAM-POLICE VEHICLES 6,561.97 LEASE VEHICLES-PD/PW 601 49400-01-548.00 LEASE PROGRAM-P.W. VEHICLES 425.92 LEASE VEHICLES-PD/PW 602 49450-01-548.00 LEASE PROGRAM-P.W. VEHICLES 425.92 LEASE VEHICLES-PD/PW 603 49500-01-548.00 LEASE PROGRAM-P.W. VEHICLES 425.92 LEASE VEHICLES-PD/PW REG. CHECK 1 17,807.07 17,807.07CR 0.00 17,807.07 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!37!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006038 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR I 2024-0154 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/28/2024 165,300.00 165,300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155066 165,300.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 96,675.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 68,625.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 165,300.00 165,300.00CR 0.00 165,300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003693 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC I INV-42676 NEOGOV LEARN SUBSCRIPTION APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/06/2024 1,155.00 1,155.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155067 1,155.00 101 41130-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 1,155.00 NEOGOV LEARN SUBSCRIPTION REG. CHECK 1 1,155.00 1,155.00CR 0.00 1,155.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005693 GREAT AMERICA FINANCIAL SVC I 36025602 POSTAGE EQUIPMENT APBNK 3/27/2024 D 2/26/2024 192.41 192.41CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001837 192.41 101 41810-01-413.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 192.41 POSTAGE EQUIPMENT DRAFTS 1 192.41 192.41CR 0.00 192.41 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006144 DAVE HAGEDORN I 2024-0151 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155068 100.00 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 100.00 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER REG. CHECK 1 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 100.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006057 HARTY MECHANICAL INC I 2024-0155 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 526,965.00 526,965.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155069 526,965.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 496,933.72 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 30,031.28 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ Qbhf!38!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 526,965.00 526,965.00CR 0.00 526,965.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006148 KAREN HAUSER I 2024-0159 CANCELED YOGA CLASS 3/5 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 7.50 7.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155070 7.50 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 7.50 CANCELED YOGA CLASS 3/5 REG. CHECK 1 7.50 7.50CR 0.00 7.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006150 RICHARD HAUSER I 2024-0164 YOGA CLASS CANCELLED 3/5 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 7.50 7.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155071 7.50 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 7.50 YOGA CLASS CANCELLED 3/5 REG. CHECK 1 7.50 7.50CR 0.00 7.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-080458 HAWKINS INC I 6708630 CHLORINE TANK RENTAL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 140.00 140.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155072 140.00 601 49400-01-216.00 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 140.00 CHLORINE TANK RENTAL REG. CHECK 1 140.00 140.00CR 0.00 140.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006146 BILL HENRY I 2024-0153 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155073 100.00 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 100.00 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER REG. CHECK 1 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 100.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!39!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005830 HOLCIM - MWR INC I 719262697 FILL SAND APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 80.27 80.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155074 80.27 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 80.27 FILL SAND REG. CHECK 1 80.27 80.27CR 0.00 80.27 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005977 HOLLENBACK & NELSON INC I 2024-0179 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 474,620.00 474,620.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155075 474,620.00 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 388,016.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 86,604.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 474,620.00 474,620.00CR 0.00 474,620.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003217 HOSE/CONVEYORS INC C 00107805 RETURN CLAMPS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 9.33CR 9.33 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155076 9.33CR 602 49450-01-227.00 UTILITY SYSTEM MAINT SUPPLIES 9.33CRRETURN CLAMPS I 00107787 NEW VACTOR FILL HOSE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 183.65 183.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155076 183.65 602 49450-01-227.00 UTILITY SYSTEM MAINT SUPPLIES 183.65 NEW VACTOR FILL HOSE I 00107789 HOSE PARTS ASSEMBLY APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 128.29 128.29CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155076 128.29 602 49450-01-227.00 UTILITY SYSTEM MAINT SUPPLIES 128.29 HOSE PARTS ASSEMBLY I 00107853 FIRE HOSE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 179.26 179.26CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155076 179.26 101 43121-01-224.00 STREET MAINTENANCE MATERIALS 179.26 FIRE HOSE REG. CHECK 1 481.87 481.87CR 0.00 481.87 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!3:!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006139 HUEBSCH I 20301621 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS # APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 35.76 35.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155077 35.76 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 35.76 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS #1 I 20301625 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS # APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 31.76 31.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155077 31.76 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 31.76 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS #2 I 20301630 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PD & APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 203.12 203.12CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155077 203.12 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 203.12 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PD & CH I 20301631 MATS @ PW SOUTH APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 16.27 16.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155077 16.27 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16.27 MATS @ PW SOUTH I 20301632 MATS & TOWELS @ PW CENTRAL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 46.27 46.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155077 46.27 101 43100-01-211.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 25.02 MATS & TOWELS @ PW CENTRAL 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21.25 MATS & TOWELS @ PW CENTRAL I 20301633 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PW N APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 81.25 81.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155077 81.25 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 81.25 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PW N REG. CHECK 1 414.43 414.43CR 0.00 414.43 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001690 IN CONTROL INC I S-INV01415 NETWORK TROUBLESHOOTING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 393.75 393.75CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155078 393.75 601 49400-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 393.75 NETWORK TROUBLESHOOTING REG. CHECK 1 393.75 393.75CR 0.00 393.75 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-091405 INDEPENDENT BLACK DIRT I 35066 1 YD BLACK DIRT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/15/2024 22.00 22.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155079 22.00 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 22.00 1 YD BLACK DIRT REG. CHECK 1 22.00 22.00CR 0.00 22.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!41!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006080 JERRY'S FLOOR STORE I 2024-0157 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 169,373.63 169,373.63CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155080 169,373.63 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 169,373.63 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 169,373.63 169,373.63CR 0.00 169,373.63 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004822 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE I 793846 OIL AND LUBRICANTS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/12/2024 3,133.95 3,133.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155081 3,133.95 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 3,133.95 OIL AND LUBRICANTS REG. CHECK 1 3,133.95 3,133.95CR 0.00 3,133.95 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-110314 KENNEDY & GRAVEN CHARTERED I 108453 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 5,358.03 5,358.03CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 5,358.03 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 2,348.53 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER 474 48000-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 362.50 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER 474 48000-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 110.00 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 161.50 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 437.00 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 1,303.50 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER 404 48000-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 635.00 FEBRUARY - NON RETAINER I 180124 JANUARY RETAINER - ADMIN APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/27/2024 1,288.08 1,288.08CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 1,288.08 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 1,288.08 JANUARY RETAINER - ADMIN I 180125 JANUARY RETAINER - FINANCE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/27/2024 206.42 206.42CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 206.42 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 206.42 JANUARY RETAINER - FINANCE I 180127 JANUARY RETAINER - PLANNING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/27/2024 247.71 247.71CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 247.71 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 247.71 JANUARY RETAINER - PLANNING I 180128 JANUARY RETAINER - P&R APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/27/2024 396.34 396.34CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 396.34 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 396.34 JANUARY RETAINER - P&R Qbhf!42!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 180129 JANUARY RETAINER - PERSONNE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/27/2024 148.62 148.62CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 148.62 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 148.62 JANUARY RETAINER - PERSONNEL I 180358 FEBRUARY RETAINER - ADMIN APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 2,748.50 2,748.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 2,748.50 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 2,748.50 FEBRUARY RETAINER - ADMIN I 180360 FEBRUARY RETAINER - ENG & P APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 97.00 97.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 97.00 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 97.00 FEBRUARY RETAINER - ENG & PW I 180361 FEBRUARY RETAINER - PLANNIN APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 646.71 646.71CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 646.71 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 646.71 FEBRUARY RETAINER - PLANNING I 180362 FEBRUARY RETAINER - P&R APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 86.23 86.23CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155082 86.23 101 41810-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 86.23 FEBRUARY RETAINER - P&R REG. CHECK 1 11,223.64 11,223.64CR 0.00 11,223.64 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-110526 KIMBALL MIDWEST I 101998122 SHOP SUPPLIES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 670.14 670.14CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155084 670.14 101 43100-01-215.00 SHOP MATERIALS 670.14 SHOP SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 1 670.14 670.14CR 0.00 670.14 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005741 KIRCHNER LAWN & LANDSCAPE I 8236 STUMP GRINDING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/16/2024 1,600.00 1,600.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155085 1,600.00 202 24446 F/B ASSIGNED FOR CARROLL WOODS 1,600.00 STUMP GRINDING I 8237 STUMP GRINDING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 700.00 700.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155085 700.00 101 43121-01-409.00 TREE TRIMMING 700.00 STUMP GRINDING I 8238 STUMP GRINDING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 4,000.00 4,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155085 4,000.00 101 45202-01-403.00 CONTRACTED R & M-OTHER IMPROV 4,000.00 STUMP GRINDING Qbhf!43!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 6,300.00 6,300.00CR 0.00 6,300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005999 KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION I 62283 CONST MGMT SERVICES PD/PW P APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/08/2024 129,726.46 129,726.46CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155086 129,726.46 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 129,726.46 CONST MGMT SERVICES PD/PW PROJ REG. CHECK 1 129,726.46 129,726.46CR 0.00 129,726.46 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-111843 KRISS PREMIUM PRODUCTS I 187792 ARENA CHEMICALS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 1,474.50 1,474.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155087 1,474.50 650 45130-01-216.00 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 1,474.50 ARENA CHEMICALS REG. CHECK 1 1,474.50 1,474.50CR 0.00 1,474.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005498 LABRASH PLUMBING & HEATING I 21599 IRRIGATION METER REMOVAL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 436.59 436.59CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155088 436.59 601 49400-01-403.00 CONTRACTED R & M-OTHER IMPROV 436.59 IRRIGATION METER REMOVAL REG. CHECK 1 436.59 436.59CR 0.00 436.59 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-120513 LEAGUE-MN CITIES INS TRST I 22303 J. HAWKINSON - CLAIM 004992 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/01/2024 56.60 56.60CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155089 56.60 206 49006-01-305.00 MEDICAL & DENTAL FEES 56.60 J. HAWKINSON - CLAIM 00499220 REG. CHECK 1 56.60 56.60CR 0.00 56.60 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!44!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006039 LEJEUNE STEEL COMPANY I 2024-0160 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 57,486.00 57,486.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155090 57,486.00 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 57,486.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 57,486.00 57,486.00CR 0.00 57,486.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001511 LENNAR HOMES I 2019-02991 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 2,000.00 2,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155091 2,000.00 101 22010 AS-BUILT SURVEY DEPOSITS 2,000.00 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND I 2019-02992 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 2,000.00 2,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155091 2,000.00 101 22010 AS-BUILT SURVEY DEPOSITS 2,000.00 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND I 2019-02993 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 2,000.00 2,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155091 2,000.00 101 22010 AS-BUILT SURVEY DEPOSITS 2,000.00 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND I 2019-02994 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 2,000.00 2,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155091 2,000.00 101 22010 AS-BUILT SURVEY DEPOSITS 2,000.00 AS-BUILT SURVEY REFUND REG. CHECK 1 8,000.00 8,000.00CR 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003457 LHB INC I 220019.00-9 DESIGN - DUNMORE PARK APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/04/2024 14,300.00 14,300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155092 14,300.00 205 49005-01-533.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 14,300.00 DESIGN - DUNMORE PARK REG. CHECK 1 14,300.00 14,300.00CR 0.00 14,300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004303 MACQUEEN EMERGENCY I P25651 CHIN STRAP APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/13/2024 133.15 133.15CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155093 133.15 101 42210-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 133.15 CHIN STRAP Qbhf!45!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I P25775 HELMETS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/15/2024 1,742.77 1,742.77CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155093 1,742.77 101 42210-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 1,742.77 HELMETS I P26106 SMART CYLINDER HOLDER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/22/2024 1,417.85 1,417.85CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155093 1,417.85 101 42210-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1,417.85 SMART CYLINDER HOLDER I P26548 CHIN STRAPS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/01/2024 657.15 657.15CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155093 657.15 101 42210-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 657.15 CHIN STRAPS I P26729 GAS MONITOR STATION APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/06/2024 4,852.20 4,852.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155093 4,852.20 101 42210-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 4,852.20 GAS MONITOR STATION I P26801 BOOTS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/07/2024 601.25 601.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155093 601.25 101 42210-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 601.25 BOOTS REG. CHECK 1 9,404.37 9,404.37CR 0.00 9,404.37 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003535 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY I MBINV-8839631 1800 GAL UNLIFTED DIESEL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/12/2024 1,350.00 1,350.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155094 1,350.00 101 43100-01-212.00 MOTOR FUELS 1,350.00 1800 GAL UNLIFTED DIESEL REG. CHECK 1 1,350.00 1,350.00CR 0.00 1,350.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-130725 MENARDS-APPLE VALLEY I 70089 DEF FLUID APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/05/2024 163.00 163.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155095 163.00 101 42210-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 163.00 DEF FLUID I 70501 PD REMODEL MATERIALS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 107.11 107.11CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155095 107.11 101 42110-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 107.11 PD REMODEL MATERIALS I 70767 HEAT GUN TOOL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 25.98 25.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155095 25.98 101 45202-01-241.00 SMALL TOOLS 25.98 HEAT GUN TOOL Qbhf!46!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 296.09 296.09CR 0.00 296.09 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006152 META PLATFORMS INC I 2024-0169 REFUND OVERPAYMENT OF CITY APBNK 3/22/2024 D 3/22/2024 426,930.00 426,930.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001838 426,930.00 474 20202 OTHER REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSES 426,930.00 REFUND OVERPAYMENT OF CITY FEE DRAFTS 1 426,930.00 426,930.00CR 0.00 426,930.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004079 METRO SALES INC I INV2484538 RICOH C307 LEASE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/12/2024 67.00 67.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155096 67.00 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 67.00 RICOH C307 LEASE I INV2488115 RICOH/IM C3500 COPIER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 286.08 286.08CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155096 286.08 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 286.08 RICOH/IM C3500 COPIER REG. CHECK 1 353.08 353.08CR 0.00 353.08 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006145 CONRAD MISKA I 2024-0152 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155097 100.00 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 100.00 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER REG. CHECK 1 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 100.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003896 MMKR & CO., P.A. I 55672 AUDIT SVCS THRU 02/29/2024 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 1,380.00 1,380.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155098 1,380.00 101 41810-01-301.00 AUDITING & ACCOUNTING SERVICES 1,380.00 AUDIT SVCS THRU 02/29/2024 REG. CHECK 1 1,380.00 1,380.00CR 0.00 1,380.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!47!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000030 MN DEPT OF REVENUE I 202403220574 FEBRUARY PETROLEUM TAX APBNK 3/20/2024 D 3/20/2024 179.55 179.55CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001839 179.55 101 43100-01-212.00 MOTOR FUELS 179.55 FEBRUARY PETROLEUM TAX DRAFTS 1 179.55 179.55CR 0.00 179.55 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000031 MN DEPT OF REVENUE I 202403220575 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX APBNK 3/20/2024 D 3/20/2024 1,863.00 1,863.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001840 1,863.00 101 22810 SALES TAX PAYABLE 159.24 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX 601 22810 SALES TAX PAYABLE 1,180.46 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX 604 22810 SALES TAX PAYABLE 0.82 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX 650 22810 SALES TAX PAYABLE 519.16 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 1.23 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX 101 45100-93-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1.63 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX 101 41520-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 0.46 FEBRUARY SALES & USE TAX DRAFTS 1 1,863.00 1,863.00CR 0.00 1,863.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001328 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP I 0503984315-1 2/24 FIRE STATION #2 APBNK 3/28/2024 D 2/22/2024 726.72 726.72CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001841 726.72 101 41940-01-383.00 GAS UTILITIES 726.72 FIRE STATION #2 I 0737046210-2 2/24 FLINT HILLS REC COMPLEX APBNK 3/28/2024 D 2/23/2024 320.38 320.38CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001841 320.38 101 45202-01-383.00 GAS UTILITIES 320.38 FLINT HILLS REC COMPLEX DRAFTS 1 1,047.10 1,047.10CR 0.00 1,047.10 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-137885 MN VALLEY TESTING LABS I 1242879 BAC T SAMPLES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 427.50 427.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155099 427.50 601 49400-01-310.00 TESTING SERVICES 427.50 BAC T SAMPLES REG. CHECK 1 427.50 427.50CR 0.00 427.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!48!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006048 MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY I 2024-0161 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 76,000.00 76,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155100 76,000.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 41,650.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 34,350.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ I 2024-0180 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 798,186.15 798,186.15CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155100 798,186.15 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 722,211.15 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 75,975.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 874,186.15 874,186.15CR 0.00 874,186.15 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006024 NOVA FIRE PROTECTION INC I 2024-0181 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 97,440.55 97,440.55CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155101 97,440.55 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 95,895.05 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 1,545.50 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 97,440.55 97,440.55CR 0.00 97,440.55 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006106 OLYMPIC COMPANIES INC I 2024-0162 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 508,763.00 508,763.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155102 508,763.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 499,439.65 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 9,323.35 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 508,763.00 508,763.00CR 0.00 508,763.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005974 PATRIOT ERECTORS INC I 2024-0182 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 10,784.40 10,784.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155103 10,784.40 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 10,784.40 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT I 2024-0183 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 76,176.70 76,176.70CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155103 76,176.70 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 76,176.70 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT Qbhf!49!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 86,961.10 86,961.10CR 0.00 86,961.10 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004740 PELLICCI ACE ROSEMOUNT I 11546/R MATERIALS FOR MULCH TARP APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 34.97 34.97CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155104 34.97 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 34.97 MATERIALS FOR MULCH TARP I 11552/R SCREEN REPAIR TAPE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/12/2024 39.96 39.96CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155104 39.96 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 39.96 SCREEN REPAIR TAPE I 11556/R PD REMODEL SUPPLIES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/12/2024 18.98 18.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155104 18.98 101 41940-01-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 18.98 PD REMODEL SUPPLIES I 11563/R TORCH,QUART CONTAINERS & LI APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 78.69 78.69CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155104 78.69 101 45202-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 78.69 TORCH,QUART CONTAINERS & LIDS I 11603/R TAPE & PUTTY KNIVES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/21/2024 13.97 13.97CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155104 13.97 101 45202-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 13.97 TAPE & PUTTY KNIVES REG. CHECK 1 186.57 186.57CR 0.00 186.57 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006026 R.J. MECHANICAL INC I 2024-0184 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 245,246.22 245,246.22CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155105 245,246.22 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 184,497.01 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 60,749.21 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 245,246.22 245,246.22CR 0.00 245,246.22 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005420 REAL ESTATE PUBLISHING CORP I 12132 BRONZE SPONSORSHIP APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/06/2024 5,000.00 5,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155106 5,000.00 201 46300-01-349.00 OTHER ADVERTISING 5,000.00 BRONZE SPONSORSHIP REG. CHECK 1 5,000.00 5,000.00CR 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!4:!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 25 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003991 REFLECTIONS WINDOW WASHING I 8528 SC WINDOW WASHING APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/14/2024 945.00 945.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155107 945.00 101 45100-30-401.00 CONTRACTED BUILDING REPAIRS 945.00 SC WINDOW WASHING REG. CHECK 1 945.00 945.00CR 0.00 945.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-180675 RENT 'N' SAVE I 76936 FEB PORTABLE RESTROOMS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 385.00 385.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155108 385.00 101 45100-01-415.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL 385.00 FEB PORTABLE RESTROOMS REG. CHECK 1 385.00 385.00CR 0.00 385.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006149 ROSEMOUNT HS WRESTL'G BOOST I 2024-0163 PERMIT 5593-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155109 300.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 300.00 PERMIT 5593-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 300.00 300.00CR 0.00 300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005715 ROSEMOUNT IRISH FISHING I 2024-0165 PERMIT 5729-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 500.00 500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155110 500.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 500.00 PERMIT 5729-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 500.00 500.00CR 0.00 500.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-191360 S.M. HENTGES & SONS INC I 2024-0166 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 19,808.47 19,808.47CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155111 19,808.47 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 19,808.47 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 19,808.47 19,808.47CR 0.00 19,808.47 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!51!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 26 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006142 ALEX SCHMIDT-KARYE I 2024-0149 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155112 100.00 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 100.00 EXPO MUSIC PERFORMER REG. CHECK 1 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 100.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006147 JON SCHWICHTENBERG I 2024-0158 PERMIT #5509-CANCELED APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 1,165.00 1,165.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155113 1,165.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 1,165.00 PERMIT #5509-CANCELED REG. CHECK 1 1,165.00 1,165.00CR 0.00 1,165.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190854 SHERWIN WILLIAMS-AV I 6511-6 PAINT & SUPPLIES APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 114.89 114.89CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155114 114.89 101 45202-01-223.00 SHELTER REPAIR SUPPLIES 114.89 PAINT & SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 1 114.89 114.89CR 0.00 114.89 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000861 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP I B18058881 A/C ADAPTER APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/11/2024 52.00 52.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155115 52.00 101 41320-01-392.00 P.C. ACCESSORIES & SUPPLIES 52.00 A/C ADAPTER REG. CHECK 1 52.00 52.00CR 0.00 52.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190555 SHORT ELLIOT HENDRICKSON I 463388 CSAH 42 WATER MAIN EXTENSIO APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/13/2024 12,783.17 12,783.17CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155116 12,783.17 474 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 12,783.17 CSAH 42 WATER MAIN EXTENSION I 463649 WELL 17 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTI APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/15/2024 9,799.76 9,799.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155116 9,799.76 601 49400-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 9,799.76 WELL 17 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Qbhf!52!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 27 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 22,582.93 22,582.93CR 0.00 22,582.93 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002878 SHRED RIGHT I 0020490 PURGE SERVICE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/15/2024 75.40 75.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155117 75.40 101 41940-01-384.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL 75.40 PURGE SERVICE REG. CHECK 1 75.40 75.40CR 0.00 75.40 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005716 SOUTHERN MN AREA ASSEMBLY I 2024-0170 PERMIT 5436-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/25/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155118 300.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 300.00 PERMIT 5436-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 300.00 300.00CR 0.00 300.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006088 TEKTON CONSTRUCTION I 2024-0185 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 106,028.79 106,028.79CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155119 106,028.79 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 93,243.47 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 12,785.32 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 106,028.79 106,028.79CR 0.00 106,028.79 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006049 THELEN HEATING & ROOFING IN I 2024-0186 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 1,727,052.50 1,727,052.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155120 1,727,052.50 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 1,698,064.50 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 28,988.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 1,727,052.50 1,727,052.50CR 0.00 1,727,052.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!53!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 28 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000549 TKDA ASSOCIATES I 002024000800 2024 STREET IMPROVEMENT PRO APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/04/2024 19,114.06 19,114.06CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155121 19,114.06 492 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 19,114.06 2024 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJ REG. CHECK 1 19,114.06 19,114.06CR 0.00 19,114.06 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006089 TRU STEEL SERVICES I 2024-0187 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 25,650.00 25,650.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155122 25,650.00 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 22,600.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 3,050.00 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 25,650.00 25,650.00CR 0.00 25,650.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006075 TWIN CITY HARDWARE I 2024-0188 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/23/2024 30,461.75 30,461.75CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155123 30,461.75 421 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 26,071.38 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT 421 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 4,390.37 ROSEMOUNT PD/PW PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 30,461.75 30,461.75CR 0.00 30,461.75 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-202315 TWIN CITY HARDWARE I PSI2253960 ARENA LOCKER RM KEY REPAIRS APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 281.25 281.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155124 281.25 650 45130-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 281.25 ARENA LOCKER RM KEY REPAIRS REG. CHECK 1 281.25 281.25CR 0.00 281.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001337 US BANK C 202403190503 RETURN CELLPHONE CASE FOR 3 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 12.34CR 12.34 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 12.34CR 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.34CRRETURN CELLPHONE CASE FOR 3572 Qbhf!54!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 29 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C 202403190536 FRAUDULENT CHARGE CREDIT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/22/2024 9.28CR 9.28 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 9.28CR 101 11500 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 9.28CRFRAUDULENT CHARGE CREDIT C 202403190537 FRAUDULENT CHARGE CREDIT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/18/2024 100.00CR 100.00 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 100.00CR 101 11500 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 100.00CRFRAUDULENT CHARGE CREDIT C 202403190544 OZONE PLATES RETURNED APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 18.58CR 18.58 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 18.58CR 650 45130-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 18.58CROZONE PLATES RETURNED C 202403200568 UNAVAILABLE PRODUCT REFUND APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/23/2024 146.01CR 146.01 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 146.01CR 101 45100-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 146.01CRUNAVAILABLE PRODUCT REFUND I 202403190469 FOOD FOR GOAL SETTING APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 37.02 37.02CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 37.02 101 41110-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 37.02 FOOD FOR GOAL SETTING I 202403190470 WATER FOR GOAL SETTING APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 3.99 3.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 3.99 101 41110-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 3.99 WATER FOR GOAL SETTING I 202403190471 FOOD FOR GOAL SETTING APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 237.65 237.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 237.65 101 41110-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 237.65 FOOD FOR GOAL SETTING I 202403190472 FOOD FOR CC MEETING 2/6 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 79.32 79.32CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 79.32 101 41110-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 79.32 FOOD FOR CC MEETING 2/6 I 202403190473 STAPLER & PENS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 29.89 29.89CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 29.89 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.89 STAPLER & PENS I 202403190474 NLC CC EDUCATION SEMINARS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/21/2024 450.00 450.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 450.00 101 41110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 450.00 NLC CC EDUCATION SEMINARS I 202403190475 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 03/24-03 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/02/2024 70.00 70.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 70.00 101 41320-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 70.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 03/24-03/25 I 202403190476 J WALTMAN RENEWAL 24-25 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/07/2024 70.00 70.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 70.00 101 41520-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 70.00 J WALTMAN RENEWAL 24-25 Qbhf!55!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 30 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403190477 G RAABOLLE RENEWAL 24-25 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/13/2024 70.00 70.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 70.00 101 41520-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 70.00 G RAABOLLE RENEWAL 24-25 I 202403190478 URI PORTS PEBBLE SUBSCRIPTI APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/13/2024 60.00 60.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 60.00 101 41320-01-394.00 P.C. SOFTWARE PURCHASES 60.00 URI PORTS PEBBLE SUBSCRIPTION I 202403190479 UPGRADE TO STONE SUBSCRIPTI APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/15/2024 240.00 240.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 240.00 101 41320-01-394.00 P.C. SOFTWARE PURCHASES 240.00 UPGRADE TO STONE SUBSCRIPTION I 202403190480 Coffee Canisters (2) Break APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 136.46 136.46CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 136.46 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 136.46 Coffee Canisters (2) Break Rm I 202403190481 8.5 x 11 Acrylic Sign Holde APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/11/2024 87.08 87.08CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 87.08 101 41320-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 87.08 8.5 x 11 Acrylic Sign Holders I 202403190482 CITY MARKETING APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/31/2024 58.29 58.29CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 58.29 101 41320-41-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 58.29 CITY MARKETING I 202403190483 HEADSET FOR IT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 158.35 158.35CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 158.35 101 41320-01-392.00 P.C. ACCESSORIES & SUPPLIES 158.35 HEADSET FOR IT I 202403190484 SWAG FOR ROSEMOUNT EXPO APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/26/2024 1,005.74 1,005.74CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 1,005.74 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,005.74 SWAG FOR ROSEMOUNT EXPO I 202403190485 SUBSCRIPTION FOR ERIC APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/31/2024 170.00 170.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 170.00 201 46300-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 170.00 SUBSCRIPTION FOR ERIC I 202403190486 EXPO SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/07/2024 92.61 92.61CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 92.61 201 46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 92.61 EXPO SUPPLIES I 202403190487 I LOVE A COP BOOKS - WELLNE APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/26/2024 100.94 100.94CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 100.94 101 42110-01-435.00 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SUPPLIES 100.94 I LOVE A COP BOOKS - WELLNESS I 202403190488 Refreshments for diffusing APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/18/2024 18.97 18.97CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 18.97 101 42110-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 18.97 Refreshments for diffusing Qbhf!56!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 31 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403190489 HOCKEY JERSEYS - CHARITY GA APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/15/2024 123.60 123.60CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 123.60 101 42110-01-217.00 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE - POLICE 123.60 HOCKEY JERSEYS - CHARITY GAME I 202403190490 Squad Gas APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/18/2024 70.47 70.47CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 70.47 101 43100-01-212.00 MOTOR FUELS 70.47 Squad Gas I 202403190491 PD PENS - PULKRABEK APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/29/2024 140.50 140.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 140.50 101 42110-01-435.00 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SUPPLIES 140.50 PD PENS - PULKRABEK I 202403190492 RECOGNITION RIBBONS & AWARD APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/21/2024 598.46 598.46CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 598.46 101 42110-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 598.46 RECOGNITION RIBBONS & AWARDS I 202403190493 Gun Permit Cards APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/23/2024 328.00 328.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 328.00 101 42110-01-203.00 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 328.00 Gun Permit Cards I 202403190494 RIFLE STAND FOR RANGE USE APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/08/2024 89.09 89.09CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 89.09 101 42110-01-242.00 MINOR EQUIPMENT 89.09 RIFLE STAND FOR RANGE USE I 202403190495 EAR MUFFS FOR FIREARMS TRNG APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/08/2024 376.10 376.10CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 376.10 101 42110-01-242.00 MINOR EQUIPMENT 376.10 EAR MUFFS FOR FIREARMS TRNG I 202403190496 EAR PLUGS FOR FIREARMS TRNG APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/08/2024 58.26 58.26CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 58.26 101 42110-01-242.00 MINOR EQUIPMENT 58.26 EAR PLUGS FOR FIREARMS TRNG I 202403190497 SOTA CONFERENCE REG - 3539 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/08/2024 365.00 365.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 365.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 365.00 SOTA CONFERENCE REG - 3539 I 202403190498 2024 MNJOA CONFERENCE FOR 3 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/26/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 300.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 300.00 2024 MNJOA CONFERENCE FOR 3562 I 202403190499 TRAINING FOR OFFICER HOTALI APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/26/2024 250.00 250.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 250.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 250.00 TRAINING FOR OFFICER HOTALING I 202403190500 DMT-G RECERTIFICATION TRAIN APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/03/2024 75.00 75.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 75.00 208 49008-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 75.00 DMT-G RECERTIFICATION TRAINING Qbhf!57!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 32 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403190501 RECRUITING EVENT FOOD & BEV APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/05/2024 63.92 63.92CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 63.92 101 42110-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 63.92 RECRUITING EVENT FOOD & BEV I 202403190502 FORENSIC DNA TRAINING FOR 3 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/05/2024 75.00 75.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 75.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 75.00 FORENSIC DNA TRAINING FOR 3568 I 202403190504 NEW PHONE CASES - IPHONE 14 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/31/2024 167.86 167.86CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 167.86 101 42110-01-242.00 MINOR EQUIPMENT 167.86 NEW PHONE CASES - IPHONE 14 I 202403190505 OFFICE SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/19/2024 34.82 34.82CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 34.82 101 41810-01-209.00 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 34.82 OFFICE SUPPLIES I 202403190506 MN CIT COACH TRN FOR 3564 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 100.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 100.00 MN CIT COACH TRN FOR 3564 I 202403190507 DEATH INV CONF FOR 48 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/03/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 300.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 300.00 DEATH INV CONF FOR 48 I 202403190508 CIT COACH TRN 3556 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 100.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 100.00 CIT COACH TRN 3556 I 202403190509 BCA DEATH CONF FOR 3556 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 300.00 300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 300.00 101 42110-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 300.00 BCA DEATH CONF FOR 3556 I 202403190510 iCloud 2TB Storage for 3542 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/16/2024 9.99 9.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 9.99 101 42110-01-329.00 OTHER COMMUNICATION COSTS 9.99 iCloud 2TB Storage for 3542 I 202403190511 TWO AWARD PLAQUES FOR OFFIC APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/21/2024 177.00 177.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 177.00 101 42110-01-599.00 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION COSTS 177.00 TWO AWARD PLAQUES FOR OFFICER I 202403190512 FIRE HOSE CLEANING BRUSHES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/31/2024 70.01 70.01CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 70.01 101 42210-01-241.00 SMALL TOOLS 70.01 FIRE HOSE CLEANING BRUSHES I 202403190513 PAR BOARD TAGS AND RINGS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/07/2024 62.87 62.87CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 62.87 101 42210-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 62.87 PAR BOARD TAGS AND RINGS Qbhf!58!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 33 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403190514 ACTIVE 911 YEARLY SUBSCRIPT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/11/2024 787.50 787.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 787.50 101 42210-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 787.50 ACTIVE 911 YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION I 202403190515 SANDING DISCS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/15/2024 24.38 24.38CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 24.38 101 45202-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 24.38 SANDING DISCS I 202403190516 thermostat for PRV APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/29/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 100.00 601 49406-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 100.00 thermostat for PRV I 202403190517 10-pack mini light bulbs APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/31/2024 15.99 15.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 15.99 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 15.99 10-pack mini light bulbs I 202403190518 time delay fuses - well hou APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 25.76 25.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 25.76 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 25.76 time delay fuses - well houses I 202403190519 flashlights for utility tru APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 600.52 600.52CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 600.52 602 49450-01-241.00 SMALL TOOLS 600.52 flashlights for utility trucks I 202403190520 ear muffs for vac truck APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/03/2024 159.98 159.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 159.98 602 49450-01-240.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & PPE 159.98 ear muffs for vac truck I 202403190521 REGISTRATION FOR WATER CONF APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/31/2024 930.00 930.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 930.00 601 49400-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 930.00 REGISTRATION FOR WATER CONFERE I 202403190522 WATER CONFERENCE - JACOBUS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 275.00 275.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 275.00 601 49400-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 275.00 WATER CONFERENCE - JACOBUS I 202403190523 PLAYGROUND SAFETY COURSE/EX APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/30/2024 1,480.00 1,480.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 1,480.00 101 45202-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 1,480.00 PLAYGROUND SAFETY COURSE/EXAM I 202403190524 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 62.00 62.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 62.00 101 45202-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 62.00 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION I 202403190525 PARTS AND PUMP FOR PAINTER APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/13/2024 1,378.46 1,378.46CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 1,378.46 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1,378.46 PARTS AND PUMP FOR PAINTER Qbhf!59!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 34 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403190526 lunch for four guys APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/24/2024 163.68 163.68CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 163.68 101 45202-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 163.68 lunch for four guys I 202403190527 Parking for the green expo APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/24/2024 15.00 15.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 15.00 101 45202-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 15.00 Parking for the green expo I 202403190528 Lunch for seminar APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/24/2024 20.26 20.26CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 20.26 101 41940-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 20.26 Lunch for seminar I 202403190529 Parking for Conference APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/24/2024 10.99 10.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 10.99 101 41940-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 10.99 Parking for Conference I 202403190530 Travis Roschen boiler Renew APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/09/2024 40.00 40.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 40.00 101 45202-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 40.00 Travis Roschen boiler Renewal I 202403190531 2024 ESRI USER CONF TRAVEL APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/22/2024 357.20 357.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 357.20 601 49400-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 119.07 2024 ESRI USER CONF TRAVEL 602 49450-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 119.07 2024 ESRI USER CONF TRAVEL 603 49500-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 119.06 2024 ESRI USER CONF TRAVEL I 202403190532 USB-C CHARGER BLOCKS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/02/2024 299.80 299.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 299.80 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 299.80 USB-C CHARGER BLOCKS I 202403190533 PHONE CASE FOR DENVER JACOB APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/02/2024 61.35 61.35CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 61.35 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 61.35 PHONE CASE FOR DENVER JACOBSON I 202403190534 PHONE CHARGING CABLES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/03/2024 79.92 79.92CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 79.92 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 79.92 PHONE CHARGING CABLES I 202403190535 PHONE CAR CHARGERS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/04/2024 236.00 236.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 236.00 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 236.00 PHONE CAR CHARGERS I 202403190538 AVERY ADDRESS LABEL SHEETS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/08/2024 8.88 8.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 8.88 101 41940-01-208.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 8.88 AVERY ADDRESS LABEL SHEETS I 202403190539 ANNUAL FEE - STAFF SCHEDULI APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/29/2024 504.00 504.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 504.00 101 45100-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 504.00 ANNUAL FEE - STAFF SCHEDULING Qbhf!5:!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 35 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403190540 OZONE PLATES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/29/2024 18.58 18.58CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 18.58 650 45130-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 18.58 OZONE PLATES I 202403190541 Building Supplies APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 21.84 21.84CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 21.84 101 45100-30-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 21.84 Building Supplies I 202403190542 BUILDING SUPPLIES ZIP TIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/02/2024 34.26 34.26CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 34.26 101 45100-30-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 34.26 BUILDING SUPPLIES ZIP TIES I 202403190543 AIR CLEANER PURIFICATION PL APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/02/2024 90.00 90.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 90.00 650 45130-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 90.00 AIR CLEANER PURIFICATION PLATE I 202403190545 RHS COACHES OFFICE LOCK APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/07/2024 49.98 49.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 49.98 650 45130-01-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 49.98 RHS COACHES OFFICE LOCK I 202403190546 ALL PURPOSE ABSORBENT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/07/2024 17.09 17.09CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 17.09 650 45130-01-211.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 17.09 ALL PURPOSE ABSORBENT I 202403190547 DAILY PLANNER APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/13/2024 25.07 25.07CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 25.07 101 45100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 25.07 DAILY PLANNER I 202403200548 SENIOR HOT CHOCOLATE EVENT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 42.21 42.21CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 42.21 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 42.21 SENIOR HOT CHOCOLATE EVENT I 202403200549 SENIOR CRAFT SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/25/2024 30.00 30.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 30.00 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 30.00 SENIOR CRAFT SUPPLIES I 202403200550 SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR EVENT APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/26/2024 103.80 103.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 103.80 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 103.80 SUPPLIES FOR SENIOR EVENT I 202403200551 SENIOR EVENT SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/30/2024 7.56 7.56CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 7.56 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 7.56 SENIOR EVENT SUPPLIES I 202403200552 SENIOR CARD SHUFFLER APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 21.59 21.59CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 21.59 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 21.59 SENIOR CARD SHUFFLER Qbhf!61!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 36 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403200553 RAS 60TH EVENT SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 24.87 24.87CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 24.87 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 24.87 RAS 60TH EVENT SUPPLIES I 202403200554 SENIOR LUNCHEON MEALS APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 1,529.33 1,529.33CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 1,529.33 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,529.33 SENIOR LUNCHEON MEALS I 202403200555 MASS CONFERENCE REGISTRATIO APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/08/2024 159.00 159.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 159.00 101 45100-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 159.00 MASS CONFERENCE REGISTRATION I 202403200556 RAS 60TH EVENT SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/12/2024 128.50 128.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 128.50 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 128.50 RAS 60TH EVENT SUPPLIES I 202403200557 COMPOSTABLE COFFEE CUPS FOR APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/22/2024 168.98 168.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 168.98 101 45100-30-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 168.98 COMPOSTABLE COFFEE CUPS FOR SC I 202403200558 MASS Conference 2024 APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/07/2024 159.00 159.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 159.00 101 45100-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 159.00 MASS Conference 2024 I 202403200559 ADULT/CHILD DANCE SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/28/2024 14.85 14.85CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 14.85 101 45100-93-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 14.85 ADULT/CHILD DANCE SUPPLIES I 202403200560 ADULT/CHILD DANCE SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/26/2024 42.71 42.71CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 42.71 101 45100-93-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 42.71 ADULT/CHILD DANCE SUPPLIES I 202403200561 LEP DAYS PRIZES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/30/2024 347.43 347.43CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 347.43 101 45100-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 347.43 LEP DAYS PRIZES I 202403200562 EGG HUNT GOLDEN EGG PRIZES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 121.95 121.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 121.95 101 45100-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 121.95 EGG HUNT GOLDEN EGG PRIZES I 202403200563 EGG HUNT SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/01/2024 1,341.00 1,341.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 1,341.00 205 49005-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 1,341.00 EGG HUNT SUPPLIES I 202403200564 ENTERTAINMENT FOR ADULT/CHI APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/05/2024 700.00 700.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 700.00 101 45100-93-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 700.00 ENTERTAINMENT FOR ADULT/CHILD Qbhf!62!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 37 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 202403200565 NRPA Professional Membershi APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/06/2024 180.00 180.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 180.00 101 45100-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 180.00 NRPA Professional Membership I 202403200566 SUMMER REC SUPPLIES/PRIZES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/14/2024 324.95 324.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 324.95 101 45100-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 324.95 SUMMER REC SUPPLIES/PRIZES I 202403200567 EGG HUNT SUPPLIES APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/16/2024 733.49 733.49CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 733.49 101 45100-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 733.49 EGG HUNT SUPPLIES I 202403200569 COMPOST BINS & POP UP CANOP APBNK 3/07/2024 D 2/19/2024 325.88 325.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 325.88 101 41940-01-384.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL 325.88 COMPOST BINS & POP UP CANOPY I 202403200570 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION APBNK 3/07/2024 D 1/28/2024 45.00 45.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001842 45.00 101 45100-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 45.00 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION DRAFTS 1 21,571.64 21,571.64CR 0.00 21,571.64 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003292 US HOME CORP I 2024-0171 CP 2020-08 CLOSE OUT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 8,099.50 8,099.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155125 8,099.50 417 48000-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 8,099.50 CP 2020-08 CLOSE OUT I 2024-0172 CP 2018-19 CLOSE OUT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 68,583.38 68,583.38CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155125 68,583.38 419 48000-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 68,583.38 CP 2018-19 CLOSE OUT I 2024-0173 CP 475 CLOSE OUT APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/20/2024 17,604.22 17,604.22CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155125 17,604.22 435 48000-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 17,604.22 CP 475 CLOSE OUT REG. CHECK 1 94,287.10 94,287.10CR 0.00 94,287.10 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000847 VALLEY-RICH CO INC I 33102 WATER MAIN BREAK-CANADA AVE APBNK 3/28/2024 R 1/24/2024 8,113.68 8,113.68CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155126 8,113.68 601 49400-01-403.00 CONTRACTED R & M-OTHER IMPROV 8,113.68 WATER MAIN BREAK-CANADA AVE Qbhf!63!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 38 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 33118 WATER MAIN BREAK-CIMARRON A APBNK 3/28/2024 R 2/29/2024 5,301.22 5,301.22CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155126 5,301.22 601 49400-01-403.00 CONTRACTED R & M-OTHER IMPROV 5,301.22 WATER MAIN BREAK-CIMARRON AVE REG. CHECK 1 13,414.90 13,414.90CR 0.00 13,414.90 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005936 JASON WAAGE I 2024-0156 SETTLEMENT OAH12448528 APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/19/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155127 100.00 101 41810-01-445.00 SPECIAL SETTLEMENTS 100.00 SETTLEMENT OAH12448528 REG. CHECK 1 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 100.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005240 WARSAW SOLAR, LLC I 2403-6994F FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTION APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/18/2024 15,619.72 15,619.72CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155128 15,619.72 101 41940-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 4,903.59 FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49407-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 446.05 FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49410-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 502.74 FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49412-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2,298.46 FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 650 45130-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 7,468.88 FEBRUARY SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS REG. CHECK 1 15,619.72 15,619.72CR 0.00 15,619.72 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005808 WEX HEALTH INC I 0001909094-IN FEBRUARY ADMIN FEES APBNK 3/25/2024 D 2/29/2024 289.50 289.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001843 289.50 101 41320-31-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 289.50 FEBRUARY ADMIN FEES DRAFTS 1 289.50 289.50CR 0.00 289.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004606 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC I 9020523422 PW PARKS TRAILER RENTAL APBNK 3/28/2024 R 3/25/2024 780.28 780.28CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155129 780.28 101 45202-01-416.00 MACHINERY RENTAL 780.28 PW PARKS TRAILER RENTAL Qbhf!64!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 39 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 780.28 780.28CR 0.00 780.28 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!65!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 40 PACKET: 06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 141,699.70CR 201 PORT AUTHORITY FUND 8,565.45CR 202 BUILDING CIP FUND 1,600.00CR 203 STREET CIP FUND 444,595.14CR 205 PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND 15,641.00CR 206 INSURANCE FUND 56.60CR 207 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND 16,529.31CR 208 DUI FORFEITURE FUND 75.00CR 241 TIF KEN ROSE DISTRICT 649.00CR 242 TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY 15,963.00CR 243 TIF-OSPREY DISTRICT 1,057.00CR 332 DS GO IMP BONDS-2018A 750.00CR 402 EMERALD ISLE 51,183.06CR 404 CARAMORE CROSSING 3RD 635.00CR 417 PRESTWICK PLACE 21ST ADDN 8,099.50CR 419 GREYSTONE 8TH ADDITION 68,583.38CR 421 PD & PW BUILDINGS PROJECT 5,387,707.03CR 435 BELLA VISTA 5TH ADDITION 17,604.22CR 474 PROJECT BIGFOOT 440,185.67CR 476 LIFE TIME CLUB 2,794,556.22CR 492 2024 STREET IMPROVEMENT 19,489.26CR 493 ASPEN AVE EXTENSION 1,492.65CR 601 WATER UTILITY FUND 32,264.47CR 602 SEWER UTILITY FUND 8,679.22CR 603 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 1,498.90CR 604 CAPITAL INVESTMENT FUND 0.82CR 608 STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 5,217.58CR 650 ARENA FUND 20,134.34CR ** TOTALS ** 9,504,512.52CR ==================================================================================================================================== Qbhf!66!pg!:1 3-28-2024 9:17 AMA/P PAYMENT REGISTERPAGE: 41 PACKET:06968 03/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSSPAYMENTOUTSTANDING NUMBERBALANCEDISCOUNT HAND CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 DRAFTS9 453,595.85453,595.85CR0.00 453,595.850.00 REG-CHECKS104 9,050,916.67 9,050,916.67CR0.00 9,050,916.670.00 EFT0.000.000.00 0.000.00 NON-CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 ALL CHECKS 113 9,504,512.52 9,504,512.52CR0.00 9,504,512.520.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERRORS:0WARNINGS:0 Qbhf!67!pg!:1 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 19, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 7:00 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Weisensel called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Essler, Theisen and Klimpel. Councilmember Freske was absent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Motion to approve agenda Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS None RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Council Member Essler Second by Council Member Klimpel Motion to approve consent agenda Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. a.Bill Listings b.Minutes of the March 4, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes c.Minutes of the March 4, 2024 Work Session Proceedings d.Donation Acceptance from Dakota Electric e.2023 Interfund Transfers Qbhf!68!pg!:1 f.Request by Spectro Alloys Corp for approval of the Spectro Alloys 3rd Addition Final Plat g.Accept Public Street and Utilities - Greystone 8th Addition h.Election Ordinance Amendment i.Donation Acceptance from Dakota Electric - Arbor Day j.Donation Acceptance from Xcel Energy k.Life Time Facility – Change Order #4 l.Request by Maplewood Development for Amber Fields Final Plat Approval m.Approve Contract Amendment for Professional Services - WSB (2023 SIP) n.Award Contract - Fire Station No. 1 Facade Repairs o.Award Contract - CSAH 42 Trunk Watermain & PRV p.Municipal State Aid Street Designation PUBLIC HEARINGS a.Liquor License Amendment for Las Tortillas Mexican Restaurant, Inc. City Clerk Fasbender presented the application from Las Tortillas to amend their current liquor license by expanding the premise to include an outdoor patio. The outdoor seating will allow for an additional 40 seats. A public hearing is required for any amendment application for the purpose of permanently expanding a licensed premise. Mayor Weisensel opened the public hearing at 7:06 p.m. No comments were received. Motion by Mayor Weisensel Second by Council Member Theisen Motion to close the public hearing Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Council Member Theisen Second by Council Member Klimpel Motion to staff recommends that the City Council approve the resolution as attached. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Qbhf!69!pg!:1 a.Talamore Park – General Improvement Bids Parks & Recreation Director Schultz presented the plans for Talamore Park and highlighted the project and bids received for the project. The park is part of the City's Parks and Trails Master Plan. The park plan includes a playground, basketball court, putting green, landscaping, pollinator garden and sidewalks. The bids received do not include a sun shelter or playground as those items are being purchased outside of this contract. Staff recommends awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, Shoreline Landscaping and Contracting. Motion by Council Member Essler Second by Council MemberTheisen Motion to accept the bids for Talamore Park and award the project to the lowest bidder, Shoreline Landscaping and Contracting, for a bid price of $286,354.88. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. b.Request by Independent School District 196 for approval of a rezoning of the site from AG-Agricultural to R1-Low Density Residential, minor subdivision, and conditional use permit for an elementary school to be constructed on site. City Planner, Julia Hogan, provided a summary of the request from Independent School District 196 for approvals for a new elementary school to be constructed west of Akron Avenue and south of Bonaire Path West. The district is requesting the approval of a rezoning, minor subdivision, and conditional use permit to construct an elementary school on the proposed 34.41 acre site, to be rezoned from AG- Agricultural to R1 – Low Density Residential because elementary schools are not an allowed use within the AG zoning district but are an allowed conditional use within the R1 zoning district and requesting a minor subdivision to plat the land since the site is currently unplatted. Representatives from the school district and the district's engineering consultants were present as well. Council Member Theisen questioned the traffic study in terms of being proactive in determining the needs rather than making updates after the school is open and the overall process of the study. Stantec Engineering addressed the Council's traffic concerns; at this time there is no need for a roundabout, a pedestrian study is still being evaluated in conjunction with the school district as the number of students being bussed will impact the study. Stantec is working in conjunction with the county to review any traffic and pedestrian concerns on Akron Avenue. City Council stated safety is their number one concern and wants to be proactive with determining the needs for traffic flow and safety. Independent School District 196 representatives noted Bonaire Path and Akron Avenue are busy roads and will likely be considered hazardous routes. If concerned a hazardous route, busing would be offered to a wider range of students as safety would be of concern. The district noted, student safety is a top priority of the school and all these issues will be investigated further going forward and no definitive plans have been set yet regarding the pedestrian and traffic flow plans. The plan is to break ground this spring with an opening of fall 2025. Public Works Director, Egger noted staff continues to update Dakota County on the progress of the project and staff will work in conjunction with the county and school district for the best solution for safety in sequence to the school opening. Qbhf!6:!pg!:1 Motion by Council Member Essler Second by Council Member Klimpel Motion to adopt a resolution approving a minor subdivision for Rosemount School District Third Addition, subject to conditions. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Council Member Klimpel Second by Council Member Essler Motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance to change the zoning of the site from AG-Agricultural to R1-Low Density Residential. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Council Member Theisen Second by Mayor Weisensel Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit for an elementary school to be located on the Rosemount School District Third Addition. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS a.City Staff Updates Chief of Police Dahlstrom provided an update on recent & upcoming events; noting the recent Culver's fundraising event, the upcoming Guns & Hoses Hockey charity event and a tribute to the Burnsville first responders at the Minnesota Twins home opener. b.Upcoming Community Calendar Mayor Weisensel reviewed the calendar of events and upcoming meetings. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Weisensel and a second by Theisen the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk Qbhf!71!pg!:1 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 21, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 5:30 PM. in Rosemount Conference Room, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Weisensel called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Freske, Essler, Theisen. Councilmember Klimpel was absent. DISCUSSION th 1. March 19at 5:30 p.m. Interview 1 Commissioner Applicant st 2.March 21at 5:45 p.m. Interview 8 Commissioner Applicants The one applicant scheduled for March 19th was a no-show. No interviews were conducted on this date. City Council interviewed 8 applicants. b.Council Final Selection Discussion Councilmembers rated their top picks based on the seats available. Councilmembers made their selections and will appoint the selected individuals at the April 2nd regular Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the special council meeting and upon a motion by Weisensel the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk Qbhf!72!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Donation Acceptance from the Scott Lecher Family AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Michelle Rambo, Office Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.d. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the acceptance and expenditure of $1155 dollars from the Lecher family for a memorial bench to be placed in Central Park in honor of Scott Lecher. BACKGROUND The Parks and Recreation department received a donation from the Lecher family for $1155 dollars. The donation will be used for a memorial bench to be placed in Central Park in honor of Scott Lecher. RECOMMENDATION Motion to approve the acceptance and expenditure of $1155 dollars from the Lecher family to be used for a memorial bench. Qbhf!73!pg!:1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024 - XX A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION TO THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is generally authorized to accept donations of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 et seq. for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts; WHEREAS, the following persons and entities have offered to contribute the cash amounts set forth below to the city: Lecher Family$1155.00 WHEREAS, the terms or conditions of the donations, if any, are as follows: Parks & Recreation: Memorial bench to be placed at Central Park in honor of Scott Lecher. WHEREAS, all such donations have been contributed to the city for the benefit of its citizens, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is appropriate to accept the donations offered. THEREFORE, NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as follows: 1. The donations described above are accepted and shall be used to establish and/or operate services either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law. 2. The city clerk is hereby directed to issue receipts to each donor acknowledging the city’s receipt of the donor’s donation. ADOPTED this ___ day of ____, ____, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ______________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!74!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Commissioner Appointments AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk AGENDA NO. 6.e. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to fill the Commission vacancies with the following appointments: Greg Johnson reappoint for a 3-year term on the Utility Commission Mike Reed reappoint for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission Matt Buggi for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission Aaron Beadner for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission Jeff Ellis for a 1-year term on the Planning Commission David Speich reappoint for a 3-year term on the Parks & Recreation Commission Cory Ober reappoint for a 6-year term on the Port Authority BACKGROUND Each year, the City Council appoints commissioners to various city boards. A number of skilled residents applied for the opportunity for a seat, and we greatly appreciate the interest shown by residents in serving the community. Commissioner terms are typically 3-year terms, except for Port Authority which is a 6-year term. To ensure continuity of the Planning Commission, staff recommends appointing Jeff Ellis for a 1-year term to fill the vacancy from the resignation of John Powell whose term was set to expire March 31, 2025. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the motion appointing commissioners to various City commissions. Qbhf!75!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Council Travel AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk AGENDA NO. 6.f. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve travel for Mayor Weisensel to attend National League of Cities City Summit BACKGROUND Mayor Weisensel has expressed interest in attending the National League of Cities (NLC) City Summit on November 11-16, 2024 in Tampa, FL. According to the City’s adopted policy, the conference must be approved in advance by a vote of the City Council at an open meeting and must include an estimate cost of the travel. In evaluating the out-of-state travel request, the Council will consider the following: Whether the elected official will be receiving training on issues relevant to City or his or her role as Mayor or Council Member. Whether the elected official will be meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to exchange ideas on topics of relevance to the city or on the official roles of local elected officials. Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar to nature to one that is currently operating, or under consideration by the City where the purpose for the trip is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for the consideration of full Council. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to visit another city for the purpose of establishing a goodwill relationship such as a “sister-city” relationship. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to testify on behalf of the City at the United States Congress or to otherwise meet with federal officials on behalf of the City. Whether the City has sufficient funding available in the budget to pay for the cost of the trip. The estimated cost for Mayor Weisensel to attend NLC City Summit is $500 for airfare, $180 for travel & parking and $230 plus tax for hotel fees per night. The registration fee to attend the meeting is $640. The applicable “meals and incidental expense” rate for Tampa, FL is $69 per day and $51.75 for first and last day of travel. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the request of Mayor Weisensel to travel to the meeting. Qbhf!76!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Pre-Application Escrow Agreement with AGENDA SECTION: Independent School District 196 - New Rosemount CONSENT AGENDA Middle School Project PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 6.g. ATTACHMENTS: Pre-Application Escrow Agreement APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a pre-application escrow agreement to provide funding for advanced review and engineering planning work on the new Rosemount Middle School Project BACKGROUND The City has been in discussion with Independent School District 196, their project delivery team, and the University of Minnesota on the proposed new Rosemount Middle School located at Biscayne Avenue and County State Aid Highway 42. The District is in the latter stages of defining the shape and size of the property for the Middle School campus site for a purchase agreement with the University. However, defining the property boundaries is highly dependent on meeting infrastructure and City planning needs. Additionally, the District is making all efforts to accelerate the start of construction on this project in aim of completing the school in late 2026. In order to meet that timeline, the District intends to submit their formal application to the City this coming summer. Altogether, this has and will continue to require advanced discussions with the stakeholders as well as technical analysis and review work ahead of the formal application in order to get project details dialed in properly. As the City must have a significant amount of the technical analysis and review work performed by third party consulting firms, a funding source will be needed to cover those expenses. The attached template agreement, already executed on behalf of ISD 196, authorizes the District to deposit $100,000 in support of those preliminary project review and technical analysis expenses. Any funds remaining unspent at the time of final approval and execution of a subdivision agreement for this project will be credited towards standard City subdivision fees due at that time. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached partially executed pre-application escrow agreement, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to affix their signatures. Qbhf!77!pg!:1 Qbhf!78!pg!:1 Qbhf!79!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Request by Maplewood Development for the AGENDA SECTION: vacation of a portion of Ashtown Lane located PUBLIC HEARINGS within Amber Fields 12th Addition PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Site Location, Right-of-Way Vacation APPROVED BY: LJM Exhibit , Amber Fields 12th Addition Plat RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the vacation of the requested th portion of Ashtown Lane located within Amber Fields 12 Addition. BACKGROUND The City Council is being asked to consider a request by Maplewood Development to vacate a portion thth of Right-of-Way located within Amber Fields 12 Addition. As part of the Amber Fields 12 Addition plat a hammerhead turn around was platted as Right-of-Way at the dead-end portion of Ashtown Lane to accommodate emergency vehicles if it was ever necessary. The hammerhead portion of Ashtown Lane exceeds the amount of Right-of-Way that is necessary in its final condition by less than 2-feet. th The Amber Fields 16 Addition Final Plat was recently approved by the City Council, which a portion of th that final plat is adjacent to Amber Fields 12 Addition and Ashtown Lane. The vacation of the hammerhead portion of Ashtown Lane is needed to match the necessary 60-foot roadway Right-of- th Way to accommodate the Amber Fields 16 Addition Plat. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the Council adopt a resolution approving the Right-of-Way vacation based on the information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Qbhf!7:!pg!:1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VACATION OF THE REQUESTED PORTION OF TH ASHTOWN LANE LOCATED WITHIN AMBER FIELDS 12 ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received an application from Maplewood Development (Applicant) th for the Final Plat for Amber Fields 16 Addition; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2024, the City of Rosemount City Council reviewed and approved the Final Plat th for Amber Fields 16 Addition; and WHEREAS, the vacation of Right-of-Way legally described below is required to match the necessary 60- th foot roadway Right-of-Way to accommodate the Amber Fields 16 Addition plat; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed this request and conducted a public hearing on April 2, 2022. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Vacation of Right of Way, legally described as: Vacating that part of Ashtown Lane, as dedicated on the recorded plat of AMBER FIELDS TWELFTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most southerly corner of Lot 8, Block 3, said plat of AMBER FIELDS TWELFTH ADDITION; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the southwesterly line of said Lot 8, a distance of 97.57 feet to the southeasterly line of said Ashtown Lane; thence South 51 degrees 42 minutes 11 seconds West, along said southeasterly line of Ashtown Lane; 60.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds West 112.89 feet; thence northwesterly 12.48 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 220.00 feet and a central angle of 3 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds to the northwesterly line of said Ashtown Lane and said line there terminating. nd ADOPTED this 2 day of April 2024, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!81!pg!:1 Qbhf!82!pg!:1 Qbhf!83!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Bids, Award Contract, Declare Costs to be AGENDA SECTION: Assessed and Set the Assessment Hearing for the NEW BUSINESS 2024 Street Improvement Project PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution - Receive Bids; Award Contract, APPROVED BY: LJM Resolution - Declare Costs; Set Assessment, Recommendation Letter, Bid Tabulation, Project Schedule, Project Location Map RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolutions related to the 2024 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2024-01: 1. Accepting the Bids and Awarding a contract 2. Declaring the Costs to be Assessed and Calling the Assessment Hearing BACKGROUND The 2024 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2024-01, was included as part of the 2024-2033 Capital Improvement Plan. The streets were identified for this improvement through the City’s pavement management evaluation and are shown on the attached map. The project is proposed to consist of full depth reclamation, spot repair of curb and gutter, minor utility work and replacement of pedestrian ramps to meet ADA standards. Award Contract Bids were opened on March 21, 2024, and there were two bidders. McNamara Contracting submitted the lowest, responsive, responsible bid at $1,497,040.00, which was $230,471.11 or 13.3% below the Engineer's Estimate of $1,727,512.11. The following table shows the bidders, bid amounts and Engineer's Estimate. TDKA did discuss bidding with other plan holders and, due to other bids and experience, those contractors declined to pursue this bid. That said, it should be noted that these bids are competitive and below the engineer's estimate. McNamara has successfully completed several projects within Rosemount and is recommended that the contract be awarded to them for the 2024 Street Improvement Project and that the alternate bid item be included in that award. Cost and Funding The Feasibility Report prepared an initial estimate for the total project cost. During design, the Qbhf!87!pg!:1 estimate was refined and the table below shows the estimated total project cost based on the Feasibility Report, Engineer's Estimate and Low Bid. Additionally, the Engineer's Estimate and Low Bid include the alternate bid item of a parking bump out at Claret Park. For the Feasibility Report construction contingency was set at 10%; however, for award the construction contingency is reduced to 5%. The project would be funded via a combination of Street CIP, assessments and utility funds and is detailed in the following table. Call Assessment Hearing The second action requested of City Council is declaring the costs to be assessed and calling for the Assessment Hearing, which is a necessary step under Minnesota Statute Chapter 429. The hearing will take place during the Council meeting on May 7, 2024. Notice will be provided via public notice in the local paper and individual notices will be mailed to each property owner along the project corridor. Additional details will be provided at the Assessment Hearing. Schedule Should the Council approve the attached resolutions and contract award, the project schedule is attached. Completed items are shaded gray. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council adoption of the attached resolutions accepting bids, awarding the contract, declaring costs and setting the Assessment Hearing for the 2024 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2024-01 Qbhf!88!pg!:1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024 XX – A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2024 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2024-01 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1.Pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Project 2024-01, the 2024 Street Improvement Project, two bids were received and opened on March 21, 2024 and tabulated according to law: Bid Results BidderBase BidAlternate BidTotal Bid Engineer's Estimate$ 1,686,593.61$ 40,918.50$ 1,727,512.11 McNamara Contracting$ 1,459,102.00$ 37,938.00$ 1,497,040.00 Minnesota Paving & Materials$ 1,551,671.53$ 48,610.15$ 1,600,281.68 2.Based on the Total Bid, the bid of McNamara Contracting in the amount of $1,497,040.00 for the construction of both the Base Bid and Alternate Bid improvements is in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids and is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3.The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 4.The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. nd ADOPTED this 2 day of April 2024. Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!89!pg!:1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 2024 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2024-01 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the 2024 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2024-01, the improvement of the following streets: stth Claret Avenue between 151 Street W and 155 Street W ndrd Chokecherry Avenue between 152 Street W and 153 Street W thth Chokecherry Avenue between 154 Street W and 155 Street W rd Columbary Circle between 153 Street W and the northern cul-de-sac rdth Circle Avenue between 153 Street W and 154 Street W rdth Columbia Way between 153 Street W and 155 Street W nd 152 Street W between Claret Avenue and Chippendale Avenue rd 153 Street W between Shannon Parkway and Chokecherry Avenue th 154 Street W between the western cul-de-sac and Chokecherry Avenue WHEREAS, these streets will be improved by full depth pavement reclamation, spot repair of curb and gutter, minor utility work and replacement of pedestrian ramps to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and the contract amount for such improvement is $1,497,040.00 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $224,852 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $1,721,892. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1.The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $1,227,648 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $494,244. 2.Assessments plus applicable fees shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 2024, and shall bear interest at the rate of 2% per annum above the interest rate paid by the City for its bonds from date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3.The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and she shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in her office for public inspection; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1 Qbhf!8:!pg!:1 h 1.A hearing shall be held on the 7 day of May 2024 in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to pass upon such proposed assessment, and at such time and place, all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2.The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The published notice shall state that the Council is meeting to consider the proposed assessment and will state the date, time, and place the of the hearing. 3. The City Clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. The mailed notice shall include: the date, time, and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the area proposed to be assessed, the total amount of the proposed assessment, that the proposed assessment roll is on file with the City Clerk and that written or oral objections by any property owner will be considered. The notice shall also state that no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment unless a written objection signed by the property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the Mayor at the hearing. The notice shall state the process and time lines for such appeals and will inform property owners of the existence of any deferment procedures. The notice shall also state: 1)The amount to be specially assessed against the particular lot; 2)Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment may be taken at the hearing; 3)The right of the property owner to prepay the entire assessment and the person to whom prepayment must be made; 4)Whether partial prepayment of the assessment has been authorized by ordinance; 5)The time within which prepayment may be made without the assessment of interest; and 6)The rate of interest to be accrued if the assessment is not prepaid within the required time period. nd ADOPTED this 2 day of April 2024. Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 2 Qbhf!91!pg!:1 Qbhf!92!pg!:1 Qbhf!93!pg!:1 Qbhf!94!pg!:1 C ITY OF R OSEMOUNT 2024 S TREET I MPROVEMENT P ROJECT (CP 2024-01) S CHEDULE OF P ROJECT M ILESTONES D ATE A CTION October 13 2023 !Issue Request for Proposals Design services October 26, 2023 !Proposals due to Engineering November 6, 2023 !City Council accepts engineering services proposal City Council Meeting !City Council authorizes preparation of Feasibility Study November 8, 2023 !Project Kick off Meeting with City Staff November 27, 2023 !Complete Feasibility Study December 6, 2023 !Neighborhood Meeting Rosemount Community Center, Banquet Hall (5:30 7:00) !City Council Considers a Resolution to: December 21, 2023 o!Accepts Feasibility Report City Council Meeting o!Call Public Hearing on Improvement on January 16, 2024 o!Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specs December 22, 2023 !Notice of Public Hearing sent to Local Paper December 27, 2023 !Mail Notice of Public Hearing to Property Owners December 29, 2023 !1st Publication of Notice of Public Hearing in Local Paper January 5, 2024 !2nd Publication of Notice of Public Hearing in Local Paper January 16, 2024 !City Council continues Public Hearing on Improvements City Council Meeting !City Council holds Public Hearing on Improvements February 6, 2024 !City Council authorizes Resolution Ordering Improvement City Council Meeting !City Council authorized preparation of Plans and Specifications !City Council authorized Advertisement for Bid !Design as directed by Council !Advertisement for Bid sent to Local Paper February 2024 !Publish Advertisements for Bids on QuestCDN & City Website !Bid Package Available for Purchase on QuestCDN !Staff Produces Copies of Plans & Specs for Field Use and Walk-In Viewing February 23, 2024 !1st Publication of Advertisement for Bid in Local Paper March 1, 2024 !2nd Publication of Advertisement for Bid in Local Paper March 8, 2024 !3rd Publication of Advertisement for Bid in Local Paper March 20, 2024 !Open Bids 11:30 AM !Evaluate Bids and Determine Financial Capacity for Project March 20 - 27, 2024 !Bid Review and Contractor Qualifications/Reference Check !City Council Considers a Resolution to: April 2, 2024 o!Award Contract City Council Meeting o!Declare Costs to be Assessed !Call Public Assessment Hearing on April 16, 2024 April 2024 !Contract Processing & Contractor Submittal Review April 3, 2024 !Notice of Assessment Hearing sent to Local Paper April 12, 2024 !Publication of Notice of Assessment Hearing in Local Paper April 12, 2024 !Mail Notice of Assessment Hearing to Property Owners May 2024 !City Staff holds Preconstruction Meeting with Contractor & Construction Begins May 7, 2024 !City Council Considers a Resolution to: City Council Meeting o!Adopt Proposed Assessments August 2024 !Substantial Completion Deadline/Turf Restoration Deadline September 2024 !Final Completion Qbhf!95!pg!:1 Qbhf!96!pg!:1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 2, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Approve 2024-2029 Strategic Plan AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Logan Martin, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 9.b. ATTACHMENTS: 2024-2029 Strategic Plan APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council review and approve the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan for the City of Rosemount BACKGROUND Strategic Planning and casting a vision for the future of the community is one of the most important tasks any City does. The previous Strategic Plan set a five-year vision for the City, and it was time to update the plan. City Council and staff met for two sessions in January to review the accomplishments of 2023 and to discuss the City's vision for the next 5 years. The past five years in the City were historic for many reasons, not the least of which is the significant development the City has experienced. A strong Strategic Plan that is used as a guidepost in decisionmaking is a critical tool in ensuring continued success and intentionality in what we do. As a part of this process, the City engaged an organizational consultant to educate staff and Council on their individual strengths and weaknesses. The endeavor proved very beneficial, as the full group reflected feeling an increased understanding of each other and how all members' strengths can be maximized for the good of the City. To prepare for this work, each department submitted its key projects and goals for 2024-2025, providing a framework for what staff expects to deliver in the near term. The group spent time discussing the pre-existing key themes of the strategic plan, ultimately deciding to make some small modifications to the themes (below) while retaining a very similar framework to previous plans. Attached is a draft infographic used to communicate the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, showing the four key themes and "headlines" that we hope can be success stories written about the City as the plan is implemented. Key Categories of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan Grow & Enhance Rosemount Create Community Connections Preserve Our Hometown Feel Support a Culture of High Performance This plan is well thought out and will serve the City well as it journeys through the next five years. Annual work will still occur with the Council to confirm the key categories and the annual deliveries Qbhf!97!pg!:1 within each section. Staff appreciates the time and effort the Council gave in the development of the Strategic Plan, as this tool significantly aids our daily work in delivering results for the City. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council review and approve the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan for the City of Rosemount Qbhf!98!pg!:1 Qbhf!99!pg!:1 Qbhf!9:!pg!:1 Qbhf!:1!pg!:1