HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.03.25 UC Meeting Packet AGENDA Utility Commission Regular Meeting Monday, March 25, 2024 5:30 PM Conference Room, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. AUDIENCE INPUT 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. November 27, 2023 Utility Commission Meeting Minutes 5. PRESENTATION 6. OLD BUSINESS a. 2023 Water Efficiency and Stormwater Rebate Recap 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Summary of Utility Related Inquires and Concerns Reported by Residents in 2023 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT a. 2023 Well Pumping Report & 2024 Well Pumping Report for January and February b. 2023 City Water Usage c. 10-Year Summary of City Water Consumption d. Action Item / Issues list e. Set Next Meeting Agenda – June 24, 2024 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 13 ROSEMOUNT UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 27, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Utility Commission was held on Monday, November 27, 2023, at 5:30 PM in the Rosemount Conference Room, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Johnson called the meeting to order with Commissioner Miller. Commissioner Demuth was absent. Staff present included the following; Mayor Jeff Weisensel, City Administrator Logan Martin, Public Works Director Nick Egger, and Recording Secretary Amy Simonson. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.a. October 23, 2023 Utility Commission Meeting Minutes Motion by Johnson Second by Miller Motion to approve the October 23, 2023, Utility Commission Meeting Minutes Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Manganese Outreach Director Egger updated the Commissioners on continued informational outreach efforts. City staff provided an informational packet to Dakota County Health and Human Services which was disseminated to all pediatric clinics in Dakota County through their electronic notification system. Although Manganese is not regulated by the Minnesota Department of Health, and public water systems are not required to test for manganese, the City of Rosemount will continue to voluntarily sample and test manganese levels, and staff will continue to highlight the results information during the announcement of the availability of the annual Consumer Confidence (Water Quality) Report each spring, and accessible on the City's website and is featured in the spring newsletter. Page 2 of 13 NEW BUSINESS None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Well Pumping Report Director Egger noted that despite drought conditions, the fall rains helped recover and improve area conditions which have been upgraded from severe drought to abnormally dry. Currently, we are only a couple inches short of the annual average rainfall amount. The fall rains appear to have decreased water demands and pumpage amounts should level off as we move into the low demand season. However, it is noted that pumpage amounts are expected to exceed the 2022 figures to some degree. Mayor Weisensel inquired if the observed percentage change from 2022, most notable in Q2 of 2022, could be attributed to the establishment of new sod with all the new homes under construction. Director Egger acknowledged that weather typically is the driving factor in water demand. However, determining the significance of this factor would require more in-depth analysis. 8.b. Action Item / Issues list Director Egger provided a proposed 2024 meeting calendar to the Commissioners for review and approval. Meeting dates proposed for 2024 are: •March 25, 2024 •June 24, 2024 •September 23,2024 •October 28, 2024 •November 25, 2024 •December 16, 2024 - tentative, may be canceled Motion by Johnson Second by Miller Motion to approve the 2024 meeting calendar for the Utility Commission. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion Carried. 8.c. Set Next Meeting Agenda – March 25, 2024 i.HOA irrigation audits - advertise in early spring ii.Annual summary of utility related inquiries/concerns made by residents ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Johnson and a second by Miller, the meeting was adjourned at 5:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary Page 3 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Regular Meeting: March 25, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: 2023 Water Efficiency and Stormwater Rebate Recap AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Amy Simonson, Public Works Office Specialist Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: Water Efficiency and Stormwater Rebate Update APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Informational Only BACKGROUND Summary and updates on the Water Efficiency Rebate and Stormwater Rebate program activity up to March 15, 2024. The current grant period will end on June 30, 2024. Staff is working on the application for the next grant period from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026. RECOMMENDATION None Page 4 of 13 ___________________________________________________________________________ UTITLIY COMMISSION Quarterly Water Efficiency Rebate Update: The City of Rosemount was awarded a Water Efficiency Grant from the Metropolitan Council (MCES) in the amount of $34,000 for the 2022-24 grant cycle. As part of this program, the following rebate amounts are allowed: •$50 for Water Sense Toilets •$150 for Energy Star Washers •$150 for Energy Star Dishwashers •$150 for Water Sense Irrigation Controllers •$200 for Irrigation system audits The City also partners with the Vermilion River Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) to offer funding to multi-family residential properties for low-cost irrigation audits and improvement cost share grants through this funding source. Under the program, HOAs pay $50 towards the cost of an audit, a savings of several thousand dollars, and are eligible for grants up to 80% of the cost, not to exceed $1500, for WaterSense improvements recommended in the audit reports. Match dollars for the MCES Grant are split between the City and the VRWJPO, with the VRWJPO handling the management and hiring of the irrigation auditor, and the City managing the WaterSense improvement grant. The City and VRWJPO also provide a grant for non WaterSense audit recommended improvements up to 20% not to exceed $500. Previous audits through the program have shown HOAs are wasting on average 1 Mgal/yr at a cost of $4,146 per year on inefficient irrigation. Two HOAs were audited in 2023. City staff emails the top 10 HOA water users in the spring of each year about the program to encourage interest. The program is also advertised on the City website on its “Rebates & Assistance Programs” page www.RosemountMN.gov/rebates, has been presented to the HOA Leadership Network https://hoaleadershipnetwork.org/, and shared with HOAs during other staff/resident contacts. The City has also opened the program up to other multi-family properties that don’t have a governing HOA, such as apartments, through a 2023 agreement amendment with the VRWJPO. Table 1 provides a summary of the entire rebate program activity. Table 1 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Gallons of Water Saved Annually (est.)386,800 200,200 *1,665,936 687,136 31,600 Total Rebate $4,971.67 $3,790.26 $20,436.74 $11,391.48 $1,300 Municipality Contribution (25%)$1,242.92 $911.15 $10,902.94 $2,922.87 $325 Irrigation Controllers Replaced:35 1 18 13 0 Toilets Replaced:6 1 7 11 2 Clothes Washers Replaced: 8 1 5 8 6 Page 5 of 13 2 Dishwashers Replaced 0 0 0 3 2 Audits (Residential):1 0 0 0 0 Commercial Audit In a partnership with the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) on their Urban Water Conservation Program. 2021 Municipality Contribution partially provided by Stormwater Utility. 6 2 0 *Includes commercial audit annual water savings Quarterly Stormwater Rebate Update: In May 2019, the Utility Commission recommended City Council adopt a rebate program for residents to install projects on their property to improve stormwater quality and reduce runoff volume. In March 2020, City Council approved the Stormwater Rebate Policy and established a maximum amount of $5,000. Table 2 provides a summary of the entire rebate program activity. Number of BMPs installed for each category in (parentheses) following dollar amount listed Table 2 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total Rebate $0 $147.85 $77.50 $1,840.03 $0 Rain Barrels:$0 $86.94 (5)$77.50 (4)$40 (2)$0 Cisterns & Rainwater Harvesting:$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Raingardens: $0 $0 $0 $1,800.03 (4)$0 Native Plantings:$0 $60.91 (1)$0 $0 $0 Buffers: $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Stormwater Reuse:$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Permeable Pavers & Pavements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Here is a summary of advertisements of the program in 2023: •Conserve & Preserve Blog Post https://rosemountmn.gov/preserve •The City Newsletter •Information at Home & Business Expo in March •Included in course materials for Landscaping for Clean Water Workshops •Individual staff contacts with residents •City staff presence for Q&A at some of the Landscaping for Clean Water Workshops. •Information at Leprechaun Days Midsummer Faire July 28 & 29 •Summer utility insert Staff will continue to publicize these programs via social media, city newsletters, staff updates and additional methods. Page 6 of 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Regular Meeting: March 25, 2024 AGENDA ITEM: Summary of Utility Related Inquires and Concerns Reported by Residents in 2023 AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Amy Simonson, Public Works Office Specialist AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: 2024.03.20 Summary of Utility Related Issues 2023 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: None BACKGROUND At the November 2023 meeting, the Commissioners requested a summary of utility related issues and concerns submitted by residents in 2023. RECOMMENDATION None Page 7 of 13 ___________________________________________________________________________ UTITLIY COMMISSION Summary of Utility Related Inquires and Concerns Reported by Residents in 2023 Below is a list of utility related issues reported by residents and logged by the city in 2023 sorted by issue category as designated in the city’s management software system. Issue No. of Issues Details Curb Stops 54 Shut off requests, locates, broken curb stop, lower curb stop to grade Drainage Issues 1 Concerns about drainage on private property Hydrant Issue 8 Requests for city to clear snow from fire hydrants, hydrant flushing inquiries Illicit Discharge 8 Reports of vehicles with hydraulic leaks, pools emptied into stormwater drains Manhole Issue 4 Loose manhole covers Miscellaneous/Other 96 HOA irrigation meter issues, damaged utility boxes/pedestals, inquiries about locates, D&U easements, insurance for private water and sewer line repairs Pond Issue 12 Inquiries about planting near stormwater ponds, pond mowing, noxious plants near ponds, residents pumping from ponds, stormwater structure damage, stormwater pond easement allowances. Concerns about pond levels or pond water quality. Sanitary Sewer Issue/ Sewer Back Up or Overflow 17 Inquires on city vs owner responsibility, requests for as- builts Storm Sewer Issue/ Storm Water Drainage Issue 18 Catch basin issues, erosion control measures around catch basins, clogged storm water inlets due to snow/ice or debris, water coming up from storm water inlet Utility Company Issue 26 Inquires and concerns regarding ROW permit holders work and restoration, damaged private utility boxes, inquires about getting locates or why locates marked on their property Water Issue 42 Low water pressure or no water, inquiries on water restrictions, noisy pipes, and city vs. homeowner water line responsibilities Water Leak 12 Reported leaks from or around water meter, possible water line leaks or water main breaks Water Meter Issue 26 Leaks from or around water meters or noisy meters Water Odor 11 Sulfur/rotten egg smell coming from water Water Quality 57 Discolored water, request for water metrics, hard water stains in sinks and toilets TOTAL 392 Page 8 of 13 GPM 1,200 1,235 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 500 500 2023 Well 7 Well 8 Well 9 Well 12 Well 14 Well 15 Well 16 Rural 1 Rural 2 2023 Total 2022 Total % Change 2022 2023 Diff Jan 6,000 1,477,000 15,504,000 3,000 0 22,174,000 0 2,610,000 2,399,000 44,173,000 43,605,500 1.3% 0.64 2.25 1.61 Feb 79,000 10,390,000 6,719,000 243,000 278,000 8,855,000 11,247,000 2,278,000 2,073,000 42,162,000 44,728,400 -5.7% 0.78 2.38 1.60 Mar 0 13,464,000 6,092,000 57,000 8,047,000 0 14,560,000 2,479,000 2,413,000 47,112,000 47,224,000 -0.2% 2.95 2.72 -0.23 Q1 Total 85,000 25,331,000 28,315,000 303,000 8,325,000 31,029,000 25,807,000 7,367,000 6,885,000 133,447,000 135,557,900 -1.6%4.37 7.35 2.98 Apr 0 0 9,463,000 7,763,000 12,217,000 11,795,000 235,000 2,589,000 2,311,000 46,373,000 44,602,300 4.0% 3.99 2.39 -1.60 May 0 8,653,000 13,881,000 28,378,000 5,451,000 30,114,000 16,530,000 3,865,000 3,909,000 110,781,000 91,616,800 20.9% 3.33 1.62 -1.71 Jun 6,222,000 40,107,000 25,362,000 15,061,000 44,321,000 33,561,000 31,427,000 3,068,000 3,234,000 202,363,000 162,212,500 24.8% 1.13 0.93 -0.20 Q2 Total 6,222,000 48,760,000 48,706,000 51,202,000 61,989,000 75,470,000 48,192,000 9,522,000 9,454,000 359,517,000 298,431,600 20.5%8.45 4.94 -3.51 Jul 3,571,000 27,269,000 29,349,000 14,232,000 31,570,000 13,873,000 42,077,000 3,554,000 3,206,000 168,701,000 191,696,000 -12.0% 1.18 2.57 1.39 Aug 3,097,000 34,198,000 21,383,000 19,490,000 34,297,000 27,324,000 35,516,000 3,758,000 3,648,000 182,711,000 140,897,000 29.7% 4.27 2.29 -1.98 Sep 2,206,000 28,690,000 13,457,000 12,114,000 31,009,000 47,251,000 10,603,000 3,636,000 2,973,000 151,939,000 137,959,000 10.1% 0.24 5.72 5.48 Q3 Total 8,874,000 90,157,000 64,189,000 45,836,000 96,876,000 88,448,000 88,196,000 10,948,000 9,827,000 503,351,000 470,825,000 6.9%5.69 10.58 4.89 Oct 0 11,375,000 16,617,000 8,000 1,458,000 17,000 28,438,000 3,150,000 3,044,000 64,107,000 87,864,000 -27.0% 0.24 4.50 4.26 Nov 0 0 17,409,000 0 10,565,000 0 9,738,000 2,773,000 2,757,000 43,242,000 46,602,000 -7.2% 2.40 0.04 -2.36 Dec 0 0 2,676,000 14,019,000 24,867,000 57,000 49,000 2,444,000 2,395,000 46,507,000 50,371,000 -7.7% 1.82 2.28 0.46 Q4 Total 0 11,375,000 36,702,000 14,027,000 36,890,000 74,000 38,225,000 8,367,000 8,196,000 153,856,000 184,837,000 -16.8%4.46 6.82 2.36 Total 15,181,000 175,623,000 177,912,000 111,368,000 204,080,000 195,021,000 200,420,000 36,204,000 34,362,000 1,150,171,000 1,089,651,500 5.6%22.97 29.69 6.72 Average/Mo 1,265,083 14,635,250 14,826,000 9,280,667 17,006,667 16,251,750 16,701,667 3,017,000 2,904,455 95,888,538 90,803,911 5.6% Average/Day 41,592 481,159 487,430 305,118 559,123 534,304 549,096 99,189 94,142 3,151,153 2,985,347 5.6% 1,150,171,000 1,089,378,500 5.6% 22.97 29.69 6.72 Well 15 meter failed and manual readings were taken during this period. Precipitation Year To-Date 2023 Well Pumping Record Page 9 of 13 GPM 1,200 1,235 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 500 500 2023 Well 7 Well 8 Well 9 Well 12 Well 14 Well 15 Well 16 Rural 1 Rural 2 2024 Total 2023 Total % Change 2023 2024 Diff Jan 0 0 0 17,166,000 1,052,000 25,843,000 0 2,620,000 2,461,000 49,142,000 44,173,000 11.2% 2.25 0.13 -2.12 Feb 0 15,000 16,606,000 73,000 0 114,000 18,910,000 2,472,000 2,387,000 40,577,000 42,162,000 -3.8% 2.38 0.65 -1.73 Mar 0 47,112,000 -100.0% 2.72 -2.72 Q1 Total 0 15,000 16,606,000 17,239,000 1,052,000 25,957,000 18,910,000 5,092,000 4,848,000 89,719,000 133,447,000 -32.8%7.35 0.78 -6.57 Apr 0 46,373,000 -100.0% 2.39 -2.39 May 0 217,395,000 -100.0% 1.62 -1.62 Jun 0 144,201,000 -100.0% 0.93 -0.93 Q2 Total 0 0 00 00000 0407,969,000 -100.0%4.94 0.00 -4.94 Jul 0 154,828,000 -100.0% 2.57 -2.57 Aug 0 174,794,000 -100.0% 2.29 -2.29 Sep 0 151,939,000 -100.0% 5.72 -5.72 Q3 Total 0 0 00 00000 0481,561,000 -100.0%10.58 0.00 -10.58 Oct 0 64,107,000 -100.0% 4.50 -4.50 Nov 0 83,727,000 -100.0% 0.04 -0.04 Dec 0 46,507,000 -100.0% 2.28 -2.28 Q4 Total 0 0 00 00000 0194,341,000 -100.0%6.82 0.00 -6.82 Total 0 15,000 16,606,000 17,239,000 1,052,000 25,957,000 18,910,000 5,092,000 4,848,000 89,719,000 1,217,318,000 -92.6%29.69 0.78 -28.91 Average/Mo 0 7,500 8,303,000 8,619,500 526,000 12,978,500 9,455,000 2,546,000 2,424,000 44,859,500 101,790,826 -55.9% Average/Day 0 41 45,496 47,230 2,882 71,115 51,808 13,951 13,282 245,805 3,335,118 -92.6% 89,719,000 86,335,000 3.9% 29.69 0.78 -28.91 2024 Well Pumping Record Precipitation Year To-Date Page 10 of 13 Quarterly 2023 Government Building Meter Readings ACCT # FACILITY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL 800001 City Hall 22,000 24,000 24,000 25,000 95,000 800002 City Hall - irrigation - 135,000 269,000 10,000 414,000 800003 Library - irrigation - - 101,000 - 101,000 800004 PW Shop 155,000 307,000 243,000 124,000 829,000 800005 Mechanics Garage 7,000 36,000 7,000 12,000 62,000 800006 City Garage (wood shop) 3,000 5,000 7,000 2,000 17,000 800007 Community Center - top 214,000 267,000 484,000 393,000 1,358,000 800008 Community Center - bottom 184,000 231,000 418,000 338,000 1,171,000 800009 Community Center - irrigation 22,000 93,000 237,000 - 352,000 800010 Fire Station 1 14,000 226,000 338,000 13,000 591,000 800011 Fire Station 2 3,000 205,000 498,000 6,000 712,000 800012 Bloomfield Park - 740,000 693,000 2,000 1,435,000 800013 Central Park - shelter 1,000 7,000 10,000 2,000 20,000 800014 Connemara Park - 391,000 553,000 1,000 945,000 800015 Erickson South (Fields 4-5) - 652,000 923,000 67,000 1,642,000 800016 Erickson Shelter (Fields 1-3) - 882,000 1,627,000 151,000 2,660,000 800017 Innisfree Park - - - - - 800018 Jaycee Park Shelter 2,000 3,000 5,000 2,000 12,000 800019 Jaycee Park - irrigation - 1,689,000 3,021,000 154,000 4,864,000 800020 Meadows Park - 1,165,000 1,567,000 3,000 2,735,000 800021 Shannon Park - 1,839,000 2,471,000 116,000 4,426,000 800022 Winds Park - 447,000 850,000 13,000 1,310,000 800024 Steeple Center - - - - - 800025 Flint Hills Athletic Fields - 5,074,000 6,328,000 - 11,402,000 800026 Splash Pad - 4,673,000 5,554,000 - 10,227,000 800027 Activity Center 17,000 70,000 99,000 25,000 211,000 800028 Central Park - irrigation - 331,000 517,000 7,000 855,000 800029 PW Fill Station 42,000 112,000 128,000 72,000 354,000 800030 Chili Flower Garden - 22,000 62,000 6,000 90,000 800031 Flint Hills Athletic Complex Bldg. - - 174,000 11,000 185,000 800032 Flint Hills Athletic Fields - - - 125,000 125,000 800054 UMORE Athletic Fields - 2,597,000 2,135,000 9,000 4,741,000 800055 Horseshoe Park Irrigation - - - - - TOTALS 686,000 22,223,000 29,343,000 1,689,000 53,941,000 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 2022 836,000 15,027,000 24,247,000 3,262,000 43,372,000 % Change -17.9% 47.9% 21.0% -48.2%24.4% Page 11 of 13 ACCT. NO. FACILITY 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 800001 City Hall 104,000 92,000 91,000 93,000 102,000 112,000 85,000 97,000 744,000 95,000 800002 City Hall - Irrigation 305,000 352,000 192,000 248,000 315,000 266,000 193,000 314,000 5,009,000 414,000 800003 Library - Irrigation 200,000 122,000 206,000 219,000 204,000 184,000 - 230,000 603,000 101,000 800004 PW Shop 1,294,000 1,052,000 1,201,000 677,000 463,000 444,000 434,000 420,000 558,000 829,000 800029 PW Fill Station 682,000 768,000 511,000 566,000 630,000 8,000 62,000 800005 Mechanics Garage 28,000 23,000 23,000 25,000 24,000 28,000 100,000 47,000 - 354,000 800006 City Garage (wood shop) 23,000 22,000 22,000 24,000 30,000 29,000 37,000 89,000 11,510,000 17,000 800007 Community Center - Top 1,303,800 1,206,000 1,554,000 1,264,000 975,000 1,045,000 991,000 1,075,000 620,000 1,358,000 800008 Community Center - Bottom 1,054,000 1,051,000 1,293,000 656,000 857,000 861,000 900,000 926,000 18,000 1,171,000 800009 Community Center - Irrigation 496,600 305,000 861,000 52,000 37,000 26,000 139,000 255,000 221,000 352,000 800010 Fire Station 1 389,000 258,000 318,000 260,000 399,000 441,000 447,000 515,000 970,000 591,000 800011 Fire Station 2 460,000 380,000 1,020,000 430,000 240,000 94,000 460,000 736,000 2,027,000 712,000 800012 Bloomfield Park - Irrigation 1,566,800 726,000 666,000 1,107,000 607,000 934,560 - 1,678,000 731,000 1,435,000 800013 Central Park - Shelter 346,000 312,000 33,000 41,000 73,000 40,000 451,000 18,000 185,000 20,000 800028 Central Park - Irrigation - 439,000 193,000 371,000 248,000 384,000 1,136,000 2,613,000 855,000 800014 Connemara Park - Irrigarion 286,000 185,000 333,000 206,000 299,000 136,000 414,000 696,000 619,000 945,000 800015 Erickson South (fields 4-5) 688,000 311,000 1,192,000 856,000 1,257,000 843,000 1,385,000 1,653,000 1,170,000 1,642,000 800016 Erickson Shelter (fields 1-3) 1,136,000 1,660,800 1,533,000 1,511,000 1,265,000 1,547,000 2,033,000 2,434,000 56,000 2,660,000 800017 Innisfree Park - Irrigation 460,359 660,030 225,000 194,000 191,000 288,000 76,000 121,000 3,531,000 - 800018 Jaycee Park Shelter 14,000 15,000 11,000 8,000 22,000 9,000 6,000 8,000 353,000 12,000 800019 Jaycee Park - Irrigation 2,573,000 1,729,000 2,908,000 2,572,000 1,644,000 2,392,000 4,377,000 3,628,000 298,000 4,864,000 800020 Meadows Park - Irrigation 1,958,652 1,088,000 1,558,000 1,637,000 1,238,000 1,014,000 2,335,000 3,011,000 77,000 2,735,000 800021 Shannon Park - Irrigation 1,718,000 1,793,000 1,842,000 1,968,000 2,112,000 2,002,000 2,820,000 3,320,000 1,255,000 4,426,000 800022 Winds Park - Irrigation 439,000 427,000 735,000 335,000 528,000 438,000 611,000 1,151,000 1,686,000 1,310,000 800024 Steeple Center 150,000 115,000 266,000 298,000 326,000 104,000 - - 4,644,000 - 800025 Flint Hills Athletic Fields 3,934,000 4,924,000 3,059,000 4,100,000 6,659,000 9,086,000 11,380,000 4,859,000 - 11,402,000 800031 Flint Hills Athletic Bldg.185,000 800026 Splash Pad 5,246,000 11,113,000 9,646,000 10,727,000 9,058,000 6,681,000 7,902,000 7,620,000 117,000 10,227,000 800027 Activity Center 11,000 397,000 137,000 229,000 248,000 313,000 186,000 3,648,000 211,000 800030 Chili Flower Garden 41,000 86,000 134,000 91,000 1,000 90,000 800032 Flint Hills Athletic Fields 125,000 800054 UMore Athletic Fields 1,507,000 1,523,000 1,716,000 1,416,000 1,855,000 1,471,000 1,783,000 3,333,000 4,644,000 4,741,000 800055 Horseshoe Park Irrigation 2,000 - TOTALS 27,680,211 31,455,830 33,340,000 31,936,000 32,189,000 31,608,560 40,756,000 40,277,000 47,918,000 53,943,023 Irrigation / Recreation (est)23,024,411 27,371,830 27,818,000 27,825,000 28,331,000 28,043,560 36,736,000 35,742,000 31,463,000 48,754,023 % Of Total 83% 87% 83% 87% 88% 89% 90% 89% 66% 90% Rainfall (inches)35.4 36.14 40.32 32.36 33.56 43.17 29.83 25.96 22.97 29.69 2010-2014 2011-2015 2012-2016 2013-2017 2014-2018 2015-2019 2016-2020 2017-2021 2018-2022 2019-2023 27,680,211 29,568,021 30,825,347 31,103,010 31,320,208 32,105,878 33,965,912 35,353,312 38,549,712 42,900,517 WATER CONSUMPTION GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AND PARKS 2014-2023 5-year Averages Page 12 of 13 27.68 31.46 33.34 31.94 32.19 31.61 40.76 40.28 47.92 53.94 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Ga l l o n s i n M i l l i o n s Water Consumption in City Buildings & Parks 2014 - 2023 Rainfall (in) 35.40 36.14 32.36 33.56 43.17 29.83 25.96 22.97 29.69 5-year Average 42,900,517 MGY Page 13 of 13