HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.06.24 UC RM Minutes
JUNE 24, 2024
Pursuant to due call and no?ce thereof, a regular mee?ng of the U?lity Commission was held on
Monday, June 24, 2024, at 6:30 PM in Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West.
Chairperson Johnson called the mee?ng to order with Commissioners Demuth and Miller.
Staff present included the following: City Administrator Logan Mar?n, Public Works Director Nick
Egger, Mayor Weisensel, Recording Secretary Amy Simonson
4.a. March 25, 2024, U?lity Commission Mee?ng Minutes
Mo?on by Johnson Second by Demuth
Mo?on to approve the March 25, 2024, U?lity Commission mee?ng minutes as
Ayes: 2. Commissioner Miller abstained.
Nays: None. Mo?on Carried.
6.a. Manganese Discussion & Update
Director Egger informed the Commissioners about discussions with the City Council during the
June work session regarding water treatment plant op?ons and manganese levels in drinking
water. A consultant presented various water treatment op?ons to the city in 2022 for future
considera?on. It was noted that due to the layout of the water network, more than one
treatment plant would be required to treat all city water. The City is not required by MDH
to treat for manganese as a public water supplier, and manganese is not a federally regulated
issue, but there may be desire to perform some level of treatment to bring levels at the wellhead
source down within recommended/guidance parameters. The Council requested that before
moving forward towards any specific treatment measures, that staff sample and test water for
manganese at selected homes throughout the city over the course of one year to determine
levels on a regular basis and to obtain a range of data points. Samples taken at the
customer end point, as opposed to the wellhead, will provide informa?on on the level of water
blending occurs within the distribu?on system between wells, towers, and the consumer end
point. Logis?cs for selec?ng proper?es and tes?ng frequency are s?ll being worked out, but Egger
reported that staff would like to begin a first run of samples this summer.
Commissioner Miller inquired if there are any other ci?es with a popula?on of 40,000 or more
without a water treatment plant. Staff clarified that there is no requirement to have a water
treatment plant; it is only necessary to remove certain regulated elements if required.
Commissioner Demuth suggested that the city provide carbon ion exchange filters to all
households with infants. Director Egger noted that the Council discussed this op?on, but no
decision was made.
The annual Consumer Confidence Report was posted on the city website in April and was featured
in the spring city newsle?er. A link was added to the Manganese outreach informa?on.
8.a. Well Pumping Report
Commissioners inquired about the decision-making process for opera?ng the wells. Director
Egger explained that the SCADA system uses a sequencing matrix to ac?vate wells based on
demand, the pumping capacity of each well, and the distribu?on requirements. Staff will invite
the Public Works U?li?es Supervisor to the next mee?ng to discuss the specifics in greater detail.
8.b. Water Efficiency Grant Update
Staff will work to develop a city HOA irriga?on audit program as the Vermillion River Watershed
Joint Powers Organiza?on discon?nued their program.
8.c. Major Projects Update
Parks staff reported that the seed mix used in new city parks consists of 80% fescue and 20% rye
and bluegrass and contains four types of fescues.
Staff provided an update on the city's collabora?on with the developer of the Amber Fields
project on the design of the private park. The park will include a central stormwater pond with
primarily na?ve plan?ngs, and irriga?on will be used only to establish the vegeta?on.
The city con?nues its efforts to install Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) in its wells. A VFD was
installed at Well 8 last fall, leaving Wells 9, 12, and 15 as the only wells without VFDs. Installa?on
and retrofi?ng for these wells are planned over the next few years.
The city is addressing the Federal Mandate to inventory lead service lines. No?ces were mailed
to property owners of homes built before January 1, 1985, reques?ng they complete an online
survey. Addi?onal no?ces were posted on the city website, social media pla?orms, and in the
Commissioners inquired about the city's service line inventory. Staff reported that informa?on
from as-built records confirmed there are no lead water mains in the city.
8.d. Ac?on Item / Issues list
8.e. Set Next Mee?ng Agenda – September 23, 2024
There being no further business to come before the U?lity Commission at the regular mee?ng
and upon a mo?on by Demuth and a second by Miller, the mee?ng was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
Respec?ully submi?ed,
Amy Simonson
Recording Secretary