HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.01.09 ESC RM Minutes ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Environment and Sustainability Commission was held on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Vice Chairperson Springer called the meeting to order with Commissioners Reed, Burman, and Andrews. Commissioner Angerer was absent. Staff present included the following: City Engineer Brian Erickson, Stormwater Specialist Jane Byron, and Recording Secretary Amy Simonson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Andrews Second by Burman Motion to adopt the agenda Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 3.a. Approve November 14, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Minutes Motion by Burman Second by Reed Motion to approve the November 14, 2023 Environment and Sustainability Commission meeting minutes with the amended language to the last sentence of item 6.a. requested by Commissioner Springer to state: "Commissioners requested a special work session in December to review and update the commission goals for 2024 pending staff review." Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. PRESENTATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Goals Updates Stormwater Specialist Byron noted the following updates:  Jada Lindell completed her Girl Scout Gold Project, Project Bee Population, and was awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award. A link to her project web page has been provided on the City's website: https://beethefight.webador.com/  The City is working with Xcel on installing EV charging stations. If approved, Xcel will install the electrical needed for connecting the charging stations at no charge, while the City would be responsible for installing the charging stations. The current locations for the EV stations are Bloomfield Park and the Rosemount Community Center. Commissioner Andrews inquired about the city's stormwater system and clean water initiatives. Byron discussed the city's current standards, best practices, and requirements of the state and other governmental entities. Most developments now install stormwater bodies with large infiltration areas. Large stormwater bodies are more efficient, planted with native plants, and are easier to maintain. Commissioners can help by encouraging neighbors to participate in programs and grants for clean water initiatives, such as Landscaping for Clean Water. Commissioners indicated they are interested in a presentation on rain gardens, large scale water management, or regulations on stormwater management. Commissioner Burman inquired as to the status of the sustainable purchasing policy. Per City Staff, the policy is still under review by the department heads and currently there is no movement forward. City Engineer Erickson did note there are a few questions by staff to be addressed internally. 5.b. Education & Outreach Activities The Commissioners had no updates on goals. Stormwater Specialist Byron discussed the new blog post format which will now be shared as a link to the homepage of the City's website under “News & Highlights” and will be a separate page versus the long scrolling page that includes all past posts.  January - have not yet received the post from the VRW JPO  February - recommend promoting SWCD Landscaping for Clean Water workshops and grants.  March - waste reduction topic to coincide with spring-cleaning  April - Mayor's water challenge (tentative) Commissioners discussed plans for the Home & Business Expo table including giveaways, advertising landscaping for clean water workshops and grants, and a white board for residents to provide suggestions on what they would like to see from the ESC. Vice-Chair Springer requested clarification on why the special work session was denied. Staff explained that City Council was still reviewing and making recommendations. It would not make sense to work on 2024 goals without waiting for direction from the Council. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Environment & Sustainability Commission Revisioning Stormwater Specialist Byron presented a summary of findings of common city environmental commission practices and the administrative and operational changes to be implemented as provided by the City Council. Commissioner Andrews inquired as to a structure to develop an annual work plan and deadline. Stormwater Specialist Byron explained that the goal is to have a work plan in place by April, which is the start of the commission year, approve it and provide it to City Council for review. Commissioner Springer requested an amendment to request work sessions to be for the off months and then cancel if unnecessary, instead of having to request them. City Engineer Erickson explained that a work session must be for a specific topic/reason. The Commission can make a motion and vote for a work session at a regular meeting. The Commission can vote at the February meeting for a March work session. Commissioner Springer noted he is concerned about the decrease in membership, decrease in the number of meetings, and is worried about the direction and ability of ESC to do what commissioners are volunteering to do. Motion by Reed Second by Andrews Motion to cancel the March 12, 2024, Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Ayes: 3. Nays: 1. Motion Carried. 6.b. Annual Work Plan Development Discussion was opened regarding work plan development. Commissioners requested following:  To view other commissions’ work plans for a reference point.  To find out what the City’s environmental initiatives are, so the Commission can align its goals with the City’s goals and priorities.  Presentations on what the City already does or projects the City is involved in or may be ongoing related to the environment and sustainability.  Inquire about a budget for the ESC Staff explained that the ESC is an advisory commission in which the Council looks to the ESC to direct the Council’s efforts. ANNOUNCEMENTS Stormwater Specialist Byron announced that Youth Commissioner Reed's term ends in March and, as she is a senior, encouraged her to recommend peers to apply for the position. Commissioners were encouraged to reach out to neighbors to participate in programs such as Landscaping for Clean Water. Also, the MCES is looking for input for the drafting of their 2025 Metro Area Water Supply Plan. Cities are required to incorporate this plan into their own comprehensive plan (done every 10 years). Byron also updated the Commission on the PW/PD Campus construction contractor is recycling 73% of their construction waste. Commissioners indicated they could use a graph with the information to display at the Home & Business Expo. STAFF REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for February 13, 2024 i. Work plan development ii. Planning for Home & Business Expo iii. Meeting Calendar 24-25 iv. Bylaw Updates Commissioners inquired about the process for commission vacancies. Staff explained that vacancies are advertised by the City Clerk and interested persons can apply online. Commissioners requested an update on the number of candidates that have applied for the ESC at the February meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Environment and Sustainability Commission at the regular meeting and upon a motion by Springer and a second by Andrews, the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary