HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.02.13 ESC RM Packet - AMENDED AGENDA Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2024 5:30 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ANNUAL MEETING a. Presentation of Commissioner Angerer's Resignation b. Update on Applications for Commission Vacancies - Verbal Only 4. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS a. January 9, 2024 Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting 5. PRESENTATIONS 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Goals Updates b. Education & Outreach Activities c. Annual Work Plan Development 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Environment & Sustainability Commission Bylaws Updates b. Set Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS 9. STAFF REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 9, 2024 10. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: February 13, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Presentation of Commissioner Angerer's Resignation AGENDA SECTION: ANNUAL MEETING PREPARED BY: Amy Simonson, Public Works Office Specialist AGENDA NO. 3.a. ATTACHMENTS: Environment and Sustainability Commission Bylaws 8/4/2020 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the resignation of former Commissioner Angerer BACKGROUND Commissioner Angerer submitted her resignation from the Environment and Sustainability Commission on February 12, 2024. Per the Commission bylaws, it is required that resignations be provided in writing and presented by the Chair at the next meeting of the Commission. As former Commissioner Angerer was the Chair, the Vice-Chair will take over the responsibility until April 2024. A copy of the ESC Bylaws is attached. RECOMMENDATION Accept the resignation of former Commissioner Angerer. Page 2 of 24 Environment and Sustainability Commission By-laws I. DEFINITION The Environment and Sustainability was established by the City of Rosemount City Council on February 4, 2020. II. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the Commission is to advise the City Council on issues related to the sustainability, environment stewardship and opportunities for advancement on those fronts. The commission shall recommend any policies and initiatives to the City Council that enhance and preserve the environment and natural resources. The issue of sustainable city services is a complex topic that includes a wide range of city services. Rosemount currently has citizen commissions that advise council on: planning issues, parks and utilities. Although commission members meet once per month and generally only focus on current city projects, and new development, there are significant issues around sustainability and citizen engagement that are not being addressed. The City Council’s objective creating an Environment and Sustainability Commission is to look at areas where we can have a better impact on issues and look for creative ways to engage residents through education and opportunities to improve neighborhoods. Members are encouraged to volunteer at community engagement events such as the Rosemount Home and Business Expo and Leprechaun Days. Outcomes could be specific projects or recommendations on city policy. Following are some areas of focus: Storm Water Catch Basins and Ponds Surface Water Quality Water Conservation and Water Reuse Energy Usage and Emissions III. MEMBERSHIP The Commission consists of 7 members and 1 youth member, all of whom shall be residents of the City of Rosemount, appointed by the City Council. The youth member shall be 14 to 18 years old at the time of selection, serve a one-year term, and shall be eligible for reappointment if in good standing at the end of each term. The term of Commission members is three years, ending at the March meeting. Commission members may reapply to be appointed by the City Council which occurs in March each year. The requirement for residency does not apply to citizen volunteers, or students. A city staff representative and ex-officio non-voting City Council member(s) may serve as liaisons. IV. RESIGNATION Any member wishing to resign from the Commission shall give a written notice of resignation to the Chair and city staff representative. The Chair shall present the resignation to the Commission at its next meeting. Page 3 of 24 V. ATTENDANCE Regular Attendance. Regular attendance at meetings by all voting members is necessary if the Commission is to be effective. Absence from meeting. It shall be the duty of each member to notify the city staff representative prior to the meeting that he/she will not be attending. The Commission members can vote a member out due to four or more absences in a calendar year. VI. MEETINGS A. Date and time. Regular meeting dates and times shall be determined by the Commission, but currently are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month. B. Place. Meetings shall be held in the City Hall conference room unless otherwise noted. C. Special Meeting. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, any four members of the Commission or the City Council. The members must be notified of the call for a special meeting at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting. D. Meetings with City Council as deemed necessary. E. Minutes. City staff will prepare the minutes after each meeting. F. Report to City Council. The Commission Chair, ex-officio council member or city representative will provide an annual report to the City Council at either a Council meeting or work session. VII. ORGANIZATION Chair Person. The Chair Person shall preside over all meetings and be selected annually by the members, typically at the April meeting each year. The Chair Person may assign specific tasks to members, with the consent of the members, establish subcommittees and assist with developing meeting agendas. Vice Chair Person. The Vice Chair Person shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Chair Person. Staff. A city staff representative shall distribute the agenda packet to each member prior to the meeting either electronically or paper version. Page 4 of 24 ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Environment and Sustainability Commission was held on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Vice Chairperson Springer called the meeting to order with Commissioners Reed, Burman, and Andrews. Commissioner Angerer was absent. Staff present included the following: City Engineer Brian Erickson, Stormwater Specialist Jane Byron, and Recording Secretary Amy Simonson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Andrews Second by Burman Motion to adopt the agenda Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 3.a. Approve November 14, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Minutes Motion by Burman Second by Reed Motion to approve the November 14, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission meeting minutes with the amended language to the last sentence of item 6.a. requested by Commissioner Springer to state: "Commissioners requested a special work session in December to review and update the commission goals for 2024 pending staff review." Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. PRESENTATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Goals Updates Stormwater Specialist Byron noted the following updates: •Jada Lindell completed her Girl Scout Gold Project, Project Bee Population, and was awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award. A link to her project web page has been provided on the City's website: https://beethefight.webador.com/ •The City is working with Xcel on installing EV charging stations. If approved, Xcel will Page 5 of 24 install the electrical needed for connecting the charging stations at no charge, while the City would be responsible for installing the charging stations. The current locations for the EV stations are Bloomfield Park and the Rosemount Community Center. Commissioner Andrews inquired about the city's stormwater system and clean water initiatives. Byron discussed the city's current standards, best practices, and requirements of the state and other governmental entities. Most developments now install stormwater bodies with large infiltration areas. Large stormwater bodies are more efficient, planted with native plants, and are easier to maintain. Commissioners can help by encouraging neighbors to participate in programs and grants for clean water initiatives, such as Landscaping for Clean Water. Commissioners indicated they are interested in a presentation on rain gardens, large scale water management, or regulations on stormwater management. Commissioner Burman inquired as to the status of the sustainable purchasing policy. Per City Staff, the policy is still under review by the department heads and currently there is no movement forward. City Engineer Erickson did note there are a few questions by staff to be addressed internally. 5.b. Education & Outreach Activities The Commissioners had no updates on goals. Stormwater Specialist Byron discussed the new blog post format which will now be shared as a link to the homepage of the City's website under “News & Highlights” and will be a separate page versus the long scrolling page that includes all past posts. •January - have not yet received the post from the VRW JPO •February - recommend promoting SWCD Landscaping for Clean Water workshops and grants. •March - waste reduction topic to coincide with spring-cleaning •April - Mayor's water challenge (tentative) Commissioners discussed plans for the Home & Business Expo table including giveaways, advertising landscaping for clean water workshops and grants, and a white board for residents to provide suggestions on what they would like to see from the ESC. Vice-Chair Springer requested clarification on why the special work session was denied. Staff explained that City Council was still reviewing and making recommendations. It would not make sense to work on 2024 goals without waiting for direction from the Council. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Environment & Sustainability Commission Revisioning Stormwater Specialist Byron presented a summary of findings of common city environmental commission practices and the administrative and operational changes to be implemented as provided by the City Council. Page 6 of 24 Commissioner Andrews inquired as to a structure to develop an annual work plan and deadline. Stormwater Specialist Byron explained that the goal is to have a work plan in place by April, which is the start of the commission year, approve it and provide it to City Council for review. Commissioner Springer requested an amendment to request work sessions to be for the off months and then cancel if unnecessary, instead of having to request them. City Engineer Erickson explained that a work session must be for a specific topic/reason. The Commission can make a motion and vote for a work session at a regular meeting. The Commission can vote at the February meeting for a March work session. Commissioner Springer noted he is concerned about the decrease in membership, decrease in the number of meetings, and is worried about the direction and ability of the ESC to do what commissioners are volunteering to do. Motion by Reed Second by Andrews Motion to cancel the March 12, 2024, Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Ayes: 3. Nays: 1. Motion Carried. 6.b. Annual Work Plan Development Discussion was opened regarding work plan development. Commissioners requested the following: •To view other commissions’ work plans for a reference point. •To find out what the City’s environmental initiatives are, so the Commission can align its goals with the City’s goals and priorities. •Presentations on what the City already does or projects the City is involved in or may be ongoing related to the environment and sustainability. •Inquire about a budget for the ESC Staff explained that the ESC is an advisory commission in which the Council looks to the ESC to direct the Council’s efforts. ANNOUNCEMENTS Stormwater Specialist Byron announced that Youth Commissioner Reed's term ends in March and, as she is a senior, encouraged her to recommend peers to apply for the position. Commissioners were encouraged to reach out to neighbors to participate in programs such as Landscaping for Clean Water. Also, the MCES is looking for input for the drafting of their 2025 Metro Area Water Supply Plan. Cities are required to incorporate this plan into their own comprehensive plan (done every 10 years). Byron also updated the Commission on the PW/PD Campus construction contractor is recycling Page 7 of 24 73% of their construction waste. Commissioners indicated they could use a graph with the information to display at the Home & Business Expo. STAFF REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for February 13, 2024 i. Work plan development ii. Planning for Home & Business Expo iii. Meeting Calendar 24-25 iv. Bylaw Updates Commissioners inquired about the process for commission vacancies. Staff explained that vacancies are advertised by the City Clerk and interested persons can apply online. Commissioners requested an update on the number of candidates that have applied for the ESC at the February meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Environment and Sustainability Commission at the regular meeting and upon a motion by Springer and a second by Andrews, the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary Page 8 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: February 13, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Goals Updates AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: Current ESC Goals APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission approved and periodically updates goals to guide its work. The most recent adopted goals cover the following topics: • Industrial Air Permitting Research • Greening City Operations • Water Conservation and Quality Protection • Sustainable Consumption and Waste • Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy • Pollinators and Habitat Protection • Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business. The most recent goals document is attached for reference. RECOMMENDATION Commissioners will be given an opportunity to update the Chair on any progress they have made on goals since the last meeting. Page 9 of 24 1 | P a g e Environment and Sustainability Commission Goals The Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Commission has set the following goals to pursue as amended at its July 12, 2023, meeting. The Goals listed below are aspirational, and implementation schedules may extend beyond the year’s end and change as the year progresses. Goal: Industrial Air Permitting Research Further expand the knowledge base of the Commission, residents, local businesses, and the City regarding outdoor air quality and industrial air permitting. Actions 1. Provide information on the City website and otherwise educate residents on how to access current air quality information, industrial air permitting, industrial air permitting enforcement, and nearby outdoor air pollution sources. 2. Assist the City with dissemination of information on air quality/permitting violations or problems that affect the City and its inhabitants. 3. Tour local industries that have industrial air permits to learn about measures they are taking to mitigate impacts. 4. Research industrial air permitting and air quality issues, including best practices residents and businesses can take to reduce outdoor air pollution. 5. Invite guest speakers to future commission meetings from regulatory agencies to speak on industrial air permitting and air quality issues. Goal: Greening City Operations Update City policies, plans, and procedures to reduce the environmental impact of city operations. Use available environmental certification programs to help guide the City on where to make improvements. Actions 1. Pursue implementation of BMPs that can advance the City to Step 3 under the GreenStep Cities certification program i. BP 15.1 – Develop a sustainable purchasing policy 1. Relates to Recycling & Waste Reduction Goal ii. Develop a green city buildings policy for construction of new or retrofit of old City owned buildings iii. Advise the City on other improvements that can advance the City’s certification level 2. Document new city green practices in the context of the LEED for Cities certification program for a higher certification level at a future date Page 10 of 24 2 | P a g e i. Research the LEED for Cities certification program further 3. Research successful policies, plans, and procedures implemented by other communities that reduce the impact of city operations on the environment Goal: Water Conservation and Quality Protection Promote and incentivize actions that improve water conservation, protect surface water quality, and protect ground water quality. Actions 1. Promote Smart Salting strategies for winter de/anti-icing and snow removal for homes and businesses. i. Research and promote the Minnesota Smart Salting for Property Management Certification program and other certification programs ii. Research and promote publicly available education products and policy tools 2. Promote the Adopt-a-Drain.org program 3. Encourage planting for clean water practices and other stormwater reduction and water quality improvement best management practices (BMPs) at residences and businesses. Examples of BMPs include raingardens, native plant buffers along waterbodies, native plant gardens, and rain barrels. i. Research and learn about programs that promote, provide financial incentives, or technical assistance for planting for clean water and installation of private stormwater BMPs. 1. Dakota County SWCD Landscaping for Clean Water 2. BlueThumb.org 3. Lawns to Legumes 4. Other programs available ii. Promote and research how planting for clean water practices intersect with protection of pollinators and habitat. 4. Promote irrigation reduction practices, including the use of drought tolerant lawn grasses. 5. Make recommendations to the City on opportunities for water conservation and quality protection in City operations and policies 6. Stay current on best practices and new technologies for water conservation and quality protection. 7. Recommend the City continue to train staff responsible for winter snow and ice removal operations in practices that reduce deicer use. 8. Assist the City with efforts to educate residents, businesses, and organizations on the importance of protecting local drinking water sources (e.g. the aquifer) from overuse and degradation. Goal: Sustainable Consumption and Waste Promote programs and practices that move the City, its residents, and local business towards a zero waste future. Page 11 of 24 3 | P a g e Actions 1. Work with the city to adopt and develop practices to implement a sustainable purchasing policy. 2. Work with the city to promote the organics drop site in coordination with Dakota County . 3. Promote the city's education hub on the website regarding waste reduction topics and provide education to the public, businesses, and the City on recycling, waste reduction, compostin g, and organics recycling/composting. 4. Explore best practices to increase reuse and recycling of construction and demolition building materials. 5. Research current best practices, new technologies, and successful programs by ot her cities regarding waste reduction, including programs discouraging single use plastics at city events. 6. Use yard waste and/or food waste compost in city construction and landscaping projects. Goal: Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy Promote programs, develop policies, and look for financial incentives to reduce energy consumption and transition to a greater share of renewable energy within the community. Actions 1. Pursue an update the City’s Energy Action Plan which expired in 2020. 2. Pursue policies and programs that encourage increased use of electric vehicles within the community, including installation of electric vehicle charging stations in town. 3. Promote programs and policies that educate and provide incentives to businesses and community members to switch to renewable low carbon energy and encourage energy efficiency. i. Working in partnership with local utility providers is a key component of this action. 4. Research best practices, new technologies, and successful programs by others that promote energy efficiency and green house gas reduction and mitigation. Goal: Pollinators and Habitat Protection Promote best practices for landscaping and green space management within the community that encourage increased use of native plants and pollinator habitat. Actions 1. Develop policies and a promotion campaign for No Mow May 2. Develop policies and promote bee lawns 3. Promote state and local programs that incentivize or provide technical assistance on planting for pollinators and habitat that focus on preservation and installation of native plants/ecosystems. 4. Develop a pollinator resolution and advise adoption by the City Council 5. Research designation programs that certify or otherwise recognize the City or city greenspace as pollinator friendly. 6. Look for opportunities within City greenspace to increase pollinator friendly habitats and incorporate native landscaping. Page 12 of 24 4 | P a g e 7. Research best practices, new technologies, and successful programs by others that promote pollinator and habitat preservation and creation. Goal: Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business Promote adoption of green best practices by local businesses. Actions 1. Develop a program or research existing programs that acknowledge businesses that implement green practices and encourage participation by local businesses. 2. Highlight local businesses that have won awards or have otherwise been acknowledged for implementation of green practices. 3. Provide information on the City website and otherwise educate local businesses on environmental incentive programs and technical assistance programs. 4. Engage with local businesses to learn more about impediments to adopting green practices and what green practices they would be interested in learning about. Page 13 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: February 13, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Education & Outreach Activities AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission (ESC) regularly participates in and promotes education and outreach activities that align with their goals. Activities are often assigned to specific commissioners to organize or complete. The intent of this item is to review the success of recently completed activities and share ideas for upcoming activities. Below is a listing of recent and upcoming programs and dates of significance: 1. Blog posts: a. February - Landscaping for Clean Water Workshops - published b. March - Waste Reduction Topic - Commissioner Burman c. April - Water conservation in observance of the Mayors' Water Challenge - city staff 2. Upcoming Events: a. a. Rosemount Community Expo - March 2, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM 3. Upcoming Holidays of Note: a. March 22 - World Water Day b. April - The Mayor's Water Challenge c. April 22 - Earth Day d. April 26 - Arbor Day e. May - Arbor Month f. May - No Mow May RECOMMENDATION Discuss education and outreach opportunities for February, March, and April. Discuss planning for the Rosemount Community Expo. Page 14 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: February 13, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Work Plan Development AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.c. ATTACHMENTS: Draf April 2024-March 2025 ESC Work Plan APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the 2024/25 Environment and Sustainability Commission Work Plan BACKGROUND The Environment and Sustainability Commission (ESC) is tasked with developing an annual work plan to guide its work during its 2024/25 calendar (April 2024-March 2025). The work plan will be approved by the City Council in spring 2024. City staff developed the attached draft 2024/25 ESC Work Plan with input from the Commissioners and using ESC Goals as a guide. The Progress and Notes columns of the Work Plan will be updated as work occurs during the year. RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached 2024/25 ESC Work Plan. Page 15 of 24 Month Action Associated Goal Responsible Party Progress Notes Attend Commission Meeting N/A Commissioners New Commissioner Orientaion N/A City Staff Website Article: Water Conservation/Mayor's Water Challenge Water Quality Conservation City Staff Low Mow Spring (No Mow May) Proclaimation to Council Pollinators & Habitat City Staff Review State Air Quality Permitting Program Air Quality City Staff MPCA Possible guest speaker Review Community Survey Questions All City Staff May Website Article: Low Mow Spring/Pollinators Pollinators & Habitat City Staff Attend Commission Meeting N/A Commissioners Website Article: Reporting Environmental Issues Air Quality City Staff Speaker @ Commission Meeting: Dakota County Solid Waste** Sustainable Consumption City Staff **Invitation to Dakota County must be extended, Solid Waste Plan Update Draft Stustainable Purchasing Framework Policy Greening Operations City Staff Leprechaun Days Prep All Commissioners Website Article: Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling Sustainable Consumption Commissioners Table @ Leprechaun Days: July 26 & 27 All Commissioners Sustainable Purchasing Framework to Council Greening Operations City Staff Attend Commission Meeting N/A Commissioners Website Article: Energy Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy Energy Commissioners Cooling Strategies for the Home Speaker @ Commission Meeting: VRWJPO Watershed Plan** Water Quality Conservation City Staff **Invitation to VRWJPO must be extended Investigate Climate Action Plan options Energy City Staff April June July August Page 16 of 24 September Website Article: Composting & Yard Waste Water Quality Conservation Commissioners Attend Commission Meeting N/A Commissioners Website Article: Energy Sustainability , Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy Energy Commissioners National Energy Awareness Month Review Goals for Amendment All Commissioners Investigate Climate Action Plan Options Energy Commissioners November Website Article: Environmental Features of the New PW/PD Campus & Practices During Construction Greening Operations City Staff Attend Commission Meeting N/A Commissioners Website Article: Water Quality - Salt Reduction Water Quality Conservation City Staff Draft 2025/26 Work Plan All Commissioners ESC Aprove Amended Goals All Commissioners Facility Tour: Public Works & Police Campus** Greening Operations City Staff **Contingent on completion of work Review businesses to tour in 2025/26 Business Incentives Commissioners January Website Article: Incentive Environmental Programs for Business Business Incentives City Staff Attend Commission Meeting N/A Commissioners Website Article: Incentive Programs for Residents All City Staff ESC Approve 2025/26 Work Plan All Commissioners Facility Tour: Spectro Alloys** Air Quality City Staff **Invitation must be extended to Specto Alloys; currect construction projects may delay event Develop Climate Action/Sustainability Plan Budget Recommendation for 2025 Energy Commissioners https://www.lmc.org/news- publications/magazine/mar-apr- 2022/cities-climate-action-plans/ December February October Page 17 of 24 Speaker: 2025 Planned Sustainability Outreach** Sustainable Consumption City Staff **Invitation must be extended to Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator Planning for Rosemount Community Expo All Commissioners Website Article: Environmental Volunteering Opportunities All City Staff Council Approve 2025/26 Work Plan All City Staff ESC Yearly Progress Report @ Council Meeting All Commissioners Table @ Rosemount Community Expo: Date TBD All Commissioners March Page 18 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: February 13, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Environment & Sustainability Commission Bylaws Updates AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Draft ESC Bylaws APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to amend the Environment & Sustainability Commission Bylaws per the attachment. BACKGROUND The current Environment & Sustainability Commission Bylaws were adopted in 2020 and do not reflect changes to Commission operations that came out of the recent revisioning process. Changes to the Bylaws include the following: • Updated focus areas list to more accurately reflect current goals, • Adjustments to the number of members, • Changes to the meeting schedule, • Additional clarity about special meetings and work sessions; and, • Clarity about volunteer work expectations. RECOMMENDATION Approve the updated Bylaws. Page 19 of 24 1 | P a g e Environment and Sustainability Commission Bylaws I. DEFINITION The Environment and Sustainability Commission was established by the City of Rosemount City Council on February 4, 2020. II. PURPOSE The purpose of the Commission is to advise the City Council on issues related to sustainability, environmental stewardship, and opportunities for advancement on those fronts. The Commission shall recommend any policies and initiatives to the City Council that enhance and preserve the environment and natural resources. The issue of sustainable city services is a complex topic that includes a wide range of city services. Rosemount currently has citizen commissions that advise the council on planning, parks, and utilities. Although other commissions’ members meet once per month and generally only focus on current city projects and new developments, there are significant issues around sustainability and citizen engagement that are not being addressed. The City Council’s objective creating an Environment and Sustainability Commission is to look at areas where the city can have a better impact on environment and natural resources issues and look for creative ways to engage residents through education and opportunities to improve neighborhoods. Outcomes could be specific projects on recommendations on city policy. Areas of focus for the Environment and Sustainability Commission include the following: • Industrial Air Quality • Water Conservation and Water Quality • Sustainable Consumption and Waste • Pollinators and Habitat Protection • Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy • Green Incentive Programs Page 20 of 24 2 | P a g e III. MEMBERSHIP The Commission consists of 6 regular members and 1 youth member, all of whom shall be residents of the City of Rosemount and appointed by the City Council. The youth member shall be 14 to 18 years old at the time of selection, shall serve a one-year term, and shall be eligible for reappointment if in good standing at the end of each term. Regular commission members shall serve a three-year term and may reapply for appointment if in good standing at the end of each term. Terms begin in April and end in March of the applicable years. A city staff representative and ex-officio City Council member(s) may serve as liaisons. IV. RESIGNATION Any member wishing to resign from the Environment and Sustainability Commission shall give written notice of the resignation to the Commission Chair and city staff representative. The Commission Chair shall present the resignation to the Commission at its next meeting. V. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance at meetings by all voting members is necessary if the Commission is to be effective. It shall be the duty of each member to notify the city staff representative prior to the meeting that they will not be attending. The commission members can vote a commission member out due to four or more absences in a year. VI. MEETINGS A. DATE AND TIME: i. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of even months (April, June, August, October, December, and February) at 6:00 PM. ii. The second Tuesday of odd months (May, July, September, November, January, and March) at 6:00 PM shall be reserved for work sessions called for by special meeting. iii. Special meetings may occur at other dates and times. B. PLACE: i. Regular meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall unless otherwise noted. ii. Special work sessions shall be held in the City Hall Conference Room unless otherwise noted. iii. Location shall be designated at the time of designation for other special meetings. C. SPECIAL MEETINGS: i. Special meetings may be called through approval of a motion by simple-majority vote of the Commission, or by the City Council. Page 21 of 24 3 | P a g e ii. Commission Members must be notified of the call for a special meeting at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting. iii. Special meetings shall be work sessions where no voting or decision making will occur unless otherwise specified. iv. Special meetings, including work sessions, shall follow an agenda and address specific areas of work. D. JOINT MEETINGS: i. Joint meetings may be called with the City Council or other commissions as deemed necessary by the City Council or city staff representative. E. MINUTES: i. City staff will prepare the minutes after each meeting. F. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL: i. The Commission Chair, ex-officio council member, or city staff representative will provide an annual report to the City Council at either a Council meeting or Council work session. VII. VOLUNTEERING Members are expected to volunteer at community engagement events and help the city develop educational resources outside of commission meetings. Examples include tabling at the annual Community Expo, tabling at the Leprechaun Days Midsummer Faire, writing articles for the City Newsletter, writing news items for the city website, and organizing volunteer events like neighborhood cleanups. Members will not be compensated for volunteer work outside of commission meetings. VIII. ORGANIZATION A. CHAIR PERSON i. The Chair Person shall preside over all meetings and be selected annually by the members, typically at the April meeting each year. ii. The Chair Person may assign specific tasks to members, with the consent of the members, establish subcommittees, and assist with developing meeting agendas. B. VICE CHAIR PERSON i. The Vice Chair Person shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Chair Person. C. STAFF i. A city staff representative shall distribute the agenda packet to each member prior to the meeting, either an electronic or paper version. Page 22 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: February 13, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Set Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 7.b. ATTACHMENTS: 2024-2025 ESC CALENDAR APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to set the 2023-2024 Environment & Sustainability Commission Meetings per the Attached Calendar BACKGROUND The Commission sets the meeting dates for the coming year (April-March) annually. Attached is a calendar of recommended meeting dates in green that show when meetings would occur per the meeting schedule of the second Tuesday of even months (April, June, August, October, December, February) specified in the Commission Bylaws. Commissioners are encouraged to review meeting dates to discuss any potential conflicts with individual meetings on the proposed schedule. Please note, the dates shown in peach are potential special meeting dates per section VI.A.ii. of the Environment and Sustainability Commission Bylaws. They are placed on the calendar solely for reference. Special meetings are approved on a case by case basis to address specified areas of work that cannot be addressed at a regular meeting. RECOMMENDATION Approve the proposed April 2024-March 2025 meeting schedule. Page 23 of 24 Regular Commission Meetings Reserved for Potential Special Meetings S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 1 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January '25 February '25 March '25 April '24 May '24 June '24 July '24 August '24 September '24 2024-2025 Environment & Sustainability Commission Annual Planner October '24 November '24 December '24 Calendar Templates by Vertex42.com Page 24 of 24