HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.10.08 ESC RM MinutesROSEMOUNT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 8, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and no�ce thereof, a regular mee�ng of the Environment and Sustainability Commission was held on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the Rosemount Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Chairperson Springer called the mee�ng to order with Commissioners Burman and Andrews. Staff present included the following: Stormwater Specialist Jane Byron, Recording Secretary Amy Simonson. City Engineer Brian Erickson was absent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mo�on by Burman Second by Andrews Mo�on to approve the agenda. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Mo�on Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 3.a. Approval of the August 19, 2024, Environment & Sustainability Commission Work Session Minutes Mo�on by Andrews Second by Springer Mo�on to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2024, Work Session mee�ng. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Mo�on Carried. 3.b. Approval of the August 19, 2024, Environment & Sustainability Commission Regular Mee�ng Minutes Mo�on by Andrews Second by Burman Mo�on to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2024, regular mee�ng. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Mo�on Carried. PRESENTATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Work Plan Updates Specialist Byron indicated work plan items that were rescheduled. She noted that the city recently completed its annual public comment period for the Stormwater Pollu�on Preven�on Plan (SWPPP), a requirement of the EPA and MPCA aimed at addressing stormwater pollu�on. The SWPPP remains available on the city's website for ongoing public review, and residents can submit feedback at any �me. Commissioner Burman provided an update on the Dakota County Solid Waste Plan highligh�ng the new areas of emphasis which include waste reduc�on and reuse, construc�on material reuse and recycling, tree waste management (due to EAB), and organics/food scrap management. Two rounds of public engagement were conducted and resulted in recommended changes to the plan. Noted changes in the plan include: • Curbside organics by 2030 • The state is requiring pre-processing at landfills • The County will not mandate organized collec�on, leaving it to ci�es to decide, while providing resources to support local decisions. There are no updates on the Sustainable Purchasing Policy as staff are currently focused on 2025 budget planning. 5.b. Educa�on and Outreach Ac�vi�es Commissioners discussed upcoming topics and assignments for November and December blog posts. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Annual Goals Review and Update Commissioners discussed the possibility of integra�ng the review of the Stormwater Pollu�on Preven�on Plan (SWPPP) into the commission’s annual goals. They also reviewed changes to some of the language in the goals document and considered removing certain items due to capacity limita�ons. A dra� of the updates and revisions will be presented at the December regular mee�ng for review and poten�al approval. Mo�on by Andrews Second by Springer Mo�on to add discussion of the SWPPP to the December mee�ng agenda Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Mo�on Carried. 6.b. Climate Ac�on Plan Op�ons Specialist Byron presented an overview of research on climate ac�on plans and shared a table containing links to similar plans from various ci�es across Minnesota. Commissioners are encouraged to review the compiled resources and will discuss them at the December regular mee�ng to assess whether they have the capacity to develop a plan and propose a budget to City Council for considera�on in the 2026 budget. Mo�on by Andrews Second by Burman Mo�on to add revisit discussion on a climate ac�on plan at the December regular mee�ng. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Mo�on Carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mike McMenomy addressed the commission regarding concerns he has about future development of the McMenomy proper�es located along Bacardi and Bonaire, near the Bella Vista, Caramore Crossings, and Meadow Ridge developments. He highlighted the presence of a significant popula�on of monarch buterflies that use the area as habitat and urged the city to take ac�on to protect and enhance this habitat as the area develops. McMenomy has already engaged with other agencies, including Dakota County, on this mater. Currently, the property remains in probate with no immediate plans for sale or development. Specialist Byron will forward these comments to the Community Development department for considera�on when a development submission for the property is received in the future. STAFF REPORT 8.a. Set Next Mee�ng Agenda for December 10, 2024 i. Review and Discuss Comments on SWPPP ii. Revisit Discussions on Development of a Climate Ac�on Plan ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Environment and Sustainability Commission at the regular mee�ng and upon a mo�on by Springer and a second by Andrews, the mee�ng was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Respec�ully submited, Amy Simonson Recording Secretary