HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240716 CC RM - Packet AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 16, 2024 7:00 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Special Event Update – Leprechaun Days b. Police Officer Oath of Office - Officer Trevor Wagner c. Police Officer Oath of Office - Officer Nicholas Melendrez d. Award Recognitions - Police Department 2022 Employee of the Year - CSO Nicholas Melendrez 2023 Employee of the Year - Reserve Officer Marty Smith 2023 MN Juvenile Officer of the Year - Officer Paul Larson 4. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Individuals will be allowed to address the Council on subjects that are not a part of the meeting agenda. Typically, replies to the concerns expressed will be made via letter or phone call within a week or at the following council meeting. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Bill Listings b. Minutes of the July 2, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes c. Minutes of the July 2, 2024 Work Session Proceedings d. Authorization for Temporary Street Closings and Adding of Events to Service Agreement - Leprechaun Days e. Halloween Event – Service Agreement f. Appointment of Additional Election Judges for 2024 Elections g. Request by Maplewood Development for Approval of Amber Fields 19th Final Plat h. Approve Pre-Application Escrow Agreement with Independent School District 196 - Rosemount High School Additions i. Request by My Credit Union for approval of a CUP and Minor Amendment to the PUD Qbhf!2!pg!341 j. Resolution - Parking Restrictions on Akron Ave, Abbeyfield Ave, and 148th St k. Purchase 2024 Tahoe - Fire Department l. Lite Time Project Change Order #8 m. Charitable Gambling Premise Permit Rosemount Area Hockey Association 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Aspen Avenue Extension Project Assessment Hearing and Adoption of Assessment Roll 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Appeal by Keith Moquin of the Planning Commission's denial of a variance to construct an addition to an existing accessory structure that would exceed the maximum area allowed by the zoning ordinance. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. City Staff Updates b. Upcoming Community Calendar 11. ADJOURNMENT Qbhf!3!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Special Event Update – Leprechaun Days AGENDA SECTION: PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 3.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: None BACKGROUND The 2024 Leprechaun Days Celebration will take place July 20 – 27, 2024. The celebration includes a number of fun and entertaining events. Event information will be available in the local paper during mid-July. The Leprechaun Days event information can also be viewed on social media and online at www.leprechaundays.org. A representative from the Committee will be attending the meeting to provide an update on this year’s celebration. RECOMMENDATION None Qbhf!4!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Police Officer Oath of Office - Officer Trevor AGENDA SECTION: Wagner PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED BY: Mikael Dahlstrom, Police Chief AGENDA NO. 3.b. ATTACHMENTS: Wagner Oath of Office APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. BACKGROUND In the spring of 2023, the police department was fortunate to hire Officer Trevor Wagner as badge #3569. Trevor grew up in the City of Hastings and graduated from Stillwater Area High School in 2009. Following high school, Trevor went on to attain a bachelors degree in law enforcement with a minor in corrections from Minnesota State University. Putting his degree to work, Trevor was hired by the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office and worked there for 9 years. The majority of his time was spent in corrections, but he also gained some experience as a licensed deputy before coming to the City of Rosemount. Trevor is an avid outdoorsman and looks to spend time hunting or fishing in his free time. For example, he is a fishing guide on the Mississippi River for catfish, and he helps guide Turkey with an organization that brings disabled children and veterans along for the hunt. Further, he trained his German Wirehaired Pointer to dock dive and, in 2022, she was the #1 ranked German Wirehaired Pointer in all of North America. Most importantly, Trevor enjoys spending time with his family. He met his wife in college and they now have a 2-year-old son, a German Shepherd and a German Wirehaired Pointer. Officer Wagner reports Rosemount is the perfect place to work because the community is extremely supportive. He enjoys working with all of his partners as he seeks to grow personally and professionally as a police officer. RECOMMENDATION None. Qbhf!5!pg!341 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA) § CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) I, Trevor Wagner, solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Minnesota, and faithfully discharge the duties of a Police Officer with the Rosemount Police Department in the County of Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me God. Trevor Wagner Subscribed and sworn to th before me this 16 day of July, 2024 Mayor Jeffery D. Weisensel Qbhf!6!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Police Officer Oath of Office - Officer Nicholas AGENDA SECTION: Melendrez PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREPARED BY: Mikael Dahlstrom, Police Chief AGENDA NO. 3.c. ATTACHMENTS: Melendrez Oath of Office APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. BACKGROUND In the Spring of 2023, the Department hired Officer Nicholas Melendrez, Badge #3570. Nick was born in Liberty Hill, Texas, but his family moved to Glenwood City, WI, where he attended Glenwood City High School and participated in wrestling and football. Eventually, Nick’s family moved to Hudson, WI, where he currently resides. In 2019, while still in high school, Nick joined the Minnesota Army National Guard and began training as a Combat Medic. Currently, he is a Sergeant with the MN Medical Detachment and previously was at th the 34 ID Division Headquarters. In 2022, Nick started his career with the City of Rosemount as a Community Service Officer, where he excelled and earned the Employee of the Year for the Department in his first year as an employee. In his free time, Nick likes to whittle, spend time with friends, fishing, shooting, kayaking, or just spending time outdoors during the summer. Nick comes from a strong family and mentions his father, mother, and grandmother have been very supportive of his career. Finally, Nick writes that he likes the family feel of the Department, the atmosphere, and how easy it is to get along with other officers. He appreciates the supportive community, council, and extended City staff. In his time here, as he helps people through some of their best or worst moments, he wants to focus on building relationships with these individuals and leave them with positive impressions of the police. RECOMMENDATION None. Qbhf!7!pg!341 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA) § CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) I, Nicholas Melendrez, solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Minnesota, and faithfully discharge the duties of a Police Officer with the Rosemount Police Department in the County of Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me God. Nicholas Melendrez Subscribed and sworn to th before me this 16 day of July, 2024 Mayor Jeffery D. Weisensel Qbhf!8!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Award Recognitions - Police Department AGENDA SECTION: 2022 Employee of the Year - CSO Nicholas PRESENTATIONS, Melendrez PROCLAMATIONS AND 2023 Employee of the Year - Reserve Officer Marty ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Smith 2023 MN Juvenile Officer of the Year - Officer Paul Larson PREPARED BY: Mikael Dahlstrom, Police Chief AGENDA NO. 3.d. ATTACHMENTS: MN JOTY Nomination for Larson, Letters of APPROVED BY: LJM Recommendation RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. BACKGROUND The Rosemount Police Department would like to recognize several staff for some notable achievements. 2022 Police Department Employee of the Year - Nicholas Melendrez CSO Nicholas Melendrez officially began employment with the Rosemount Police Department on th February 14, 2022. While the Department is authorized for two CSO's, CSO Melendrez was the Department's only Community Service Officer throughout 2022. CSO Melendrez quickly demonstrated he had the work ethic, dedication, intelligence, and initiative to do more than his share for the Department and community. Supervisors noted that Nick would proactively seek additional assignments from them on a daily basis and if his name was associated with the task, it was going to be done thoroughly and in a timely manner. His reports were detail-oriented, organized, and reflected coming from someone with a much longer tenure. Nick made himself available to assist at various community events throughout the city, acted as a role player for numerous department trainings, and was willing to be flexible, often at the expense of his own personal time. Further, Nick trained a Reserve Police Officer to fill in as a CSO when he wasn’t available on top of managing his routine duties as a CSO. Throughout the year, Nick maintained 29.12 hours of work a week while also attending college full-time and serving in the military. 2023 Police Department Employee of the Year - Reserve Officer Marty Smith Reserve Officer Marty Smith started as a volunteer Reserve Officer with the Department in 2021. Prior to joining our department, Marty worked in Lone Tree, Colorado, as a volunteer for 10 years. Incredibly, in 2023 alone, Marty volunteered 600 hours of service to the Department and the community! Multiple supervisors nominated Marty for this award, and he was a unanimous selection. In their nominations, they noted that Marty would monitor the schedule to intentionally come help Qbhf!9!pg!341 the Department when there was not a CSO scheduled. This allowed Marty to become a constant for staff when they needed assistance with lock outs, premise checks, prisoner transport, tows, animal calls, and other helpful duties. Marty has represented the police department and volunteered with charitable organizations, grocery-bagged for Heroes and Helpers, worked at football games, parades, traffic details, and wherever he could help. Marty is typically in for his shifts starting promptly at 0600, and when he is here, he is smiling, positive, and appreciated by the staff. Marty is a role model for the staff and an excellent resource for the Rosemount community. 2023 MN Juvenile Officers Association Officer of the Year - Paul Larson Chief Dahlstrom will read letters of recommendation that are attached to this presentation for review. RECOMMENDATION None. Qbhf!:!pg!341 Qbhf!21!pg!341 Qbhf!22!pg!341 Qbhf!23!pg!341 Qbhf!24!pg!341 Qbhf!25!pg!341 Qbhf!26!pg!341 Qbhf!27!pg!341 7-01-2024 2:38 PM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 07058 06/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005768 FP MAILING SOLUTIONS I 2024-0368 6/24 POSAGE METER REFILL APBNK 6/28/2024 D 6/24/2024 700.00 700.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001957 700.00 101 41810-01-322.00 POSTAGE COSTS 700.00 6/24 POSAGE METER REFILL I 2024-0369 6/24 POSTAGE METER REFILL APBNK 6/28/2024 D 6/24/2024 500.00 500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001957 500.00 101 41810-01-322.00 POSTAGE COSTS 500.00 6/24 POSTAGE METER REFILL DRAFTS 1 1,200.00 1,200.00CR 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005693 GREAT AMERICA FINANCIAL SVC I 36703703 FP FPI 700 FOLDER APBNK 6/27/2024 D 6/03/2024 167.00 167.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001958 167.00 101 41810-01-413.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 167.00 FP FPI 700 FOLDER DRAFTS 1 167.00 167.00CR 0.00 167.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001328 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP I 0506007839-1 5/24 CH,CARPENTER SHOP,GENERATOR APBNK 6/28/2024 D 6/06/2024 279.17 279.17CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001959 279.17 101 41940-01-383.00 GAS UTILITIES 279.17 CH,CARPENTER SHOP,GENERATOR DRAFTS 1 279.17 279.17CR 0.00 279.17 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005808 WEX HEALTH INC I 0001966365-IN MAY ADMIN FEES APBNK 6/25/2024 D 5/31/2024 279.25 279.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001960 279.25 101 41130-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 279.25 MAY ADMIN FEES DRAFTS 1 279.25 279.25CR 0.00 279.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!28!pg!341 7-01-2024 2:38 PMA/P PAYMENT REGISTERPAGE:2 PACKET:07058 06/28/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 1,925.42CR ** TOTALS ** 1,925.42CR ==================================================================================================================================== ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSSPAYMENTOUTSTANDING NUMBERBALANCEDISCOUNT HAND CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 DRAFTS41,925.421,925.42CR0.00 1,925.420.00 REG-CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 EFT0.000.000.00 0.000.00 NON-CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 ALL CHECKS41,925.421,925.42CR0.00 1,925.420.00 TOTAL CHECKS TO PRINT: 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERRORS:0WARNINGS:0 Qbhf!29!pg!341 7-08-2024 8:53 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 07060 07/08/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-240010 XCEL ENERGY I 8807010-0 6/24 WELL #15 APBNK 7/08/2024 R 6/25/2024 179.18 179.18CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155927 179.18 601 49425-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 179.18 WELL #15 REG. CHECK 1 179.18 179.18CR 0.00 179.18 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!2:!pg!341 7-08-2024 8:53 AMA/P PAYMENT REGISTERPAGE:2 PACKET:07060 07/08/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- 601 WATER UTILITY FUND 179.18CR ** TOTALS ** 179.18CR ==================================================================================================================================== ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSSPAYMENTOUTSTANDING NUMBERBALANCEDISCOUNT HAND CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 DRAFTS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 REG-CHECKS1179.18179.18CR0.00 179.180.00 EFT0.000.000.00 0.000.00 NON-CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 ALL CHECKS 1 179.18 179.18CR 0.00 179.180.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERRORS:0WARNINGS:0 Qbhf!31!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004186 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS I 1596-ID-387709 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/04/2024 7.86 7.86CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 7.86 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 7.86 PARTS I 1596-ID-387755 PARTS,LUBE,SUPPLIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/04/2024 482.70 482.70CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 482.70 101 43100-01-215.00 SHOP MATERIALS 79.17 PARTS,LUBE,SUPPLIES 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 125.59 PARTS,LUBE,SUPPLIES 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 277.94 PARTS,LUBE,SUPPLIES I 1596-ID-387756 MOTOR OIL ADDITIVE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/04/2024 71.64 71.64CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 71.64 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 71.64 MOTOR OIL ADDITIVE I 1596-ID-387769 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 76.96 76.96CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 76.96 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 76.96 PARTS I 1596-ID-387853 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/07/2024 5.24 5.24CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 5.24 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 5.24 PARTS I 1596-ID-387863 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/07/2024 195.20 195.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 195.20 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 195.20 PARTS I 1596-ID-387939 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/10/2024 48.94 48.94CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 48.94 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 48.94 PARTS I 1596-ID-387943 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/10/2024 55.73 55.73CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 55.73 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 55.73 PARTS I 1596-ID-388040 ADDITIVES,LUBE,PARTS,SUPPLI APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/11/2024 234.40 234.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 234.40 101 43100-01-215.00 SHOP MATERIALS 154.08 ADDITIVES,LUBE,PARTS,SUPPLIES 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 27.02 ADDITIVES,LUBE,PARTS,SUPPLIES 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 53.30 ADDITIVES,LUBE,PARTS,SUPPLIES I 1596-ID-388053 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/12/2024 157.67 157.67CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 157.67 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 157.67 PARTS I 1596-ID-388159 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/13/2024 11.56 11.56CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 11.56 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 11.56 PARTS Qbhf!32!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1596-ID-388195 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 48.93 48.93CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 48.93 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 48.93 PARTS I 1596-ID-388223 ADDITIVES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 29.94 29.94CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 29.94 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 29.94 ADDITIVES I 1596-ID-388225 ADDITIVES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 174.99 174.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 174.99 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 174.99 ADDITIVES I 1596-ID-388310 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/17/2024 119.25 119.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 119.25 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 119.25 PARTS I 1596-ID-388496 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/20/2024 84.41 84.41CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 84.41 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 84.41 PARTS I 1596-ID-388658 SUPPLIES,ADDITIVES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 83.15 83.15CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 83.15 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 19.31 SUPPLIES,ADDITIVES 101 43100-01-215.00 SHOP MATERIALS 63.84 SUPPLIES,ADDITIVES I 1596-ID-388659 ADDITIVES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 38.62 38.62CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 38.62 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 38.62 ADDITIVES I 1596-ID-388737 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 398.73 398.73CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 398.73 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 398.73 PARTS I 1596-ID-388753 BRAKE PADS & ROTORS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 773.94 773.94CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 773.94 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 773.94 BRAKE PADS & ROTORS I 1596-ID-388758 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 278.16 278.16CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 278.16 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 278.16 PARTS I 1596-ID-388776 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 31.88 31.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 31.88 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 31.88 PARTS I 1596-ID-388806 PARTS,LUBE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 72.60 72.60CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155928 72.60 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 22.39 PARTS,LUBE Qbhf!33!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 50.21 PARTS,LUBE REG. CHECK 1 3,482.50 3,482.50CR 0.00 3,482.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003629 ALL AMERICAN ARENA PRODUCTS I 5530 GATE LATCH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 1,490.00 1,490.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155931 1,490.00 650 45130-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 1,490.00 GATE LATCH REG. CHECK 1 1,490.00 1,490.00CR 0.00 1,490.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004937 AMERICAN PUMP COMPANY I 27175 PUNCHLOK CLAMPS 4.5" FOR HO APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 233.38 233.38CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155932 233.38 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 233.38 PUNCHLOK CLAMPS 4.5" FOR HOSES REG. CHECK 1 233.38 233.38CR 0.00 233.38 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006163 AMPION PBC I 2024070001188792 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 2,423.51 2,423.51CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155933 2,423.51 601 49407-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1,023.96 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 101 41940-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 259.80 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49410-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1,139.75 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS REG. CHECK 1 2,423.51 2,423.51CR 0.00 2,423.51 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-011360 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC I 122253 RADIO INSTALLED ON SWEEPER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/20/2024 543.35 543.35CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155934 543.35 101 43121-01-242.00 MINOR EQUIPMENT 543.35 RADIO INSTALLED ON SWEEPER REG. CHECK 1 543.35 543.35CR 0.00 543.35 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!34!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-011644 APPLE FORD LINCOLN AV I A1CP400248 SQUAD 190 TOWING CHARGE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/02/2024 100.00 100.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155935 100.00 101 43100-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP SERV 100.00 SQUAD 190 TOWING CHARGE I A1W671786 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 785.40 785.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155935 785.40 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 785.40 PARTS REG. CHECK 1 885.40 885.40CR 0.00 885.40 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006193 FURHATH ARNOB I 2024-0370 PERMIT 5867-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 500.00 500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155936 500.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 500.00 PERMIT 5867-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 500.00 500.00CR 0.00 500.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006053 B&D ASSOCIATES LLC I 2024-0373 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 275,500.00 275,500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155937 275,500.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 275,500.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 275,500.00 275,500.00CR 0.00 275,500.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-020090 BACHMAN'S INC-CREDIT DEPT I 401718/50 STEEPLE CTR TREE REPLACEMEN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 147.25 147.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155938 147.25 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 147.25 STEEPLE CTR TREE REPLACEMENT REG. CHECK 1 147.25 147.25CR 0.00 147.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!35!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003889 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY I 1012886 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR SC APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 249.83 249.83CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155939 249.83 101 45100-30-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 249.83 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR SC REG. CHECK 1 249.83 249.83CR 0.00 249.83 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004321 BHE COMMUNITY SOLAR LLC I 12090239 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 3,136.38 3,136.38CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155940 3,136.38 601 49409-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2,629.23 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49425-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 507.15 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS REG. CHECK 1 3,136.38 3,136.38CR 0.00 3,136.38 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004012 BOLTON & MENK INC I 0338668 CARAMORE CROSSING 3RD ADDIT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/20/2024 725.00 725.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155941 725.00 404 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 725.00 CARAMORE CROSSING 3RD ADDITION REG. CHECK 1 725.00 725.00CR 0.00 725.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-021815 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP I B390338 PW/PD CAMPUS PROJECT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 5,751.00 5,751.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155942 5,751.00 421 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 5,751.00 PW/PD CAMPUS PROJECT I B390776 AKRON AVE EXTENSION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 9,986.50 9,986.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155942 9,986.50 483 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 9,986.50 AKRON AVE EXTENSION I B390876 PICKLEBALL/DOG PARK APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/30/2024 1,931.00 1,931.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155942 1,931.00 205 49005-01-540.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 1,931.00 PICKLEBALL/DOG PARK REG. CHECK 1 17,668.50 17,668.50CR 0.00 17,668.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!36!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004103 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS I FR-FQ-880-1 2 OFFICE CHAIRS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 1,341.25 1,341.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155943 1,341.25 101 41320-01-570.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & FURNISHINGS 1,341.25 2 OFFICE CHAIRS I OE-QT-78990-1 BUSINESS CARDS-3 SETS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/28/2024 114.38 114.38CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155943 114.38 101 42230-01-203.00 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 114.38 BUSINESS CARDS-3 SETS I WO-1301959-1 COPIER PAPER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/18/2024 34.98 34.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155943 34.98 101 41810-01-203.00 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 34.98 COPIER PAPER REG. CHECK 1 1,490.61 1,490.61CR 0.00 1,490.61 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004169 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4, LLC I MAY 2024 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 3,903.86 3,903.86CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155944 3,903.86 101 41940-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1,385.98 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49414-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2,399.45 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49407-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 118.43 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS REG. CHECK 1 3,903.86 3,903.86CR 0.00 3,903.86 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002078 CDW GOVERNMENT INC I SC20027 UPS/BATTERY BACKUPS NEW PD/ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 10,920.00 10,920.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155945 10,920.00 421 48000-01-570.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT & FURNISHINGS 10,920.00 UPS/BATTERY BACKUPS NEW PD/PW I SC38761 CON RM PC'S AND KEYBOARD PD APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 5,546.00 5,546.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155945 5,546.00 421 48000-01-393.00 P.C. HARDWARE PURCHASES 5,546.00 CON RM PC'S AND KEYBOARD PD/PW I SC60636 POWER STRIPS (5) APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 71.75 71.75CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155945 71.75 101 41320-01-392.00 P.C. ACCESSORIES & SUPPLIES 71.75 POWER STRIPS (5) REG. CHECK 1 16,537.75 16,537.75CR 0.00 16,537.75 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!37!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006054 CENTRAL ROOFING COMPANY I 2024-0374 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 153,995.00 153,995.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155946 153,995.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 153,995.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 153,995.00 153,995.00CR 0.00 153,995.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-030498 CENTRAL TURF & I 50264970-00 MARKING FLAGS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/20/2024 32.00 32.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155947 32.00 101 45202-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 32.00 MARKING FLAGS REG. CHECK 1 32.00 32.00CR 0.00 32.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005542 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS I 113140301061424 FIRE STATION 2 CABLE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 148.68 148.68CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155948 148.68 101 42210-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 148.68 FIRE STATION 2 CABLE I 175314201062124 FIRE STATION 1 CABLE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/21/2024 16.88 16.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155948 16.88 101 42210-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 16.88 FIRE STATION 1 CABLE I 175314901062124 TV BUNDLE - ARENA APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/21/2024 34.82 34.82CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155948 34.82 650 45130-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 34.82 TV BUNDLE - ARENA REG. CHECK 1 200.38 200.38CR 0.00 200.38 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-030908 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY I 7831 3RD QTR 2024 JPA APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 23,806.25 23,806.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155949 23,806.25 101 41140-01-329.00 OTHER COMMUNICATION COSTS 23,806.25 3RD QTR 2024 JPA REG. CHECK 1 23,806.25 23,806.25CR 0.00 23,806.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!38!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-030999 CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC I CVC25212 SEMI-ANNUAL UB/CR SUPPORT F APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 3,408.00 3,408.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155950 3,408.00 601 49400-01-391.00 P.C. MAINTENANCE 1,136.00 SEMI-ANNUAL UB/CR SUPPORT FEES 602 49450-01-391.00 P.C. MAINTENANCE 1,136.00 SEMI-ANNUAL UB/CR SUPPORT FEES 603 49500-01-391.00 P.C. MAINTENANCE 1,136.00 SEMI-ANNUAL UB/CR SUPPORT FEES REG. CHECK 1 3,408.00 3,408.00CR 0.00 3,408.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003109 CIVICPLUS LLC I 302617 WEBSITE HOST & ANNUAL FEE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 10,599.27 10,599.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155951 10,599.27 101 41140-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,599.27 WEBSITE HOST & ANNUAL FEE REG. CHECK 1 10,599.27 10,599.27CR 0.00 10,599.27 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006195 CONNEMARA CROSSING HOA I 2024-0372 IRRIGATION SYSTEM COST SHAR APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 396.13 396.13CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155952 396.13 601 49400-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 396.13 IRRIGATION SYSTEM COST SHARE REG. CHECK 1 396.13 396.13CR 0.00 396.13 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004277 CORE & MAIN LP I V138188 HYDRANT FLAGS & BREAKAWAY K APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 3,300.00 3,300.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155953 3,300.00 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 3,300.00 HYDRANT FLAGS & BREAKAWAY KITS I V147917 2-REGISTERS FOR METERS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 892.91 892.91CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155953 892.91 601 49400-01-220.00 METER PURCHASES 892.91 2-REGISTERS FOR METERS REG. CHECK 1 4,192.91 4,192.91CR 0.00 4,192.91 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!39!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040040 DAKOTA AWARDS & ENGRAVING I 27990 WELLNESS EVENT MEDALS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/17/2024 60.50 60.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155954 60.50 101 41130-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 60.50 WELLNESS EVENT MEDALS REG. CHECK 1 60.50 60.50CR 0.00 60.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001935 DAKOTA COUNTY FINANCE I 5502171 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/12/2024 3,289.53 3,289.53CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155955 3,289.53 101 42110-01-323.00 RADIO UNITS 1,213.16 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES 101 42210-01-329.00 OTHER COMMUNICATION COSTS 1,306.48 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES 101 43121-01-323.00 RADIO UNITS 153.97 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES 101 45202-01-323.00 RADIO UNITS 153.98 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES 601 49400-01-323.00 RADIO UNITS 153.98 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES 602 49450-01-323.00 RADIO UNITS 153.98 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES 603 49500-01-323.00 RADIO UNITS 153.98 800 MHZ RADIO SUBSCRIBER FEES REG. CHECK 1 3,289.53 3,289.53CR 0.00 3,289.53 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000149 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOC I 200002708733 6/24 LEFORET ST LIGHTS REINSTALL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 6,578.87 6,578.87CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155956 6,578.87 608 49508-01-409.00 OTHER CONTRACTED REPAIR & MAIN 6,578.87 LEFORET ST LIGHTS REINSTALLED REG. CHECK 1 6,578.87 6,578.87CR 0.00 6,578.87 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040435 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION I 200002005379 6/24 JAYCEE PARK CONTROL BLDG APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 21.70 21.70CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155957 21.70 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 21.70 JAYCEE PARK CONTROL BLDG I 200003157294 6/24 WENSMANN POND MONITORING ST APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 17.23 17.23CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155957 17.23 603 49513-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 17.23 WENSMANN POND MONITORING ST'N I 200003776226 6/24 SIREN #13 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 23.23 23.23CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155957 23.23 101 43121-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 23.23 SIREN #13 Qbhf!3:!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 200005601588 6/24 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #7 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 29.08 29.08CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155957 29.08 603 49517-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 29.08 STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION #7 I 200010007317 6/24 WELL #16 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 3,168.16 3,168.16CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155957 3,168.16 601 49426-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 3,168.16 WELL #16 I 200010050261 6/24 WELCOME SIGN - NORTH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 16.72 16.72CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155957 16.72 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 16.72 WELCOME SIGN - NORTH REG. CHECK 1 3,276.12 3,276.12CR 0.00 3,276.12 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005127 DIAMOND VOGEL - 805 I 805067790 PAINT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/08/2024 543.86 543.86CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155958 543.86 650 45130-01-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 543.86 PAINT REG. CHECK 1 543.86 543.86CR 0.00 543.86 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004400 DUNDAS SOLAR HOLDINGS LLC I 2406-6951A MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 15,232.61 15,232.61CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155959 15,232.61 650 45130-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 15,232.61 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTION REG. CHECK 1 15,232.61 15,232.61CR 0.00 15,232.61 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050213 EARL F ANDERSEN INC I 0135840-IN AXLE WEIGHT LIMIT SIGNS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 4/10/2024 496.20 496.20CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155960 496.20 101 43121-01-226.00 SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS 496.20 AXLE WEIGHT LIMIT SIGNS I 0135841-IN STREET NAME SIGNS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 4/10/2024 280.00 280.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155960 280.00 101 43121-01-226.00 SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS 280.00 STREET NAME SIGNS I 0136382-IN STREET SIGNS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 393.35 393.35CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155960 393.35 101 43121-01-226.00 SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS 393.35 STREET SIGNS Qbhf!41!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 1,169.55 1,169.55CR 0.00 1,169.55 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006194 ECM PUBLISHERS INC I 2024-0371 DAK CNTY TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTI APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 72.00 72.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155961 72.00 101 41810-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 72.00 DAK CNTY TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION REG. CHECK 1 72.00 72.00CR 0.00 72.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050329 ECM PUBLISHERS INC I 1002447 PN:SKB ENVIROMENTAL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/07/2024 224.75 224.75CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 224.75 101 41910-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 224.75 PN:SKB ENVIROMENTAL I 1003416 PN:AMBER FIELD 17TH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 42.62 42.62CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 42.62 101 41910-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 42.62 PN:AMBER FIELD 17TH I 1003417 MY CREDIT UNION PUBLIC NOTI APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 46.50 46.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 46.50 101 41910-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 46.50 MY CREDIT UNION PUBLIC NOTICE I 1003418 PN:REITBERGER VARIANCE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 42.62 42.62CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 42.62 101 41910-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 42.62 PN:REITBERGER VARIANCE I 1003419 WAYNE TRANSPORT PUBLIC NOTI APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 46.50 46.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 46.50 101 41910-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 46.50 WAYNE TRANSPORT PUBLIC NOTICE I 1003420 PN:AL MADINA CUP APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 54.25 54.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 54.25 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 54.25 PN:AL MADINA CUP I 1004475 ORD NO 2024-04 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/21/2024 54.25 54.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 54.25 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 54.25 ORD NO 2024-04 I 1005389 PN:ASPEN AVE ASSESSMENT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 158.87 158.87CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 158.87 493 48000-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 158.87 PN:ASPEN AVE ASSESSMENT Qbhf!42!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1005390 2023 FINANCIAL REPORT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 604.50 604.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 604.50 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 604.50 2023 FINANCIAL REPORT I 1005391 ORD NO 2024-05 PUBLICATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 77.50 77.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 77.50 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 77.50 ORD NO 2024-05 PUBLICATION I 1005392 ORD NO 2024-06 PUBLICATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 58.12 58.12CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 58.12 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 58.12 ORD NO 2024-06 PUBLICATION I 1005393 ORDINANCE B-313 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 54.25 54.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 54.25 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 54.25 ORDINANCE B-313 I 1005394 ORDINANCE B-312 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 50.37 50.37CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155962 50.37 101 41810-01-351.00 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHING 50.37 ORDINANCE B-312 REG. CHECK 1 1,515.10 1,515.10CR 0.00 1,515.10 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-050340 ECOLAB PEST I 5593793 RODENT PROGRAM - SC APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 183.89 183.89CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155964 183.89 101 45100-30-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 183.89 RODENT PROGRAM - SC REG. CHECK 1 183.89 183.89CR 0.00 183.89 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002591 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES LLC #3 I 0265298 HYDRANT FLAGS (50) APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 1,209.50 1,209.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155965 1,209.50 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1,209.50 HYDRANT FLAGS (50) REG. CHECK 1 1,209.50 1,209.50CR 0.00 1,209.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!43!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005768 FP MAILING SOLUTIONS I 2024-0390 6/28 POSTAGE METER REFILL APBNK 7/01/2024 D 6/28/2024 700.00 700.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001961 700.00 101 41810-01-322.00 POSTAGE COSTS 700.00 6/28 POSTAGE METER REFILL DRAFTS 1 700.00 700.00CR 0.00 700.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001307 FRANDRUP MASONRY, INC I 061724 NEW CONCRETE RAMP APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/17/2024 29,900.00 29,900.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155966 29,900.00 101 24430 F/B ASSIGNED FOR PARK MAIN R&M 29,900.00 NEW CONCRETE RAMP I 062724-2 CONCRETE WORK-SCHWARZ PARK APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 5,885.00 5,885.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155966 5,885.00 101 24430 F/B ASSIGNED FOR PARK MAIN R&M 5,885.00 CONCRETE WORK-SCHWARZ PARK I 062724-3 CONCRETE WORK-CAMFIELD PARK APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 11,010.00 11,010.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155966 11,010.00 101 24430 F/B ASSIGNED FOR PARK MAIN R&M 11,010.00 CONCRETE WORK-CAMFIELD PARK REG. CHECK 1 46,795.00 46,795.00CR 0.00 46,795.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-061865 FRONTIER I 651-188-0017 07/24 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 4,610.73 4,610.73CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155967 4,610.73 101 41810-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 4,239.52 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV 601 49407-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 17.57 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV 601 49410-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 63.73 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV 601 49400-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 68.85 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV 602 49450-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 68.85 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV 603 49500-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 68.88 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV 650 45130-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 83.33 PHONE,INTERNET & CITY WIFI SRV REG. CHECK 1 4,610.73 4,610.73CR 0.00 4,610.73 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!44!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000677 GERTEN GREENHOUSES INC-4461 I K14971/12 CHEMICALS AND SEED APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 2,707.15 2,707.15CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155968 2,707.15 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,745.40 CHEMICALS AND SEED 101 45202-01-216.00 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 961.75 CHEMICALS AND SEED REG. CHECK 1 2,707.15 2,707.15CR 0.00 2,707.15 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006200 YIRGALEM GEZAHEGNE I 2024-0394 PERMIT 5963-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/08/2024 500.00 500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155969 500.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 500.00 PERMIT 5963-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 500.00 500.00CR 0.00 500.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003610 GIGABIT MINNESOTA I 14043461 JUL'24 1000 MBPS FIBER APBNK 7/02/2024 D 7/01/2024 800.00 800.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 001962 800.00 101 41810-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 800.00 JUL'24 1000 MBPS FIBER DRAFTS 1 800.00 800.00CR 0.00 800.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006038 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR I 2024-0375 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 192,875.65 192,875.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155970 192,875.65 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 192,875.65 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 192,875.65 192,875.65CR 0.00 192,875.65 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006057 HARTY MECHANICAL INC I 2024-0376 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 340,987.49 340,987.49CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155971 340,987.49 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 340,987.49 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 340,987.49 340,987.49CR 0.00 340,987.49 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!45!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-080458 HAWKINS INC I 6795218 CHEMICALS FOR WELL HOUSES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 15,515.91 15,515.91CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155972 15,515.91 601 49400-01-216.00 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 15,515.91 CHEMICALS FOR WELL HOUSES REG. CHECK 1 15,515.91 15,515.91CR 0.00 15,515.91 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-080905 HIGHLAND SANITATION I 0001259905 JUNE TRASH SERVICE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/23/2024 4,438.61 4,438.61CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155973 4,438.61 101 45100-01-384.00 REFUSAL DISPOSAL 231.15 JUNE TRASH SERVICE 650 45130-01-384.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL 217.95 JUNE TRASH SERVICE 101 45100-01-315.00 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 46.00 JUNE TRASH SERVICE 101 45100-30-384.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL 153.51 JUNE TRASH SERVICE 101 41940-01-384.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL 3,790.00 JUNE TRASH SERVICE REG. CHECK 1 4,438.61 4,438.61CR 0.00 4,438.61 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006139 HUEBSCH I 20322865 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS # APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 35.76 35.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155974 35.76 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 35.76 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS #1 I 20322873 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PD & APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 203.12 203.12CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155974 203.12 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 203.12 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PD & CH I 20322874 MATS @ PW SOUTH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 16.27 16.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155974 16.27 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16.27 MATS @ PW SOUTH I 20322875 MATS & TOWELS @ PW CENTRAL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 46.27 46.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155974 46.27 101 43100-01-211.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 25.02 MATS & TOWELS @ PW CENTRAL 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21.25 MATS & TOWELS @ PW CENTRAL I 20322876 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PW N APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 81.25 81.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155974 81.25 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 81.25 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ PW N I 20322878 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS # APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/05/2024 31.76 31.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155974 31.76 101 41940-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 31.76 MATS & AIR FRESHENER @ FS #2 Qbhf!46!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 414.43 414.43CR 0.00 414.43 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006177 IMPERIAL DADE I 4250667 AUTOFLUSH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 939.96 939.96CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155975 939.96 101 45100-01-211.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 469.98 AUTOFLUSH 650 45130-01-211.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 469.98 AUTOFLUSH REG. CHECK 1 939.96 939.96CR 0.00 939.96 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-091405 INDEPENDENT BLACK DIRT I 35779 12 YDS BLACK DIRT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/11/2024 264.00 264.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155976 264.00 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 264.00 12 YDS BLACK DIRT I 35914 6 YDS BLACK DIRT FOR BANDSH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 132.00 132.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155976 132.00 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 132.00 6 YDS BLACK DIRT FOR BANDSHELL I 35921 6 YDS BLACK DIRT FOR BANDSH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 132.00 132.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155976 132.00 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 132.00 6 YDS BLACK DIRT FOR BANDSHELL I 35961 2 YDS BLACK DIRT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 44.00 44.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155976 44.00 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 44.00 2 YDS BLACK DIRT REG. CHECK 1 572.00 572.00CR 0.00 572.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002655 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEMS I 220000062 BATTERIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 509.90 509.90CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155977 509.90 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 509.90 BATTERIES I 220073934 BATTERY APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/18/2024 139.95 139.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155977 139.95 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 139.95 BATTERY REG. CHECK 1 649.85 649.85CR 0.00 649.85 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!47!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006080 JERRY'S FLOOR STORE I 2024-0377 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 38,803.18 38,803.18CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155978 38,803.18 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 38,803.18 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ I 2024-0378 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 264,401.15 264,401.15CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155978 264,401.15 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 264,401.15 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 303,204.33 303,204.33CR 0.00 303,204.33 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004822 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE C 801854 2 - 55 GAL DRUM CORE RETURN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 50.00CR 50.00 G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155979 50.00CR 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 50.00CR2 - 55 GAL DRUM CORE RETURN I 801592 OILS & LUBRICANT'S APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 1,785.50 1,785.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155979 1,785.50 101 43100-01-213.00 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 1,785.50 OILS & LUBRICANT'S REG. CHECK 1 1,735.50 1,735.50CR 0.00 1,735.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006196 KELLEHER CONSTRUCTION INC I 2024-0379 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 28,880.00 28,880.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155980 28,880.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 28,880.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 28,880.00 28,880.00CR 0.00 28,880.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-110526 KIMBALL MIDWEST I 102348849 SHOP SUPPLIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 590.85 590.85CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155981 590.85 101 43100-01-215.00 SHOP MATERIALS 590.85 SHOP SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 1 590.85 590.85CR 0.00 590.85 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!48!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005741 KIRCHNER LAWN & LANDSCAPE I 8478 STUMP GRINDING APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/30/2024 365.00 365.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155982 365.00 101 43121-01-409.00 TREE TRIMMING 365.00 STUMP GRINDING REG. CHECK 1 365.00 365.00CR 0.00 365.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-120513 LEAGUE-MN CITIES INS TRST I 22670 T. BRAUN - CLAIM 00493919 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/01/2024 726.82 726.82CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155983 726.82 206 49006-01-305.00 MEDICAL & DENTAL FEES 726.82 T. BRAUN - CLAIM 00493919 I 22700 J. HAWKINSON - CLAIM 004992 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/01/2024 105.95 105.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155983 105.95 206 49006-01-305.00 MEDICAL & DENTAL FEES 105.95 J. HAWKINSON - CLAIM 00499220 REG. CHECK 1 832.77 832.77CR 0.00 832.77 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006039 LEJEUNE STEEL COMPANY I 2024-0380 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 35,021.76 35,021.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155984 35,021.76 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 35,021.76 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 35,021.76 35,021.76CR 0.00 35,021.76 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003457 LHB INC I 220019.00-12 DUNMORE PARK DESIGN #12 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/11/2024 560.00 560.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155985 560.00 205 49005-01-533.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 560.00 DUNMORE PARK DESIGN #12 REG. CHECK 1 560.00 560.00CR 0.00 560.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!49!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006021 LTF CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LL I 2024-0388 GENERAL CONDITIONS LT PROJE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 185,000.00 185,000.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155986 185,000.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 185,000.00 GENERAL CONDITIONS LT PROJECT REG. CHECK 1 185,000.00 185,000.00CR 0.00 185,000.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004303 MACQUEEN I P31277 XS FIREFIGHTING GLOVES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 148.00 148.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155987 148.00 101 42210-01-580.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 148.00 XS FIREFIGHTING GLOVES REG. CHECK 1 148.00 148.00CR 0.00 148.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002533 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC I INV12657137 CONTRACT CN136605-08 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 1,859.66 1,859.66CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155988 1,859.66 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 1,859.66 CONTRACT CN136605-08 REG. CHECK 1 1,859.66 1,859.66CR 0.00 1,859.66 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-130725 MENARDS-APPLE VALLEY I 75267 GARDEN MATERIALS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/17/2024 113.25 113.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155989 113.25 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 113.25 GARDEN MATERIALS I 75654 TRASH BAGS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 119.92 119.92CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155989 119.92 101 45202-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 119.92 TRASH BAGS I 75706 CONCRETE FORM APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 10.88 10.88CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155989 10.88 101 45202-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 10.88 CONCRETE FORM I 75760 DRAIN TILE DRAIN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 39.94 39.94CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155989 39.94 101 45202-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 39.94 DRAIN TILE DRAIN Qbhf!4:!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 75818 LANDSCAPE FABRIC APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 49.98 49.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155989 49.98 101 45202-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 49.98 LANDSCAPE FABRIC REG. CHECK 1 333.97 333.97CR 0.00 333.97 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-130975 METRO COUNCIL ENV SERV I 0001175444 AUG'24 WASTEWATER SERVICE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 150,666.91 150,666.91CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155990 150,666.91 602 49450-01-602.00 METRO SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 150,666.91 AUG'24 WASTEWATER SERVICE REG. CHECK 1 150,666.91 150,666.91CR 0.00 150,666.91 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-131025 METRO COUNCIL ENV SERV I 2024-0396 JUNE 2024 METRO SAC FEES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/08/2024 78,724.80 78,724.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155991 78,724.80 101 20815 METRO SAC FOR MWCC 79,520.00 JUNE 2024 METRO SAC FEES 101 34407.00 CITY SHARE OF METRO SAC CHGS 795.20CRJUNE 2024 METRO SAC FEES REG. CHECK 1 78,724.80 78,724.80CR 0.00 78,724.80 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003975 METRO COUNCIL ENV SERV I 0001175473 ANNUAL SAC DEF PROGRAM BILL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/03/2024 3,343.47 3,343.47CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155992 3,343.47 606 22000 DEPOSITS PAYABLE 3,343.47 ANNUAL SAC DEF PROGRAM BILLING REG. CHECK 1 3,343.47 3,343.47CR 0.00 3,343.47 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004079 METRO SALES INC I INV2555986 RICOH/MP C6004 COPIER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 313.65 313.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155993 313.65 101 41810-01-202.00 DUPLICATING & COPYING COSTS 313.65 RICOH/MP C6004 COPIER REG. CHECK 1 313.65 313.65CR 0.00 313.65 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!51!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001288 MIDLAND GLASS CO I 2024-0381 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 90,663.25 90,663.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155994 90,663.25 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 90,663.25 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 90,663.25 90,663.25CR 0.00 90,663.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005706 MIDWEST MACHINERY CO I 10103714 CAP APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 24.83 24.83CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155995 24.83 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 24.83 CAP I 10111332 DEFLECTOR & V-BELT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/29/2024 129.98 129.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155995 129.98 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 129.98 DEFLECTOR & V-BELT REG. CHECK 1 154.81 154.81CR 0.00 154.81 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004744 MINDFUL HEALTH I 2024-0391 SENIOR YOGA CLASSES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 384.00 384.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155996 384.00 101 45100-93-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 384.00 SENIOR YOGA CLASSES REG. CHECK 1 384.00 384.00CR 0.00 384.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-040600 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY I 2024-0395 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/08/2024 6,247.39 6,247.39CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155997 6,247.39 101 20810 BUILDING PERMIT SURCHARGE 5,948.89 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE 101 20811 BUILDING PMT SURCHARGE-SET FEE 101.00 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE 101 20820 ELECTRICAL PERMIT SURCHARGE 122.00 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE 101 20830 PLUMBING PERMIT SURCHARGE 77.00 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE 101 20850 SEWER PERMIT SURCHARGE 52.00 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE 101 20860 HEATING/AIR COND PERMIT SURCHG 74.00 JUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE 101 34109.00 OTHER GEN'L GOVT CHGS FOR SERV 127.50CRJUNE 2024 STATE SURCHARGE REG. CHECK 1 6,247.39 6,247.39CR 0.00 6,247.39 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!52!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003882 MN OCC HEALTH - LOCKBOX 135 I 462774 PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 233.00 233.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155998 233.00 101 41130-01-305.00 MEDICAL & DENTAL FEES 233.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING REG. CHECK 1 233.00 233.00CR 0.00 233.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-137535 MN ST FIRE CHIEFS ASSN I 7193 FOTOS TRAINING-J. FEEDER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 1/02/2024 285.00 285.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 155999 285.00 101 42210-01-308.00 INSTRUCTORS' FEES 285.00 FOTOS TRAINING-J. FEEDER REG. CHECK 1 285.00 285.00CR 0.00 285.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-139915 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC I 1428453-02 RIM APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/20/2024 98.53 98.53CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156000 98.53 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 98.53 RIM I 1434691-01 V- BELTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/18/2024 308.11 308.11CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156000 308.11 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 308.11 V- BELTS REG. CHECK 1 406.64 406.64CR 0.00 406.64 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006048 MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY I 2024-0382 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 812,725.00 812,725.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156001 812,725.00 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 812,725.00 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 812,725.00 812,725.00CR 0.00 812,725.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!53!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006125 NEOTREKS INC I 03902 SUBSCRIPTION FEE PLOW OPS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 540.00 540.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156002 540.00 101 43121-01-216.00 CHEMICALS & CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 540.00 SUBSCRIPTION FEE PLOW OPS REG. CHECK 1 540.00 540.00CR 0.00 540.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001033 NIEBUR TRACTOR & EQUIP I 01-198904 KUBOTA NYLON SPOUTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/18/2024 327.12 327.12CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156003 327.12 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 327.12 KUBOTA NYLON SPOUTS REG. CHECK 1 327.12 327.12CR 0.00 327.12 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003064 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I 2123-305445 MAGNETS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 31.95 31.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156004 31.95 601 49400-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 31.95 MAGNETS REG. CHECK 1 31.95 31.95CR 0.00 31.95 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006106 OLYMPIC COMPANIES INC I 2024-0383 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 612,884.23 612,884.23CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156005 612,884.23 476 48000-01-521.00 BUILDING & STRUCTURE PURCHASES 612,884.23 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 612,884.23 612,884.23CR 0.00 612,884.23 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003927 OPG-3 INC I 7888 LASERFICHE SERVER MIGRATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/22/2024 1,640.00 1,640.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156006 1,640.00 101 41810-01-391.00 P.C. MAINTENANCE 1,640.00 LASERFICHE SERVER MIGRATION REG. CHECK 1 1,640.00 1,640.00CR 0.00 1,640.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!54!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000924 PAHL'S MARKET INC I 1-80037014 WELCOME SIGN PLANT REPLACEM APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 231.19 231.19CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156007 231.19 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 231.19 WELCOME SIGN PLANT REPLACEMENT REG. CHECK 1 231.19 231.19CR 0.00 231.19 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004740 PELLICCI ACE ROSEMOUNT I 12028/R WEED PREVENTER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/03/2024 79.98 79.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 79.98 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 79.98 WEED PREVENTER I 12104/R LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/14/2024 90.93 90.93CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 90.93 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 90.93 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES I 12155/R TOOLS FOR PROJECT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 172.78 172.78CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 172.78 602 49450-01-241.00 SMALL TOOLS 172.78 TOOLS FOR PROJECT I 12159/R 4 1/2" DIAMOND BLADE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 14.99 14.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 14.99 101 43121-01-410.00 CONCRETE SIDEWALK/CURB REPAIRS 14.99 4 1/2" DIAMOND BLADE I 12160/R GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 35.96 35.96CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 35.96 101 45202-01-229.00 OTHER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 35.96 GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES I 12163/R BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 7.28 7.28CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 7.28 101 41940-01-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 7.28 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES I 12164/R BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 4.99 4.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 4.99 101 41940-01-223.00 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 4.99 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES I 12199/R CHIPPER KEYS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/03/2024 42.89 42.89CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 42.89 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 42.89 CHIPPER KEYS I 12207/R SCREWS FOR SIGNS AT CLARET APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/05/2024 8.76 8.76CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156008 8.76 101 45202-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 8.76 SCREWS FOR SIGNS AT CLARET Qbhf!55!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 25 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REG. CHECK 1 458.56 458.56CR 0.00 458.56 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004183 PERFORMANCE PLUS LLC I 00057 41 ANNUAL FF PHYSICALS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 4/26/2024 6,635.00 6,635.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156009 6,635.00 101 42210-01-305.00 MEDICAL & DENTAL FEES 6,635.00 41 ANNUAL FF PHYSICALS I 50505 ANNUAL PHYSICAL-FF BRAD MIL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/19/2024 160.00 160.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156009 160.00 101 42210-01-305.00 MEDICAL & DENTAL FEES 160.00 ANNUAL PHYSICAL-FF BRAD MILLER REG. CHECK 1 6,795.00 6,795.00CR 0.00 6,795.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-160940 PILGRIM PROMOTIONS INC I 16852 RUN FOR THE GOLD SHIRTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/03/2024 3,233.41 3,233.41CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156010 3,233.41 101 45100-90-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,233.41 RUN FOR THE GOLD SHIRTS REG. CHECK 1 3,233.41 3,233.41CR 0.00 3,233.41 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004766 STACEY POPP I 2024-0393 SENIOR YOGA CLASSES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 144.00 144.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156011 144.00 101 45100-87-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 144.00 SENIOR YOGA CLASSES REG. CHECK 1 144.00 144.00CR 0.00 144.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002850 PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGE SYSTE I 54396 SERVICE CALL-SC ICE MACHINE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 2/05/2024 371.50 371.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156012 371.50 101 45100-30-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 371.50 SERVICE CALL-SC ICE MACHINE I 54997 SC ICE MACHINE MAINT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/18/2024 517.30 517.30CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156012 517.30 101 45100-30-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 517.30 SC ICE MACHINE MAINT Qbhf!56!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 26 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 55001 RCC ICE MACHINE MAINT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/18/2024 572.01 572.01CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156012 572.01 101 45100-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 572.01 RCC ICE MACHINE MAINT REG. CHECK 1 1,460.81 1,460.81CR 0.00 1,460.81 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002444 RIVERLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE I 1191828 FIRE SCHOOL TRAINING APBNK 7/11/2024 R 4/02/2024 360.00 360.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156013 360.00 101 42210-01-308.00 INSTRUCTORS' FEES 360.00 FIRE SCHOOL TRAINING REG. CHECK 1 360.00 360.00CR 0.00 360.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005198 ROCK HARD LANDSCAPE SUPPLY I 3160599 RIVER ROCK FOR BANDSHELL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 306.00 306.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156014 306.00 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 306.00 RIVER ROCK FOR BANDSHELL I 3160799 RIVER ROCK FOR BANDSHELL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 306.00 306.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156014 306.00 101 45202-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 306.00 RIVER ROCK FOR BANDSHELL REG. CHECK 1 612.00 612.00CR 0.00 612.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006197 MARIA ROLDAN I 2024-0384 PERMIT 5889-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/02/2024 500.00 500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156015 500.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 500.00 PERMIT 5889-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 500.00 500.00CR 0.00 500.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-181644 ROSEMOUNT EXPRESS ACCOUNT I CK1046 BLARNEY STONE FUNDS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 250.00 250.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156016 250.00 205 49005-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 250.00 BLARNEY STONE FUNDS Qbhf!57!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 27 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I CK1047 ENTERTAINMENT - RAS LUNCHEO APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 175.00 175.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156016 175.00 101 45100-93-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 175.00 ENTERTAINMENT - RAS LUNCHEON REG. CHECK 1 425.00 425.00CR 0.00 425.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002988 ROSENBAUER MINNESOTA LLC I 0000068342 PARTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/23/2024 209.03 209.03CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156017 209.03 101 43100-01-221.00 EQUIPMENT PARTS 209.03 PARTS REG. CHECK 1 209.03 209.03CR 0.00 209.03 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-001665 ROUGH CUTT I 2024-0389 MOWING @ 3657 155TH ST W APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/13/2024 390.00 390.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156018 390.00 101 42230-01-409.00 OTHER CONTRACTED REPAIR 390.00 MOWING @ 3657 155TH ST W REG. CHECK 1 390.00 390.00CR 0.00 390.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-191360 S.M. HENTGES & SONS INC I 2024-0385 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/31/2024 74,078.22 74,078.22CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156019 74,078.22 476 20600 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 74,078.22 RSMT LIFETIME ATHLETIC PROJ REG. CHECK 1 74,078.22 74,078.22CR 0.00 74,078.22 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005451 SAFE-FAST INC I INV292533 SEASONAL SAFETY WEAR APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 540.00 540.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156020 540.00 101 45202-01-240.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & PPE 540.00 SEASONAL SAFETY WEAR REG. CHECK 1 540.00 540.00CR 0.00 540.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!58!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 28 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190060 SAFETY SIGNS I 24000498 SIGN RENTAL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 3/31/2024 75.00 75.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156021 75.00 101 43121-01-226.00 SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS 75.00 SIGN RENTAL REG. CHECK 1 75.00 75.00CR 0.00 75.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190095 SAM'S CLUB I 10180852772 SAFETY CAMP LUNCH ITEMS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/12/2024 324.47 324.47CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156022 324.47 101 45100-91-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 324.47 SAFETY CAMP LUNCH ITEMS REG. CHECK 1 324.47 324.47CR 0.00 324.47 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002095 SCHMITTY & SONS TRANSPORTAT I INV27113 KIDS FAV CAMPS TRANSPORTATI APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 1,666.98 1,666.98CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156023 1,666.98 101 45100-91-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,666.98 KIDS FAV CAMPS TRANSPORTATION REG. CHECK 1 1,666.98 1,666.98CR 0.00 1,666.98 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190580 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC I 794693 FS #2 MONITORING-JUL,AUG,SE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 82.80 82.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156024 82.80 101 42210-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 82.80 FS #2 MONITORING-JUL,AUG,SEPT REG. CHECK 1 82.80 82.80CR 0.00 82.80 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190854 SHERWIN WILLIAMS-AV I 1937-0 STAIN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 434.80 434.80CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156025 434.80 101 45202-01-223.00 SHELTER REPAIR SUPPLIES 434.80 STAIN REG. CHECK 1 434.80 434.80CR 0.00 434.80 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!59!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 29 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000861 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP I B18480390 M365 LICENSES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/21/2024 8,496.65 8,496.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156026 8,496.65 101 41320-01-394.00 P.C. SOFTWARE PURCHASES 8,496.65 M365 LICENSES REG. CHECK 1 8,496.65 8,496.65CR 0.00 8,496.65 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006192 SHORELINE LANDSCAPING I 2024-0386 TALAMORE PARK CONSTRUCTION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 111,043.66 111,043.66CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156027 111,043.66 205 49005-01-534.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 111,043.66 TALAMORE PARK CONSTRUCTION REG. CHECK 1 111,043.66 111,043.66CR 0.00 111,043.66 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-190555 SHORT ELLIOT HENDRICKSON I 468426 HWY 3 WM RELOCATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/12/2024 247.52 247.52CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156028 247.52 601 49400-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 247.52 HWY 3 WM RELOCATION REG. CHECK 1 247.52 247.52CR 0.00 247.52 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-191510 SOLBERG AGGREGATE COMPANY I 28794 GRAVEL FOR GRAVEL ROADS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 4/30/2024 6,980.06 6,980.06CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156029 6,980.06 101 43121-01-232.00 CRUSHED ROCK 6,980.06 GRAVEL FOR GRAVEL ROADS REG. CHECK 1 6,980.06 6,980.06CR 0.00 6,980.06 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-002497 SOUTH METRO RENTAL INC I 134895 AERIAL LIFT RENTAL APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 273.40 273.40CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156030 273.40 101 45202-01-416.00 MACHINERY RENTAL 273.40 AERIAL LIFT RENTAL REG. CHECK 1 273.40 273.40CR 0.00 273.40 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!5:!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 30 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006198 SAARANG SUDARSHEN I 2024-0387 PERMIT 5882-DAMAGE DEPOSIT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/02/2024 500.00 500.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156031 500.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 500.00 PERMIT 5882-DAMAGE DEPOSIT REG. CHECK 1 500.00 500.00CR 0.00 500.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-200945 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP I 3007986060 SC ELEVATOR SERVICE APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 278.41 278.41CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156032 278.41 101 45100-30-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 278.41 SC ELEVATOR SERVICE REG. CHECK 1 278.41 278.41CR 0.00 278.41 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003042 TRANE U.S. INC I 314658617 ARENA CHILLER SRV AGREEMENT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 1,781.25 1,781.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156033 1,781.25 650 45130-01-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 1,781.25 ARENA CHILLER SRV AGREEMENT REG. CHECK 1 1,781.25 1,781.25CR 0.00 1,781.25 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-202315 TWIN CITY HARDWARE I PSI2273563 SERVICE CALL REPAIR APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 350.00 350.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156034 350.00 101 45100-01-401.00 CONTRACTED BUILDING REPAIRS 350.00 SERVICE CALL REPAIR REG. CHECK 1 350.00 350.00CR 0.00 350.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000847 VALLEY-RICH CO INC I 33455 WATERMAIN BREAK REPAIR APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/07/2024 7,009.49 7,009.49CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156035 7,009.49 601 49400-01-403.00 CONTRACTED R & M-OTHER IMPROV 7,009.49 WATERMAIN BREAK REPAIR REG. CHECK 1 7,009.49 7,009.49CR 0.00 7,009.49 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!61!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 31 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-220480 VERIZON WIRELESS I 9967358979 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/23/2024 2,917.70 2,917.70CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156036 2,917.70 101 41110-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 41.46 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 41140-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 41.46 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 41130-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 41.46 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 42230-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 365.89 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 41940-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 89.57 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 43121-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 210.20 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 45100-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 502.34 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 45100-30-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 41.46 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 45202-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 512.60 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 601 49400-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 261.47 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 602 49450-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 261.47 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 603 49500-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 413.94 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 41320-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 46.46 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 101 43100-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 87.92 CELLULAR SERVICE 6/23/24 I 9967358980 BACK UP DIALER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/23/2024 53.63 53.63CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156036 53.63 601 49400-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 17.87 BACK UP DIALER 602 49450-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 17.89 BACK UP DIALER 603 49500-01-321.00 TELEPHONE COSTS 17.87 BACK UP DIALER REG. CHECK 1 2,971.33 2,971.33CR 0.00 2,971.33 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-004261 VERMILLION ELEVATOR INC I 262246 SEED AND FERTILIZER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/12/2024 627.50 627.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156038 627.50 101 43121-01-225.00 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 627.50 SEED AND FERTILIZER REG. CHECK 1 627.50 627.50CR 0.00 627.50 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005240 WARSAW SOLAR, LLC I 2406-6994F MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 25,829.79 25,829.79CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156039 25,829.79 101 41940-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 8,106.00 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49407-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 737.59 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49410-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 830.41 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS 601 49412-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 3,804.71 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS Qbhf!62!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 32 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 650 45130-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 12,351.08 MAY'24 SOLAR SUBSCRIPTIONS REG. CHECK 1 25,829.79 25,829.79CR 0.00 25,829.79 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006199 NELSON WASHINGTON I 2024-0392 PERMIT 5966-CANCELLATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/08/2024 790.00 790.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156040 790.00 101 22005 REFUNDS PAYABLE - P&R 790.00 PERMIT 5966-CANCELLATION REG. CHECK 1 790.00 790.00CR 0.00 790.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-005231 WHITEWOOD GRAPHICS I 3014R LOGO - DASHER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 297.00 297.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156041 297.00 650 45130-01-349.00 OTHER ADVERTISING 297.00 LOGO - DASHER REG. CHECK 1 297.00 297.00CR 0.00 297.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-006157 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELECTR I 35031445077 FIRE PANEL MONITORING-SC APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/01/2024 27.95 27.95CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156042 27.95 101 45100-30-404.00 CONTRACTED MACH & EQUIP R & M 27.95 FIRE PANEL MONITORING-SC REG. CHECK 1 27.95 27.95CR 0.00 27.95 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-231910 WSB AND ASSOCIATES INC I 11658-000-58 DUNMORE 2ND ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 85.00 85.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 85.00 403 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 85.00 DUNMORE 2ND ADDITION I 17499-000-34 EMERALD ISLE 2ND ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 645.00 645.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 645.00 461 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 645.00 EMERALD ISLE 2ND ADDITION I 17500-000-35 MEADOW RIDGE 4TH ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 774.00 774.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 774.00 430 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 774.00 MEADOW RIDGE 4TH ADDITION Qbhf!63!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 33 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 17930-000-33 DUNMORE 3RD ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 1,190.00 1,190.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 1,190.00 463 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 1,190.00 DUNMORE 3RD ADDITION I 19220-000-24 RICH VALLEY 1ST ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 129.00 129.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 129.00 471 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 129.00 RICH VALLEY 1ST ADDITION I 19324-000-23 TALAMORE 2ND ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 677.25 677.25CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 677.25 472 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 677.25 TALAMORE 2ND ADDITION I 19708-000-23 EMERALD ISLE 3RD ADDITION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 645.00 645.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 645.00 433 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 645.00 EMERALD ISLE 3RD ADDITION I 2235-150-60 SKB EXPANSION PLAN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 85.00 85.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 85.00 478 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 85.00 SKB EXPANSION PLAN I 23270-000-11 TALAMORE PARK FINAL DESIGN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 12,898.35 12,898.35CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 12,898.35 205 49005-01-534.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 12,898.35 TALAMORE PARK FINAL DESIGN I 23450-000-10 2024 FH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/28/2024 3,479.75 3,479.75CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 3,479.75 205 49005-01-538.00 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 3,479.75 2024 FH TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS I 24044-000-3 2024 GENERAL STORMWATER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/03/2024 2,236.50 2,236.50CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 2,236.50 429 48000-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 1,762.50 2024 GENERAL STORMWATER 603 49500-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 474.00 2024 GENERAL STORMWATER I 24321-000-3 2024 WCA SERVICES APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/03/2024 147.00 147.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156043 147.00 603 49500-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 147.00 2024 WCA SERVICES REG. CHECK 1 22,991.85 22,991.85CR 0.00 22,991.85 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-240010 XCEL ENERGY I 0010071743-0 6/24 FH REC COMPLEX IRRIGATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 801.62 801.62CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 801.62 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 801.62 FH REC COMPLEX IRRIGATION I 0010575696-0 6/24 ERICKSON PARK TENNIS COURTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 422.59 422.59CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 422.59 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 422.59 ERICKSON PARK TENNIS COURTS Qbhf!64!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 34 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 0011108910-3 6/24 RSMT SC-ACTIVITY CENTER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 1,794.07 1,794.07CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 1,794.07 101 45100-30-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1,794.07 RSMT SC-ACTIVITY CENTER I 0013089608-6 6/24 WELCOME SIGN - SOUTH APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/21/2024 9.52 9.52CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 9.52 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 9.52 WELCOME SIGN - SOUTH I 0013530257-8 6/24 FLASHING PEDESTRIAN LIGHT APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/21/2024 8.65 8.65CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 8.65 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 8.65 FLASHING PEDESTRIAN LIGHT I 0014429306-4 6/24 POLICE & PUBLIC WORKS BUILD APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 3,060.89 3,060.89CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 3,060.89 421 48000-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 3,060.89 POLICE & PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING I 0014435615-1 6/24 POLICE & PUBLIC WORKS BUILD APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/25/2024 35.43 35.43CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 35.43 421 48000-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 35.43 POLICE & PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING I 0519839-2 6/24 UMORE LIGHTS & IRRIGATION APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 931.99 931.99CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 931.99 101 45202-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 931.99 UMORE LIGHTS & IRRIGATION I 6870492-3 6/24 NON METERED STREET LIGHTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 7/03/2024 8,967.09 8,967.09CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 8,967.09 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 8,967.09 NON METERED STREET LIGHTS I 8053588-8 6/24 SIGNAL & STREET LIGHTS APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/24/2024 119.21 119.21CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156045 119.21 101 43121-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 51.92 SIGNAL & STREET LIGHTS 608 49508-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 67.29 SIGNAL & STREET LIGHTS REG. CHECK 1 16,151.06 16,151.06CR 0.00 16,151.06 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-000443 XCEL ENERGY I 51-0013119035-8 NEW SERVICE-PEDESTRIAN TUNN APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/27/2024 8,475.27 8,475.27CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156046 8,475.27 483 48000-01-530.00 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILD 8,475.27 NEW SERVICE-PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL REG. CHECK 1 8,475.27 8,475.27CR 0.00 8,475.27 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!65!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 35 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-003480 YALE MECHANICAL LLC I 255719 REPAIR A/C UNIT AT WELL #14 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 1,428.57 1,428.57CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156047 1,428.57 601 49414-01-409.00 OTHER CONTRACTED REPAIR & MAIN 1,428.57 REPAIR A/C UNIT AT WELL #14 I 256619 HVAC MAINTENANCE-WELL # 16 APBNK 7/11/2024 R 6/26/2024 507.00 507.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156047 507.00 601 49400-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 507.00 HVAC MAINTENANCE-WELL # 16 REG. CHECK 1 1,935.57 1,935.57CR 0.00 1,935.57 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-260960 ZIEGLER INC I IN001498071 REPLACEMENT COLD PLANER APBNK 7/11/2024 R 5/29/2024 21,063.00 21,063.00CR G/L ACCOUNT CK: 156048 21,063.00 207 49007-01-584.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 21,063.00 REPLACEMENT COLD PLANER REG. CHECK 1 21,063.00 21,063.00CR 0.00 21,063.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qbhf!66!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 36 PACKET: 07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 255,625.47CR 205 PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND 130,162.76CR 206 INSURANCE FUND 832.77CR 207 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND 21,063.00CR 403 DUNMORE 2ND ADDITION 85.00CR 404 CARAMORE CROSSING 3RD 725.00CR 421 PD & PW BUILDINGS PROJECT 25,313.32CR 429 ROSEMOUNT MIDDLE SCHOOL 1,762.50CR 430 MEADOW RIDGE 4TH ADDITION 774.00CR 433 EMERALD ISLE 3RD ADDITION 645.00CR 461 EMERALD ISLE 2ND ADD'N 645.00CR 463 DUNMORE 3RD ADDITION 1,190.00CR 471 RICH VALLEY 1ST ADDITION 129.00CR 472 BESTER PROPERTY 677.25CR 476 LIFE TIME CLUB 3,105,814.93CR 478 SKB EXPANSION 85.00CR 483 AKRON AVE SOUTH EXT 18,461.77CR 493 ASPEN AVE EXTENSION 158.87CR 601 WATER UTILITY FUND 48,850.67CR 602 SEWER UTILITY FUND 152,477.88CR 603 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 2,457.98CR 606 SEWER CORE FUND 3,343.47CR 608 STREET LIGHT UTILITY FUND 15,648.14CR 650 ARENA FUND 32,501.88CR ** TOTALS ** 3,819,430.66CR ==================================================================================================================================== Qbhf!67!pg!341 7-11-2024 9:03 AMA/P PAYMENT REGISTERPAGE: 37 PACKET:07069 07/11/2024 AP CHECK RUN VENDOR SET: 01 =================================================== R E P O R T T O T A L S =================================================== ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSSPAYMENTOUTSTANDING NUMBERBALANCEDISCOUNT HAND CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 DRAFTS21,500.001,500.00CR0.00 1,500.000.00 REG-CHECKS116 3,817,930.66 3,817,930.66CR0.00 3,817,930.660.00 EFT0.000.000.00 0.000.00 NON-CHECKS0.000.000.00 0.000.00 ALL CHECKS 118 3,819,430.66 3,819,430.66CR0.00 3,819,430.660.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERRORS:0WARNINGS:0 Qbhf!68!pg!341 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JULY 2, 2024 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 7:00 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Weisensel called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Freske, Essler, Theisen and Klimpel. APPROVAL OF AGENDA City Administrator Martin noted item 6.o. was added to the Agenda. Motion by Weisensel Second by Theisen Motion to approve the agenda Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion Carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS None. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT None. PUBLIC COMMENT Sally Wilkowske 13579 Crossglenn Path Rosemount MN Ms. Wilkowske had concerns regarding a neighbor she feels is targeting her home with noises. Per the Mayor, staff will follow up with the City of Rosemount Police Department. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Essler Second by Klimpel Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion Carried. a. Bill Listings b. Minutes of the June 18, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes Qbhf!69!pg!341 c. Donation Acceptance from Scott Chiropractic d. Appointment of Election Judges for 2024 Elections e. Amendment to the 2024 Schedule of Rates and Fees f. Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit for Place of Worship in the R1-Low Density Residential Zoning District at 2058 Bonaire Path West. g. Amber Fields 17th Addition Preliminary & Final Plat Approval h. Approve Water Efficiency Grant Agreement i. Approve Utility Access Charge Assessment Agreement j. Approve Change Order - Additional Paving at Public Works & Police Campus k. Driver Avenue & Trunk Sanitary Sewer Final Acceptance l. Application to Conduct Off-Site Gambling - Rosemount Area Hockey Association m. Temporary On-Sale Liquor License - American Legion n. Approve Subdivision Agreement for Rosemount School o. Consent to Assignment for Bray Hill Subdivision PUBLIC HEARINGS None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. City Staff Updates City Administrator Martin highlighted Public Safety in the Park Event on June 20, 2024. b. Upcoming Community Calendar Mayor Weisensel reviewed the calendar of events and upcoming meetings. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Weisensel and a second by Essler the meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Qbhf!6:!pg!341 Erin Fasbender City Clerk Qbhf!71!pg!341 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 2, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 4:59 PM. in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Weisensel called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Freske, Essler, Theisen and Klimpel. a. FOLLOWING THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING: The Council may choose to reconvene the work session after the adjournment of the regular meeting if the business of the work session is unable to be completed in the allotted time. DISCUSSION CITY HALL, CONFERENCE ROOM (5:00PM) a. 2024 Goals Mid-Year Check In City Administrator Martin provided an overview of the City goal and initiatives for 2024-2025. The first area discussed was Administrative Services regarding implementing an Employee Engagement Survey to collect feedback regarding attracting, developing and retaining top performing staff. Mr. Martin also touched on hosting successful elections, completion of the 2024 audit, and current staff positions for hire. Administrative Services Director Malecha updated Council Members on the billing software LOGIS will use (JD Edwards) as they develop a plan for the interim. Councilmember Essler inquired about the costs involved with using JD Edwards temporarily and what setbacks this will further cause, if any. Malecha reported on the long-term financial plan for the City. Mr. Martin spoke about the project recognition and community awards of the Community Development team. Community Development Director Adam Kienberger briefed Council members on promoting downtown reinvestment, implementing an updated code enforcement program and increasing communication with the public relating to development. Council member Freske encouraged a public forum to be established. Park & Recreation Director Schultz spoke about being better able to engage the community with project updates by offering a link on the city website available to the public. Schultz emphasized the importance of maintaining strong partnerships with local organizations in our community. Council member Freske expressed her concerns regarding baseball scoreboards and concessions at the UMore Complex. Council members agreed that concessions could be better utilized by local organizations for Qbhf!72!pg!341 fundraisers. Public Works Director Egger discussed the latest update on the Public Works & Police Department facility. He spoke of the upcoming Hwy 3 projects that MNDOT is beginning within Rosemount. Administrator Martin provided goals for both the Fire Department & Police Department. The Fire Department will begin their search for a FT Fire Chief in late July, along with the process of engaging consultants to support the new Chief on the initial transition to a full-time department. The Police Department was awarded a grant for education and training of a Peace Officer, and is planning to develop the framework for a K-9 program. Mr. Martin conveyed the need to establish a Public Safety Foundation in Rosemount to improve public safety and enhance community partnerships and public engagement. b. Preliminary 2025 Budget discussion City Administrator Martin and Administrative Services Director Malecha provided an overview of the 2025 preliminary budget. The city is approximately at 10% budget growth currently. Malecha stressed that key items are included in the current approximate budget, and we will have a clearer sense in August. Mr. Martin posed a question to the group, stating, what amount increase is the City Council comfortable with? Staff emphasized that the financial ceiling will be set in the months of September through December 2024. UPDATES a. Staff Reports Mayor Weisensel updated the City Council on the League of MN Cities Annual conference in Rochester that both himself and City Administrator Martin attended, they were pleased with the speakers, learning and networking. Community Development Director Kienberger provided an update on future planning commission items. Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director, provided an update on Lifetime project change orders. The Pond may or may not be renewing their lease, staff are working with the owner on a solution. Regarding the National Guard demolition project at Rosemount Community Center, Mr. Schultz is looking for rental work space for his 7 employees as they will be displaced from their offices at RCC for 12+ weeks. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the work session meeting and upon a motion by Weisensel and a second by Essler the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk Qbhf!73!pg!341 Qbhf!74!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization for Temporary Street Closings and AGENDA SECTION: Adding of Events to Service Agreement - CONSENT AGENDA Leprechaun Days PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6.d. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve street closings for the Big Wheel Races, Mid-Summer Faire and Parade as part of the 2024 Leprechaun Days Celebration and to add the events listed below to the 2024 Leprechaun Days Service Agreement BACKGROUND In the spring of 2024, the City Council approved a service agreement with the Leprechaun Days Committee. As in years past, street closing requests and the addition of events to the service agreement have been brought to the City Council for approval. The current requests for street closings include: Big Wheel, Trike and Scooter Races plus Penny Scramble - Wednesday, July 24 - 5:00 pm to thth 8:30 pm, Burma Avenue from 145 Street to 146Street. th Mid-summer Faire - Closing of 145 Street at Burma Avenue to Burnley Avenue on Thursday, July 25 from 5:00 – 11:00pm, Friday, July 26 from 5:00pm - 11:30pm and Saturday, July 27 from 4:00pm – 12:00am. Parade - Saturday, July 27 - 8:30 am to 1:30 pm or as soon as the parade ends. At 8:30 am 145th Street will be closed at Diamond Path and at Cimarron Avenue; Cobalt, Dallara, and Davenport Avenues will be closed at 145th Street West; and Shannon Parkway will be closed at 144th Street and at Dodd Road. At 10:30 am, the rest of the driveways and side streets intersecting the parade route along 145th Street will be closed. The Committee has also requested that the activities listed below be added to the service agreement: Family Fun Zone Community Band Performance Pink .2k Martial Arts Yoga in the Park Qbhf!75!pg!341 Ice Cream Social, petting zoo, Teddy Bear Band Gus Sent Me – Celts Professional Wrestling Shop Hop Shrek The Musical Jr. Meat Raffle Dogs for a Cause Dunk Tank at the Legion RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council approve street closings for the Big Wheel Races, Mid- Summer Faire and Parade as part of the 2024 Leprechaun Days Celebration and to add the events listed in the executive summary to the 2024 Leprechaun Days Service Agreement. Qbhf!76!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Halloween Event – Service Agreement AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6.e. ATTACHMENTS: Service Agreement APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the 2024 Service Agreement with the Halloween Committee BACKGROUND For the past several years, the City Council has approved a service agreement between the City and the organizers of the Haunted Woods Trail Halloween Event. Staff would like for the City Council to consider approving the proposed 2024 service agreement. This year’s event would take place Saturday, October 26, 2024. In past years, staff have worked with the Halloween Event Committee and have found them to be well organized and very capable of coordinating a great event. This fall the Committee is again planning on conducting a Haunted Woods Trail in Central Park. The services requested for this year’s event are similar to past years and are viewed by staff as having very minor impact on City operations. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the City Council approve the 2024 Service Agreement with the Halloween Event Committee. Qbhf!77!pg!341 SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND THE HALLOWEEN COMMITTEE THIS AGREEMENT is made the ______ day of July 2024 by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as “City”) and the Halloween Committee, a Minnesota association (hereinafter referred to as “the Halloween Committee”); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for a number of years the Halloween Committee has conducted an annual civic festival known as the Halloween Festivity – Haunted Woods Trail (hereinafter referred to as “the Halloween Festivity”); and WHEREAS, the city council of the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to promote the City and its businesses and to provide recreational opportunities for its residents by entering into a contract with the Halloween Committee to conduct the Halloween Festivity in 2023; NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1.The Halloween Committee will organize and conduct, in cooperation with the city staff, the Halloween Festivity for 2024, which shall run one evening, on a date to be agreed upon by Halloween Committee and the city council, in accordance with practices and standards of such festivals conducted in past years. Services shall include the recruitment, selection, training, and managing of such employees and volunteers as are necessary to conduct the Halloween Festivity, and shall include but not be limited to: a.advertising and promotions including the design, production and distribution of buttons, flyers and posters, and the development and installation of signs and banners; and b.securing all necessary governmental permits and seeking approval of street closings and other required City action; and c.soliciting financial support from individuals, businesses and organizations including sponsorships of certain events. Qbhf!78!pg!341 2. The Halloween Committee will undertake the work of this agreement as an independent contractor, and the Halloween Committee officers, employees, volunteers, and agents shall not be deemed agents or employees of the City for any purposes including, but not limited to, income tax withholding, workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation. 3. The Halloween Committee will maintain liability insurance providing the following coverages: Commercial general liability with personal injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and a general aggregate limitation of not less than $2,000,000. The City of Rosemount will be named as additional insured on all such policies and proof of insurance will be provided to the City. 4. As consideration for the services provided by the Halloween Committee, the City will pay monies received as contributions in support of the Community Festival. The amount actually paid will be limited to the amount of such contributions received. The City will advise the Halloween Committee, on request, of the status of funds received and funds reasonably expected to be received. 5.All services and activities conducted by the Halloween Committee shall be on a nondiscriminatory basis and in full compliance with all state and federal civil and human rights laws, regulations and rulings. 6.Those possessing current peddlers/solicitors’ licenses cannot be part of the Halloween Committee events unless they have registered with the Halloween Committee and have been approved by the committee. 7.In consideration of the performance by the Halloween Committee of the foregoing, the City will provide in-kind services for the Halloween Festivity including postage, shared advertising, assistance with cleanup, use of a City park, and crowd and traffic control by the police department. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By:_________________________________ Mayor By:_________________________________ City Clerk HALLOWEEN COMMITTEE By:_________________________________ Halloween Committee 2 Qbhf!79!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Appointment of Additional Election Judges for 2024 AGENDA SECTION: Elections CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk AGENDA NO. 6.f. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the Attached Resolution Appointing Additional Election Judges for the 2024 Elections BACKGROUND Minn. Stat. 204B.21, Subd. 2, requires that all cities appoint election judges before the election. Minn. Stat. 204B.21 also states that additional judges may be appointed within 25 days of the election if it is determined additional election judges will be required.Staff has recruited Rosemount and/or Dakota County residents to serve as election judges for the 2024 elections on August 13th and November 5th. The individuals listed in the resolution have indicated their willingness to serve in the upcoming elections. In order to serve as a judge, the law requires regular judges to complete a minimum of two hours of training and head election judges to complete a minimum of three hours of training every two years. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the resolution as attached. Qbhf!7:!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX RESOLUTION APPOINTING ADDITIONAL ELECTION JUDGES FOR 2024 ELECTIONS WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 204B.21 requires the governing body of a municipality to appoint election judges to serve in its precincts; and WHEREAS, the Rosemount 2024 Election appointments consists of individuals recommended by the City Clerk with the approval of the majority of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the general public listed below to serve as election judges reside in in the State of Minnesota as required by Minnesota Election Laws and will be trained according to Minnesota State Statutes: Allen, Deborah Bogart, Todd Flynn, Michael Hendricks, Jill Novak, Donald Peterson, John Riley, Randy NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minn. Stat. 204B.21, requires that all cities appoint election judges before the election. th ADOPTED this 16 day of July, 2024 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. _______________________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!81!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Request by Maplewood Development for Approval AGENDA SECTION: of the Amber Fields 19th Addition Final Plat CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 6.g. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Subdivision Agreement, Site Location, APPROVED BY: LJM Final Plat, Existing Conditions, Phasing Plan, Site Plan, Grading and Drainage Plan, Erosion Control Plan, Utility Plan; Landscape Plan, Engineer's Memo Dated July 3, 2024 RECOMMENDED ACTION: th 1. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for Amber Fields 19 Addition, subject to conditions. th 2. Motion to approve the subdivision agreement for Amber Fields 19 Addition and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk enter into the agreement. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Owner: Earl Street Partners II, LLC. Preliminary Plat Acres: 14.68 Acres Final Plat Acres: 5.73 Acres Residential Lots Created: 28 Single-Family Residential Lots Gross Density: 4.43 Units/Acre Net Density: 4.88 Units/Acre Comprehensive Plan Guiding: MUR - Mixed Use Residential Current Zoning: R1 PUD - Low Density Traditional Residential Planned Unit Development The City Council is being asked to consider a request by Maplewood Development for approval of a th Final Plat for Amber Fields 19 Addition to create 28 single-family residential lots. This final plat will th consist of the second and final phase of development for the 13 Addition preliminary plat area that was approved by the City Council in October 2023. The final plat is necessary to facilitate subdivision of the property into individual residential lots, and public streets. Staff finds the application consistent with the preliminary plat for this area and recommends approval of this application subject to the conditions listed in the resolution. Qbhf!82!pg!341 BACKGROUND The present applications are the latest step in a long process of planning for the development within UMore Park. The developer received Planned Unit Development approval with Rezoning from the City Council at its September 7, 2021, meeting. The Planned Unit Development anticipated roughly 1,959 residential units, which were to include a mixture of housing types such as single-family lots, townhome lots, and multi-family lots. There are a total of 18 Amber Fields additions that have been approved by the City Council. Preliminary Plat Areas that have been approved by City Council include ndrdththththththththththth Amber Fields 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18 additions with additions 9, thththth 10, 11, 12, and 16 being the remaining areas of the designated preliminary plat areas that are shown in the table below. There has been a total of 1,895 housing units approved so far within the Amber Fields Development Area and the table below shows the breakdown of units that have been approved per addition. Amber Field Additions Housing Type Total Units Approved by City Council nd,th,th Single Family and 301 units May 2022, September Amber Fields 2 12 and 16 Townhome 2023, and March 2024 Additions rdth Townhome 182 units June 2022 and Amber Fields 3 and 11 Additions September 2023 thth Single Family 108 units July 2022 and April 2023 Amber Fields 4 and 9 Additions thth Single Family 124 units July 2022 and April 2023 Amber Fields 5 and 10 Additions th Townhome 178 units June 2024 Amber Fields 6 Addition th Multifamily 250 units August 2022 Amber Fields 7 Addition th Multifamily 160 units December 2022 Amber Fields 8 Addition th Single Family 65 Units October 2023 Amber Fields 13 Addition th Townhome 174 units February 2024 Amber Fields 14 Addition th Single Family 167 units February 2024 Amber Fields 15 Addition th Single Family 120 units April 2024 Amber Fields 17 Addition th Single Family 66 units June 2024 Amber Fields 18 Addition th In October 2023, the preliminary plat for Amber Fields 13 Addition was approved by City Council. The preliminary plat consisted of 65 single family residential lots throughout a 14.68-acre section of the Amber Fields development area. The preliminary plat area is located in the southeast portion of the development, extending north from the connection road known as Aster Boulevard which will connect Amber Fields to Akron Avenue. The preliminary plat area was planned to be built out in two phases. th The first phase was platted as Amber Fields 13 Addition and consisted of the eastern portion of the site which contained 37 residential lots, Aster Boulevard and the eastern portion of the interior th roadway system. The 19 Addition will consist of the second phase and includes the remaining 28 residential lots, internal roadway system and the trail connection to the central greenway area. Qbhf!83!pg!341 Legal Authority The final plat application is Quasi-Judicial because the City has a set of standards and requirements for reviewing this type of application that is described in detail below. Generally, if the final plat meets the ordinance requirements, it must be approved. General Subdivision Design The preliminary plat area is located in the southeastern portion of the Amber Fields development area, th directly west of Akron Avenue and north of 154 St W. There will be two access points into the preliminary plat area directly off of the connection road to Akron Avenue called Aster Boulevard. The first access point to the site is located in the southeast portion of the plat area. The roadway called Annagire Curve extends north from that access point and loops through the site where it then connects with Aster Boulevard in the southwestern portion of the site. There is a second internal road that connects between the two sections of the looped road called Annagaire Curve. There is a 5-foot concrete sidewalk shown to be located throughout the site, as well as a trail in the northwest area of the site that will connect to the Greenway Area access trial. Land Use and Zoning The site is designated for MUR-Mixed Use Residential land uses, which can include a range of housing types, from single-family homes on traditional sixty-five foot lots to townhomes. The zoning district in which the preliminary plat is located is the R1 PUD -Low Density Traditional Residential Planned Unit Development zoning district. The Amber Fields Planned Unit Development Agreement includes several deviations from the Zoning Ordinance. A Minor Amendment to the PUD to reduce the minimum lot th width and to reduce the minimum lot area square footage was approved with the Amber Fields 13 Addition preliminary plat. The proposed corner lots within the subdivision meet the Amber Fields PUD requirements for minimum lot width and minimum lot area, but there are a few interior lots that do not meet the minimum 45 ft. lot width and 5,400 square foot lot area minimum. In addition to dimensional standards, the table below compares the proposed preliminary plat to the standards of the Amber Fields PUD. th Category Required (Amber Fields PUD) Amber Fields 13 Addition Min. Lot Area (sf) 5,400 (interior) 5,200 (interior) 7,200 (corner) 7,200 (corner) Min. Lot Width 45 ft. (interior) 40 ft. (interior) 55 ft. (corner) 55 ft. (corner) Min. Front Yard Setback 25 ft 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 5 ft. dwelling/5 ft. garage/10 ft. corner 5 ft. dwelling and garage/20 ft. (45-ft. wide lots) for corner lots 10 ft. dwelling/5 ft. garage/20 ft. corner (55- and 65-ft. wide lots) Min. Rear Yard Setback 20 ft. 20 ft., 30 ft. for Block 3 Final Plat Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are detailed in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the Code outlines the two-step Preliminary and Final Plat process for land subdivision. In this Qbhf!84!pg!341 case, the preliminary plat was approved by the Council in October 2023, consisting of 65 single-family lots. The current application proposes to plat 28 of the 65 single family residential lots and to dedicate right of way. There is one outlot proposed on the plat, which is shown as Outlot A and is located in the southwest corner of the plat area. The final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. Streets th There will be two public streets throughout the Amber Fields 13 Addition preliminary plat area and two access points into the site from the connection road off of Akron Avenue called Aster Boulevard. The two access points into the site comes from a road called Annagaire Curve which loops around the plat area. The first access point is located in the southeast area of the site where Annagaire Curve extends north off of Aster Boulevard and loops around the site where it ends at the second access point in the southwest area of the site and connects back to Aster Boulevard. The second road within the plat area called Annacotte Lane connects between the looped road. The eastern portion of the internal roadway system and Astern Boulvard were planned to be completed with the first phase of th Amber Fields 13 Addition. The remaining western portion of the roadway system will be completed th with the 19 Addition. Parks th The Parks and Recreation staff reviewed the park dedication requirement for the Amber Fields 13 Addition preliminary plat area as part of the overall Master Development Plan in order to take into account the multiple playgrounds and extensive open space within the development. Therefore, there is no park dedication requirement for this phase of Amber Fields. Landscaping The landscape plan submitted by the applicant shows a total of 88 trees to be planted throughout the th 13 Addition preliminary plat area. The city code requires all residential one-and two-unit developments to provide one deciduous tree per street frontage, which the landscape plan meets that requirement. A total of 88 trees will be planted with this development, therefore a landscaping surety in the amount of $29,040 (88 trees x $300 plus 10%) was required as a condition of approval with the th preliminary plat. There will be 32 trees planted within the 19 Addition. Engineering Review The City’s engineer has provided a memorandum containing comments related to the plans provided. The memorandum included comments related to utilities, grading and streets, signage and streetlighting. A copy of the memorandum is included in the attachments. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the final plat, subject to conditions, based on the information provided by the applicant and reviewed within this report. Qbhf!85!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR AMBER FIELDS 19TH ADDITION WHEREAS, Maplewood Development Inc. (Applicant) has submitted an application to the City of Rosemount for a Final Plat concerning property legally described as follows: Outlot B, AMBER FIELDS THIRTEENTH ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. th WHEREAS, staff reviewed the Final Plat for Amber Fields 19 Addition and recommends approval of the Final Plat; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2024, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the application and staff recommendation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby th approves the Final Plat for Amber Fields 19 Addition, subject to the following conditions: a.!Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. b.!Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. c.!Submission of $300/tree plus 10% for Landscape Surety, taking into account any surety already received. d.!Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the memorandum dated July 3, 2024. th ADOPTED this 16 day of July 2024, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!86!pg!341 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT th Amber Fields 19 Addition A GREEMENT dated this ________ day of ________________________, 2024, by and between the C ITY OF R OSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the City), and Maplewood Development and Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the Developer). 1. Request for Plat Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve the subdivision of land th and a plat of land to be known as Amber Fields 19 Addition, which land is legally described on ATTACHMENT ONE, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the Subject Property 2. Conditions of Plat Approval. The City has approved the subdivision and the plat on the following conditions: a. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. th b. Adherence with the conditions of the Final Plat for Amber Fields 19 Addition and Amber Fields Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan as amended. c. Incorporation of recommendations of the City Engineer concerning design and installation of public infrastructure and including grading, erosion control, streets and utilities. d. Payment of all applicable fees including GIS and other fees identified in the current fee schedule. e. Incorporation of any easements necessary to accommodate drainage, ponding, trails, underpasses, conservation areas, streets and utilities. f. Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated over all outlots. g. Provision of landscaping surety in the amount of $25,080. h. Park Dedication requirements were fulfilled as part of the Amber Fields Subdivision Agreement and Outlot plat through dedication of land and associated amenities. 3. Phased Development. The City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent additions of the plat if the Developer has breached this Agreement and the breach has not been remedied. Development of each subsequent phase may not proceed until a subdivision agreement for such phase is approved by the City. 4. Effect of Subdivision Approval. For seven (7) years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the Citys Comprehensive Plan, except an amendment placing the plat in the current urban service ui 1 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!87!pg!341 area, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer.Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the Citys Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement. 5. Development Plans. The Subject Property shall be developed in accordance with the following plans, specifications and contract documents, original copies of which are on file with the City Engineer. The plans and contract documents may be prepared and revised, subject to City approval, after entering this Agreement, but before commencement of any work on the Subject Property. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. The lans are: Plan A Preliminary plat: Amber Fields 13th Addition, Preliminary Plat Submittal page3 dated 8/14/2023, revised 10/2/2023 Plan B Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Schedule: Amber Fields 19th Addition, Phase 2 Final Plat Submittal pages 8 10 dated 6/20/2024 Plan C Grading and Drainage Plan: Amber Fields 19th Addition, Phase 2 Final Plat Submittal page 7 dated 6/20/2024 Plan D Plans & Specifications for Public Improvements: Amber Fields 19th Addition, Phase 2 Final Plat Submittal pages 11 - 15 dated 6/20/2024 Plan E Grading Plan: Amber Fields Mass Grading Plan Phase 3 dated 12/1/2022 as revised Plan F Site, Lighting and Signage Plan: Amber Fields 19th Addition, Phase 2 Final Plat Submittal page 6 dated 6/20/2024 Plan G Landscape Improvements: Amber Fields 19th Addition, Phase 2 Final Plat Submittal page 16 dated 6/20/2024 All improvements, including Developer Improvements (as noted in Section 6), that lie within the public right-of-way or easements and are improvements listed in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.021 (hereinafter Public Improvements) will be designed by the Developer and must be approved by the City Engineer. The Developer will prepare plans and specifications for Public Improvements which shall be approved by the City Engineer. Such approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld, and the City shall approve or provide Developer with necessary revision comments within thirty (30) calendar days of Developer submittal of Public Improvement plans and specifications. The City will perform all construction inspection for the Public Improvements, at the Developers expense. Construction inspection includes but is not limited to inspection, documentation, and monitoring. 6. Installation by Developer. The Developer shall install or cause to be installed and pay for the following within this phase of the project as reflected herein unless expressly noted otherwise. A. Surveying and staking B. Surface improvements (paved streets, sidewalks, trails, etc.) C. Water main improvements D. Sanitary sewer improvements E. Storm sewer improvements F. Setting of lot and block monuments G. Gas, electric, telecommunications, and cable lines ui 2 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!88!pg!341 H.Site grading I.Landscaping J. Streetlights K. Other items as necessary to complete the development as stipulated herein or in other agreements signed by Developer. Developer is required to obtain all necessary permits as required by regulatory agencies and other levels of government beyond the City of Rosemount. 7. Time of Performance. The pavement wear course shall be completed within one year of the first lift installation for all public roads within the Subject Property. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City., If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date, if any. 8. \[This Section Intentionally Left Blank\] 9. \[This Section Intentionally Left Blank\] 10. Security for Developer Improvements. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Agreement, payment of the costs of all Developer Improvements, and construction of all Developer Improvements (as noted in Section 6), the Developer shall furnish the City with a cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit from a local bank (security) in the amount of Eight Hundred Sixty-Three Thousand, Four Hundred Twenty-Three Dollars ($863,423). The amount of the security was calculated as follows: Letter of Credit for Developer Improvements (due with signed agreement) No.ItemCost110%Calculation 1Grading and Erosion Control$ 17,196$ 18,916$3,000/ac x 5.732 acres 2Pond Restoration and Erosion Control Removal$ 25,000$ 27,500Minimum $25,000 3Survey Monumentation$ 14,000$ 15,400$500/lot x 28 lots 4Landscaping$ 9,600$ 10,560Per City Planner - 32 trees 5Street Lights$ 15,000$ 16,500$7,500/light x 2 lights 6Surface Improvements$ 203,305$ 254,131125% 7Water Main Improvements$ 138,476$ 173,095125% 8Sanitary Sewer Improvements$ 146,062$ 182,578125% 9Storm Sewer Improvements$ 131,795$ 164,744125% Total$ 700,434 $ 863,423 Refer to Exhibits A, B, C, and D for an explanation of each item. The bank and form of the letter of credit or other security shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The letter of credit shall be automatically renewable until the City releases the developer from responsibility under this Agreement with respect to the items in the chart above. The letter of credit shall secure compliance with all terms of this Agreement and all obligations of the Developer under it. The City may draw down on the letter of credit without notice if the obligations of the Developer have not been completed, , as required by this Agreement. In the event of a default under this Agreement by the Developer, the City shall furnish the Developer with written notice by certified mail of Developers default(s) under the terms of this Agreement. If the Developer does not remove said default(s) within thirty (30) days of receiving the notice, the City may draw on the letter of credit and take such steps as it deems necessary to remedy the default. Developer may request an extension of the 30-day cure period, which the City has the discretion to approve or deny in its reasonable judgment. With City approval, the letter of credit shall be reduced from time to time as financial obligations are paid and Developer Improvements and other Developer obligations are completed to the Citys ui 3 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!89!pg!341 requirements. Within ten (10) business days of the date of the reduction request, the City shall begin a review of the request. Processing of an approval of said requests will be dependent on the level of detailed information submitted to the City by the Developer, and from time to time the Developer may be required to provide supplemental information to substantiate a request. The City will act in good faith to process and approve reduction requests in a reasonable and timely fashion 11. Grading Plan/Site Grading. Site grading shall be completed by the Developer at its cost and approved by the City Engineer. The completion of grading activities will need to be coordinated by the City in conjunction with the installation of utilities. Developer shall furnish the City Engineer satisfactory proof of payment for the site grading work and shall submit a certificate of survey of the development to the City as the site grading is completed by phase, with street and lot grades. 12. License. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the Subject Property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City. Such license shall terminate as to each lot within the Subject Property upon acceptance by the City of the public infrastructure improvements. 13. Erosion Control. Prior to site grading, and before any utility construction is commenced or building permits are issued, an approved erosion control plan, to be submitted with the final grading plan for grading permit shall be implemented, inspected and approved by the City. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within seventy-two (72) hours after the completion of the work in that area. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be rye grass or other fast-growing seed suitable to the existing soil to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be mulched and disc-anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is critical in controlling erosion. If development does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule, or supplementary instructions received from the City the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. This right also applies to the required erosion control for basement and/or foundation excavation spoil piles. The City will attempt to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the . If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within thirty (30) business days after receipt of an invoice for the work, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay such costs. No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Subject Property is in full compliance with the erosion control requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City agrees that the Developer shall have no continuing liability with respect to lots or any other portion of the Property as of the date that the Developer transfers each such portion of the Property to a builder. Developer shall follow MPCA required protocol for transfer of Stormwater Construction Permit responsibility to the new owner of each lot. The Developer is required to show proof of this assignment to the City. Until such time that the transfer of permit responsibility is presented to the City, the City will consider the Developer to remain responsible for required erosion and sediment control. 14. Clean up. The Developer shall clean streets of dirt and debris that has resulted from construction work by the Developer or its agents. The City will inspect the site on a weekly basis and determine whether it is necessary to take additional measures to clean dirt and debris from the streets Costs for City inspection of onsite erosion and sediment control shall be at the Developers expense. After a twenty-four (24) hour verbal or written notice to the Developer, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean- ui 4 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!8:!pg!341 up at the Developers expense. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within thirty (30) business days after receipt of an invoice for the work, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay such costs.The Developer shall inspect and, if necessary, clean all catch basins, sumps, and ponding areas of erosion/siltation and restore to the original condition at the end of the home construction or completion within each phase of this development. All silt fence and other erosion control should be removed following the establishment of turf. These items are to be secured through the letter of credit as is noted in Exhibit A. 15. Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion and City acceptance of the work and construction required by this Agreement, the Public Improvements lying within public rights-of-way and easements shall become City property without further notice or action unless the improvements are specifically identified herein as private infrastructure. 16. Warranty. The Developer warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of two (2) years after its completion and acceptance by the City or such longer period as is specified in plans and specifications for Public Improvements. All trees, grass and sod shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality and disease free for twenty-four (24) months after planting. Vegetation surrounding ponds and/or wetlands shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality and weed free for three (3) years after planting. For each pond/wetland in the development, the Developer shall provide to the City Engineer an inspection report by July 31 each year. that includes the following: A.!Date of inspection B.!Name of person responsible for inspection. C.!Photos of the pond/wetland area confirming the vegetation is established as intended. D.!Maintenance plan describing the required maintenance activities and tentative schedule. Any required wetland reporting must comply wit rules. 17. Responsibility for Costs. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the Subject Property including, but not limited to, Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the subdivision and the plat, the preparation of this Agreement and any amendments hereto, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting the development of the Subject Property. B. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the preparation and enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering and attorneys fees. Upon request, the City shall provide invoices, in reasonable detail, as to any such fees. The estimated City fees of One Hundred Four Thousand, Seven Hundred Thirty-Seven Dollars ($104,737) shall be deposited with the City at the time this Agreement is signed, and represent the following amounts: ui 5 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!91!pg!341 If the actual City fees exceed this estimate, the Developer shall pay the additional costs to the City within thirty (30) business days after receipt of a written request from the City, which shall include an invoice, including itemized costs. If actual City fees are lower than this estimate, any surplus funds will be returned to the Developer when the project fund is reconciled and closed. C. The Developer shall pay in full all invoices submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Agreement within thirty (30) business days after receipt. If the invoices are not paid on time, the City may halt development work and construction including, but not limited to, the issuance of building permits, assess costs, or pursue other appropriate and lawful remedies, until the past-due invoices are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) business days shall accrue interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per year. D. The Developer shall pay all energy costs for street lights installed within the Subject Property for 24 months at a cost of $30/month/light. After that, the City shall pay and be responsible for the energy costs. E. The Developer will pay the cost of sealcoating the public streets within the development at a cost of $1.70/SY. The sealcoating will be completed within three (3) years following wear course placement. F. The Developer will pay the cost of fog sealing the public trails within the development at a cost of $0.35/SF. The fog sealing will be completed within three (3) years following trail installation. 18. Indemnification. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, agents and employees harmless from claims made by third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat or subdivision approval and development of the Subject Property, except for any costs or expenses arising from intentional acts or gross negligence of the City, or its agents, employees or contractors. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, agents and employees for all costs, damages or expenses that the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys fees. 19. Insurance. The Developer agrees to take out and maintain until six (6) months after the City has accepted the Developer Improvements, commercial general liability insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developers work or the work of its contractors or subcontractors. Liability limits shall be not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 annual aggregate and twice said limits when the claim arises out of the release or threatened release of a hazardous substance. To accomplish the above limits, an umbrella excess liability policy may be used. ion insurance with coverage amounts required by statute. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the commercial general liability policy or umbrella/excess insurance policy, if applicable. The Developer must provide a certificate of insurance to the City demonstrating compliance with the above. The certificate of insurance shall ui 6 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!92!pg!341 provide that the City must be given the same advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance as is afforded to the Developer. 20. Park, Utility Fees and Service Charges. The Developer agrees to pay sanitary sewer trunk, water trunk, and stormwater area charges set forth in this Section prior to release of the final plat of each plat within the project phase for the lots created by each plat. The sanitary sewer, water, and stormwater connection charges set forth in this Section shall be paid prior to building permit issuance on a per unit basis. The party requesting a building permit, not the Developer, shall be responsible for these connection charges. The rates for each of these items will be set according to the current rate structure for connection charges and trunk area charges at the time of final plat approval or receipt of a building permit and the fees will be adjusted based upon actual bid costs for road assessments. Park dedication fees or property in lieu of, will be addressed in each final plat of project phases as part of the subdivision agreement with the City, which shall be consistent with this Agreement. a. The fees, charges, and assessments in effect as of the date of this Agreement and estimated th based upon the Developer-submitted plan dated 6/20/2024 for Amber Fields 19 (as revised) are stated in Exhibit B. The Developer shall receive a dollar-for-dollar credit for the cost of any oversizing to address regional stormwater facilities and infrastructure that the Developer constructs which provides regional service functionality for stormwater sources above and beyond those which originate within Amber Fields. Credits amounts to the Developer will be locked in at the dollar value for the year in which the corresponding infrastructure was installed. b. Park Dedication Fees: Satisfied via Amber Fields Subdivision Agreement dated March 1, 2022. c. Storm Sewer Trunk Area Charges in the amount of $46,503. d. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charges in the amount of $8,130. e. Water Trunk Charges in the amount of $49,155. f. The Developer understands that builders will be required to pay for the Subject Property fees, charges and assessments in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. The rates for each of these items will be set according to the current rate structure at the time the building permit is received. The fees, charges, and assessments in effect as of the date of this Agreement are stated below. The City agrees that it shall collect such amounts with building permits and that the party requesting a building permit, not the Developer, shall be responsible for these charges. i. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charges per SAC unit (current rate is $2,485 per single-family home). ii. Sanitary Sewer Availability Charges per SAC unit (currently at $1,200/SAC unit). iii. Water Availability Charges per WAC unit (currently at $2,475/WAC unit for single-family residential and multi-family residential). iv. Storm Sewer Connection Charges per unit. 21. Certificates of Occupancy. Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the City Chief Building Official, no certificates of occupancy shall be issued until: a. The site grading is completed and approved by the City. b. All public utilities are tested, approved by the City Engineer, and in service. c. All curbing is installed and backfilled. d. The first lift of bituminous is in place and approved by the City. e. All building permit fees for the lot requesting the occupancy permit are paid in full. f. No early building permits will be issued without prior authorization from the City Building Official. ui 7 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!93!pg!341 The Developer in executing this Agreement, assumes all liability and costs for damage or delays incurred by the City in construction of Public Improvements caused by the Developer, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, material men or agents. 22. Record Drawings. At project completion, Developer shall submit record drawings of all public and private infrastructure improvements in accordance with the Citys Engineering Guidelines. No securities will be fully released until all record drawings have been submitted and accepted by the City Engineer. 23. Developers Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City will furnish the Developer with written notice of such default by certified mail. If the Developer does not remove said default(s) within thirty (30) days of receiving the notice, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, no less than 48 hours in advance. Developer may request an extension of the 30-day cure period, which the City has the discretion to approve or deny in its reasonable judgment. This Agreement is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work to cure a default, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, draw on the letter of credit or other security described in Section 10, or levy the cost in whole or in part as a special assessment against portions of the Subject Property owned or managed by Developer. Developer waives its rights to notice of hearing and hearing on such assessments and its right to appeal such assessments pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081. 24. Miscellaneous. a. The Developer represents to the City that the development of the Subject Property, the subdivision and the plat comply with all city, county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the subdivision, or the plat, or the development of the Subject Property does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work on the Subject Property until the Developer does comply. Upon the Citys written demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. b. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Agreement. c. Breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. d. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. e. The action or inaction of a party shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. f. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. All terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto and shall be binding upon all future owners of all or any part of the Subject Property and shall be deemed covenants running with the land. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not be binding upon the owners of individual units or residences built upon lots within the development and shall not be deemed to run with the title of the individual units or residences within the development. This provision does not release any ui 8 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!94!pg!341 om the terms and provisions of this Agreement. The Developer shall take such steps, including execution of amendments to this Agreement, as are necessary to affectthe recording hereof.After the Developer has completed the work required of it under this Agreement, at the Developers request as to all or a portion of the Subject Property, the City will execute and deliver to the Developer the requested release(s). g. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon a party herein is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to such party, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by such party and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. h. The Developer may not assign this Agreement without the written permission of the City Council, except the Developer may assign this Agreement to Earl Street Partners II, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, without written permission from the City Council. i. The Developer acknowledges that the City may issue additional requirements outside of the 2024 General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction or the 2008 Engineering Guidelines as the City is in the process of updating these documents. The review process may require additional time and expense due to this process, which shall be the Developers responsibility. The Developer shall not be billed for the time required for the City to update and approve their revisions to the 2024 General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction or the 2008 Engineering Guidelines. j. This Agreement includes all attachments, exhibits, and schedules, if any, attached to it, all of which are hereby made a part of this Agreement. 25. Disclaimer of Relationship. Nothing in this Agreement nor any act by the City or the Developer shall be deemed or construed by the City, the Developer, or any third party as creating any relationship of principal/agent, limited or general partner or joint venture between such parties. 26. Landscaping and Irrigation of Common Areas and Rights-of-Way. Installing finished sod Common Area and the adjacent Common Area upon the Developer transferring title to the lot to a builder. Such builder shall thereafter be responsible for installing finished sod in the Common Area adjacent to the lot through any right-of-way area to the curb line or trail, as applicable. Irrigation, lawn maintenance, and landscaping within any Common Area and/or right-of-way thereafter shall be by the owner of the lot to be expressed in a recorded instrument, unless responsibility is assumed by a includes, without limitation, cutting and irrigating lawns and vegetation, weed control, and tree trimming. No permanent irrigation system may be installed within any City right-of-way unless the City provides its prior written approval. A visual representation of the parties responsible for the irrigation, lawn maintenance and landscaping described in this Section 26 is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit E: Maintenance Responsibility. Shaded areas identified as either an Outlot or an Addition are the areas where private parties are responsible. Akron Avenue/North of Outlots T and S1, (b) right-of-way on both sides of Akron Avenue ui 9 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!95!pg!341 between 145th Street and 155th Street, a portion of which is shown in Inset F, and (c) the area at the center of Amber Fields, which is North of Outlots N, O and P and the 2nd Addition and South of the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 3rd Additions, portions of this are shown atthe bottom of Insets B and C and at the top of Insets D and E. The City acknowledges its maintenance area (see (c) in previous sentence) includes the area around the large pond to be installed by Developer. In addition to what is depicted on Exhibit E, the City acknowledges it is responsible for initial Auburn Avenue project that will be constructed South of 148th Street. The Maintenance Responsibility exhibit does not address who is responsible for tree removal and replacement within rights-of-way. The City is responsible for tree removal and replacement only in the rights-of-way of 148th Street, Akron Avenue, and Auburn Avenue. The Maintenance Responsibility exhibit does not address who is responsible for snow removal. The City is responsible for snow removal from all trails. The City is also responsible for snow removal from all sidewalks within rights-of-way for Akron Avenue, Auburn Avenue, and 148th Street which run parallel to the street along which they are built. Snow on all other segments of sidewalks within the neighborhoods will be cleared by private property owners, HOAs, or similar collective maintenance arrangements or agreements. This Section 26 does not alter responsibilities of (i) the Developer or a builder as to initial construction of sidewalks, trails, or landscaping, including irrigation, or (ii) the City as to its Akron Avenue and Auburn Avenue construction projects South of 148th Street, except for the shaded area designated as 2nd Addition that is East of such future Auburn Avenue. 27. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to Mr. Mario J. Cocchiarella on behalf of the Developer, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Maplewood Development and Construction, Inc 1128 Harmon Place Suite 320 Minneapolis, MN 55403 A copy of each notice, whether hand delivered or mailed, to Developer shall be simultaneously plindmark@taftlaw.com. Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP Attn: Patrick J. Lindmark 2200 IDS Center 80 South 8th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-2157 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: City Administrator Rosemount City Hall th 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 \[Remainder of page intentionally left blank.\] ui 10 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!96!pg!341 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor BY: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk S TATE OF M INNESOTA ) ) SS C OUNTY OF D AKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _____________________, 2024, by Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor, and Erin Fasbender, City Clerk, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public MAPLEWOOD DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION, INC BY: Mario J. Cocchiarella, its President S TATE OF M INNESOTA ) ) SS C OUNTY OF ___________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ______________________, 2024 by Mario J. Cocchiarella, President of Maplewood Development and Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public Drafted By: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ui Signature Page Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!97!pg!341 EXHIBIT A The following clarifies the various portions of the letter of credit for Developer Improvements that are outlined in the Subdivision Agreement; except, however, the City will accept the amounts attributed to grading and erosion control and pond restoration/erosion control removal from a contractor instead of the Developer. Grading & Erosion Control A restoration and erosion control bond to ensure re-vegetation and erosion control ($3,000/acre). Note: The minimum surety amount is set at $25,000. Pond Restoration/Erosion Control Removal A security to allow for cleaning of sedimentation ponds prior to City acceptance, and removal of any installed erosion control measures such as silt fence and wood fiber blanket following development of 75% of adjoining lots (estimated lump sum). Survey Monumentation An amount equal to 110% of the cost to monument all lots within the development. Landscaping An amount equal to 110% of the cost to complete the minimum required landscaping. If additional landscaping is planned, a surety for that cost is not required. ui Exhibit A Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!98!pg!341 EXHIBIT B (SUMMARY OF DEVELOPMENT FEES AND LOT AREAS) ui Exhibit B Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!99!pg!341 Qbhf!9:!pg!341 Qbhf!:1!pg!341 EXHIBIT C (D ETAIL CALCULATION OF TRUNK AREA CHARGES) ui Exhibit C Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!:2!pg!341 Total Sanitary Area26,858.17$ Total Water Area162,398.22$ Total Stormwater Area153,635.10$ Qbhf!:3!pg!341 EXHIBIT D (O VERALL TRUNK AREA CHARGE CALCULATIONS FOR A MBER F IELDS D EVELOPMENT) ui Exhibit D Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!:4!pg!341 Qbhf!:5!pg!341 n rate in year when final subdivision and final platting occur) occur) over time. Actual charges based on rate in All calculations based on City of Rosemount year when final subdivision and final platting Adopted 2022 Trunk Rates (Subject to change NOTE:All calculations based on City of Rosemount Adopted 2022 Trunk Rates (Subject to change over time. Actual charges based oNOTE:City of Rosemount Adopted 2024 Trunk Rates are: SAC = $1,075/acre; WAC = $6,500/acre; STAC = $6,585/acre EXHIBIT E MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY LEGEND (also in lower right corner of Exhibit) -!COLOR INDICATES PARTY/DEVELOPMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC AREAS -!PROPERTY LINE -!PRIVATE PROPERTY NOTE: ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SUCH AS PIPES AND HEADS USED BY PRIVATE ENTITIES TO IRRIGATE ADJACENT PUBLIC AREAS SHALL REMAIN ON PRIVATE PROPERTY -!BITUMINOUS TRAIL DEMARCATES BOUNDARY OF MAINTENANCE AREAS LOCATIONS OF AUBURN AVENUE AND AKRON AVENUE, AND 148TH STREET -!Auburn Avenue (including the future portion) is the road shown West of and adjacent to the 2nd Addition shaded area. -!Akron Avenue is the road at the center of Inset F. -!148th Street is the road that extends East-West from Auburn Avenue to Akron Avenue, South of the 6th and 7th Additions and Outlot C, and North of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Additions. Exhibit E ui Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!:6!pg!341 A TTACHMENT O NE Amber FieldsNineteenthAddition Final Plat ui Attachment 1 Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Tvcejwjtjpo!Bhsffnfou! Kvmz!3135! Qbhf!:8!pg!341 Qbhf!211!pg!341 Qbhf!214!pg!341 Qbhf!217!pg!341 Qbhf!219!pg!341 Qbhf!21:!pg!341 Qbhf!221!pg!341 Qbhf!222!pg!341 Qbhf!224!pg!341 Qbhf!225!pg!341 Qbhf!226!pg!341 Qbhf!227!pg!341 Qbhf!228!pg!341 Qbhf!229!pg!341 Memorandum Up;Csjbo!Fsjdltpo-!Djuz!Fohjoffs! Ojdl!Fhhfs-!Ejsfdups!pg!Qvcmjd!Xpslt! Bouipoz!Ofndfl-!Tfojps!Qmboofs! Kbof!Czspo-!Tupsn!Xbufs!Tqfdjbmjtu Gspn;Bnboeb!Tbdij-!QF Lfoesb!Gbmmpo-!QF Lsjt!Lfmmfs-!QF Ebuf;Kvmz!4-!3135 ui Sf;Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:Beejujpo!Gjobm!Qmbu!Sfwjfx XTC!Qspkfdu!Op/!137135.111 Xf!ibwf!sfwjfxfe!uif!epdvnfout!qspwjefe!cz!Bmmjbou!Fohjoffsjohpo!Kvof!37-!3135/Epdvnfout! sfwjfxfe!jodmvef; ui Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:Beejujpo!Gjobm!Qmbu!Djwjm!Tfu-!ebufe!702:035 Beejujpobm!sfemjof!dpnnfout!bsf!qspwjefe!po!uif!tvcnjuufe!djwjm!qmbot/!Bqqmjdbou!tipvme!qspwjef! sftqpotft!up!fbdi!dpnnfouboe!sfemjof!dpnnfou/!Xfpggfs!uif!gpmmpxjoh!dpnnfout!cfmpx/ Civil Comments: 2/Hfofsbm b/Tvcnju!gps!boe!qspwjef!dpqjft!up!uif!Djuz!pg!bmm!sfrvjsfe!qfsnjut!gspn!sfhvmbupsz! bhfodjft!)NDFT-!Njooftpub!Qpmmvujpo!Dpouspm!Bhfodz-!Njooftpub!Efqbsunfou!pg! Ifbmui-!OQEFT-!fud/* 3/Vujmjujft b/Tijgu!uif!izesbou!ofbs!uif!joufstfdujpo!pg!Boobdpuuf!Mbof!boe!Boobhbjsf!Dvswf!up! uif!tbnf!tjef!bt!uif!xbufsnbjo j/Npejgz!uif!xbufsnbjo!tvdi!uibu!uif!ijhiqpjout!pg!uif!xbufsnbjo!tztufn bsf!bu!qspqptfe!izesbou!mpdbujpot c/Opuf!up!wfsjgz!uif!fyjtujoh!tbojubsz!tfxfsnbjo!tuvc!fmfwbujpot!boe!hsbeft!up! nbjoubjo!dpoujovjuz!boe!up!dpoofdu!xjui!qspqptfe!tusvduvsft!boe!qjqft 4/Tusffut-!Tjhobhf!boe!Tusffu!Mjhiujoh b/Qspwjefipsj{poubm!dvswftpg!qspqptfe!spbexbzt j/Ipsj{poubm!dvswft!uibu!ep!opu!nffu!41!nqi!tupqqjoh!tjhiu!ejtubodft!xjmm! sfrvjsf!bekvtujoh!uif!dvswf!sbejvt!ps!qspwjejohsfevdfe!tqffe!tjhot 5/Mboetdbqf b/Op!dpnnfout H;\]3135\]Qmboojoh!Dbtft\]35.62!GQ!Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:ui!Beejujpo\]137135.111!Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:ui!Beejujpo!.Qmbo!Sfwjfx!Nfnp!3135/18/14/epdy Qbhf!22:!pg!341 ui Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Beejujpo!!Gjobm!Qmbu!Sfwjfx! Kvmz!4-!3135 Qbhf!3! Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: ! 6/!Hfofsbm! b/!Op!dpnnfout! ! 7/!Qpoet!boe!Xfumboet! b/!Op!dpnnfout/!! ! 8/!Fnfshfodz!Pwfsgmpx!Spvuft! b/!Sfwjtf!FPG!cfuxffo!Mput!:!'!21!Cmpdl!3!up!bddvsbufmz!sfgmfdu!uif!(mpxftu(!ijhi! qpjou!gspn!uif!mpx!qpjou!jo!uif!spbe! j/!Nbjoubjo!njojnvn!sfrvjsfe!gsffcpbse!gspn!cvjmejoh!qbe!MPFt! ! 9/!Sfubjojoh!Xbmmt! b/!Op!dpnnfout! ! :/!Fsptjpo!Dpouspm! ui b/!Dpogjsn!spdl!dpotusvdujpo!fousbodf!mpdbujpo!gps!2:!Beejujpo!dpotusvdujpo/! ! 21/!Hsbejoh! b/!Ejsfdu!esbjobhf!bspvoe!qmbzhspvoe! c/!Ejsfdu!esbjobhf!bxbz!gspn!cvjmejoh!qbet! d/!Hsbef!pvu!uif!fyjtujoh!cfsn!ps!efqsfttjpo!opsuixftu!pg!Mpu!4!Cmpdl!3! e/!Uif!fmfwbujpo!bu!uif!cbdl!pg!uif!Mpu!9!Cmpdl!4!cvjmejoh!qbe!):54/:*!epft!opu! bhsff!xjui!uif!qspqptfe!dpoupvs!):55*! Stormwater Management Plan: 2/!Hfofsbm!Tupsn!Tfxfs!Eftjho! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! ! 3/!Xbufs!Rvboujuz! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! !! 4/!Sbuf0Wpmvnf!Dpouspm! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! ! 5/!Gsffcpbse! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! ! 6/!Xbufs!Rvbmjuz! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! ! 7/!Fbtfnfout! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! ! Qbhf!231!pg!341 ui Bncfs!Gjfmet!2:!Beejujpo!!Gjobm!Qmbu!Sfwjfx! Kvmz!4-!3135 Qbhf!4! General ! Hvjefmjoft!boe!Tuboebset/!!Jogsbtusvduvsf!dpotusvdujpo!tibmm!cf!dpnqmfufe!jo!bddpsebodf!xjui!uif! mbuftu!f Dpotusvdujpo/! ! Qbhf!232!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Pre-Application Escrow Agreement with AGENDA SECTION: Independent School District 196 - Rosemount High CONSENT AGENDA School Additions PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 6.h. ATTACHMENTS: Pre-Application Escrow Agreement APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a pre-application escrow agreement to provide funding for advanced review and engineering planning work on the upcoming Rosemount High School Expansions. BACKGROUND The City has been in discussion with Independent School District 196 and their project delivery team on upcoming additions to Rosemount High School and the associated site work. The District intends to begin work on this project beginning shortly after school is out in the spring of 2025. In order to meet that timeline, the District intends to submit their formal application to the City in the coming months. To assist the school district in meeting desired timelines, a number of pre-application meetings between parties and advanced technical analysis/review work is necessary before the formal application such that project details are dialed in properly. As the City must have a significant amount of the technical analysis and review work performed by third party consulting firms, a funding source will be needed to cover those expenses. The attached template agreement, authorizes the District to deposit $25,000 in support of those preliminary project review and technical analysis expenses. Any funds remaining unspent at the time of final approval and execution of a subdivision agreement for this project will be credited towards standard City subdivision fees due at that time. The District is scheduled to approve and execute the agreement on their behalf during their upcoming School Board meeting on July 22nd. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached partially executed pre-application escrow agreement, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to affix their signatures. Qbhf!233!pg!341 CITY OF PRE-APPLICATION ESCROW AGREEMENT ROSEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION This Pre-Application Escrow Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of the date indicated below by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”), and Independent School District No. 196, a public school district (the “Applicant”). The th parties hereto have entered into this Agreement effective as of the 16 day of July, 2024. Recitals A.The Applicant intends to undertake a project, entitled Rosemount High School Addition (the “Project”), that will require the submission of one or more applications to the City pursuant to the Rosemount City Code, including, without limitation, applications for site plan, rezoning, and preliminary and final plat (subdivision). B.Prior to such applications, certain environmental review work and other work is necessary from the City’s planning, engineering, and/or legal consultants related directly to Project for which the City will incur costs (“Professional Costs”). C.In order to facilitate the expedient review and work by the City and its consultants and rather than requiring the Applicant to submit an application and associated escrows immediately, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to provide for a pre-application escrow account to establish a fund from which the City can reimburse itself for its actual Professional Costs it incurs related to the Project. Agreement The parties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows: 1.Escrow. The Applicant agrees to fully reimburse the City for the Professional Costs the City incurs related to the Project. To secure the payment of those costs, the Applicant shall, within five days from the effective date of this Agreement, remit payment to the City in the amount of $25,000 to be held by the City in escrow (“Escrow”). The City will deposit the Escrow in a non-interest-bearing account and shall withdraw funds from it as needed to reimburse itself for its actual Professional Costs. The City’s authority to reimburse itself for its costs from the Escrow is not dependent on, or limited by, any changes the Applicant may make to the Project or by the Applicant not following through with the Project. The Escrow provided under this Agreement does not necessarily replace any portion of the escrow amount the Applicant may be required to provide at the time of submitting an application, although the City may separately agree to allow the unused portion of the Escrow to offset a portion of any escrow required to be submitted with an application. 2.Additional Escrow. If the City determines the amount deposited as Escrow will not be sufficient to fully reimburse its Professional Costs, the City will notify the Applicant of the additional amount(s) that must be deposited before it will authorize its consultants to continue to respond to the Applicant’s or work on matters associated with the Project. The additional amount(s) shall be deposited within five days of such notification. If the Applicant fails to Rosemount High School Addition 1 Pre-Application Escrow Agreement Qbhf!234!pg!341 provide the required additional amount(s), or for any reason fails to fully reimburse the City for its Professional Costs, the Applicant expressly agrees that any such unreimbursed amount constitutes a service charge the City may collect pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 366.012 by way of Minn. Stat. § 415.01 by certifying the unreimbursed amount, and any collection costs, to the county auditor in any county in the state in which the Applicant owns property for collection together with the taxes imposed on the property. The City may also exercise any other authority available to it under law to recover its unreimbursed Professional Costs from the Applicant. 3.Return of Escrow. Once the Applicant submits an application to the City for the Project, or indicates in writing that it will not be pursuing the Project and requests a return of the remaining Escrow, the City will return any remaining portion of the Escrow to the Applicant, without interest, within 30 days after completing all payments to its consultants related to the Project. The Applicant understands that the consultants’ billing cycle may result in a bill not being received, processed, and paid by the City for up to two months or more after the work was performed. 4.No Obligation. The City desires to promote and facilitate projects that are proposed in a way consistent with its City Code and associated land use controls; however, the City entering into this Agreement does not obligate it to provide any particular level or timing of service, either directly or through its consultants, and such services shall in no way give rise to any guarantees or warranties. Furthermore, by entering into this Agreement the City is not expressly or implicitly agreeing to any proposals or land use requests which the Applicant may submit to the City, whether related to the Project or otherwise. Any such proposals and requests will need to be processed and acted on in accordance with the City’s established procedures. 5.No Joint Venture. Nothing herein constitutes the creation of a joint venture or joint undertaking between the City and the Applicant. This Agreement is simply providing a means for reimbursing the City its Professional Costs incurred related to Project just as if the Applicant had formally submitted an application to the City. Furthermore, nothing herein shall constitute, or be construed as constituting, a waiver of any limitation on, or exemption from, liability available to the City under Minn. Stat. Chap. 466 or other law. 6.Accounting. The City will provide the Applicant with itemized documentation of the amounts withdrawn from the Escrow, in the form of vendor or City invoices, within 30 days of each withdrawal. All Professional Costs reimbursed through Escrow withdrawals will be at normal and customary rates currently charged by the City or its consultants. APPLICANT: By:_____________________________By:_____________________________ Its:_____________________________Its:_____________________________ CITY: By:_____________________________By:_____________________________ Rosemount High School Addition 2 Pre-Application Escrow Agreement Qbhf!235!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Request by My Credit Union for approval of a AGENDA SECTION: Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities CONSENT AGENDA and a Minor Amendment to the Rosewood Commons Planned Unit Development Agreement. PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 6.i. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions, Minor PUD Amendment, Site Location, APPROVED BY: LJM Existing Conditions, Grading and Drainage Plan, Erosion Control Plan, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Utility Plan, Paving Plan, Landscape Plan, Architectural Plans, 3D Renderings, Photometric Plan, City Engineer's Memo Dated June 12, 2024, Parks and Recreation Director's Memo Dated June 14, 2024 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Minor Amendment to the Rosewood Commons Planned Unit Development Agreement reducing the vehicle stacking requirement for drive-through facilities, subject to conditions, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Minor Amendment to the Rosewood Common Planned Unit Development Agreement. 2. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit allowing drive-through facilities for My Credit Union, subject to conditions. BACKGROUND Applicant: My Credit Union Property Owner: Warren & Kathleen Israelson Site Area in Acres: 1.88 Acres Comp Plan Land Use Designation: CC - Community Commercial Current Zoning: C4 PUD - General Commercial Planned Unit Development Neighboring Uses: West - Community Commercial; North - Community Commercial; East - Community Commercial; South - Business Park The City Council is being asked to consider requests by My Credit Union for a Minor Amendment to the Rosewood Commons Planned Unit Development Agreement and a Conditional Use Permit to construct an 8,130 square foot financial institution with drive-through facilities. A site plan for the proposed development was approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting on June 25. The Planning Qbhf!236!pg!341 Commission also reviewed and recommended approval of the applicants request for a conditional use permit for drive-through facilities. Both actions by the Planning Commission are subject to the approval of a Minor PUD Amendment that would reduce the number of vehicles that can stack in the drive- through. The site plan includes three drive-through facilities on the eastern side of the proposed building. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing at its meeting on June 25, 2024, to review the proposed development. The Commission inquired about the proposed traffic circulation and the stacking spaces for the drive-through. Staff explained that the traffic would be circulating th counterclockwise coming south off of 149 Street into the site. The Commission also asked for clarification on the proposed Minor Amendment request. Staff informed the Commission that the drive-through stacking requirement is six vehicles per lane and the applicant was requesting a minor amendment from the Rosewood Commons PUD to reduce that requirement to four vehicles per lane. Staff also noted that a similar minor amendment for the reduction in stacking spaces per lane was recently approved for a different financial institution project. The Commission inquired about the exterior building colors and if the applicant would reduce the parking on site further. The applicant spoke to these questions and explained that the parking could be reduced further to increase green space, and the exterior stone is a mix of earth tones versus the stark white shown in the renderings. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the site plan and CUP, subject to approval of a minor PUD amendment to reduce the number of vehicles that can stack in the financial institution's drive-through. SITE HISTORY AND CONTEXT In 2020 KJ Walk, Inc requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Planned Unit Development Master Development and Final Development Plans and Preliminary Plat for a hotel complex, senior apartment buildings and future development. These initial requests were the first phase of development for Rosewood Commons. The Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the requests with the City Council ultimately approving them in late 2020. The area of Rosewood Commons was originally approved for a mixture of high density residential and commercial use for senior housing, a hotel, and various retail areas. The applicant submitted a rezoning and site plan review request for a memory care and assisted living facility to be constructed within the Rosewood Commons plat area, which was approved by Council in June 2022. The Rosewood Commons final plat was approved by the City Council in April 2022. The final plat was the final step in the subdivision process and was necessary to allow for development to move forward on the approved sites. Along with the submittal of the Rosewood Commons final plat the applicant included two additional parcels in the southern portion of the preliminary plat area for commercial use, but because the parcels were not included in the original plat area, they were not able to be platted along with the Rosewood Commons final plat. Preliminary and final plat requests for Rosewood nd Commons 2 addition were submitted to the city for the creation of those two commercial lots plus an additional third commercial lot. The City Council approved those plat requests in January 2023. The property owner came forward to the city in April 2024 with preliminary and final plat approval for rd Rosewood Commons 3 Addition to create five buildable commercial lots and one outlot. The City Qbhf!237!pg!341 rd Council approved the 3 Addition in May 2024. My Credit Union is requesting a PUD Final Site and Building Plan and Conditional Use Permit on Lot 5, rd Block 1, Rosewood Commons 3 Addition. They are proposing to construct a one-story, 8,130 square foot financial institution that will consist of office space, transaction area, employee break room, waiting area, business center/community room, and a garage. The building is shown to be located centrally on the property with the main entrance being located in the southwest corner of the building and a secondary entrance located on the north side of the building to give access to the business center/community room. There will also be a 3-lane drive-up canopy on the east side of the building with parking located in the north, west, and south areas of the site. MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE ROSEWOOD COMMONS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Legal Authority. The approval of PUD Amendments and associated deviations from the zoning ordinance of the City Code is a legislative decision. In such cases, the City has broad discretion in whether to approve such requests. Issue Analysis The applicants site plan shows a single 8,130 square foot building on site which will contain the proposed financial institution. The applicant has proposed three drive-through facilities located on the eastern portion of the building and site. The financial institutions drive-through are shown to be entered to the north on the south side of the site near the front entrance of the building. This drive- through is shown to be a one way with the option to exit either east toward the main access into the site or west towards the parking areas/future commercial areas. The zoning code requires stacking for 6 vehicles per drive-through lane. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Rosewood Commons PUD to reduce the number of vehicles that can stack in a financial institution drive-through from 6 vehicles per lane to 4 vehicles per lane. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed reduction of vehicle stacking space in the financial institutions drive-through lanes due to the fact that 12 vehicles will still be accommodated and also due to the fact that the shift to online and automated banking has led to a reduced demand for drive- through facilities at financial institutions. It is unlikely that there will be four vehicles in each lane of this drive-through. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Legal Authority Conditional use permits (CUP) are considered quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements, it must be approved. REVIEW AND ANALYSIS Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Finding: The Drive-Through will not change any traffic patterns exterior to the site. Screening will be provided to minimize impacts to traffic on adjacent public rights of way. Qbhf!238!pg!341 Will be harmonious with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and city code provisions. Finding: The use and location are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies. The proposed financial institution conforms with all requirements of the zoning code other than vehicle stacking in the drive-through, which a minor amendment to the Rosewood Commons PUD is being requested to reduce the stacking requirement from 6 cars per land to 4 cars per lane. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The area is guided for Community Commercial uses. The site itself is surrounded by land that is designated for commercial uses. The proposed development is consistent with planned uses. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Finding: The site will continue to be served by the existing services, including storm water management. The project will not require any public services or utilities beyond those being installed as part of the over development in this area of Rosemount. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment, and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Finding: The proposed development will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment, and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Finding: The City’s engineering staff has reviewed the site plan and indicates that the site will not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. The streets in this part of the city were and are being designed with a mix of commercial and residential development in mind. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. Finding: The site features no natural, scenic, or historic features of major importance that will be impacted by the proposed development. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout this code. Finding: According to Section 11-4-14: D, drive-through facilities must meet the following conditions: 1. The site and building(s) shall be designed to limit the effects of the drive-through on adjacent properties and public rights of way. No use with a drive-through window shall be located Qbhf!239!pg!341 abutting any residential use or district. Finding: The drive-through lanes move traffic north and east/west to future drive aisles that will interconnect with future commercial development to the east and west. No residential parcels abut the subject property and landscaping will screen the drive-through facilities from public rights of way. 2. Drive-through facilities shall have a minimum six (6) stacking spaces per drive-through window. Fast food uses operating more than one window per individual drive aisle shall meet the stacking requirements for a single drive-through facility. Each space shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') long. Finding: The plans provided by the applicant shows that the financial institution's drive-through accommodates a total of 12 cars in 3 stacking lanes. This is a shortfall from the code that will be considered by the City Council. The proposed stacking spaces meet the standard size requirement. 3. The principal building shall be the primary source for screening the drive-through facility and stacking and exiting areas from adjacent properties and/or rights of way. Landscaping and berming shall be a secondary source for screening drive-throughs, stacking or exiting areas. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and/or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty five feet (25') without a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. Stacking areas shall have a minimum ninety percent (90%) opacity screen to a height of six feet (6') while exiting areas shall have a minimum fifty percent (50%) opacity screen to a height of at least four feet (4'). Finding: The building itself screens the drive-through areas from the western side of the site. Screening is shown to be provided by landscaping along the southern side of the site, which is adjacent to County Road 42 and the northern area of the site. 4. Stacking lanes, order board intercom, and service window shall be designed and located to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight glare upon adjacent properties and public rights of way. Finding: The stacking lanes and drive-through window are configured to limit their impact on adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. 5. Stacking lanes shall not interfere with circulation through any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. Finding: The stacking lanes of the drive through are located along the east side of the building, near the front entrance. Parking for the site is located south, west, and north of the building. There should not be interface between the drive-through stacking and the parking area due to the circulation of traffic on site. The pedestrian access provided will also not be impacted by the stacking lanes. 6. No public address system shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. Finding: Staff has prepared a condition stating that public address or ordering speakers shall not be audible from the property lines. 7. In addition to the freestanding sign allowed by the sign ordinance, fast food uses may display menu signs related to drive-through facilities, provided that: a. Not more than one menu sign per defined drive-through aisle is allowed. b. Individual menu signs shall be single sided with an area not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet including both menu information and sign cabinet. c. The height of the menu sign(s) shall not exceed eight feet (8') including its base or pole measured from grade to the top of the structure. d. The menu sign(s) shall not encroach into any parking setback and shall be located directly Qbhf!23:!pg!341 adjacent to the drive-through aisle and oriented in such a manner that the sign provides information to the drive-through patrons only and does not provide supplemental advertising to pass-by traffic and does not impair visibility or obstruct circulation. Finding: The proposed drive-through use will be for a financial institution, so this is not applicable. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and staff are recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the drive-through facilities and a Minor Amendment to the Rosemount Commons PUD to reduce the vehicle stacking requirement for the financial institution's drive-through. This recommendation is based on information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Qbhf!241!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) FOR MY CREDIT UNION FOR DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from My Credit Union requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for drive-through th facilities located near the northwest quadrant of Business Parkway and 150 Street West (CSAH 42). WHEREAS, on June 25, 2024, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed and conducted a public hearing for the conditional use permit application for My Credit Union; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that the City Council approve the conditional use permit application for My Credit Union with conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2024, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations for the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the conditional use permit for drive-through facilities located near the northwest quadrant th of Business Parkway and 150 Street West (CSAH 42), subject to the following conditions: 1.!Approval by the City Council of a minor amendment to the Rosewood Commons PUD reducing the minimum stacking spaces from 6 per drive-through lane to 4. 2.!Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the property lines. th ADOPTED this 16 day of July, 2024 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!242!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE ROSEWOOD COMMONS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REDUCING THE MINIMUM VEHICULAR STACKING REQUIREMENT FOR DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITIES RD WITHIN LOT 5, BLOCK 1, ROSEWOOD COMMONS 3 ADDITION! WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request from My Credit Union to amend the Rosewood Commons Planned Unit Development Agreement to reduce the minimum vehicular stacking requirement for drive-through facilities within Lot 5, Block rd 1, Rosewood Commons 3 Addition; and WHEREAS, staff has prepared and recommends a Minor PUD Amendment to reduce the minimum vehicular stacking requirement for drive-through facilities within Lot 5, Block 1, Rosewood Commons rd 3 Addition; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2024, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the application and staff recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Minor Amendment to the Rosewood Commons Planned Unit Development Agreement to revise the vehicle stacking requirement for drive-through facilities, subject to the following conditions: 1.!A deviation from Section 11-4-14: D. reducing the minimum vehicle stacking requirement for drive-through facilities from six to four within Lot 5, Block 1, rd Rosewood Commons 3 Addition. 2.!Execution of the Minor Amendment to the Rosewood Commons Planned Unit Development Agreement th ADOPTED this 16 day of July, 2024, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!243!pg!341 A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE ROSEWOOD COMMONS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT MODIFYING THE MINIMUM VEHICLE STACKING SPACES FOR DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITIES th THIS DECLARATION made this 16 day of July, 2024, by and between KJ WALK, INC., CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described as Lot 5, Block 1, rd Rosewood Commons 3 Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, (hereinafter collectively referred WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to a Planned Unit Development Agreement, Rosewood Commons Master Development Plan dated October 5, 2020 and as amended on June st 21 WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to amend the Planned Unit Development Agreement as hereinafter provided, which amendment has been approved and consented to by the City of Rosemount, acting through its City Council, as evidenced by the duly authorized signatures of its officers affixed hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1.!The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the Planned Unit Development Agreement except as modified herein. a.!Section 11-4-14 D. Conditional Uses: Decrease the minimum required stacking spaces from six to four per drive-through window. 2.!Except as modified by paragraph 1 of this Amendment, the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 3.!The obligations and restrictions of this Amendment run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Amendment may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. 1 Qbhf!244!pg!341 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT _______________________________. By Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2024, by _____________________ and _________________, the _________________ and ______________________, for and on behalf of _______________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public This Amendment is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor And by: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 2 Qbhf!245!pg!341 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ___________, 2024, by Jeffery D. Weisensel and Erin Fasbender, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount th 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4411 3 Qbhf!246!pg!341 Qbhf!247!pg!341 Qbhf!255!pg!341 Qbhf!26:!pg!341 Memorandum Up;Csjbo!Fsjdltpo-!Djuz!Fohjoffs! Ojdl!Fhhfs-!Ejsfdups!pg!Qvcmjd!Xpslt! Gspn;Bnboeb!Tbdij!QF Lsjt!Lfmmfs-!QF Ebuf;Kvof!23-!3135 Sf;Nz!Dsfeju!Vojpo Fohjoffsjoh!Sfwjfx XTC!Qspkfdu!Op/!136927.111 Xfibwf!sfwjfxfe!uif!epdvnfout!qspwjefe!czBoefstpo!Fohjoffsjoh!boe!cz!IUH!Bsdijufdut!po! 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DCNI.3!boe!DCNI.2/! ! 8/!Mboetdbqf!Qmbot! b/!Op!dpnnfout/! ! 9/!Efubjmt!'!Tqfdjgjdbujpot! b/!Vtf!Djuz!tuboebse!efubjm!qmbuft!xifsf!bqqmjdbcmf! c/!Po!dmfbopvu!efubjm-!mbcfm!cpy!)f/h/!hbuf!wbmwf!x0!TBOJUBSZ!dpwfs-!fud/*!up!cf! vtfe!xifo!dmfbopvut!bsf!jo!jnqfswjpvt!tvsgbdft! ! Qbhf!273!pg!341 MEMORANDUM To: Bebn!Ljfocfshfs-!Dpnnvojuz!Efwfmpqnfou!Ejsfdups! Bouipoz!Ofndfl-!Tfojps!Qmboofs! Kvmjb!Iphbo-!Qmboofs!!!!! ! From: Ebo!Tdivmu{-!Qbslt!boe!Sfdsfbujpo!Ejsfdups!! Date: Kvof!25-!3135! Subject: Nz!Dsfeju!Vojpo!Qspkfdu!!!!!!!!! The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the My Credit Union project. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: The parks dedication requirement for a commercial development is either a 10% of the total property area as land dedication, a cash dedication in-lieu of land or combination of the two. Staff is recommending that the City collect cash in-lieu of land for the development that is currently being processed. The cash dedication for the 1.88-acre development is $16,920 (1.88 acres x $9,000 per acre). This amount is to be paid when the building permit is issued. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. Qbhf!274!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution - Adopt Parking Restrictions on Akron AGENDA SECTION: Avenue south of CSAH 42, and portions of CONSENT AGENDA Abbeyfield Avenue and 148th Street PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 6.j. ATTACHMENTS: Map , Resolution APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Council adopt the attached resolution enacting certain parking restrictions on 148th Street, on Abbeyfield Avenue, and on Akron Avenue south of CSAH 42 BACKGROUND As the construction of new housing within the Amber Fields development has intensified over the course of this year, particularly in the highest density portions of the development, parking by construction workers has been a cause for concern for public safety by creating difficulty for maneuverability and navigation of through traffic and for emergency access by Rosemount Fire and Police Departments. The heaviest concentration of parking has been occurring along both sides of 148th Street, and along Abbeyfield Avenue, adjacent to The Landing apartment complex and the Echelon at Amber Fields townhome units site in the northeasternmost area of Amber Fields. This concentration of worker parking, combined with frequent deliveries of construction materials and heavy equipment maneuvering in and out of the street to move materials and loads around, oftentimes results in access becoming blocked, with no efficient and/or safe way for the traveling public or emergency responders to reach their destination. Staff is recommending at this time the Council enact enforceable parking restrictions along one side of 148th Street and one side of Abbeyfield Avenue in order to spread construction-worker parking out across a greater area, thereby opening up more width for through-traffic and emergency responders to maneuver. Staff's recommendation is for the Council to enact a prohibition on parking on the south side of 148th Street between Akron Avenue and Auburn Avenue, and along the west side of Abbeyfield Avenue between CSAH 42 and 148th Street. These two streets serve as collector roadways, and upon further completion of development in Amber Fields, staff will return to the Council with a request to update parking restrictions to prohibit parking on both sides of these streets, as is the case on other collector roads in the City. Similarly, Akron Avenue is a major collector road in the City, and is not expected to require accommodations for construction-worker parking for adjacent developments on the segment between Qbhf!275!pg!341 CSAH 42 and the soon-to-be completed extension to 155th Street. Accordingly, staff is recommending the Council also enact a prohibition on parking on both sides of Akron Avenue between CSAH 42 and 155th Street at this time. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Council adopt the attached resolution enacting parking restrictions on Akron Avenue, 148th Street, and Abbeyfield Avenue. Upon approval, City staff will install permanent signage delineating the restricted locations. Qbhf!276!pg!341 Qbhf!277!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024 – A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING PARKING ON TH THE SOUTH SIDE OF 148 STREET BETWEEN AKRON AVENUE & AUBURN AVENUE, TH THE WEST SIDE OF ABBEYFIELD AVENUE BETWEEN CSAH 42 & 148 STREET, AND ON BOTH SIDES OF AKRON AVENUE SOUTH OF CSAH 42 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount is interested in the safety of its residents and visitors and the safe movement of traffic; and, th WHEREAS, 148 Street between Akron Avenue and Auburn Avenue is the main east-west collector roadway within the Amber Fields development, and th WHEREAS, Abbeyfield Avenue between County State Aid Highway 42 and 148 Street also serves as a collector road to serve high-density properties in the northeast corner of the Amber Fields development, and th WHEREAS, Akron Avenue between County State Aid Highway 42 and 155 Street is a major collector roadway on the City of Rosemount street system, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has consistently prohibited parking on both sides of collector roadways elsewhere in the City in order to maintain maximum mobility and flow of motor vehicle traffic for the benefit of the traveling public and for ensuring expedient public safety responses from Rosemount Police, Fire, and Public Works, and WHEREAS, ongoing construction of housing within the Amber Fields development has resulted in high th volumes of construction worker parking on both sides of 148 Street in several places, and on both sides of Abbeyfield Avenue, thereby restricting safe and efficient access of the traveling public and public safety providers to utilize these streets, and WHEREAS, in recognition that there will be continuing need to accommodate construction-related th parking along 148 Street and Abbeyfield Avenue as the development activity in Amber Fields progresses towards completion, it is prudent to allow some level of parking along these two streets until such time that development is substantially completed, and thth WHEREAS, an extension and improvement of Akron Avenue from 148 Street to 155 Street is nearly complete and open to the public, therefore it is appropriate at this time to post parking restrictions along this stretch of Akron Avenue and along other previously completed segments south of County State Aid Highway 42 Qbhf!278!pg!341 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby prohibits parking on th The south side of 148 Street between Akron Avenue and Auburn Avenue th The west side of Abbeyfield Avenue between CSAH 42 and 148 Street Both sides of Akron Avenue south of CSAH 42 The Public Works Department is hereby directed to install permanent signage to denote said parking restrictions. th ADOPTED this 16 day of July, 2024. Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!279!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Purchase 2024 Tahoe - Fire Department AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Richard Schroeder, Fire Chief AGENDA NO. 6.k. ATTACHMENTS: Purchase Pricing, Tahoe Quote, Emergency APPROVED BY: LJM Equipment Package, Squad Radio Quote RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the CIP expenditure to purchase a 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe Command Vehicle BACKGROUND Staff was recently made aware of an order of Chevrolet Tahoes that was returned / unused by the ordering party. These vehicles are very hard to come by and have a lengthy lead time, so this was a promising development. This vehicle is needed as the City looks to hire a FT Fire Chief in the coming months, and as such was included as an anticipated CIP purchase in the 2025 CIP. Staff is requesting acquisition of the vehicle prior to 2025 to both support the new Chief and to caputure the opportunity presented by the availability of the vehicle. The CIP expenditure would total $76,201.05 for the purchase of a 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe Command Vehicle and requisite outfitting of the vehicle. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council authorization to purchase the command vehicle for the Fire Department. Qbhf!27:!pg!341 Qbhf!281!pg!341 KARL AUTO GROUP KBDPC!NBETFO!!!}!!!6267564745!!!}!!!K/NBETFOALBSMDIFWSPMFU/DPN Wfijdmf;!\\Gmffu^!3135!Difwspmfu!Ubipf!)DL21817*!5XE!5es!Dpnnfsdjbm LBSM!BVUP!HSPVQ!jt!qspve!up!cf!zpvs!$2!Hpwfsonfou!Difwspmfu!Wfijdmf!Efbmfs!jo!Jpxb!gps tfwfsbm!zfbst!jo!b!spx/!Xf!bsf!uif!pomz!Hpwfsonfou!Efbmfs!jo!Jpxb!up!qspwjef!zpv!b!gvmm!ujnf!tubgg efejdbufe!tpmfmz!up!hpwfsonfou!foujujft!boe!uifjs!offet/!Xf!dbo!bttjtu!zpv!xjui!bmm!pg!zpvs!wfijdmf offet!up!jodmvef!#uvso.lfz#!tpmvujpot!boe!dvtupn!vqgjuujoh-!tbwjoh!zpv!ujnf!boe!npofz!xjui!pvs!pxo Lbsm!Fnfshfodz!Wfijdmft/!Uibol!zpv!gps!uif!pqqpsuvojuz!up!fbso!zpvs!cvtjoftt/ Qbhf!282!pg!341 KARL AUTO GROUP KBDPC!NBETFO!!!}!!!6267564745!!!}!!!K/NBETFOALBSMDIFWSPMFU/DPN KARL AUTO GROUP Prepared By: KBDPC!NBETFO LBSM!BVUP!HSPVQ 6267564745 K/NBETFOALBSMDIFWSPMFU/DPN Uijt!epdvnfou!dpoubjot!jogpsnbujpo!dpotjefsfe!Dpogjefoujbm!cfuxffo!HN!boe!jut!Dmjfout!vojrvfmz/!!Uif!jogpsnbujpo!qspwjefe!jt!opu!joufoefe!gps!qvcmjd!ejtdmptvsf/!!Qsjdft- tqfdjgjdbujpot-!boe!bwbjmbcjmjuz!bsf!tvckfdu!up!dibohf!xjuipvu!opujdf-!boe!ep!opu!jodmvef!dfsubjo!gfft-!ubyft!boe!dibshft!uibu!nbz!cf!sfrvjsfe!cz!mbx!ps!wbsz!cz!nbovgbduvsfs!ps!sfhjpo/ Qfsgpsnbodf!gjhvsft!bsf!hvjefmjoft!pomz-!boe!bduvbm!qfsgpsnbodf!nbz!wbsz/!!Qipupt!nbz!opu!sfqsftfou!bduvbm!wfijdmft!ps!fybdu!dpogjhvsbujpot/!!Dpoufou!cbtfe!po!sfqpsu!qsfqbsfs“t joqvu!jt!tvckfdu!up!uif!bddvsbdz!pg!uif!joqvu!qspwjefe/ Ebub!Wfstjpo;!!33873/!!Ebub!Vqebufe;!!Kvo!2:-!3135!7;56;11!QN!QEU/ Kvo!31-!3135Qbhf!3 Qbhf!283!pg!341 KARL AUTO GROUP KBDPC!NBETFO!!!}!!!6267564745!!!}!!!K/NBETFOALBSMDIFWSPMFU/DPN Wfijdmf;!\\Gmffu^!3135!Difwspmfu!Ubipf!)DL21817*!5XE!5es!Dpnnfsdjbm!!!!)!Dpnqmfuf!* Price Summary PRICE SUMMARY MSRP Cbtf!Qsjdf%64-561/11 Upubm!Pqujpot%486/11 Wfijdmf!Tvcupubm%64-936/11 Eftujobujpo!Dibshf%2-::6/11 Grand Total$55,820.00 Uijt!epdvnfou!dpoubjot!jogpsnbujpo!dpotjefsfe!Dpogjefoujbm!cfuxffo!HN!boe!jut!Dmjfout!vojrvfmz/!!Uif!jogpsnbujpo!qspwjefe!jt!opu!joufoefe!gps!qvcmjd!ejtdmptvsf/!!Qsjdft- tqfdjgjdbujpot-!boe!bwbjmbcjmjuz!bsf!tvckfdu!up!dibohf!xjuipvu!opujdf-!boe!ep!opu!jodmvef!dfsubjo!gfft-!ubyft!boe!dibshft!uibu!nbz!cf!sfrvjsfe!cz!mbx!ps!wbsz!cz!nbovgbduvsfs!ps!sfhjpo/ Qfsgpsnbodf!gjhvsft!bsf!hvjefmjoft!pomz-!boe!bduvbm!qfsgpsnbodf!nbz!wbsz/!!Qipupt!nbz!opu!sfqsftfou!bduvbm!wfijdmft!ps!fybdu!dpogjhvsbujpot/!!Dpoufou!cbtfe!po!sfqpsu!qsfqbsfs“t joqvu!jt!tvckfdu!up!uif!bddvsbdz!pg!uif!joqvu!qspwjefe/ Ebub!Wfstjpo;!!33873/!!Ebub!Vqebufe;!!Kvo!2:-!3135!7;56;11!QN!QEU/ Kvo!31-!3135Qbhf!4 Qbhf!284!pg!341 KARL AUTO GROUP KBDPC!NBETFO!!!}!!!6267564745!!!}!!!K/NBETFOALBSMDIFWSPMFU/DPN Wfijdmf;!\\Gmffu^!3135!Difwspmfu!Ubipf!)DL21817*!5XE!5es!Dpnnfsdjbm!!!!)!Dpnqmfuf!* Quote Worksheet MSRP Cbtf!Qsjdf%64-561/11 Eftu!Dibshf%2-::6/11 Upubm!Pqujpot%486/11 Subtotal$55,820.00 LBSM!HPWFSONFOU!EJTDPVOU)%2-761/11* Subtotal Pre-Tax Adjustments($1,650.00) Mftt!Dvtupnfs!Ejtdpvou)%4-445/91* Subtotal Discount($3,334.80) Usbef.Jo%1/11 Excluded from Sales TaxSubtotal Trade-In$0.00 Taxable Price$50,835.20 Tbmft!Uby%1/11 Subtotal Taxes$0.00 Subtotal Post-Tax Adjustments$0.00 Total Sales Price$50,835.20 Comments: Hpwfsonfou!Bhfodjft!bsf!bmmpxfe!41!ebzt!gspn!ebuf!pg!tjhojoh!gps!cbmbodf!up!cf!qbje!jo!gvmm/!Uifsf!xjmm!cf!b!%21/11!qfs!dbmfoebs!ebz!bgufs!41 ebzt!bttfttfe!up!uif!bddpvou!voujm!qbznfou!sfdfjwfe!jo!gvmm!cz!Lbsm!Difwspmfu/!Uijt!qpmjdz!xjmm!cf!fogpsdfe!sfhbsemftt!pg!vqgju!ps!bddfttpsjft cfjoh!dpnqmfufe!po!wfijdmf/!Jg!uijt!jttvf!dpoujovft!xf!xjmm!sfrvjsf!qbznfou!evf!bu!uif!ujnf!pg!efmjwfsz/!Cz!tjhojoh!cfmpx!zpv!bddfqu!uiftf ufsnt!bt!xfmm!bt!uif!rvpuf!jo!hfofsbm/ Efbmfs!Tjhobuvsf!0!EbufDvtupnfs!Tjhobuvsf!0!Ebuf 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Ebub!Wfstjpo;!!33873/!!Ebub!Vqebufe;!!Kvo!2:-!3135!7;56;11!QN!QEU/ Kvo!31-!3135Qbhf!7 Qbhf!287!pg!341 KARL AUTO GROUP KBDPC!NBETFO!!!}!!!6267564745!!!}!!!K/NBETFOALBSMDIFWSPMFU/DPN Wfijdmf;!\\Gmffu^!3135!Difwspmfu!Ubipf!)DL21817*!5XE!5es!Dpnnfsdjbm!!!!)!Dpnqmfuf!* ```Qspufdufe!jemfJod/ SUBTOTAL$53,825.00 Bekvtunfout!Upubm%1/11 Eftujobujpo!Dibshf%2-::6/11 TOTAL PRICE$55,820.00 FUEL ECONOMY Ftu!Djuz;25!)3134*!NQH Ftu!Ijhixbz;31!)3134*!NQH Ftu!Ijhixbz!Dsvjtjoh!Sbohf;591/11!nj Uijt!epdvnfou!dpoubjot!jogpsnbujpo!dpotjefsfe!Dpogjefoujbm!cfuxffo!HN!boe!jut!Dmjfout!vojrvfmz/!!Uif!jogpsnbujpo!qspwjefe!jt!opu!joufoefe!gps!qvcmjd!ejtdmptvsf/!!Qsjdft- tqfdjgjdbujpot-!boe!bwbjmbcjmjuz!bsf!tvckfdu!up!dibohf!xjuipvu!opujdf-!boe!ep!opu!jodmvef!dfsubjo!gfft-!ubyft!boe!dibshft!uibu!nbz!cf!sfrvjsfe!cz!mbx!ps!wbsz!cz!nbovgbduvsfs!ps!sfhjpo/ 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ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Approval APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Change Order #8 for the Life Time Facility as listed in the Attached Documents as PCO #32-37 BACKGROUND In May of 2023, the City Council began to award construction contracts for the construction of the Life Time facility. The project is progressing as expected and we have encountered some necessary changes during construction. The changes that are requested are being submitted as change order #8 to the City Council for your review and consideration. The main changes being requested at this time are for the start of the bistro bar, the addition of outdoor pool cabanas, pickle ball surface changes, and a few other items. The proposed changes are listed on the attached summary as PCO #32-37. The request is for a $270,521.01 cost change and would be funded through the project contingency account. As a reminder, the City's cost will remain locked ($21M) regardless of increases that the tenant chooses to make. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the City Council approve change order #8 for the Life Time Facility as identified in the attached documents as PCO #32-37. Qbhf!2:3!pg!341 CONTRACT AND CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL SUMMARY - 7.10.24 DibohfEftdsjqujpoDibohfBnpvouWfoepsDpousbdu QDP!$!143!Cvmmfujo!$!3!Beefe!Cjtusp!.!Qbsujbm!Bqqspwbm! Gppujoht0Tmbc0Dpodsfuf!Jogjmm0Nbtposz0Xbufsqsppgjoh %61-:45/11C'E!Bttpdjbuft-!MMD!1145212.14B;!Gpvoebujpot!'!Nbtposz Tuffm!cfbnt0Dpmvnot0Efdljoh!gps!Cjtusp!Cbs %75-295/11MfKfvof!Tuffm!Dpnqboz1145212.14C;!Qsfdbtu!'!Tusvduvsbm!Tuffm! Beefe!Njmmxpsl!boe!Cfodi!Jotubmm %:11/11Obujpoxjef!gjyuvsf!Jotubmmbujpo-!Jod/1145212.17B;!Njmmxpsl!boe!Gjyuvsf!Jotubmmbujpo! 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Cfbdi!Dmvc!Cbdlmju!Tjho!Dibohft %8-:22/11Qbswjo.Dmbvtt!Tjho!Dp-!Jod/!1145212.21B;!Tjhobhf Ljudifo!Frvjqnfou!gps!Cjtusp!boe!Cbs! %5:-:91/72Cpfmufs!MMD!1145212.22B;!Gppe!Tfswjdf!Frvjqnfou %1/11Obuvsf(t!Dsfbujpo1145212.23B;!Gbvy!Gspoeftdfodf! %1/11Hmpcbm!Tqfdjbmuz!Dpousbdupst-!Jod/1145212.24B;!Brvbujdt %1/11Lpof-!Jod/1145212.25;!Fmfwbupst Tjefxbmm!Ipsj{poubm!Ifbet!gps!Cjtusp!Cbs %4-824/11Tvnnju!Dpnqbojft!1145212.32B;!Gjsf!Tvqqsfttjpo Fydbwbuf0Cbdlgjmm!gps!Gppujoht! %7-:63/11TN!Ifouhft!'!Tpot-!Jod/1145212.42B;!Fbsuixpsl-!Vujmjujft!'!Qbwjoh! %1/11Lfmmfifs!Dpotusvdujpo-!Jod/!1145212.43C;!Fyufsjps!Buimfujd!QU!Tmbc %1/11Bdf!Tvsgbdft!Opsui!Bnfsjdb!Jod/1145212.43D;!Bdf!tvsgbdft!Opsui!Bnfsjdb-!Jod/ Upubm;! %347-285/72 QDP!$!144!DDE!$!17S!Beefe!Dbcbobt Dpodsfuf!Gppujoht! %26-438/11C'E!Bttpdjbuft-!MMD!1145212.14B;!Gpvoebujpot!'!Nbtposz %1/11MfKfvof!Tuffm!Dpnqboz1145212.14C;!Qsfdbtu!'!Tusvduvsbm!Tuffm! %1/11Obujpoxjef!gjyuvsf!Jotubmmbujpo-!Jod/1145212.17B;!Njmmxpsl!boe!Gjyuvsf!Jotubmmbujpo! %1/11Dfousbm!Sppgjoh!Dpnqboz!1145212.18B;!Sppgjoh!'!Nfubm!Qbofmt! %1/11Njemboe!Hmbtt!Dp/!1145212.19B;!Tupsfgspout-!Fousbodft!'!Dvsubjoxbmm %1/11Uxjo!Djuz!Ibsexbsf!Dp-!Jod/!1145212.19C;!Eppst!'!Pqfojoht! %1/11Pmznqjd!Dpnqbojft-!Jod/!1145212.1:B;!Eszxbmm-!Dbsqfousz-!Gjsfqsppgjoh!'!Qbjoujoh %1/11Kfssz(t!Gmpps!Tupsf!1145212.1:D;!Gmppsjoh!'!Hsbojuf %1/11Qbswjo.Dmbvtt!Tjho!Dp-!Jod/!1145212.21B;!Tjhobhf %1/11Cpfmufs!MMD!1145212.22B;!Gppe!Tfswjdf!Frvjqnfou %1/11Kfssz(t!Gmpps!Tupsf!1145212.22C;!Buifmujd!Frvjqnfou! %1/11Obuvsf(t!Dsfbujpo1145212.23B;!Gbvy!Gspoeftdfodf! %1/11Hmpcbm!Tqfdjbmuz!Dpousbdupst-!Jod/1145212.24B;!Brvbujdt %1/11Lpof-!Jod/1145212.25;!Fmfwbupst %1/11Tvnnju!Dpnqbojft!1145212.32B;!Gjsf!Tvqqsfttjpo %1/11Ibsuz!Nfdibojdbm-!Jod/!1145212.34B;!IWBD!'!Qmvncjoh! 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Qjdlmfcbmm!Ofu!Tmffwf!Sfqmbdfnfou!evsjoh!Gppujoh!Jotubmmbujpo )%8:3/11*Lfmmfifs!Dpotusvdujpo-!Jod/!1145212.43C;!Fyufsjps!Buimfujd!QU!Tmbc Upubm;! %1/11 Qbhf!2:4!pg!341 QDP!$!146!Nptt!Hsffoxbmm!bu!Tbmpo!Tjho! Beefe!Hsffoxbmm!bu!Tbmpo %8-245/11Obuvsf(t!Dsfbujpo1145212.23B;!Gbvy!Gspoeftdfodf! Upubm;! %8-245/11 QDP!$!47!Qjdlmfcbmm!Upqqjoh!boe!Tvsgbdjoh!Dibohft! Qjdlmfcbmm!Tvsgbdf!Dibohf!up!Hfm!Tztufn )%51-7::/31*Bdf!Tvsgbdft!Opsui!Bnfsjdb!Jod/1145212.43D;!Bdf!tvsgbdft!Opsui!Bnfsjdb-!Jod/ Bmmpxbodf!gps!Tipu!Cmbtujoh0Wbqps!Cbssjfs!)Jg!Sfrvjsfe* %35-999/11Bdf!Tvsgbdft!Opsui!Bnfsjdb!Jod/1145212.43D;!Bdf!tvsgbdft!Opsui!Bnfsjdb-!Jod/ Beejujpobm!Csbdjoh!bu!Cfbnt!gps!Qjdlmfcbmm!Dpodsfuf!Jogjmm %3-521/11MfKfvof!Tuffm!Dpnqboz1145212.14C;!Qsfdbtu!'!Tusvduvsbm!Tuffm! Upubm;! )%24-512/31* QDP!$!148!Gjsf!Qspufdujpo!Esbxjoht!Sfwjfx!Dibohft Ipsj{poubm!Tjefxbmm!Ifbet!jo!Mbvoesz %3-7:7/87Tvnnju!Dpnqbojft!1145212.32B;!Gjsf!Tvqqsfttjpo Upubm;! %3-7:7/87 Upubm!Dpoujohfodz!Efcju;! )%381-632/12* Sfnbjojoh!Dpoujohfodz! %331-1:6/:: Qbhf!2:5!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Charitable Gambling Premise Permit Rosemount AGENDA SECTION: Area Hockey Association CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk AGENDA NO. 6.m. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt the draft Resolution approving the Charitable Gambling Premise Permit for RAHA at Tops Pizza and Grill located at 14533 Dodd Blvd, Rosemount BACKGROUND Rosemount Area Hockey Association (“RAHA”) is requesting consideration for a Gambling Premise Permit at Tops Pizza and Grill, 14533 Dodd Blvd, in Rosemount. RAHA currently holds a Gambling Premise Permit at Carbone’s Pizza & Pub, 14550 South Robert Trail, in Rosemount. RAHA is in the process of submitting their application with the State of Minnesota which requires approval from the City Council to proceed. Marc Tobias will serve as the gambling manager. The Police Department has conducted the appropriate background check and determined that there are no issues that would disqualify the applicant from obtaining a gambling license. RAHA is a youth-based hockey association representing kids and families in the community. RAHA works to promote a fun, fair, and safe environment that maximizes participation and improves players’ skills while developing sportsmanship teamwork, and self-confidence. RAHA started in 1995 and is organized as a non-profit organization. RECOMMENDATION Motion to adopt the draft Resolution approving the Charitable Gambling Premise Permit for RAHA at Top Pizza and Grill located at 14533 Dodd Blvd, Rosemount. Qbhf!2:6!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-XX A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CHARITABLE GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT FOR ROSEMOUNT AREA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION AT TOPS PIZZA AND GRILL 14533 DODD BLVD, ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the Rosemount Area Hockey Association (“RAHA”). has requested a Charitable Gambling Premise Permit at Tops Pizza and Grill 14533 Dodd Blvd, in Rosemount; and WHEREAS, RAHA is a qualified organization; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, hereby approves the Charitable Gambling Premise Permit application submitted by the RAHA to conduct charitable gambling at Tops Pizza and Grill, 14533 Dodd Blvd, in Rosemount. th ADOPTED this 16 day of July, 2024 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!2:7!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Aspen Avenue Extension Project Assessment AGENDA SECTION: Hearing and Adoption of Assessment Roll PUBLIC HEARINGS PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Project Map, Costs, Funding Mix, & Assessment APPROVED BY: LJM Roll, Resolution to Adopt Assessment Roll RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Hold Public Hearing on Assessments 2. Adopt a Resolution approving the Assessment Roll for the Aspen Avenue Extension Project, City Project 2024-02 BACKGROUND Construction of the Aspen Avenue Extension project began recently, and will conclude early this fall. The project will complete a connection of this roadway between Highway 42 and Connemara Trail. Existing access points on each end of this corridor have already been in place for some time, and this connection was contemplated as a minor collector road within the City's comprehensive plan. At a length of approximately 950 feet, Aspen Avenue will provide an alternative north-south option for motorists and pedestrians to access the forthcoming Life Time facility and related commercial development, access to the neighborhoods along the Connemara Trail corridor, and provide access benefit and utility connections for the land on the eastern side of the roadway. A multi-use trail will also be featured, which will provide pedestrian and bicyclist access to adjacent properties, as well as connectivity to the Vermillion Highlands Trail that is to be built in the near future. From the feasibility report, the estimated project costs were approximately $962,000 including project delivery overhead and contingencies. Competitive bids were opened at the end of April, and a contract was awarded in June. The favorable bid prices resulted in a lower projected total cost for the project, in the amount of $761,216.82, or about 20% lower than anticipated. There is clear benefit to each abutting parcel from the creation of this road and utilities, and although upfront funding for the work would be provided through a variety of City funding sources, with this being essentially brand new infrastructure serving a new development, 100% of project costs are assessed back to adjacent properties, apportioned based on the amount of abutting frontage each property has alongside the roadway corridor. A summary of upfront City funding sources and updated assessment amounts has been included for reference. Per Minnesota Statute, Chapter 429 a hearing to consider the scope of improvements, and a hearing to consider proposed assessments, are required. These are separate hearings and the improvement hearing was previously held on February 20th. The Council is requested to conduct the hearing for public comment on the proposed assessments during the meeting on July 16th. Qbhf!2:8!pg!341 Property owners have been provided with mailed notice of this hearing along with the necessary information to protest their assessments should they desire to do so. A copy of the proposed assessment roll is included in the same attachment as mentioned above which covers the funding sources. RECOMMENDATION Staff will make a short presentation recapping the project details, as well as covering the funding mix and assessments. Thereafter, the Council is requested to conduct the public hearing to hear and pass upon all objections to the Assessment Roll. Ultimately, staff recommends that Council approve the attached resolution adopting the Assessment Roll. Qbhf!2:9!pg!341 Qbhf!2::!pg!341 Qbhf!311!pg!341 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024 - XX A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE ASPEN AVENUE EXTENSION PROJECT, 2024-02 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for Aspen Avenue Extension Project, City Project 2024-02, the improvement of the following streets: Aspen Avenue between County State Aid Highway 42 and Connemara Trail NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1.Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2.Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2025 and shall bear interest at the rate of 5.00 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added fees and interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2025. To each subsequent installment, when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3.The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the city treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged on the amount of the assessment that is paid by October 31, 2024. 4.On October 31, 2024, the City Clerk shall transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. th ADOPTED this 16 day of July, 2024 Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Qbhf!312!pg!341 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: July 16, 2024 Tenative City Council Meeting: Unless the action taken tonight is appealed, this item will not go before the Council. AGENDA ITEM: Appeal by Keith Moquin of the Planning AGENDA SECTION: Commission's denial of a variance to construct an NEW BUSINESS addition to an existing accessory structure that would exceed the maximum area allowed by the zoning ordinance. PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek , Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Excerpt, APPROVED BY: LJM Site Location, Site Aerial, Oblique Aerial, Topographical Site Map, Applicant's Submittal, Letter from Applicant's Attorney RECOMMENDED ACTION: In coordination with and under the advisement of the City Attorney, staff is asking the Council to determine whether a finding can be made that there are practical difficulties that would support the granting of a variance. Staff will work with the City Attorney to draft a resolution that the Council can then adopt at its meeting on August 6, 2024, approving or denying the variance. Staff is recommending the following action by the Council: Motion to continue the hearing of the appeal to the Council of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments denial of the variance request by Keith Moquin BACKGROUND Property Owner and Applicant Kevin Moquin Site Location 4101 143rd Street West Site Area 1.01 Acres Current Zoning R1-Low Density Residential Comp Plan Designation LDR-Low Density Residential Surrounding Use Residential The Community Development department received a variance request from the applicant to allow them to construct an addition to their existing detached garage that would result in a total area for the structure of 1,560 square feet. The maximum aggregate area, meaning the total area of all accessory structures, is limited to 1,000 square feet in the R1-Low Density Residential. The principal structure on the site was constructed in 1966, and the parcel on which it sits was platted in 2005 when the parcels immediately east of the subject parcel were split off and eventually sold. In addition to the principal structure, the subject property also contains a 768 square foot detached garage, a carport approximately 500 square feet in area, and two smaller accessory structures of approximately 120 Qbhf!313!pg!341 square feet each. The carport was constructed sometime in the summer of 2018 and an addition to it was constructed in late 2019 or early 2020 based on aerial photos of the site. Therefore, the site already exceeds the maximum aggregate total of accessory structures. The existing detached garage is situated twenty-five feet from the rear property line, within the 30' required rear yard setback. This is a legal nonconformity as it was constructed prior to the 30' minimum rear yard setback being established. Around 2020, an addition was constructed to the rear of the garage, further encroaching into the rear yard setback. The Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, voted at its meeting on May 28, 2024, to deny the variance request. The applicant initially met with staff when applying for a building permit. It was at that time that staff informed the applicant that the subject property already exceeds the maximum square footage of accessory structures allowed by the City Code. Staff was unaware at the time of that initial conversation when the carport was constructed, and staff assumed it was a legal non-conforming structure. Staff provided suggestions that an addition of the same square footage could replace the carport, or that the applicant could construct an attached garage that is a maximum of 1,000 square feet but can be up to 1,500 square feet so long as the garage does not exceed 50 percent of the gross floor area of the principal building (garage and living area combined). While researching and reviewing the variance request, no building permit records for the carport were found. Therefore, the carport is not legally non- conforming and a building permit for an addition to the garage could not be approved since the property is at its maximum allowable area of accessory structures even without the carport. Staff also informed the applicant that staff would be unable to make findings to support granting a variance and would have to recommend denial of the variance. To approve a variance request, five findings must be made in support of such an approval. In this case, staff has only been able to make four findings that would support the granting of a variance. Therefore, staff is asking the City Council to consider the applicant's claim that there are unique circumstances that require the variance and to continue the hearing of the appeal to the Council's meeting on August 6. Staff will work with the City Attorney to draft a resolution incorporating the Council's findings. If the Council is able to make findings to approve the variance, staff will also draft conditions of approval to be included with the resolution. In conversation with the applicant's attorney, it was determined that the applicant is amenable to conditions of approval that include removing existing accessory buildings and updating the plan for the addition to the garage to maintain a 25' rear yard setback. An analysis of the request and staff's findings are detailed in this report. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing during its meeting on May 28 to review the variance request. Prior to the meeting, staff received one question about whether the applicant intends to use the property for commercial purposes. If not, the resident indicated that they were not opposed to the variance. During the public hearing, the Planning commission received comments from the public that expressed general support for the variance request. The Planning Commission discussed the standards within the City Code for accessory structures and the continuance of legally non-conforming structures. Staff described how legally non-conforming structures can be replaced so long as the square footage isn't increased. The Commission also asked about potential ways the applicant could achieve their goal of additional garage space within the confines of the code such as through the construction of an attached garage. Currently, the house does not feature an attached garage. Finally, Qbhf!314!pg!341 prior to opening the public hearing, the Commission talked about the findings that need to be made to approve a variance, particularly unique circumstances that necessitate a variance. The applicant spoke during the public hearing about the uniqueness of the property and also described the difficulties of constructing an attached garage due to the topography of the site and the lack of room at the rear of the house. The applicant also talked about the aesthetics of the property and how an attached garage on the front of the house would significantly alter the appearance of the home. The applicant focused on how the property itself is unique, and therefore, it should be allowed to have a detached garage. This is a misinterpretation of the finding that must be made that there are unique circumstances that require a variance. The applicant also confirmed that there are no plans for commercial use of the site. Finally, the applicant also noted that the square footage estimated by staff is higher than the actual square footage, and the proposed addition would not increase the total square footage of accessory buildings by as much as staff estimates. Staff has since updated the area calculations used in this report. Following discussion by the Commission with both the applicant and staff, the Commission acknowledged that the property is unique, but not in a way that requires a variance in order to have reasonable use of it. The Commission voted unanimously to deny the variance request. ISSUE ANALYSIS The City Council is being asked to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of a variance. The requested variance is to increase the m aximum aggregate total for any accessory building(s), excluding an attached garage, from one thousand (1,000) square feet to 1,800 square feet (1,560 sf garage plus two 120 sf accessory structures. Based on conversations with the applicant, it is staff's understanding that the applicant believes the large size of the lot means there will be minimal impact on neighboring properties and that increasing the amount of garage space on the property through the construction of an attached garage would be impractical as the only part area in which the topography of the site would allow for an attached garage would require the removal of a large tree and require significant reconfiguration of the interior of the home. While staff agrees that a large accessory building will likely not impact neighboring properties, it is staff's understanding of the intent of the ordinance is that the limit on the aggregate area of accessory buildings is to ensure the principal use on the site remains residential. Staff does not believe there are unique circumstances related to the property that would necessitate a variance, and the request is simply a matter of the applicant's desire for a larger garage while avoiding the significant expense related to the construction of an attached garage. Staff received a comment from one resident within the notification area whose concern was that there have been vehicles parking on the street in front of the property when there were none parking before, and that the applicant is seeking to expand the detached garage to use it for a type of home- based business. Staff received no other comments related to the request, although comments were received during the public hearing held by the Planning Commission during its meeting on May 28. Variance Standards According to Section 11-12-2.G, there are five criteria for the Board of Appeals and Adjustments to review when considering a variance request. The five criteria used to assess each request along with staff’s findings for each are listed below. While weighing a variance request against these criteria, Qbhf!315!pg!341 there are also two key issues to consider. The first is whether the applicant has reasonable use of their property without the variance. The second is whether the project can be redesigned to eliminate or reduce the need for a variance. The Board of Zoning Appeals must approve or deny each request based on findings related to each of the five standards. 1. The variance request is in harmony with the purposes and intent of the ordinance. Finding: While detached garages are a permitted accessory use in the R1 zoning district, it is staff's interpretation that the intent of the ordinance to limit the total aggregate area of accessory structures is to ensure that the principal use on the site remains residential. Because the footprint of the house is larger than the proposed detached garage and addition, staff finds the variance request to be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance. 2. The variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The site is designated as Low Density Residential. The variance request is consistent with that designation. 3. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. Finding: Staff finds that, given the information received from the applicant, the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. 4. There are unique circumstances to the property which are not created by the landowner. Finding: If it is the desire of the applicant to have additional garage space, they are permitted to construct an attached garage of 1,000 square feet and up to 1,500 square feet so long as the garage does not exceed 50 percent of the gross floor area of the principal building (garage and living area combined). Staff acknowledges the site features topography that limits the potential placement of an attached garage to the eastern rear of the house, and that it may be difficult to reconfigure the home in a way that would accommodate an attached garage in that area. 5. Granting of the variance does not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The essential character of the locality would not be altered by granting the variance. A single family home with a detached garage is consistent with the character and residential nature of the locality. RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission both acknowledge that the subject property is unique, but its uniqueness is not preventing the applicant from having reasonable use of their property. If the applicant is able to demonstrate that they could not achieve their goal of additional garage space by constructing an attached garage from the rear of the home where the topography is flat, Council may find that the request meets the standards required to grant a variance. Staff is asking the Council to discuss the request and determine if findings can be made to support the approval or denial of the variance. Staff, and the City Attorney, are recommending this item be continued to the August 6, 2024, City Council meeting where a resolution that is reflective of the Council's findings can be adopted. Qbhf!316!pg!341 EXCERPT FROM THE MAY 28, 2024 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Variance request by Kevin Moquin to construct an addition to an existing accessory structure that would exceed the maximum area allowed by the zoning ordinance. Senior Planner Nemcek presented the request from Keith Moquin request a variance to construct an addition to an existing garage structure. Commissioner Comments Commissioners discussed with City staff and asked about the placement of the requested structure, conformance with City building and zoning codes, required variance findings, and alternative options available to the property owner. The Public Hearing opened at 6:53 p.m. Keith Moquin - 4101 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 The applicant Keith Moquin elaborated on the history and typography of the property, presenting photographic materials to Commissioners. Sarah Parrish - 14096 Dearborn Path Rosemount, MN 55068 Parrish shared that she had no objection to the garage addition and variance request. The Public Hearing closed at 7:19 p.m. Motion by Kenninger Second by Reed Motion to close the Public Hearing. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Motion by Kenninger Second by Reed Motion to adopt a resolution denying a variance from the R1-Low Density Residential standards to increase the m aximum aggregate total for any accessory building(s), excluding attached garage, from one thousand (1,000) square feet to 1,816 square feet. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Qbhf!317!pg!341 Qbhf!318!pg!341 Qbhf!319!pg!341 Qbhf!31:!pg!341 Qbhf!321!pg!341 Qbhf!322!pg!341 Qbhf!323!pg!341 Qbhf!324!pg!341 Qbhf!325!pg!341 Qbhf!326!pg!341 Qbhf!327!pg!341 Qbhf!328!pg!341 Qbhf!329!pg!341 Qbhf!32:!pg!341 July 12, 2024 City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 rd Re: Appeal of Variance Denial for Detached Garage at 4101 143 Street West Dear Mayor and members of Council: Our firm represents Keith Moquin (the “Applicant” or Mr. Moquin) with respect to his application for a variance from the R-1 Low Density Residential standards. In the City’s R-1 District, a property owner is entitled to a single accessory structure with a total area of 1,000 square feet. Mr. Moquin currently has a 786 square foot detached garage that is original to his home. rd Mr. Moquin’s home, located at 4101 143 Street West (the “Property”) was built in 1960’s. The Property was the original homestead for the farm which was later developed into the current residential neighborhood. The Property does not have an attached garage today. In the R-1 District, property owners may have both a 1,000 square foot accessory structure and an attached garage of up to 1,500 square feet depending on the size of the home. Property owners within the R-1 District with a home the size of the Applicant’s are permitted 2,500 square feet of garage space on their lots. I. Staff recommended and the Planning Commission found that the requested variance meets four of the five criteria required by the City Code. Mr. Moquin applied for a variance to increase the size of his existing detached garage from 786 square feet to 1578.6 square feet. Because accessory structures are capped at 1,000 square feet under the zoning code and Mr. Moquin’s garage is deemed an accessory structure, a variance is required. The staff report provided to the Planning Commission incorrectly notes the size of the existing garage and requested expansion. The total square footage requested is 1,579 square feet not 1,815 square feet. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and heard Mr. Moquin’s application on May 28, 2024. Staff and the Planning Commission agreed that four of the findings required to grant a variance were met. 1. The variance request is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance. Qbhf!331!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 2 Detached garages are permitted within the R-1 District. The purpose of the 1000 sq. ft. limitation based on staff’s testimony to the Planning Commission is to ensure that the principal use on a residential property remains residential. Here, the size of the proposed garage is well below the 2,500 square feet of attached and detached garage space that is permitted for the Property. The application is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance. 2. The variance requires is consistent with the comprehensive plan The 2040 Comprehensive Plan (“Comp Plan”) guides the Property Low Density Residential. The expanded garage does not cause the buildings on the Property to exceed the density limitations noted in the Comp Plan or change the use of the Property. If approved, the variance will further the longstanding single family home use. 3. The Applicant proposes to use the Property in the reasonable manner Mr. Moquin plans to use the expanded garage to house a classic car and his family’s vehicles. The Moquin’s currently have five children of driving age. Staff and the Planning Commission agreed that Mr. Moquin’s use of the proposed building is reasonable. 4. Granting the variance will not alter the essential character of the locality. The garage is located behind the home, benefits from significant screening and with expansion will not impact the Property’s compliance with other restrictions of the zoning ordinance like impervious surface coverage, side yard or rear yard setbacks. A single-family home with a detached garage is consistent with the character and residential nature of the R-1 District. Both Planning Commission and staff struggled with the final finding required under the City Code and Minnesota law to grant a variance: whether there are unique circumstances to the Property which are not created by the landowner. The staff report reasons that Mr. Moquin could simply build an attached garage which would offer him additional square footage and code compliance. The detached structure could be increased by 200 plus square feet and a new attached garage could add 1,500 square feet of vehicle storage. However, a closer review of the Property reveals that there are unique circumstances that impact this Property and the Applicant’s ability to comply with City Code. II. The Planning Commission incorrectly held that there are no unique circumstances to the Property which are not created by the landowner. The Property is significantly impacted by grade changes and slopes across the site; a shared access drive limits the developable area of the Property and other natural features like tree cover would be destroyed if an attached garage was constructed. Uniqueness relates to the physical characteristics of a property, rather than the personal preference of a landowner. The focus of this factor is whether there is anything physically unique about a property, such as sloping topography or other natural features like wetlands or trees. Qbhf!332!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 3 As previously described, the Property was the original homestead for Hawkins Pond. The home was built in the 1960’s. Aside from access to the home, topography of the site, and tree cover it is important to note that the home is not designed to accommodate an attached garage. Even if it were possible to attach a garage to the home, from a practical perspective it would also require Mr. Moquin to reconfigure the inside of the building- moving bedrooms, kitchens, or porches and turning them into entry areas or large mudrooms. If Mr. Moquin redesigned the interior of the home, constructing an attached garage would be both impractical and unreasonably burdensome. As shown by the Dakota County aerial image below, the home is built on the eastern half of the Property. The detached garage is shown behind the home to the north, with the driveway sloping across the lot to access the garage. 1. The east side of the home cannot accommodate an attached garage. On the east side of the Property, the home is set back approximately 12 feet from the property line. Not only would significant grading, tree removal and a new driveway be required to accommodate an attached garage on the east side of the home, but a setback variance would also be required. As shown on the attached Image A, there is a ten (10) foot grade change between the existing home and the property line. Qbhf!333!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 4 rd Furthermore, The Property shares a curb cut with the home immediately to the east (4091 143 Street). As currently constructed, there are clean sight lines as the Moquin’s come down their driveway- but a new driveway to access a garage on the east side of the home would run the two driveways parallel with one another increasing the risk for traffic conflicts, especially if there were cars parked along the driveways. 2. The west side of the home cannot accommodate an attached garage The house is built on a significant grade from east to west and from the street to the rear yard of the home. From the street to the front door of the home, there is an over twenty-foot elevation change- about the height of an average two-story home. This elevation profile is confirmed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) topography map attached as Image B. While it is difficult to see from the street view of the Property, the current driveway cuts into the hill the home was built on. As evidenced by the blue line depicted here, the driveway sits approximately four feet below the home. This is reinforced by the topographic map excerpt below (and reproduced in larger format as Image C). The dip shown on the left reflects the grade change on the driveway as compared to the home. If Mr. Moquin were to build an attached garage on the west side of the home, over 15 tons of fill would be required to build a permitted garage of 1000 square feet (500 square feet less than what he is entitled to under the City Code). Filling just five square feet of this area, would require 3.6 cubic yards of soil or one ton- for reference a full size pickup truck holds about 2 cubic yards of fill. This amount of fill would result in changed water flow on the Property- rather than running down the driveway as water does now, water would be pushed down the new slope and into neighboring properties. Tree and shrub removal would also be required. 3. Construction of an attached garage in the east rear yard would require reconfiguration of the interior of the home, structural changes and Significant Tree removal. The orientation of the home is an existing site condition inherited by Mr. Moquin, akin to the placement of the driveway and topography of the Property. Adding a garage to the rear of the home would eliminate all exterior first floor windows for half of the Property including the Qbhf!334!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 5 kitchen. This would substantially impact the livability of the home and would require substantial structural work. The garage cannot be moved further to the east to eliminate the impact on the light/access issues - like a door in the middle of where kitchen cabinets exist now- because then the garage would trigger non-compliance with side yard setbacks. At least one Significant Tree (as defined by Code section 11-6-3) would need to be removed- that tree shades both the Moquin home as well as the home to the east. The Code and Minnesota law does not require a property owner to make comprehensive structural changes to a property that are unreasonably burdensome, especially in this scenario where there are practical alternatives that are otherwise consistent with the City Code. 4. Approval of this variance application does not necessitate approval of every variance application to expand an accessory structure. At the Planning Commission there was significant discussion about whether approval of the variance here would set a precedent requiring the City to approve other similar requests for accessory structure expansion. Staff opined that because there were not unique circumstances in this case, approval could set a “risky precedent.” While staff has shared concerns that many residents desire variances to accommodate changes or expansions to their homes or businesses, property owners are entitled to this review under the City Code and Minnesota law. First, as described at length above 1) topography, 2) shared access, 3) age and design of the structures make this Property unique. Second, while past practice related to variances many be instructive, it does not replace the need for analysis and findings of fact based on the practical difficulties test outlined in Minnesota Statutes and local ordinance. Unlike a conditional use permit where decision makers are bound to the language of the City ordinance and the legislative standards previously adopted, variance approvals do not establish precedent for other variance applications. 5. The Application meets the practical difficulties test outlined in state law A variance is a way that cities may allow an exception to part of a zoning ordinance. It is a permitted departure from strict enforcement of the ordinance as applied to a particular piece of property if there are “practical difficulties” in complying with the code. Simply put, Mr. Moquin is entitled to 2,500 square feet of garage space, but because of the slope of his Property, the shared access to the home, the extensive trees on the Property and how the house was constructed, he cannot build the space is entitled to without drastically altering the grade of the Property or applying for setback variances. He would like to use the Property in a reasonable manner- expanding his existing garage outside of the view of neighbors and without impact to surrounding property owners for a residential purpose. The resulting structure will not be out of scale, out of place or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. The practical difficulties standard does not require the Council to find that the land cannot be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the variance or that compliance with the code is impossible. For the reasons stated above, Mr. Moquin is appealing the Planning Commission’s decision. There are sufficient, credible facts to demonstrate that the property is impacted by circumstances unique to the property owner rather than Mr. Moquin’s personal preferences or desires. Compliance with the code is both impractical and unreasonably burdensome. Mr. Moquin believes that his application presents a reasonable solution to a practical need that respects the policy goals of the City zoning ordinance. We respectfully request the City Council grant Mr. Moquin’s application on appeal. Qbhf!335!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 6 Sincerely, Megan C. Rogers, for Larkin Hoffman Direct Dial: (952) 896-3395 Direct Fax: (952) 842-1847 Email: mrogers@larkinhoffman.com cc: Mary Tietjen, City Attorney (mtietjen@kennedy-graven.com) Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner (anthony.nemcek@rosemountmn.gov Qbhf!336!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 7 Image A: MN DNR Topography map for east side of home. 4862-5434-2863, v. 3 Image B: Grade from street to front of the home Qbhf!337!pg!341 City of Rosemount July 12, 2024 Page 8 Image C: Driveway Slope and Grade 4862-5434-2863, v. 3 Qbhf!338!pg!341 Qbhf!339!pg!341 Qbhf!33:!pg!341 Qbhf!341!pg!341