HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240618 Packet AGENDA Port Authority Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 18, 2024 5:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the May 21, 2024 Regular Meeting 4. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT 5. REPORTS FROM PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Expo 2031 Update b. Commercial Visioning Update 7. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Updates 8. DISCUSSION 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 33 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MAY 21, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 5:30 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Essler called the meeting to order with Commissioners Freske, Weisensel, Theisen and Klimpel. Commissioner Beaudette arrived at 5:40 p.m. Commissioner Ober was absent. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Theisen Motion to approve agenda Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Klimpel Second by Theisen Motion to approve consent agenda Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion carried. a. Minutes of the April 16, 2024 Regular Meeting CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT None. REPORTS FROM PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS None. NEW BUSINESS a. Expo 2031 Wendy Meadley and David Loehr submitted an Application of Interest to host an A-1 World Horticultural Exposition in Minnesota, USA in 2031 and presented information regarding the Expo and their specific interest in hosting the event in Rosemount. Items discussed; organizational structure, application timeline (approval September 2024), shared the proposed master plan for the site, finances and Rosemount's Page 2 of 33 potential involvement in the event. Ms. Meadly and Mr. Loehr project 4 million people to visit during the 168-day event. The average daily attendance is 45,000 visitors for the site-based event. The ticket sales and sponsorships primarily cover the costs. The marketing plan is to attract over 40% of total visitors from the regional market. In addition, they discussed the legacy ideas following the Expo, i.e. Horticulture Training Center, Seasonal Exhibitions, Implementing Educational Curriculum for State-wide Learning Programs, etc. Ms. Meadly and Mr. Loehr are present for support of the application process. Commissioner Freske has concerns regarding the impact it will have for Rosemount residents and what the return on investment will be for Rosemount residents. Ms. Meadly noted the Minnesota State fair offers a good model, i.e. park & ride, shuttle system, ticket modeling (digital experience). Commissioner Weisensel questioned at what point does the board decide on the site in Rosemount? Mr. Loehr confirmed the potential properties will be visited in July and from there the board will discuss the best site. Commissioners agreed additional information is needed and additional conversations need to be held amongst the Port Authority to discuss whether this event should move forward in Rosemount. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Updates Economic Development Coordinator asked if there were any questions from members regarding the project updates in the packet. Commissioners had no questions. DISCUSSION None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Essler and a second by Weisensel the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk Page 3 of 33 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Port Authority Regular Meeting: June 18, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Expo 2031 Update AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM, AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recieve update BACKGROUND Last month, Expo 2031 presented to the Port about exploring Rosemount as a location for the event. As a follow-up to this meeting, staff asked the City's financial advisor, Ehlers, to provide additional context and discussion on what being a potential host site for the event would entail. Ehlers has also had initial conversations with the Expo 2031 team to ascertain more about their readiness on this project. That report is not completed and will not be fully discussed at this meeting. The team from Ehlers will provide a summary of their experience with these types of events, and discuss with the Port the potential next steps. RECOMMENDATION None Page 4 of 33 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Port Authority Regular Meeting: June 18, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Commercial Visioning Update AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: Site Concepts Brochure_031521 APPROVED BY: LJM, AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Advise staff on proceeding with the Commercial Visioning Update BACKGROUND In 2020 and 2021, the City Rosemount embarked on an effort to build upon its comprehensive plan by creating focused development visions for key nodes along its rapidly growing Highway 42 corridor east of Highway 3. The goal of the vision plans was to give city leadership a set of the graphic tools that illustrated their vision when working with developers, residents, and other stakeholders during the development review process. The vision for each node began as a set of principles, which then evolved into 2D concepts, then 3D renderings, and eventually an animated video of select sites that showed both birds eye and ground level views. Since 2021, there are several projects that have been developed or are undergoing development along the Highway 42 corridor. These new projects are demonstrations of the success of the 2021 vision plans. However, enough new development has occurred since 2021 that the vision plans themselves could be revised to better reflect existing conditions and to conceptualize new nodes that have been identified along the corridor. Staff reached out to the original project team at Stantec to submit a scope, fee, and schedule for the updating of site concept visions for key nodes along Highway 42. Stantec will prepare 2D conceptual plans for 10 sites at five nodes. The original 5 nodes will be updated with current and planned developments. Additionally, two more commercial areas will be included: the Sunbelt Rental corner and the intersection of 42 and Highway 55. Both of these new visioning sites will incorporate future road improvements by Dakota County. Based on the above scope for the requested nodes, the fee estimate for vision plans for ten sites in five nodes along the Highway 42 corridor is $39,725. Staff would propose the utilization of a portion of the Port Authority's marking budget for this work. The project is estimated to take 6 months. RECOMMENDATION Advise staff on proceeding with the Commercial Visioning Update Page 5 of 33 Highway 42 Development Vision Commercial Site Concepts March 2021 Page 6 of 33 The City of Rosemount is a growing community located in the southeast Twin Cities metro area. In recent years, Rosemount has been rapidly expanding eastward from its Downtown, along Highway 42, a primary east-west thoroughfare. The City has been proactively planning for this growth through its comprehensive plan. Of particular interest is the growth of commercial, both retail and service, land uses. Currently, almost all of Rosemount’s commercial uses are located in the western half of the city. As the city continues to grow eastward, it has become increasingly clear that residents, workers, and visitors desire more convenient retail goods and services. It is also clear that another level of planning is needed that goes beyond guiding commercial locations and total amount of commercial development. A vision is needed for the Highway 42 corridor that addresses the role of each planned commercial area, its general mix of retail uses, and its overall character. The City is interested in promoting a consistent theme and continuity along the County Road 42 corridor. A vision is important because retail trends are rapidly evolving in response to on-line commerce, changing transportation patterns, and public health concerns. As a result, for retail districts to be economically viable, they need to be less utilitarian and more experience-based. In other words, they should be safe and inviting places with a mix of uses where people want to gather. Creation of public spaces in commercial areas appealing but also requires more municipal involvement than traditional retail spaces. Guiding Principles Home Town Feel Rosemount is a special place where people value community. New development should support a small town feel with gathering spaces for everyone. Destination Create a destination for visitors to learn how great the Rosemount community is. Rooted in Reality Align the visions with existing and future market demands. New development should be forward-thinking but realistic. Introduction The illustrative site concepts presented on the following pages are intended to provide that additional level of vision. They go beyond the comprehensive plan and demonstrate how future commercial areas should look, feel, and function. It is important to note that except for one site, all of the drawings are illustrative and do not represent a specific development proposal. Instead, the concepts are intended to demonstrate a desired look and feel that is responsive to market realities with the understanding that any submitted development plans will likely deviate somewhat from the site concept. At the core of each concept are three themes that emerged from conversations with Rosemount officials that informed and guided the overall vision. Page 7 of 33 Highway 42 & Highway 52 Design Drivers • Community/regional destination • Ability to capture significant highway traffic • Gathering area for events and functions • Scale of commercial would be unique for Rosemount • Connections to emerging residential neighborhoods to the south and east • Commercial uses oriented toward highway visibility; residential uses set back from highways Examples of Marketable Commercial Uses • Home furnishings • Home improvement • Discount Retailer • Restaurants w/patios • Cinema • Entertainment center (bowling, game areas, etc.) • Medical clinic/office building • Branch bank • Large fitness center • Fast casual restaurants Illustrative concept plan for the interchange of Highways 42 and 52 Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 8 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the interchange at Highway 42 and Highway 52 (looking northwest) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 9 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the interchange at Highway 42 and Highway 52 (looking northeast) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 10 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the interchange at Highway 42 and Highway 52 (looking southeast) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 11 of 33 Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the interchange at Highway 42 and Highway 52 (looking northwest) Page 12 of 33 Highway 42 & Akron Avenue •Drug store •Salon/barber •Sandwich shop •Restaurants w/patios •Coffee shop •Chiropractor •Dentist •Branch bank •Veterinarian •Wellness center •Financial planner •Day care •FedEx/UPS store Examples of Marketable Neighborhood-Oriented Uses Design Drivers • Small town feel/character • Connections to adjacent neighborhoods and new development east of Akron • Gathering area for events and functions • Scale of commercial complementary to area east of Akron • Room for buffering parking and commercial uses close to single-family residential • If demand warrants, could seamlessly accommodate mixed-use development • Drug store • Salon/barber • Sandwich shop • Restaurants w/patios • Coffee shop • Chiropractor • Dentist • Branch bank • Veterinarian • Wellness center • Financial planner • Day care • FedEx/UPS store • Gas Station Examples of Marketable Commercial Uses Illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 13 of 33 Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue (looking southeast) Page 14 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue (looking northwest) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 15 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue (looking southwest) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 16 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue (looking northwest) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Not the final image – revisions in progress Page 17 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue (looking northwest) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 18 of 33 Highway 42 & 145th Street Illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and 145th St W Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Design Drivers • Small town feel/character • Connections to future neighborhoods to the south and east • Gathering areas for events and functions • Limited scale commercial to prevent cannibalizing downtown commercial • Medium density residential on the edges allows transition to surrounding single-family neighborhoods • If demand warrants, could seamlessly accommodate mixed-use development • Drug store • Salon/barber • Sandwich shop • Restaurants w/patios • Coffee shop • Chiropractor • Dentist • Branch bank • Veterinarian • Fitness shop • Financial planner • Day care • FedEx/UPS store Examples of Marketable Commercial Uses Page 19 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and 145th St W (looking north) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 20 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and 145th St W (looking east) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 21 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and 145th St W (looking southeast) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 22 of 33 Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and 145th St W (looking east) Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 23 of 33 Highway 42 & Highway 3 Design Drivers • Complement downtown businesses • Provide goods and services not currently found in the downtown • Capture demand generated by traffic along Hwy 42 and Hwy 3 • Opportunity to provide more housing options • Connects to residential neighborhoods to the east and north and the employment area to the south •Hotel •Drug store •Grocery store •Small fitness center •Gas station •Fast casual restaurants •Coffee shop •Chiropractor Examples of Marketable Commercial Uses The site plan shown above that is west of Business Parkway was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 5, 2020. •Dentist •Branch bank •Veterinarian •Financial planner •Day care •FedEx/UPS store •Small clinic Page 24 of 33 Birds-eye view of the site plan for the NE quadrant of Highway 42 and Highway 3 (looking southeast). The site plan for the area west of Business Parkway was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 5, 2020. Page 25 of 33 Birds-eye view of the site plan for the NE quadrant of Highway 42 and Highway 3 (looking northwest). The site plan for the area west of Business Parkway was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 5, 2020. Page 26 of 33 Birds-eye view of the site plan for the NE quadrant of Highway 42 and Highway 3 (looking northeast). The site plan for the area west of Business Parkway was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 5, 2020. Page 27 of 33 Highway 42 & Highway 52 The interchange of Highways 42 and 52 is highly strategic. As Rosemount and the greater Twin Cities continues to grow southeastward toward Rochester, the volume of traffic at this interchange will significantly increase making the land around it highly desirable for a variety of uses. The long-term vision for the site includes a rich mixture of uses, which reflects its overall size (150+acres), planned land uses adjacent to the site, and its potential to serve as both a regional hub and a local destination. The southwest and northeast quadrants of the site will be exclusively non-residential in nature with a mix of uses, such as retail, light industrial and business park uses. The industrial uses will not be like heavy industry elsewhere in the community; it is not intended to have negative impacts. The southeast quadrant of the site will include a variety of commercial uses. It will also include different types of residential uses situated away from the highway, such as apartments and townhomes, serving as a transition to the planned single-family neighborhoods to the south and east of the site. The southeast quadrant is also envisioned to be a center of activity for Rosemount with a variety of open spaces that will connect the various uses to one another and bring the community together. These features include a park-like commons linking the retail and residential areas, trails throughout the district, and a programmed recreation area with recreational space. Illustrative concept plan for the interchange of Highways 42 and 52 Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 28 of 33 Situated at the mid-point between Downtown Rosemount and the Highway 42/52 interchange, the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue is well located to be a near-term retail destination for the surrounding neighborhoods. The northwest corner of the intersection is envisioned as a commercial district that will provide local goods and services at a scale and character similar to a town square. At the heart of the site is a public gathering space that could be programmed for a variety of events throughout the year. Surrounding the open space are smaller 1-2 story commercial buildings with generous sidewalks and patio areas for strolling and sitting. These commercial buildings would be occupied by businesses, such as restaurants, coffee shops, salons, specialty shops, etc., that would benefit from people drawn to the site’s open space amenities, The northwest corner is depicted with a mix of residential in the north and commercial in the south. There is flexibility in the design to accommodate a variety of multifamily housing types, including townhomes or small apartment buildings to provide a transition to nearby single-family neighborhoods. The plan depicts mixed use buildings with commercial on the lower, active level, with residential above, provided the market can support such mixing of uses. The inclusion of housing in this district will help support the businesses since many of them will rely heavily on residents who live close by and are drawn to the public open space. The vision for the southwest corner of the intersection reflects preliminary planning for the UMore site. Convenience-based retail would be visible from Highway 42 and the mix of businesses would likely be influenced by proximity to Dakota County Technical College, which is located across Akron Avenue from the site. Highway 42 & Akron Avenue Illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 29 of 33 Highway 42 & 145th Street West The commercial district at the signalized intersection of Highway 42 and 145th Street West is envisioned as a gateway to the planned UMore residential neighborhoods to the south and east. As a gateway, the district will feature many elements that encourage nearby residents and workers to gather. For example, at the heart of the district is a prominent open space that will anchor the district. The space will include a mixture of green spaces, a plaza area for gathering and/or activities, public art and perhaps including a feature such as a wading pool or fountain that denotes the area is unique. Vehicle speeds through the district will be slow to allow a transition into neighboring residential areas and encourage passersby to stop and visit local businesses and public spaces. Traffic calming is planned through angled parking along the main thoroughfare, attractive landscaping, and street facing businesses. The site will include a more modest amount of retail space than other commercial districts along Highway 42 in order to avoid competition with Downtown Rosemount and to align with its natural market area which generally consists of the UMore residential areas. Commercial buildings will be situated along Highway 42 to help attract travelers into the site. Illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and 145th St W Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Page 30 of 33 Highway 42 & Highway 3 The planned commercial district at the northeast corner of Highways 42 and 3 is less than ½-mile from Downtown Rosemount and the existing commercial district west of Highway 3 along 150th Street West. Although the district will function somewhat as an extension of the commercial district just to the west, it will also be a gateway to eastern Rosemount. Connectively to Downtown and eastern Rosemount is best served by improving trail and pedestrian linkages at the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 3. The portion of the site plan west of Business Parkway was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 5, 2020. The plan takes advantage of access to Highway 42 at Business Parkway. Parcels with direct visibility to Highway 42 will be retail spaces. Parcels with less visibility to Highway 42 will consist mostly of small apartment buildings. Two of the residential buildings will also have ground floor space devoted to commercial uses. Moreover, the space between these two buildings is designed as public green space. The west side of Business Parkway will include substantial landscaping and other buffers in order to minimize the impact of development on the existing single-family neighborhood east of Business Parkway. The portion of the site east of Business Parkway is envisioned to contain commercial businesses that will benefit from Highway 42 visibility. Traffic counts are high in this area of County Road 42 and will only increase with new growth to the east. There will be a future signalized intersection at Highway 42 and Biscayne Avenue. There is one existing business, Anytime Fitness, in this area. The site plan shown above that is west of Business Parkway was approved by the Rosemount City Council on October 5, 2020. Page 31 of 33 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Port Authority Regular Meeting: June 18, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Project Updates AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM, AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: None BACKGROUND Ongoing and New Projects KJ Walk/Rosewood Commons: My Credit Union has submitted a proposal for an 8,130 sf bank that will include a drive-through and community room. This will be considered by the Planning Commission in June. A building permit for the 7th 32-unit apartment building was pulled in May and will begin construction this summer. O2B Kids: A day care was approved for an 11,000 sf indoor facility and a 10,786 outdoor play area. This will be constructed on the northwest side of Akon and 42. Upon completion there will be 157 students and 27 staff. Wayne Transport: The company submitted for site plan review for an addition of 5000 sf for office and conference space. Speedway: Environmental review was completed in March and the matter was returned to the foreclosure process. There is a hearing to confirm the sheriff’s sale scheduled for June 17th. The six- month redemption period begins once the order confirming the sale is entered. Thus, the redemption period ends on about December 17th – depending when the court enters the order. Staff continues to work with the receivership to get an action plan for the property once the lender can assume ownership. The City is also maintaining the lawn and trash issues for the site. Ribbon Cuttings and Events Bonaire Elementary School: A ground-breaking for the new elementary school will be rescheduled. Details to come. South Metro Development Summit: A summit hosted by Dakota County CDA and the Minneapolis Real Estate Journal took place on May 23 at the Mendakota Country Club. Several panels included Rosemount staff, businesses and developers. Page 32 of 33 Coffee Break: The Dakota County Regional Chamber hosted a Coffee Break event at Rosemount City Hall on Tuesday May 28th at 8:00am. Frana: The City nominated Frana for a project award through Finance & Commerce. The expansion project was named a Top Project of 2023. An awards ceremony will take place on July 18th starting at 5pm. Staff is working with Frana to coordinate a table. Staff attended a Restaurant and Retail Summit on June 7th and will share some insights with the Port on development trends. RECOMMENDATION Informational item Page 33 of 33