HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.06.11 ESC RM Packet AGENDA Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 11, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS a. Approval of April 9, 2024, Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Minutes b. Rescheduling of August 2024 Commission Meeting 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Clean Energy Resource Teams Presentation on Clean Energy Programs 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Work Plan Updates b. Education and Outreach Activities 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8. STAFF REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for August 13, 2024 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 11 ROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 9, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount Environmental & Sustainability Commission was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Springer called the meeting to order with Commissioners Burman and Andrews. Staff present included the following; City Engineer Brian Erickson, Stormwater Specialist Jane Byron, and Recording Secretary Amy Simonson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Springer requested to move item 3.b. to New Business item 6.a. Motion by Andrews Second by Burman Motion to approve the agenda with the moving item 3.b. to item 6.a. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 3.a. February 13, 2024, Environment and Sustainability Commission Meeting Motion by Springer Second by Andrews Motion to approve the February 13, 2024, Environment and Sustainability Commission meeting minutes Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion Carried. 3.b. Election of Commission Chair & Vice Chair Item has been moved to New Business 6.a. PRESENTATIONS 4.a. Dakota County Solid Waste Plan Update Gena Gerard, with Dakota County's Environmental Resources Department, discussed the revision of the County's Solid Waste Management Plan. State law requires all metro counties to have a waste management plan in place that meets state responsibilities and statutory goals. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) Metropolitan Solid Waste Management Policy Plan provides the framework for solid waste management in the Metropolitan Area. Dakota County is asking residents (residential and commercial) to participate in the online survey. The survey is open until April 30, 2024. Commissioners asked if the survey link could be added to the city's website and posted to social media platforms. Staff will confirm if this has already been completed by the city's Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator. Page 2 of 11 OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Work Plan and Goals Updates Specialist Byron presented the following updates made to the work plan made since it was approved by the Commission in February. •The Air Quality Permitting presentation is on hold awaiting availability of the MPCA. •The Clean Energy Resource Teams, an NPO that helps with renewable energy and energy conservation, requested a presentation on the Inflation Reduction Act incentives available and are scheduled to present at the June meeting. •No applications for commissioners were received, therefore, the new commissioner orientation is on hold. •The water conservation post is on hold for later. Instead, Mow Less May information will be posted for May. Commissioner Burman inquired about an update on the review by staff of the Sustainable Purchasing Policy Framework. Specialist Byron noted the policy was forwarded to senior staff again for review due to how much time has passed since it was originally submitted. If staff have any modifications, the suggestions would come back to the ESC to review and comment. 5.b. Education and Outreach Activities Staff asked commissioners for feedback regarding tabling at the Home & Business Expo. Commissioners noted they liked the location as there was more traffic and interest in the booth and fielded lots of questions from residents. Questions were noted and tracked. Trending inquiries included rebate programs, Landscaping for Clean Water program, cost share programs available, and organics education. LED lights provided by Xcel Energy were given away but still have some left over. Commissioners discussed hosting a booth at Leprechaun Days. Due to the limited number of commissioners, it was determined that the ESC would not be able to host their own booth and instead would offer their spot to Violet Pennman, Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator. Specialist Byron discussed the transition from No Mow May to Mow Less May, which will also expand on the concept and include additional ways to help pollinators. There will be a blog post highlighted on the city website as well as an article in the spring newsletter that will include tips, management strategies and optional registration with a printable sign for residents. The Mow Less May resolution was approved by City Council last week which will suspend enforcement of lawn height for the month of May. Specialist Byron announced that Adopt-A-Drain Minnesota is hosting a promotion during Earth Week. Drain adopters can report a drain cleaning during that week, adopters can receive a free t-shirt. There will also be a promotion for adopters to obtain discount tickets to the May 4th Twins game. Page 3 of 11 5.c. Community Survey Overview The city has posted a notice that the Citywide Community Survey for 2024 is open. Notices are first mailed to randomly selected individuals. The survey will be available online to all community members later this month. The survey does contain some environmentally related questions. 5.d. Environment & Sustainability Commission Revisioning No new commissioner applications have been received for the Commission. The current quorum requirement stands at two commissioners. Staff and commissioners discussed options and ideas for revision of the Environmental & Sustainability Commission. Ideas presented included: •Staff adjustments to integrate and coordinate with other staff members in related fields, as the city does not have a dedicated environmental staff person. Further internal discussions will occur before final decisions on staff adjustments are made. •The commission could change to quarterly meetings or revert to a task force. Both ideas were struck down. •Commissioners can serve as liaisons to other commissions when relevant items are on their agendas. This idea was well-received as it enables commissioners to fulfill their advisory roles and be more active in city matters. Commissioners were encouraged to reach out to staff with additional ideas for further discussion. Motion by Andrews Second by Springer Motion to hold Work Session May 14, 2024, at 6 PM to discuss revisioning Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Commissioner Burman nominated Commissioner Springer for Chair. Commissioner Springer accepted the nomination. Motion by Burman Second by Andrews Motion to elect Commissioner Springer as Commission Chair. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Commissioner Burman nominated Commissioner Andrews for Vice Chair. Commissioner Andrews accepted the nomination. Motion by Burman Second by Andrews Motion to elect Commissioner Andrews as Commission Vice-Chair. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Page 4 of 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Specialist Byron advised that Spectro Alloys had an air permit out for comment relating to their expansion. The Commission was notified on March 8th of the open comment period. The comment period has closed now. The MPCA is seeking comments on the Air Toxics Regulations rule as directed by the State. The comment period is open from May 1st through May 22nd. Dakota County will host a Water Wise Challenge which is a competition between cities in the County to see who can be the most "water wise". The challenge will take place from May to August. Residents will sign up to take the Water Wise Pledge to take action and conserve water. The city with the most participants will win and Registration is open for the County managed Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP). Volunteer citizen scientists monitor 5 wetlands during the summer. Training is free and the commitment is about 20 hours of field work over the course of the summer. STAFF REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 11, 2024 i. Review of the Sustainable Purchasing Framework ii. Clean Energy Resource Teams presentation iii. EV stations update iv. Mow Less May update and feedback ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Environmental & Sustainability Commission at the regular meeting, and upon a motion by Springer and a second by Burman, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary Page 5 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Rescheduling of August 2024 Commission Meeting AGENDA SECTION: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 3.b. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a motion to change the date of the August Environment & Sustainability Commission meeting. BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission (ESC) meeting scheduled for August 13, 2024, conflicts with the Primary Election. The ESC meeting needs to be moved to a night that doesn't conflict with the Primary Election or other city meetings or activities. Options for rescheduling the meeting include, but are not limited to, the following: August 14, August 15, August 19, August 21, and August 22. RECOMMENDATION Change the date of the August meeting to a date that doesn't conflict with the Primary Election or other city meetings or activities. Page 6 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Clean Energy Resource Teams Presentation on Clean Energy Programs AGENDA SECTION: PRESENTATIONS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 4.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. BACKGROUND Bruce Odegaard, a volunteer Community Energy Ambassador with the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs), will be presenting on clean energy incentive programs. New incentive programs are available to assist residents and businesses with clean energy improvements through the federal Inflation Reduction Act and the State of Minnesota. RECOMMENDATION Review clean energy incentive programs available to Rosemount residents. Page 7 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Work Plan Updates AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: April 2024-March 2025 ESC Work Plan through June 11 APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission approved a Work Plan at the February 2024 meeting to guide its activities to address goals covering the following topics for 2024/2025: • Industrial Air Permitting • Greening City Operations • Water Conservation and Quality Protection • Sustainable Consumption and Waste • Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy • Pollinators and Habitat Protection • Incentivizing Green Practice Adoption by Local Business The Work Plan is a working document that changes slightly from month to month as new information becomes available as activities are pursued. The updated Work Plan is attached and will be presented at the meeting. RECOMMENDATION Commissioners will be given an opportunity to update the Chair on any progress they have made on activities listed in the 2024/2025 Work Plan. Page 8 of 11 2024/2025 ESC Work Plan Through June 11 Month Action Associated Goal Responsible Party Progress Notes Attend Commission Meeting - April 9 N/A Commissioners Website Article: Water Conservation/Mayor's Water Challenge Water Quality Conservation City Staff Cancel and cover irrigation under Mow Less May post Mayor's Water Challenge on hiatus for 2024. WThe County county will be hosting a Water Wise Challenge over the summer that may delay outreach on water conservation to closer to May. Mow Less May (No Mow May) Proclaimation to Council Pollinators & Habitat City Staff Approved April 2. Outreach expected mid-April Speaker @ Commission Meeting: Dakota County Solid Waste** Sustainable Consumption City Staff Confirmed for April 9 **Invitation to Dakota County must be extended, Solid Waste Plan; Dakota County contacted on 02/21 Review State Air Quality Permitting Program Air Quality City Staff Reached out to MPCA on 03/15 and 03/18 with request with no response.MPCA Possible guest speaker Review Community Survey Questions All City Staff completed April 9 ESC Work Plan presentation to City Council - April 16 N/A Commissioners Preference is for presentation of the work plan by the ESC Chair May Website Article: Mow Less May/Pollinators Pollinators & Habitat City Staff Completed May 2024 Will also include other information on low input lawn care. Attend Commission Meeting - June 11 N/A Commissioners Website Article: Reporting Environmental Issues Air Quality City Staff In progress. Update Draft Stustainable Purchasing Framework Policy Greening Operations City Staff In progress still. Recommend moving to July. Speaker @ Commission Meeting: Overview of the IRA clean energy incentives Energy City Staff Confirmed for June 11 CERTs reached out in March with an invitation. Bruce Odegaard is an Inflation Reduction Act Ambassador volunteer with CERTs and will give the presentation. Leprechaun Days Prep All Commissioners Cancelled The Leprechaun Days booth will be handled by the Solid Waste Coordinator due to current small commission size. Website Article: Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling Sustainable Consumption Commissioners Table @ Leprechaun Days: July 26 & 27 All Commissioners commisison not hosting booth in 2024 Volunteer opportunities will be available to assist with the recycling booth and City Council booth. Sustainable Purchasing Framework to Council Greening Operations City Staff In progress. Recommend moving to August. Attend Commission Meeting - August 13 N/A Commissioners New Commissioner Orientaion N/A City Staff Moved to August due to lack of commissioner candidates Website Article: Energy Sustainability, Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy Energy Commissioners Cooling Strategies for the Home Speaker @ Commission Meeting: VRWJPO Watershed Plan** Water Quality Conservation City Staff **Invitation to VRWJPO must be extended; contacted VRWJPO on 02/21 Investigate Climate Action Plan options Energy City Staff September Website Article: Composting & Yard Waste Water Quality Conservation Commissioners Attend Commission Meeting - October 8 N/A Commissioners Website Article: Energy Sustainability , Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy Energy Commissioners National Energy Awareness Month Review Goals for Amendment All Commissioners June April July October August Page 9 of 11 Investigate Climate Action Plan Options Energy Commissioners November Website Article: Environmental Features of the New PW/PD Campus & Practices During Construction Greening Operations City Staff Attend Commission Meeting - December 10 N/A Commissioners Website Article: Water Quality - Salt Reduction Water Quality Conservation City Staff Draft 2025/26 Work Plan All Commissioners ESC Aprove Amended Goals All Commissioners Speaker: 2025 Planned Sustainability Outreach** Sustainable Consumption City Staff Confirmed for December 10 **Invitation must be extended to Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator; contacted Coordinator on 02/22 Facility Tour: Public Works & Police Campus** Greening Operations City Staff **Contingent on completion of work Review businesses to tour in 2025/26 Business Incentives Commissioners Touch base with Eric Van Oss January Website Article: Incentive Environmental Programs for Business Business Incentives City Staff Attend Commission Meeting - February 11 N/A Commissioners Website Article: Incentive Programs for Residents All City Staff ESC Approve 2025/26 Work Plan All Commissioners Facility Tour: Spectro Alloys** Air Quality City Staff **Invitation must be extended to Specto Alloys; currect construction projects may delay event Develop Climate Action/Sustainability Plan Budget Recommendation for 2025 Energy Commissioners https://www.lmc.org/news- publications/magazine/mar-apr- 2022/cities-climate-action-plans/ Planning for Rosemount Community Expo All Commissioners Website Article: Environmental Volunteering Opportunities All City Staff Council Approve 2025/26 Work Plan All City Staff ESC Yearly Progress Report @ Council Meeting All Commissioners Table @ Rosemount Community Expo: Date TBD All Commissioners Future Activities December March February Page 10 of 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment and Sustainability Commission Regular Meeting: June 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Education and Outreach Activities AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: BE, NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The Environment & Sustainability Commission (ESC) regularly participates in and promotes education and outreach activities that align with their goals. Activities are often assigned to specific commissioners to organize or complete. The intent of this item is to review the success of recently completed activities and share ideas for upcoming activities. Below is a listing of recent and upcoming programs and dates of significance: 1. Recap of previous events: a. Mow Less May 2. News & Highlights Posts on RosemountMN.gov: a. June - reporting environmental issues - city staff b. July - solid waste reduction & recycling topic - commissioners c. August - cooling strategies for the home or other energy related topic - commissioners 3. 3. Upcoming Events and Holidays of Note a. June 17-23 - National Pollinator Week i. Vision 2024: Thriving Ecosystems, Economies, and Agriculture b. June 19 - Juneteenth - city offices closed c. July - Plastic Free July d. July 4 - Independence Day - city offices closed e. July 26-27 - Leprechaun Days Midsummer Faire f. August 6 - Night to Unite g. August 21 - National Honey Bee Day RECOMMENDATION Discuss education and outreach opportunities for June, July, and August. Page 11 of 11