HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240423 Packet AGENDA Planning Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 23, 2024 6:30 PM City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE a. Oath of Office / Appointment and Re-appointment of Planning Commissioners 2. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA 3. AUDIENCE INPUT 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the March 18, Regular Meeting 5. OLD BUSINESS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Request by Enclave Companies for approval of a rezoning of the subject property from R4 PUD to R3 PUD and a major amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development to construct 132 townhomes on Lot 1 Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition. The applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. b. Requests by First State Bank of Rosemount and Akron 42 LLC for the approval of preliminary and final plats to subdivide land on the north side of CSAH 42 and west of Akron Avenue. c. Request by Northern States Power (Xcel Energy) for approval of a PUD Final Site and Building Plan to construct an electrical substation. d. Request by KJ Walk, Inc for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Rosewood Commons 3rd Addition. e. Request by KJ Walk, Inc for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Rosewood Center 2nd Addition. 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. DISCUSSION 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 70 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: April 23, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Oath of Office / Appointment and Re-appointment of Planning Commissioners AGENDA SECTION: CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PREPARED BY: Alysha Grant, Community Development Technician AGENDA NO. 1.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Administer the Oath of Office BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount's City Council appointed Aaron Beadner and Matt Buggi as new Planning Commissioners, and reappointed Michael Reed for terms that will expire on March 31, 2027. Jeff Ellis was appointed as a new Commissioner that is finishing former Planning Commissioner John Powell's term, set to expire March 31, 2025. ISSUE Minnesota State Statute 358.05 requires that City officials, appointed or elected, must take and sign an Oath of Office before transacting any business or exercising any privilege of office. RECOMMENDATION Page 2 of 70 ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 18, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Monday, March 18, 2024, at 6:30 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Kenninger called the meeting to order with Commissioners Reed, Hebert, Thiagarajan, Rivera, and Whitman. Staff present included the following: Community Development Director Kienberger, Senior Planner Nemcek, Planner Hogan, and Community Development Technician Grant. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Kenninger Second by Reed Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. a. Minutes of the February 26, 2024 Work Session b. Minutes of the February 26, 2024 Regular Meeting Commissioner Whitman pointed out a needed adjustment within the Adjournment section of the February 26, 2024 regular meeting minutes. Whitman requested revising the sentence, "A special meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on March 6th to approve the items within this agenda" to "...on March 6th to consider the items within this agenda." c. Minutes of the March 6, 2024 Regular Meeting OLD BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Request by Enclave Companies for approval of a rezoning of the subject property from R4 PUD to R3 PUD and a major amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development to construct 132 townhomes on Lot 1 Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Page 3 of 70 Addition. The applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. Senior Planner Nemcek introduced the proposal by Enclave Companies of Amber Fields for rezoning and a major amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement. Nemcek stated the applicant has requested to postpone consideration of this item until the next Planning Commission meeting in April. The Public Hearing opened at 6:35 p.m. Motion by Kenninger Second by Reed Motion to continue the Public Hearing to the April 23, 2024 Planning Commission meeting. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. b. Request by Maplewood Development for approval of the Amber Fields 17th Addition preliminary and final plats to create 120 single family lots. Planner Hogan presented the application by Maplewood Development for the preliminary and final plats of the Amber Fields 17th Addition. The Public Hearing opened at 6:41 p.m. The Public Hearing closed at 6:42 p.m. Motion by Kenninger Second by Hebert Motion to close the Public Hearing. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Commissioner Comments Chair Kenninger verified with Planner Hogan that the minimum side yard setback requirements for the Amber Fields PUD remain consistent with those of the Amber Fields 17th Addition. Commissioner Reed shared he had no objections to the application or the request. Motion by Reed Second by Whitman Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final Plats for Amber Fields 17th Addition, subject to: 1. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. 2. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated March 14, 2024 3. No structures are allowed within any easement areas. 4. The plat shall be updated to provide a temporary cul-de-sac for the southern extension of the western portion of Ardara Ridge Road. 5. Payment of $56,100 as a landscape surety. 6. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Parks and Recreation Page 4 of 70 Director’s memorandum dated March 15, 2024 7. Payment of trunk area charges in the amount of: 1. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre 2. Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre 3. Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. c. Request by First State Bank of Rosemount for approval of a PUD Final Site and Building Plan and a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. Senior Planner Nemcek presented the application by First State Bank of Rosemount for a PUD final site and building plan and Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The Public Hearing opened at 7:07 p.m. Mark Toombs, First State Bank of Rosemount - 3025 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Sean Raboin, HTG Architects - 1010 Mainstreet Hopkins, MN 55343 Toombs indicated that the coffee shop would likely operate from 5:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, while the bank's hours would adhere to standard timings: 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. Toombs clarified that the coffee shop would not be affiliated with any chain or franchise. Commissioner Reed requested a walk-through of the site's traffic flow from the applicants. Raboin outlined the directional traffic flow on the site, noting the installation of various wayfinding and navigational aids. Raboin and Toombs also provided commissioners with details regarding peak traffic at the downtown First State Bank in Rosemount and potential peak traffic hours for both the bank and the coffee shop. Commissioner Hebert inquired about the track record of similar projects, access through the glass partition, and the proposed 1500 square feet addition depicted on the site plan. Raboin referred to successful ventures combining banks and coffee shops in Waconia and Northfield as examples. He emphasized that access through the glass partition would be available to both the public and employees. Toombs mentioned that while there is currently no expansion plan in place, the applicant aimed to ensure sufficient space for expansion if necessary. Chair Kenninger asked for clarification on the accessibility of the community room. Toombs clarified that while the room would be available for groups requiring conference space, it would typically not be open to the public without a prior booking arrangement. Commissioner Thiagarajan asked about the intended use of the basement and lounge space. Toombs explained that approximately 1500 square feet in the basement would serve as storage, housing mechanical and electrical components for both occupants. Toombs further clarified that the lounge space would be designated for First State Bank employees in compliance with ADA regulations. Commissioner Hebert asked what the construction timeline will be. Toombs and Raboin shared that they aim to complete construction ideally by early spring of 2025. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:18 p.m. Motion by Kenninger Second by Reed Page 5 of 70 Motion to close the Public Hearing. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Commissioner Comments Chair Kenninger and Commissioner Rivera asked about traffic patterns and peak business hours. Senior Planner Nemcek provided an explanation on how traffic would circulate within and around the site. Nemcek clarified that the inner-drive from Abbey Field does not directly connect to Akron Avenue. Commissioner Hebert inquired about pedestrian access points and the proposed 1500 square feet addition depicted on the site plan. Senior Planner Nemcek specified that pedestrian access would come from Abbey Field via a designated crosswalk and deferred to the applicant for details regarding the addition. Nemcek commented that the addition must adhere to all code requirements and undergo a zoning review process. Motion by Reed Second by Hebert Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan for First State Bank of Rosemount to construct a combined financial institution and coffee shop, subject to the following conditions. 1. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. 2. Approval of a plat subdividing the subject parcel that is consistent with that shown on the site plan. 3. The applicant shall update the landscape plan to provide one additional parking lot tree and also provide landscape plantings to screen the parking area and drive-through exit from County Road 42. 4. Non-essential lighting shall be turned off after business hours. 5. Compliance with all comments and requirements of the City's engineer detailed in the Engineer's Memo dated March 14, 2024. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Reed Second by Hebert Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit allowing drive- through facilities for First State Bank of Rosemount, subject to the following conditions:. 1. Approval by the City Council of a minor amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD reducing the minimum stacking spaces from 6 per drive-through lane to 4. 2. The applicant shall update the landscape plan to provide plantings to screen vehicles existing the bank drive-through from County Road 42. 3. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the property lines. 4. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right-of-way or to serve as off-site advertising. 5. Size and design of menu boards shall conform to condition seven (7) of the drive- through facility conditional use permit standards. Page 6 of 70 Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. d. Zoning Code Update - Title 11 Zoning Regulations of the Rosemount City Code The Community Development (CD) Director, Kienberger, welcomed the HKGi consultants, who proceeded to present the 2024 Zoning Code Update for the Rosemount City Code. The Public Hearing opened at 8:09 p.m. The Public Hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. Motion by Kenninger Second by Thiagarajan Motion to close the Public Hearing. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Beth Richmond, HKGi - 800 Washington Ave N, Suite 103, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Jeff Miller, HKGi - 800 Washington Ave N, Suite 103, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Commissioner Comments Commissioner Reed asked if the new 7.5 feet setback for the R-1 district would apply to homeowners with homes set to the former 10-feet setback. Richmond stated that if any homeowners decided to expand or rebuild, the 7.5 feet setback would apply. Commissioner Reed asked if the landscaping requirements would apply to property owners who have fulfilled building plans prior to adoption. Richmond stated she did not believe the requirements would apply to older building plans and their corresponding properties. CD Director Kienberger said the City Council is currently considering a code enforcement process, which would be applicable to handling such requirements. City staff confirmed that any property landscaping requirements must transfer to any new property owners, and landscaping must be replaced if any of it dies or is removed. Commissioners asked questions about property requirements, recording, and transferring that information to new property owners. CD Director Kienberger provided examples, such as a covenant or recording with Dakota County as possibilities, but the process would be reviewed between the City and the City Attorney prior to adoption. Kienberger noted that landscape sureties and escrow is one method of ensuring landscaping requirements are met by developers. Commissioner Whitman asked where the 25% number derives from as it pertains to residential use in mixed-use zoning. Whitman asked what happens if a property owner comes forward with a project but they have over the 25% threshold of residential, for example 30% residential. City staff and HKGi consultants shared that the 25% residential amount derived from reviewing visioning concepts. City staff shared that the 25% threshold is determinable and variable per case, with the 25% residential amount to be an expectation for developers on the front-end to minimize risk. Commissioner Whitman supports this provision. Miller noted that the 25% requirement is a parameter, but more flexible compared to other cities' provisions. Commissioner Rivera requested that the legend of the proposed zoning map to include label titles and not just abbreviations. Chair Kenninger asked why the commercial development along County Rd 42 is zoned as B-1, Page 7 of 70 while the nodes of development are zoned MX-2. CD Director Kienberger answered that the MX-2 zoning is a direct reflection of the visioning exercise for those development nodes. Chair Kenninger requested that ash trees be removed from required landscaping and that the city road names be used instead of the county road names for consistency. Chair Kenninger asked for clarification on guest parking for 3-4 unit developments. Miller stated that the 3-4 units are lower-density housing types, thus usually not requiring guest parking. CD Director Kienberger stated that the meeting aims to encompass all matters pertaining to the zoning code update. Kienberger shared the City's ability to revise and amend the Rosemount City Code if necessary. Senior Planner Nemcek expressed City Staff's enthusiasm of the zoning code update and where to contact City Staff for questions or concerns. Motion by Kenninger Second by Whitman Motion to hold a public hearing and make a motion to recommend City Council adopt the proposed updates to the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance at one of their meetings in May. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS None. DISCUSSION Chair Kenninger thanked Commissioners Thiagarajan and Hebert for their service on the Rosemount Planning Commission. Chair Kenninger also congratulated and thanked Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek for being awarded the City Employee of the Year for 2023. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alysha Grant Community Development Technician Page 8 of 70 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: April 23, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: AGENDA ITEM: Request by Enclave Companies for approval of a rezoning of the subject property from R4 PUD to R3 PUD and a major amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development to construct 132 townhomes on Lot 1 Block 1, Amber Fields 6th Addition. The applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next meeting. AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek , Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to continue the Public Hearing to the next Planning Commission meeting. BACKGROUND Enclave Companies have requested to continue the public hearing further to the next Planning Commission meeting on May 28, 2024. RECOMMENDATION Page 9 of 70 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: April 23, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: May 21, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Requests by First State Bank of Rosemount and Akron 42 LLC for the approval of preliminary and final plats to subdivide land on the north side of CSAH 42 and west of Akron Avenue. AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek , Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location, Prestwick Place 25th Addition Plat, First State Bank of Rosemount/Preswick Place 26th Addition Plat, Parks and Recreation Review Memo dated April 18, 2024 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve the preliminary and final plats for Prestwick Place 25th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of a subdivision agreement. 2. Payment of all required development fees, including park dedication fees and trunk area charges. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the preliminary and final plats for First State Bank of Rosemount, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall update the plat to change the plat name from First State Bank of Rosemount to Prestwick Place 26th Addition. 2. Approval of a subdivision agreement. 3. Payment of all required development fees, including park dedication fees and trunk area charges. BACKGROUND Property Owner Akron 42 LLC Applicants Akron 42 LLC and First State Bank of Rosemount Location Northeast Quadrant of Abbeyfield Avenue and CSAH 42 Site Area in Acres First State Bank Plat: 4.28 Acres Akron 42 LLC Plat: 1.44 Acres Total Area: 5.72 Acres Comp Plan Designation CC-Community Commercial Page 10 of 70 Current Zoning C4 PUD-General Commercial Planned Unit Development Neighboring Uses West – Low Density Residential; North – High Density Residential; East – Commercial; South – High Density Residential The Planning Commission is being asked to consider requests from First State Bank of Rosemount and Akron 42 LLC to subdivide the commercially guided and zoned property along CSAH 42 between Abbeyfield Avenue and Akron Avenue. These requests are being combined into a single agenda item since First State Bank is requesting a subdivision of an outlot that will be created by the plat proposed by Akron 42 LLC. First State Bank of Rosemount recently applied for and received approval to construct a combination bank and coffee shop on a portion of the subject property they are acquiring from Akron 42 LLC. That approval was subject to the platting of the site. The order of operations is a little reversed as the bank wanted to move forward with the entitlement process as they worked through the purchase of the property from Akron 42 LLC. The proposed plats meet the requirements of the Rosemount zoning code, and the plat proposed by First State Bank of Rosemount is consistent with the parcel boundaries depicted on the site plan for the bank and coffee shop. In addition to the bank and coffee shop site, two additional buildable lots and an outlot containing a stormwater basin will be created by the proposed plats. Staff is recommending approval of both plat requests. SITE HISTORY AND CONTEXT The subject property is part of the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development that was originally approved in 2007. It is designated in the City’s comprehensive land use plan for commercial uses, and has been zoned accordingly since the original PUD approval. The original PUD approval was very prescriptive about how the site would develop. For example, the PUD described the specific types of commercial uses, as well as the size of the buildings that would be permitted on the parcels. That was much more specific than seen in any of the planned unit developments that have been approved since, and it was very limiting as to the type of commercial development that could occur. A Major PUD Amendment was approved that removed the subject property, as well as other adjacent undeveloped outlots from the scope of the Commercial Area Guidelines within the 2007 PUD agreement. Additionally, land immediately north of the subject property was reguided from CC-Community Commercial to HDR-High Density Residential in order to help provide a critical mass of residents that would not otherwise support commercial development due to the large swaths of open land held by Flint Hills Resources and the University of Minnesota within the market area used to determine the feasibility of commercial projects by developers. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. Preliminary and final plat approvals are quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is actinng as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Planned Unit Development Agreements are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements, it must be approved. Land Use and Zoning The subject property is designated for Community Commercial uses and is located within the C4 PUD - General Commercial Planned Unit Development zoning district. Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are detailed in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the Code outlines the two- Page 11 of 70 step Preliminary and Final Plat process for land subdivision. A preliminary plat is required for overall public infrastructure phasing and capital improvement planning, and a final plat is required for recording each phase or addition. The code does allow for the approval of the preliminary and final plats to be combined into a single action in cases where municipal streets and utilities are already in place and capable of serving the plat and where future streets will not be constructed, and the proposed subdivision will not interfere with proper development of neighboring adjacent properties. The proposed parcels created by the two plats meet the minimum standards for the C4 zoning district. The minimum lot width is 120' and the narrowest lot within the plats is 172'. The minimum lot area is 20,000 square feet, and the smallest of the buildable lots created by the plats will be 45,300 square feet. The proposed parcels meet all other requirements of the City Code, such as having access to public streets. The Dakota County Plat Commission also reviewed the proposed plats and finds the County's right of way needs to be met, and that the required restricted access along CSAH 42 is provided by the plat. Additionally, perimeter drainage and utility easements are provided around each parcel and over the lot containing the stormwater basin. Development plans were approved for the bank/coffee shop site, but the Planning Commission will also review any proposed development within the two other buildable lots created by the plats. A full set of civil plans containing information related to stormwater management, utilities, landscaping, lighting, etc. is required for all development applications. Parks The City Code requires 10% of land be dedicated for park land. In a case such as this where the Parks Master Plan does not identify any parks being located within the subdivision area, a fee-in-lieu of land dedication can be required. Therefore, a total of $51,480 (.572 acres x $90,000/acre) must be paid prior to the release of the plats for recording. This will be detailed in the subdivision agreement that will be reviewed and acted upon by the City Council. The Parks and Recreation Director has provided a memorandum that is attached. It specifies that the park dedication fees are due for each parcel prior to the issuance of a building permit. This differs from how park dedication fees are collected for residential developments as each site within the plat areas will be developed by a different entity. Engineering The City's engineer reviewed the overall plan for the development of the site, and the stormwater ponding areas were reviewed using assumed impervious surface based on the maximum allowed by the zoning ordinance. As each parcel within the plat is developed, a full review of the civil site plans will be completed to ensure development complies with the City's engineering standards. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of both plat requests based on the information provided by the applicant and contained in this report, subject to the conditions listed above. Page 12 of 70 Page 13 of 70 Page 14 of 70 Page 15 of 70 ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Page 16 of 70 ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Page 17 of 70 M E M O R A N D U M To:Adam Kienberger Community Development Director Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Julia Hogan, Planner From:Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date:April 18, 2024 Subject:Commercial Development Plan Review The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the following projects: •KJ Walk Rosewood Center 2nd Addition. •KJ Walk Rosewood Commons 3rd Addition •First State Bank of Rosemount •Akron 42, LLC/Lennar After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION Staff is recommending that the parks dedication for each individual lot be collected as cash in lieu of land and payable prior to the issuance of a building permit. The cash dedication method used is detailed in the City’s Subdivision Ordinance (12-3-6) and the fees are based on the City’s fee policy at the time of payment. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. Page 18 of 70 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: April 23, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: AGENDA ITEM: Request by Northern States Power (Xcel Energy) for approval of a PUD Final Site and Building Plan to construct an electrical substation. AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Alysha Grant, Community Development Technician AGENDA NO. 6.c. ATTACHMENTS: Applicant's Narrative, Site Location, Official Plat, Parcel Exhibit, General Arrangement Plan, 3D Renderings, Fence Standards, Project Bigfoot Site Plan, Landscape & Architectural Plan, Grading Plan, Site Lighting Plan APPROVED BY: AN, AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Final Site and Building Plan to allow Xcel Energy to construct an electrical substation, subject to the following conditions: • Conformance with the standards of the Project Bigfoot Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement. • Conformance with all comments contained in the engineer’s memo dated November 22, 2023. • Applicants shall obtain any required building permits. • Compliance with any requirements of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC). BACKGROUND Application & Property Owner(s) Xcel Energy Location: West of Blaine Ave and approximately .4 miles South of County Rd. 42, within UMore Park and the Project Bigfoot PUD Area in Acres: 14.40494 acres Comp. Guide Plan Designation: BP – Business Park Current Zoning: BP – Business Park Overlay District(s): Planned Unit Development (PUD) The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a request by Northern States Power (Xcel Energy) for approval of the final site and building plan to construct a new electrical substation. The substation is within the University of Minnesota Outreach, Research, and Education (UMore) park and the Project Bigfoot Planned Unit Development (PUD), located southwest of County Road 42 and Blaine Avenue. The project is referred to by the applicant as the UMore Park Substation. Page 19 of 70 The City Council approved the final site and building plan for the primary use of the site, requested by Jimnist LLC (Project Bigfoot) at its meeting on December 21, 2023. The Master Development Plan included two electrical substations, one owned by the applicant and one to be constructed by Xcel Energy. The Substation is needed to facilitate connection between the proposed 115 kV Rosemount Transmission Line, which was approved by the City Council on March 21, 2023, and Project Bigfoot. Equipment to be installed includes typical substation infrastructure including a gravel pad, steel structures, foundations, and four 115 kV bays to transfer electricity to the surrounding PUD. The final site and building plan approval of the substation is the second of the two-step PUD process. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority Site Plan applications are quasi-judicial decisions for the Planning Commission, meaning that the Planning Commission will act as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if these applications meet the City’s established requirements, they must be approved. Site Plan and Design Review The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional, and multifamily development projects. Site Layout and Location Xcel Energy does not retain the title to the property, but the title will be transferred to Xcel Energy once rough grading is completed by Project Bigfoot. The site location is legally described as the South half of Section 26 and North half of Section 35, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, Dakota County, Minnesota. The substation is located at the southern terminus of the proposed 115 kV Rosemount Transmission Line and Associated Facilities project corridor. The Substation footprint contains approximately 627,479 square feet or 14.40494 acres. Land Use & Zoning The subject property is currently zoned BP PUD-Business Park Planned Unit Development, and the future land use is guided for BP-Business Park. The adjacent zoning directly south and east of the substation is zoned as AG-Agricultural while the future land use is designated for BP-Business Park. The UMore Park Substation is considered an Essential Service Facility by the City Code and is permitted in all zoning districts except for residential and public/institutional districts. The Code requires every fenced enclosure around an essential service facility to meet the principal building setback of the district in which it is located. The UMore Park Substation will be surrounded by AMIGUARD 7100 security mesh, 10 feet high. The Code also requires screening for electrical substations adjacent to a lot or parcel in a residential, commercial, or public/institutional district – the Substation is neither adjacent to those listed uses or districts, therefore screening is not required. Lot and Building Standards All structures, including the Substation, exceed the setback requirements of the site. The front yard setback is 30 feet – the Substation, set back approximately 500 feet, exceeds this standard. See the table below for lot standards and dimensions for the BP – Business Park district compared to the Substation. Page 20 of 70 Lot Requirements UMore Park Substation Minimum Lot Area One Acre 14.0494 acres Minimum Lot Width 120 feet 695 feet Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 21.29% Minimum Front yard setback 30 feet 500 feet Minimum Side yard setback 10 feet 70 feet – North 260 feet – South Minimum Rear yard setback 10 feet 40 feet Parking setbacks 20 feet front 10 feet rear 10 feet side Not applicable The maximum building height for principal structures is 50 feet for BP – districts. Because the Substation is an essential service facility and a necessary structure, a permitted exception is given per 11-5-2 B.1. for building height not to exceed 25 feet in addition to the maximum permitted height of the district. Thus, the maximum building height would be 75 feet, provided that it will not impair the solar access of buildings on adjoining properties, not used for human occupancy, or for commercial enterprise. The greatest height of the Substation is at 62 feet for the transmission line poles. Excluding these poles, the rest of the Substation ranges in height between 9 and 25 feet tall. Access and Parking The Code requires driveways in the BP district to be no less than 24 feet, or more than 36 feet in width. There will be a 25-foot heavy-duty asphalt concrete driveway to access the substation west of Blaine Avenue. No designated parking stalls will be installed within the substation, but parking facilities within Project Bigfoot may be utilized by Xcel Energy. The surface of the Substation will be gravel. There will be a central aisle for maintenance, and there is planned space south of the substation for another aisle for maintenance and additional Substation expansion. Access will be via two drive gates, one on the northeast side of the fence and another on the northwest side of the fenced enclosure. Landscaping Project Bigfoot is responsible for initial site preparation, including land clearing and all rough grading associated with the substation. All stormwater runoff from the substation will be directed via sheet flow to a retention pond located southeast of the Substation. Since the anticipated area of disturbance is over one acre, Project Bigfoot is required to develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and obtain coverage under the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Construction Stormwater General Permit (MNR100001). Xcel Energy will install sediment and erosion control measures as described in Project Bigfoot’s SWPPP, in which responsibility of the SWPPP will transfer to Xcel Energy after Project Bigfoot construction activity is completed. All of these are administered through the grading permit process. Project Bigfoot is responsible for the landscaping plan within the PUD. Existing trees and vegetation Page 21 of 70 will be removed in the Substation footprint by Project Bigfoot’s contractors prior to grading activities. Project Bigfoot completed a tree survey and inventory; they obtained appropriate approvals per the City of Rosemount’s Tree Preservation Ordinance. Xcel Energy may be responsible for portions of the landscaping surrounding the Substation. Refer to Project Bigfoot’s landscaping plan, grading plan, and SWPPP for the site. Noise Levels and EMF Per the December 2022 Environmental Assessment submitted to the City, noise levels produced by a 115 kV transmission lines and associated substations are generally less than outdoor background noise levels, therefore not usually audible. Transmission lines and substations must comply with state noise standards established by the MPCA, and any audible noise should be under those standards. City residents have expressed concern for electric and magnetic fields (EMF) associated with Xcel Energy’s transmission lines. The Minnesota Public Utility Commission (MPUC) has repeatedly found that “there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate a causal relationship between EMF exposure and any adverse human health effects.” There are no Minnesota regulations pertaining to EMF as of today. Applicants may provide information and EMF measurements for customers and employees upon request. The MPUC has set a maximum electric field limit of 8 kilovolts per meter (kV/m) measured at one meter above the ground to prevent serious shocks when touching objects parked under transmission lines. Per the Environmental Assessment submitted to the City of Rosemount in December 2022, the maximum electric field that was calculated for the Project is 2.307 kV/m, including substations. Site Lighting All lighting of the Substation will be non-essential and located at least 100 feet from any roadway, walkway, or other trail. Under the BP – Business Park regulations, the maximum height for exterior lighting is 30 feet. Yard lighting will be mounted approximately 30 feet high on dead ends, and only operated when needed. Ten-minute motion sensor lighting will operate after-hours for security purposes. Motion sensors will be mounted 10 feet high and will not be visible over the 10-foot fencing. Fencing and Screening The Code permits fences of 8 feet maximum in all commercial districts, except for properties adjacent to residential districts. Additionally, the Code requires every fenced enclosure around an essential service facility to meet the principal building setback of the district in which it is located. Under the Project Bigfoot PUD agreement, deviation of fencing heights is permitted to a maximum height of 14 feet and at least 50 feet from the Right-of-Way (ROW). The UMore Park Substation will be enclosed by AMIGUARD 7100 security mesh, built to be 10 feet high and set back approximately 500 feet from the ROW, meeting the standards of the PUD agreement. The mesh is available in hot dipped galvanized or black powder coating over a zinc primer/zinc e-coating. The Code requires screening for electrical substations adjacent to a lot or parcel in a residential, commercial, or public/institutional district – the Substation is not adjacent to those listed uses or districts, therefore screening is not required. Engineering Project Bigfoot is responsible for connecting to public utilities within the PUD area. Xcel Energy’s Page 22 of 70 Substation will be connected to the proposed 115 kV Rosemount Transmission Line, but no public utility services will be needed on-site. Human waste will not be created, therefore not treated within the lot. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the PUD Final Site and Building Plan to construct an electrical substation, requested by Northern States Power (Xcel Energy). Page 23 of 70 414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 March 26, 2024 Anthony Nemcek Senior Planner City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Xcel Energy UMore Park Substation Project – City of Rosemount Site Plan Review Mr. Nemcek: Northern States Power, a Minnesota Corporation (Xcel Energy) is proposing to construct a new substation located southwest of County Road 42 and Blaine Avenue, within the University of Minnesota Outreach, Research and Education (UMore) Park. The Project is referred to as the UMore Park Substation (Substation), and is associated with the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Project Bigfoot. The Substation is anticipated to begin construction in June 2024, and is needed to facilitate connection between the proposed 115 kV Rosemount Transmission Line, Project Bigfoot, and the existing electrical grid. The Substation is located at the southern terminus of the proposed 115 kV Rosemount Transmission Line and Associate Facilities project corridor on property that will be transferred to Xcel Energy from the Project Bigfoot developer. A Route Permit was issued by the City of Rosemount as the lead Responsible Government Unit (RGU) for the 115 kV Rosemount Transmission Line and Associated Facilities on March 21, 2023, per the Local Review Process authorized by Minn. Stat. § 216E.04, Subd. 2(3), and Minn. R. 7850.5300. General Substation location maps are attached to this application (figures 1 and 2). Per the Project Bigfoot PUD Application Narrative dated October 31, 2023, Project Bigfoot will include all utilities except for overhead transmission lines and electrical substations. The Substation and associated transmission line designs are to be provided by Xcel Energy. As such, Xcel Energy submits the enclosed site plan review application and checklist with associated application supplement, application fee (via mail), figures, design drawings, and supporting Project Bigfoot information to obtain approval from the City of Rosemount. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me by phone at (612) 330-1955 or by email at Timothy.G.Rogers@xcelenergy.com. You can also contact Xcel Energy’s consultant for this project, Chris Schmidt with Environmental Resources Management (ERM), by phone at (612) 347-7112 or by email at Chris.Schmidt@erm.com. Sincerely, Timothy Rogers Manager, Siting and Land Rights, Xcel Energy Enclosures: Site Plan Review Application Materials Application Fee - $1,200 Figures Design Drawings Supplemental Project Bigfoot Information Cc: Peter Gitzen – Land Agent, Xcel Energy Chris Schmidt – Managing Consultant, ERM Page 24 of 70 Site Location Page 25 of 70 Page 26 of 70 Zoning District – Business Park PUD Future Land Use Designation – Business Park Page 27 of 70 Page 28 of 70 Page 29 of 70 Page 30 of 70 Page 31 of 70 2 5 ' - 0 " 5 5 ' - 6 " 2 8 ' - 6 " R C 115 B 115 A 115 F 115 E 115 D 115 DESIGN NOTES: LOCATION OF DRIVE AREAS ARE DICTATED BY SITE-LAYOUT. DRIVE ISLES ARE TO BE DESIGNED FOR EACH SITE.1. (IVG) INVER GROVE 115KV TO (EPR) EMPIRE 115KV TO (RMT) ROSEMOUNT 115KV TO (IVH) INVER HILLS 115KV TO CUSTOMER #4 115KV LINE 1 115 2 115 3 115 4 115 POND RETENTION B L A I N E A V E FOR DRAWING REFERENCE AND REVISION INFORMATION SEE PHYSICAL INDEX SHEET. THIS PE SEAL IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION REVISION SCALE IN FEET 0 250'100'50'200'150' 1" = 50' PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION B A S E L I N E N O R T H - S O U T H BASE LINE EAST-WEST REGARDING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS THE SOLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION 5. SUBSTATION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS) FOR ADDITIONAL LOCATE INFORMATION. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION (NSP-STD-CIVIL AND PHYSICAL4. FOR KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. SEE REFERENCE DRAWINGS (list applicable reference drawing numbers here) 3. DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION WORK. LOCATES FROM (CHRIS COTTON - SUPERVISOR FIELD OP'S) AT LEAST TEN (10) BUSINESS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATES INSIDE THE SUBSTATION FENCE, REQUEST 2. BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION WORK. 811 SHALL BE CALLED FOR EVERY EXCAVATION PROJECT AT LEAST THREE (3) LOCATE AND CLEARLY MARK THE LOCATION PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ACTIVITY. DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE ASSUMED COMPLETE OR ACCURATE. CONSTRUCTION SHALL THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PROVIDED ELECTRICAL REFERENCE CAUTION: THERE MAY BE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES/OBSTRUCTIONS IN THIS AREA. 1. PRE-EXCAVATION PROCEDURE M-1 LEGEND INDICATES A YELLOW CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARD (SGN123). OF PHY DETAIL NL-2-11) INDICATES CONCRETE MARKER FOR U.G. CABLE RUNS. (SEE LATEST REVISON 27'x55' EEE B U S 2 B U S 1 115KV LINE FUT A B C 5P403 5P400 5P401 5P404 5P402 SSVT 3/8" EHS 3/8" EHS 3/8" EHS 3/8" EHS 115KV LINE FUT CUSTOMER #3 115KV LINE CUSTOMER #2 115KV LINE CUSTOMER #1 115KV LINE 5P4085P4075P406 5P409 5P410 5P411 CBA C B A C B A C B A A B C MAINT AISLE FUTURE MAINTENANCE AISLE (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS OF PAD EDGE (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANS) 954 54/7 ACSS OPGW OPGW OPGW OPGW 3/8"EHS 3/8"EHS 3/8"EHS 3/8"EHS OPGW OPGW SCALE REV FOR BY USING SAFETY PRACTICES, PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS, MANUALS AND SPARS. THIS MAP/DOCUMENT IS A TOOL TO ASSIST EMPLOYEES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOBS.YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IS PROVIDED INTERNAL INFORMATION: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM XCEL ENERGY ISSUED BY ENGINEERING DEPT FOR: REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION 5 5'-0" R GATE DRIVE GATE SWING RATED CRASH 360'-0"60'-0" 30'-0"65'-0"70'-0"90'-0"70'-0"65'-0"25'-0" (FENCE) ( F E N C E ) GATE SWING RATED CRASH GATE DRIVE PROPERTY LINE 3 7 0 ' - 0 " 1 8 ' - 0 " 2 7 ' - 0 " 61'-0"55'-0" 65'-0"25'-0" 1 2 2 ' - 0 " 3 4 ' - 0 " 3 4 ' - 0 " 3 4 ' - 0 " 3 4 ' - 0 " 3 4 ' - 0 " 3 0 ' - 0 " 4 8 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 0 " 5 8 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 0 " 5 8 ' - 0 " 5 5 ' - 6 " 2 5 ' - 0 "90°0301382NH UMORE PARK GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 14951 BLAINE AVE, ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 UMP 1"=50'-0" 0A 03/06/2024 A.0001885.009.001.002 IFC - UMORE PARK (UMP)-NEW 115KV SWITCHING-TAM PRELIMINARY - N H - 3 0 1 3 8 2 . D G N 3 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 4 4 : 2 9 : 1 4 P M Page 32 of 70 SCALE REV FOR BY USING SAFETY PRACTICES, PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS, MANUALS AND SPARS. THIS MAP/DOCUMENT IS A TOOL TO ASSIST EMPLOYEES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOBS.YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IS PROVIDED INTERNAL INFORMATION: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM XCEL ENERGY R ISSUED BY ENGINEERING DEPT FOR: REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION FOR DRAWING REFERENCE AND REVISION INFORMATION SEE PHYSICAL INDEX SHEET. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE SHEET 2 0NH 115KV ISOMETRIC VIEW - 2300.1-1-1 UMP 3/32"=1'-0" 0A 01/23/2024 A.0001885.009.001.002 IFC-UMORE PARK (UMP)-NEW 115KV SWITCHING STATION-TAM UMP_GA_ISO UMORE PARK GENERAL ARRANGEMENT CONSTRUCTION - N H - U M P _ G A _ I S O . D G N 1 / 2 3 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 2 7 : 0 2 P M Page 33 of 70 SCALE REV FOR BY USING SAFETY PRACTICES, PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS, MANUALS AND SPARS. THIS MAP/DOCUMENT IS A TOOL TO ASSIST EMPLOYEES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOBS.YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IS PROVIDED INTERNAL INFORMATION: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM XCEL ENERGY R ISSUED BY ENGINEERING DEPT FOR: REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION A B C CBA A B C CBA 1 4 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 0 " 10'-0"10'-0"3'-0" 70'-0"90'-0"70'-0" 1 4 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 0 " 3'-0"10'-0"10'-0" 1 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 1 4 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 0 " 10'-0"10'-0"3'-0" 70'-0"90'-0"70'-0" 7 ' - 0 " 3'-0"10'-0"10'-0" 6'-0"14'-0"15'-0"15'-0"20'-0"8'-0"12'-0"15'-0"15'-0"20'-0"12'-0"8'-0"8'-0"12'-0"15'-0"15'-0"20'-0" 1 3 ' - 1 0 " 20'-0"15'-0"15'-0"20'-0"8'-0"12'-0"15'-0"15'-0"20'-0"12'-0"8'-0"8'-0"12'-0"15'-0"15'-0"20'-0" 4 ' - 0 " 8'-8" 9'- 2" 7 ' - 2 " 2 9 ' - 0 " 1 3 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 8 " 10'-0" 9 ' - 1 0 " 7 ' - 2 " 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 1 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 6 ' - 8 " 9 ' - 1 0 " 1 4 ' - 0 " 2 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 8 " 1 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 2 " 8 ' - 6 " 8 ' - 6 " 8 ' - 6 " 1 3 ' - 1 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 2 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 8 " 1 3 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 1 0 " 8 ' - 6 " 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 1 6 ' - 1 0 " 9'- 2" 8'-8" 1 3 ' - 1 0 " 8 ' - 6 " 9 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 1 0 " 7 ' - 2 " 6 ' - 8 " 9 ' - 1 0 " 1 6 ' - 1 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 8 ' - 6 " 9 ' - 0 " 1 3 ' - 1 0 " 9 ' - 0 " 7 ' - 2 " 7'-11"7'- 2" 7'- 2"7'-11" 2 9 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 1 0 ' - 0 " 1 3 ' - 0 " 9 ' - 8 " 4 ' - 0 " 2'-3" FOR DRAWING REFERENCE AND REVISION INFORMATION SEE PHYSICAL INDEX SHEET. FOR GENERAL NOTES AND LEGEND SEE SHEET 2. 0 2'4'10'20'30' SCALE IN FEET 1/8" = 1'-0" PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SECTION C-C SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" LC O F B U S 1 115 2 115 3 115 4 115 LC O F B U S LC O F B U S 115KV BUS 1 (TYP)115KV BUS 2 (TYP) LC O F B U S LC O F B U S 1 115 2 115 3 115 4 115 SH 7 LC O F B U S LC O F B U S 115KV BUS 1 (TYP)115KV BUS 2 (TYP) C O F B U S A T D E A D - E N D L SECTION B-B SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 2 2 2 SH 7 S H I E L D S P I K E PE TO APPROVE PER PROJECT S H I E L D S P I K E O F P O R C M I N T O B T M (TYPICAL) MECH SW OPER S H I E L D S P I K E O F P O R C M I N T O B T M B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S. B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S. O F P O R C M I N T O B T M (TYPICAL) MECH SW OPER B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S.B.O.S. O F P O R C M I N T O B T M O F P O R C M I N T O B T M B.O.S. LC O F B U S B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S. O F P O R C M I N T O B T M B.O.S.B.O.S. B.O.S.B.O.S. A-PH CVT 115KV EPR (BY TRANSMISSION) 954 54/7 ACSS (BY TRANSMISSION /8" E.H.S. OPG WIRE3 BY TRANSMISSION LINE TERMINATION BY TRANSMISSION STATIC WIRE TERMINATION BKR 115KV 5P408 BKR 115KV 5P411 BKR 115KV 5P410 BKR 115KV 5P407 PA000 S.A. MOD 115KV 5K100 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 556.5 AL CNW044 CNF452 CNF115 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF143 BSF178 C O F B U S A T D E A D - E N D L TUBE 6" AL BSR018 4-18.01 BSF022 BSI044 ED000 TUBE " AL2 12 BSR004 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 TUBE 6" AL BSR018 ED000 TUBE " AL2 12 BSR004 4-18.01 BSF022 BSI044 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF168 CNF117 A-PH CVT 115KV EPR A-PH CVT 115KV RMT A-PH CVT 115KV RMT (BY TRANSMISSION) 954 54/7 ACSS BY TRANSMISSION LINE TERMINATION CNF143 BSF178 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 MOD 115KV 5K100 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 556.5 AL CNW044 CNF452 CNF115 PA000 BY TRANSMISSION STATIC WIRE TERMINATION (BY TRANSMISSION /8" E.H.S. OPG WIRE3 (BY TRANSMISSION) 954 54/7 ACSS BY TRANSMISSION LINE TERMINATION CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 556.5 AL CNW044 CNF452 CNF115 BSI044 BSF022 4-18.01 (BY TRANSMISSION) 954 54/7 ACSS BY TRANSMISSION LINE TERMINATION MOD 115KV 5K100 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 556.5 AL CNW044 CNF452 CNF115 MOD 115KV 5K100 S.A. PA000 S.A. PA000 S.A. S H I E L D S P I K E C O F B U S A T D E A D - E N D L C O F B U S A T D E A D - E N D L CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF168 CNF117 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF168 CNF117 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# DISC 115KV #X###X# CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF168 CNF117 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF168 CNF117 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 CNF168 CNF117 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE 6" AL BSR018 ED000 TUBE " AL2 12 BSR004 BSI044 BSF022 4-18.01 (F) BSF022 BSI044 4-18.01 BSF022 BSI044 4-18.01 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 CNF143 BSF178 CNW046 2-1590 AL ED000 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE 6" AL BSR018 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE " AL2 12 BSR004 ED000 BSI044 BSF022 4-18.01 (F) BSI044 BSF022 4-18.01 BSF022 BSI044 4-18.01 4-18.01 BSF022 BSI044 (F) BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF070 TUBE 5" AL BSR006 BSF178 CNF143 B-PH CVT 115KV EPR A-PH UNIT METERING RMT A-PH UNIT METERING EPR BKR 115KV 5P409 BKR 115KV 5P406 (BY TRANSMISSION /8" E.H.S. OPG WIRE3 BY TRANSMISSION STATIC WIRE TERMINATION 0NH 15KV SECTIONS B-B, C-C- 2300.1-1-5 UMP 1/8"=1'-0" 0A 01/23/2024 A.0001885.009.001.002 IFC-UMORE PARK (UMP)-NEW 115KV SWITCHING STATION-TAM UMP_SEC_BB_CC UMORE PARK ELECTRICAL LAYOUT CONSTRUCTION - N H - U M P _ S E C _ B B _ C C . D G N 1 / 2 3 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 3 8 P M Page 34 of 70 R FOR DRAWING REFERENCE AND REVISION INFORMATION SEE PHYSICAL INDEX SHEET. THIS PE SEAL IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION REVISION SCALE REV FOR BY USING SAFETY PRACTICES, PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS, MANUALS AND SPARS. THIS MAP/DOCUMENT IS A TOOL TO ASSIST EMPLOYEES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOBS.YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IS PROVIDED INTERNAL INFORMATION: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM XCEL ENERGY ISSUED BY ENGINEERING DEPT FOR: REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION 0 UMORE PARK 14951 BLAINE AVE, ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 UMP 0A 03/06/2024 A.0001885.009.001.002 IFC - UMORE PARK (UMP)-NEW 115KV SWITCHING-TAM PRELIMINARY N H - 3 0 1 3 8 2 . D G N 3 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 4 4 : 2 9 : 1 4 P M Page 35 of 70 R FOR DRAWING REFERENCE AND REVISION INFORMATION SEE PHYSICAL INDEX SHEET. THIS PE SEAL IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION REVISION SCALE REV FOR BY USING SAFETY PRACTICES, PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN THE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS, MANUALS AND SPARS. THIS MAP/DOCUMENT IS A TOOL TO ASSIST EMPLOYEES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOBS.YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IS PROVIDED INTERNAL INFORMATION: DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM XCEL ENERGY ISSUED BY ENGINEERING DEPT FOR: REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION REV DATE WBS 4 REVISION DESCRIPTION 0 UMORE PARK 14951 BLAINE AVE, ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 UMP 0A 03/06/2024 A.0001885.009.001.002 IFC - UMORE PARK (UMP)-NEW 115KV SWITCHING-TAM PRELIMINARY N H - 3 0 1 3 8 2 . 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TITLE PROJECT NO: P R O J E C T: DATE: DWG. NO: SHEET SIZE:E (36"x48") KEY PLAN PROJECT ISSUANCES SHEET REVISIONS GENERAL NOTES SHEET LEGENDSHEET NOTES NOTE: NOT ALL SHEET NOTES BELOW MAY BE USED ON THIS SHEET# No.Description Date B22-01015 ENTITLEMENT II PACKAGE 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 PROJECT BIGFOOT DRAF T N O T F O R CONS T R U C T I O N PLANT LEGEND (300' PROPERTY OFFSET)PLANT LEGEND (ON SITE) XCEL ENERGY TRANSMISSION EASEMENT PLANTING DIAGRAM Page 46 of 70 AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W AG W SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SDSDSD SDSDSD SD SDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD S D SD SD SD SS SS SS SS SSSSSS SS SSSSSSSS SSSSSS SS SS SS SS SS RF T RF T E 152ND STREET GS I D F GH1 FFE=932.00 NOPARKING VAN GC GCGC GCVANVANVANVAN GC GCGC GC EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEV VANVANVANVAN NOPARKING VANVAN NO PARKING NO PARKING VAN GC GC GCGC GC GC EMEM EVEV EV EV EV EVEVEVEVEV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV VAN VAN VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VAN BUILDING 2 ±297,000 SF FFE=942.25 BUILDING 1 ±348,000 SF FFE=943.25 BUILDING 3 ±59,000 SF FFE=943.25 BUILDING 4 ±22,000 SF FFE=943.75 RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACERESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE PROVIDER SWITCHING STATION (BY OTHERS) OWNER SUBSTATION BMP B: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP A: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP G: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP F: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BL A I N E A V E N U E 145TH STREET (CR 42) AU D R E Y A V E N U E BMP E: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP C: INFILTRATION BASIN BMP D: NURP FIRE TANK FU T U R E EX P A N S I O N WET WET WE T WET WE T WET WET WET W E T LO D LO D L O D LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LOD L O D LOD L O D LOD LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LO D L O D LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD LODLOD L O D L O D LO D L O D LOD LOD LOD LODLOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LO D LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D L O D LOD LO D 145TH STREET (CR 42) BL A I N E A V E N U E AU D R E Y A V E N U E LANDSCAPE PHASE PROJECT SCHEDULE L001.00 LANDSCAPE PHASING PLAN SCALE: DWG. TITLE PROJECT NO: P R O J E C T: DATE: DWG. NO: SHEET SIZE:E (36"x48") KEY PLAN PROJECT ISSUANCES SHEET REVISIONS GENERAL NOTES SHEET LEGENDSHEET NOTES NOTE: NOT ALL SHEET NOTES BELOW MAY BE USED ON THIS SHEET# No.Description Date B22-01015 ENTITLEMENT II PACKAGE 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 PROJECT BIGFOOT DRAF T N O T F O R CONS T R U C T I O N Page 47 of 70 Page 48 of 70 PROPERTY LINE EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED BUILDING OUTLINE FILL PLACEMENT COMPACTION GUIDELINES AREAS OF FILL PLACEMENT COMPACTION RECOMMENDATION (ASTM D698 - STANDARD PROCTOR) MOISTURE CONTENT (PERCENT OF OPTIMUM) STRUCTURAL FILLS (ALL FILL AREAS)98 %-3 TO +3 PERCENT FLOOR SLABS 95 %-3 TO +3 PERCENT UTILITY TRENCHES 95 %-3 TO +3 PERCENT RETAINING WALLS 98 %-3 TO +3 PERCENT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS 95 %-3 TO +3 PERCENT AREAS OF FILL PLACEMENT COMPACTION RECOMMENDATION (ASTM D1157 - MODIFIED PROCTOR) MOISTURE CONTENT (PERCENT OF OPTIMUM) PAVEMENT 98 %-3 TO +3 PERCENT 1.CONTOURS REPRESENT TOP OF SLAB IN PAVED AREAS AND FINISHED GRADE IN NON-PAVED AREAS. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS. 3.FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION AT BUILDING DOOR LOCATIONS SHALL MATCH FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION. 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE AND FOLLOW THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PREPARED BY TERRACON. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO OBTAIN A COPY, REVIEW, AND FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FULL REPORT AND ALL ISSUED ADDENDA. GRADING INFORMATION TABLE AREA CONTOURS REPRESENT STREETS / INTERNAL DRIVES FINISHED GROUND (TOP OF SLAB) PARKING LOT PAVED AREAS FINISHED GROUND (TOP OF SLAB) BUILDING AREAS FINISHED GROUND (FINISHED FLOOR ELEV.) DETENTION AREAS FINISHED GROUND ALL OTHER NON-PAVED / NON-BUILDING AREAS FINISHED GROUND *NOTE: AFTER COMPLETION AND APPROVAL OF MASS GRADING BY ENGINEER, ALL NON-HARDSCAPED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE 6" (MINIMUM) OF TOPSOIL FOR FINAL SEEDING AND STABILIZATION. CAUTION: EXISTING WETLANDS AND STREAM: CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB ANY WETLAND OR STREAM CHANNEL AREAS. PROPOSED STORM/SANITARY MANHOLE STORMWATER BASIN PROPOSED STORM SEWER 93 0 930 93 0 940 930 9 2 0 920 9 3 0 920 950 94 0 95 0 940 940 920 940 94 0 94 2 94 2 94 2 94 2 94 0 920 920 920 920 926 930 930 940 930 910 910 920 940 94 0 9 4 0 93 4 93 6 93 8 94 2 94 2 93 0 92 4 93 0 92 4 920 926 920 930 940 950 940 9 4 0 930 920 93 0 92 6 92 6 92 0 940 930 93 2 93 4 94 0 93 0 930 930 940 9 4 0 9 4 0 92 0 92 0 94 0 942 92 2 91 6 92 2 92 2 918 926 914 912 90 8 90 2 942942 940 932 934 936938 928 926 942 942 942 93 8 936 934 930 936 938 RF T RF T E 152ND STREET GS I D F GH1 FFE=932.00 NOPARKING VAN GC GCGC GCVANVANVANVAN GC GCGC GC EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEV VANVANVANVAN NOPARKING VANVAN NO PARKING NO PARKING VAN GC GC GCGC GC GC EMEM EVEV EV EV EV EVEVEVEVEV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV FUT EV VAN VAN VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VAN BUILDING 2 ±297,000 SF FFE=942.25 BUILDING 1 ±348,000 SF FFE=943.25 BUILDING 3 ±59,000 SF FFE=943.25 BUILDING 4 ±22,000 SF FFE=943.75 RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACERESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE RESERVED CONTRACTOR SPACE PROVIDER SWITCHING STATION (BY OTHERS) OWNER SUBSTATION BMP B: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP A: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP G: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP F: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BL A I N E A V E N U E 145TH STREET (CR 42) AU D R E Y A V E N U E BMP E: NURP W/ INFILTRATION RING BMP C: INFILTRATION BASIN BMP D: NURP FIRE TANK FU T U R E EX P A N S I O N MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MHMH MH MH MH MH MH MH SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SDSDSD SDSDSD SD SDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD S D SD SD SD MH MH WET WET WE T WET WE T WET WET WET W E T LO D LO D L O D LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD LOD LO D LO D LOD L O D LOD L O D LOD LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D LOD LOD LO D L O D LOD LO D LOD LOD LOD LODLOD L O D L O D LO D L O D LOD LOD LOD LODLOD LOD LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LO D LOD LO D LOD L O D LO D LO D LO D L O D LOD LO D BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 900.80 NWL: 907.70 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 2.48 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 3.07 AC-FT BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN: 907.70 INFILTRATION VOLUME PROVIDED: 5.20 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 910.80 TOP OF BASIN: 912.70 BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN: 917.80 INFILTRATION VOLUME PROVIDED: 31.44 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 920.14 TOP OF BASIN: 923.70 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 917.00 NWL: 923.70 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 5.60 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 5.63 AC-FT BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN: 922.00 INFILTRATION VOLUME PROVIDED: 6.13 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 924.77 TOP OF BASIN: 928.00 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 917.80 NWL: 923.70 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 10.36 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 10.86 AC-FT BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN: 923.70 INFILTRATION VOLUME PROVIDED: 34.64 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 926.81 TOP OF BASIN: 929.70 BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN: 928.00 INFILTRATION VOLUME PROVIDED: 18.37 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 930.68 TOP OF BASIN: 934.00 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 915.00 NWL: 920.00 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 4.46 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 6.21 AC-FT BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN: 920.00 INFILTRATION VOLUME PROVIDED: 9.64 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 922.50 TOP OF BASIN: 926.00 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 911.80 NWL: 917.80 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 1.00 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 1.26 AC-FT TOP OF BASIN: 917.80 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 916.00 NWL: 920.00 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 5.49 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 6.04 AC-FT 100-YR HWL: 923.46 TOP OF BASIN: 924.75 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 913.80 NWL: 917.80 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 0.38 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 0.51 AC-FT TOP OF BASIN: 917.80 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 922.00 NWL: 928.00 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 8.20 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 8.51 AC-FT TOP OF BASIN: 928.00 BOTTOM OF NURP BASIN: 922.00 NWL: 928.00 NURP VOLUME REQUIRED: 4.66 AC-FT NURP VOLUME PROVIDED: 4.73 AC-FT TOP OF BASIN: 928.00 SCALE: DWG. TITLE PROJECT NO: P R O J E C T: DATE: DWG. NO: SHEET SIZE:E (36"x48") KEY PLAN PROJECT ISSUANCES SHEET REVISIONS GENERAL NOTES SHEET LEGENDSHEET NOTES NOTE: NOT ALL SHEET NOTES BELOW MAY BE USED ON THIS SHEET# No.Description Date B22-01015 ENTITLEMENT II PACKAGE 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 PROJECT BIGFOOT DRAF T N O T F O R CONS T R U C T I O N C200.00 OVERALL GRADING PLAN Page 49 of 70