HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.02.13 ESC RM Minutes ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 13, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Environment and Sustainability Commission was held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 5:32 PM in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Springer called the meeting to order with Commissioners Burman, Andrews, and Reed. Commissioner Angerer was absent. Staff present included the following; Stormwater Specialist Jane Byron, City Engineer Brian Erikson, Public Works Office Specialist Amy Simonson. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion by Andrews Second by Burman Motion to approve the amended agenda. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. ANNUAL MEETING 3.a. Presentation of Commissioner Angerer's Resignation Chairperson Springer presented former Commissioner Angerer's resignation and thanked her for her time and service on the Commission. 3.b. Update on Applications for Commission Vacancies - Verbal Only City Engineer Erickson advised that no applications have been received for ESC commissioner vacancies. Commission vacancies have been advertised by the City Clerk in the city news, on the city website and on social media. Commissioner Springer asked about a closing date for applications. Staff clarified that the application process remains open until all vacancies are filled. Commissioner Andrews raised a question regarding interactions among the three remaining Commissioners outside of meetings, considering open meeting laws. Staff indicated no Commission business should be discussed outside of meetings. However, staff will the City Clerk to advise. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 4.a. January 9, 2024 Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Motion by Reed Second by Andrews Motion to approve the January 9, 2024, Environment & Sustainability Commission meeting minutes. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 13, 2024 PRESENTATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Goals Updates Discussions were opened to Commissioners and staff for updates relating to the commission's goals. Commissioner Burman inquired about the status of the sustainable purchasing policy she submitted. Staff noted that this item is included in the annual work plan and assigned to city staff. Staff will work to format the policy to align with the Green Step Cities format. At this time, no updates have been received from the directors based on the current format language. 6.b. Education & Outreach Activities Blog posts have been assigned through April and this information has been updated in the work plan. The commission will work to assign blog posts for May through July at the April meeting. Commissioners discussed plans for tabling at the Home & Business Expo on March 2, 2024. Staff have obtained approximately 300 nightlights and LED lights from Xcel Energy to hand out and may also receive kids' activity books. The commission will focus on water and energy conservation, and waste reduction will be handled by the Park & Rec Solid Waste Coordinator. Commissioner Springer requested recruitment materials for commission vacancies. Byron will coordinate set-up for the event. Commissioner Springer inquired if the table would close at 12:30 PM if no commissioners are available to cover that time slot. Per Byron, if there are giveaway items remaining, it is likely a staff member will cover the table, but it needs to be discussed with supervisors. Byron requested commissioners to review the ESC pages on the city's website and provide feedback directly to her relating to broken links, errors, updates, etc. 6.c. Annual Work Plan Development Specialist Byron presented the draft annual work plan to the commissioners and noted that it incorporates educational items and was developed with feedback from commissioners. Discussion was opened to commissioners for comments. Commissioner Springer requested to add a list of commissioner requests. Staff will add a "future activities" section to the work plan which will hold summarized requests. Commissioner Andrews asked if the work plan would replace the goals updates. Staff explained that the annual work plan and goals would be combined as a living document. Commissioners requested to review the draft work plan prior to voting on the document next year. Staff advised that the commission can plan a work session to draft and review a work plan prior to voting on it next year. Commissioner Burman requested to receive updates about construction projects and the opportunity to suggest adding greener features. City Engineer Erickson also indicated that staff ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 13, 2024 could reach out to the City's Economic Development Coordinator for businesses that are working towards green initiatives. Commissioner Burman recommended moving the Dakota County Solid Waste speaker from June to the April meeting, so that the ESC has the opportunity to provide input on the Dakota County 2024-2044 solid waste management plan. Motion by Reed Second by Springer Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Environment and Sustainability Commission Work Plan with the amendment to move up the Dakota County Solid Waste speaker from June to April. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Environment & Sustainability Commission Bylaws Updates Specialist Byron went over the changes in the bylaws as per recommendations on revision as provided by the City Council. Notable changes made include the following:  Membership - Reducing the commission members from 8 to 7.  Meetings - Reducing meetings to every other month (even months) starting at 6:00 PM. The odd months shall be reserved for special work sessions which can be called by the commission on a specific topic and by a majority vote.  Goals - Updated to reflect current goals.  Volunteering - Defines expectations of volunteering as relating to commission duties. Motion by Springer Second by Andrews Motion to amend the Environment & Sustainability Commission Bylaws per t attachment. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. 7.b. Set Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 Commissioners reviewed the proposed 2024-2025 meeting schedule. Motion by Burman Second by Springer Motion to set the 2023-2024 Environment & Sustainability Commission Meetings per the Attached Calendar Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion Carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Springer recognized Youth Commissioner Reed's input, insight, and involvement with the commission. No further announcements were available. ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 13, 2024 STAFF REPORT 9.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 9, 2024  Presentation from Dakota County on the 2024-2025 Solid Waste Plan  Debrief on the Home & Business Expo  Blog posts for May-July ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Springer and a second by Burman the meeting was adjourned at 6:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary